#' Artifact set S4 class definition
#' @export
setClass("ArtifSet", representation(type="character", version="character",
pkg_paths="character", extra_paths="character", hostnames="character",
#' display salient information about ArtifSet
#' @param object instance of ArtifSet
#' @export
setMethod("show", "ArtifSet", function(object) {
cat("bbsBuildArtifacts ArtifSet instance.\n")
cat(sprintf(" %d pkg paths for type %s, Bioconductor version %s.\n", length(slot(object, "pkg_paths")),
slot(object, "type"), slot(object, "version")))
cat(sprintf(" %d extra file paths.\n", length(slot(object, "extra_paths"))))
cat(sprintf(" tarball production date: %s\n", slot(object, "tarball_date")))
platinf = Platform_info(object)
cat(sprintf("R version: %s", platinf$R_info))
cat("Platforms: \n ")
cat(platinf$OS_info, sep="\n ")
cat("Use paths(aset)[...] to retrieve selected paths.\n")
Platform_info = function(af) {
nodeinfos = grep("NodeInfo", slot(af, "extra_paths"), value=TRUE)
os_info = vapply( slot(af, "hostnames"), function(node) {
target = grep(node, nodeinfos, value=TRUE)
}, character(1))
R_info = pull_R_meta( nodeinfos[1] )$r_meta
list(OS_info = os_info, R_info = R_info )
#' helper
#' @param x instance of ArtifSet
#' @export
setGeneric("paths", function(x) standardGeneric("paths"))
#' helper subsetter
#' @param x instance of ArtifSet
#' @export
setMethod("paths", "ArtifSet", function(x) slot(x, "pkg_paths"))
#' vector of hostnames for build nodes
#' @param release character(1) defaults to '3.16'
#' @export
hostnames_by_release = function(release="3.17") {
if (release=="3.14") return(c(linux="nebbiolo2", macos="machv2", windows="tokay2"))
else if (release=="3.15") return(c(linux="nebbiolo1", macos="merida1", windows="palomino3"))
else if (release=="3.16") return(c(linux="nebbiolo2", macos="lconway", windows="palomino4"))
else if (release=="3.17") return(c(linux="nebbiolo1", macos="merida1", windows="palomino3"))
else if (release=="3.18") return(c(linux="nebbiolo2", macos="lconway", windows="palomino4"))
# following is not great, probably better to get out of BUILD_STATUS_DB.txt
avail_hostnames = function(x) {
top = grep("install.html$", dir(x@pkg_paths[1]), value=TRUE)
gsub("-install.html", "", top)
#' Create ArtifSet instance
#' @param type character(1) defaults to 'bioc' which implies 'software'; see Note.
#' @param version character(1) defaults to "3.17"
#' @param date character(1) "yyyy-mm-dd", not obligatory but can be used to retrieve earlier cache entry
#' @param hostnames character() vector of host names for which build artifacts are available
#' @param cache instance of `BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache()`
#' @param destination character(1) path to folder to use for artifacts
#' @param verbose logical(1) if TRUE (default) will provide message about tar activity
#' @param extracted defaults to NULL, if non-null a character(1) path to folder that holds `report` folder
#' @param url character(1) passed to `get_report_tgz_cacheid`
#' @note Use bbsBuildArtifacts:::valid_types() to see valid values for `type`. The logic
#' of managing artifacts from multiple dates is very cumbersome and may be unreliable,
#' but the 'date of tarball production' will be reported for each ArtifSet.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' z = setup_artifacts(type="bioc", version="3.17")
#' z
#' }
#' @export
setup_artifacts = function(type="bioc", version="3.17", date, hostnames=hostnames_by_release(version),
cache=BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(), destination=tempfile(),
verbose=TRUE, extracted=NULL, url=NULL) {
hn = names(hostnames)
stopifnot(length(intersect(hn, c("linux", "macos", "windows")))>0)
if (!is.null(extracted)) {
destination = extracted
else {
if (missing(date)) date = Sys.Date()
tag = get_report_tgz_cacheid(version=version, type=type, cache=cache, url=url, date=date) ## NEW
tarpath = cache[[tag]]
if (verbose) message("starting untar...")
chk = try(untar(tarpath, exdir=destination))
# always produces [destination]/report
if (inherits(chk, "try-error")) stop("could not untar artifact tgz")
if (verbose) message("done.")
allfiles = dir(paste0(destination, "/report"), full.names=TRUE)
all_pkg_folders = grep( non_package_pattern(), allfiles,
invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
names(all_pkg_folders) = basename(all_pkg_folders)
extra_files = grep( non_package_pattern(), allfiles,
invert=FALSE, value=TRUE)
bsdb = grep("BUILD_STATUS_DB", allfiles, value=TRUE)[1]
dbinf = try(file.info(bsdb)[,"mtime"], silent=TRUE)
if (nchar(dbinf)>0) dbdate = as.character(as.Date(dbinf))
else dbdate = NA_character_
ans = new("ArtifSet", type=type, version=version, pkg_paths=all_pkg_folders,
extra_paths = extra_files, hostnames=hostnames, tarball_date=dbdate)
chk = avail_hostnames(ans)
if (!(all(ans@hostnames %in% hostnames))) message("check hostnames value")
#' basic artifact data collected to tibble
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @param x instance of ArtifSet
#' @param row.names defaults to NULL
#' @param optional defaults to FALSE
#' @param \dots unused
#' @export
as.data.frame.ArtifSet = function (x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
by_host = vector("list", length(x@hostnames))
suppressWarnings({ # lots of try() here, we know some processes don't produce data
for (i in seq_len(length(by_host))) {
by_host[[i]] = do.call(rbind, bplapply(x@pkg_paths, function(z) simplify_artifact_build_dcfs(package_by_host_data(z,
ans = do.call(rbind, by_host)
rownames(ans) = NULL
#' simplify production of the test ArtifSet
#' @param cache BiocFileCache instance to use for checking for available image and retrieving if possible
#' @param preclean logical(1) defaults to TRUE, in which case we search `cache` for demostring in cache and remove
#' @param demostring character(1) token to query BiocFileCache for in preclean step
#' @param url character(1) url for local tgz
#' @examples
#' make_demo_ArtifSet()
#' @export
make_demo_ArtifSet = function(cache=BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(), preclean=TRUE,
demostring="demo.tgz", url=paste0("file://", demo_path())) {
if (preclean) {
ca = cache
lk = BiocFileCache::bfcquery(ca, demostring)
if (length(lk$rid)>0) BiocFileCache::bfcremove(ca, lk$rid)
setup_artifacts(url=url, cache=cache)
#' simple extractor
#' @param x ArtifSet instance
#' @export
hostnames = function (x)
stopifnot(is(x, "ArtifSet"))
dat = bbsBuildArtifacts:::Platform_info(x)
#' simple extractor
#' @param x ArtifSet instance
#' @export
hostos = function (x) {
stopifnot(is(x, "ArtifSet"))
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