#' demonstrate interoperation of TF catalog with GWAS catalog
#' @param traitTag character(1) string found in DISEASE/TRAIT field of gwascat instance
#' @param gwascat instance of \code{\link[gwascat]{gwaswloc-class}}
#' @return data.frame
#' @examples
#' data(gwascat_hg19_chr17)
#' directHitsInCISBP("Prostate cancer" , gwascat_hg19_chr17)
#' @export
directHitsInCISBP = function(traitTag, gwascat) {
stopifnot(traitTag %in% gwascat$`DISEASE/TRAIT`)
as.data.frame(S4Vectors::mcols(gwascat)) %>% # names are normalized
dplyr::select(DISEASE.TRAIT, MAPPED_GENE) %>%
dplyr::filter(DISEASE.TRAIT==traitTag) %>%
dplyr::mutate(HGNC=MAPPED_GENE) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(cisbpTFcat) %>%
dplyr::select(HGNC, Family_Name) %>% unique()
symToTFTName = function(TFsym, indToUse=1) {
tfmap = TFutils::tftCollMap
ind = which(tfmap$hgnc.heur == TFsym)
if (length(ind)==0) stop(paste("could not find", TFsym, "in tftCollMap"))
if (length(ind)>1) {
warning(paste("found more than one heuristic match to",
TFsym, "be sure indToUse is properly set"))
message(paste("using", tfmap[ind[indToUse],1]))
#' Use MSigDB TF targets resource to find targets of input TF and find traits to which these targets have been mapped
#' @importFrom GSEABase geneIds SymbolIdentifier mapIdentifiers geneIdType
#' @param TFsym character(1) symbol for a TF must be present in \code{tftCollMap[, "hgnc.heur"]}
#' @param gsc an instance of \code{\link[GSEABase]{GeneSetCollection-class}}, intended to enumerate
#' targets of a single transcription factor in each GeneSet, as in TFutils::tftColl
#' @param gwcat instance of \code{\link[gwascat]{gwaswloc-class}}
#' @param ntraits numeric(1) number of traits to report
#' @param force logical see note, set to true if you want to skip mapping from TFsym to a specific motif or TF identifier used as name of a GeneSet in gsc
#' @param \dots character() vector of fields in mcols(gwcat) to include
#' @note If \code{tftCollMap[, "hgnc.heur"]} does not possess the necessary
#' symbol, set force = TRUE to use a known 'motif' name among `names(gsc)`
#' @examples
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages({
#' library(GSEABase)
#' library(TFutils)
#' }) # more results if you substitute ebicat37 from gwascat below
#' topTraitsOfTargets("MTF1" , tftColl, gwascat_hg19_chr17)
#' @export
topTraitsOfTargets = function(TFsym, gsc, gwcat, ntraits=6, force=FALSE, ...) {
if (geneIdType(gsc[[1]])@type != "Symbol") {
message("remapping identifiers of input GeneSetCollection to Symbol...")
gsc = mapIdentifiers(gsc, SymbolIdentifier("org.Hs.eg.db"))
collToUse = symToTFTName(TFsym, ...)
targs = intersect(geneIds(gsc[[collToUse]]), gwcat$MAPPED_GENE)
intinds = which(gwcat$MAPPED_GENE %in% targs)
ans = mcols(gwcat[intinds])[, c("DISEASE/TRAIT", "MAPPED_GENE",
"SNPS", "CHR_ID", "CHR_POS", ...)]
trtab = table(glis <- gwcat$`DISEASE/TRAIT`[which(gwcat$MAPPED_GENE %in% targs)])
topl = sort(trtab, decreasing=TRUE)[seq_len(ntraits)]
ans = ans[which(ans[,1] %in% names(topl)),]
as.data.frame(ans) %>% arrange(DISEASE.TRAIT) %>% unique()
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