#' simple app to present data on events gathered into a SQLite database
#' @param dbpath character(1) SQLite database produced by BiocBuildTools::build_sqlite_db
#' @export
display_events = function(dbpath) {
con = RSQLite::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbpath)
basic = RSQLite::dbReadTable(con, "basic")
ui = fluidPage(
helpText("BiocBuildTools browse_checks"),
helpText("reports on errors, warnings, and notes produced"),
helpText("by R CMD check and BiocCheck are available in tabs."),
helpText(" "),
selectInput("pkchoice", "Select a package", choices=sort(basic$package), selected=sort(basic$package)[1]),
actionButton("stopBtn", "Stop app."),
tabPanel("description", verbatimTextOutput("desc")),
tabPanel("Rerr", DT::dataTableOutput("error")),
tabPanel("Rwarn", DT::dataTableOutput("warn")),
tabPanel("Rnote", DT::dataTableOutput("notes")),
tabPanel("BCerr", DT::dataTableOutput("bcerr")),
tabPanel("BCwarn", DT::dataTableOutput("bcwarn")),
helpText("R CMD check errors"),
helpText("R CMD check warnings"),
# tabPanel("BCnote", verbatimTextOutput("bcnotes")),
# tabPanel("pnet", visNetwork::visNetworkOutput("pnet")),
# tabPanel("depnet", DT::dataTableOutput("depwidg"),
# visNetwork::visNetworkOutput("pnet")),
# tabPanel("funnet", DT::dataTableOutput("funwidg"),
# visNetwork::visNetworkOutput("pnetfun")),
tabPanel("about", uiOutput("about"))
server = function(input, output) {
output$error = DT::renderDataTable({
tmp = RSQLite::dbGetQuery(con, paste0("select * from errors where package = '", input$pkchoice, "'"))
output$warn = DT::renderDataTable({
as.data.frame(RSQLite::dbGetQuery(con, paste0("select * from warnings where package = '", input$pkchoice, "'")))
output$notes = DT::renderDataTable({
as.data.frame(RSQLite::dbGetQuery(con, paste0("select * from notes where package = '", input$pkchoice, "'")))
output$desc = renderPrint({
tmp = RSQLite::dbGetQuery(con, paste0("select * from desc where package = '", input$pkchoice, "'"))
cat(tmp[[2]], sep="\n")
output$bcerr = DT::renderDataTable({
as.data.frame(RSQLite::dbGetQuery(con, paste0("select * from BcChkERR where package = '", input$pkchoice, "'")))
output$bcwarn = DT::renderDataTable({
as.data.frame(RSQLite::dbGetQuery(con, paste0("select * from BcChkWARN where package = '", input$pkchoice, "'")))
fixit = function(df, col) { df[[col]] = gsub("\\n", "<br>", df[[col]]); df }
output$errfreq = DT::renderDataTable({
con |> tbl("errors") |> filter(errors != "NO ERRORS") |>
group_by(errors) |> summarise(n=n()) |> arrange(desc(n)) |> as.data.frame() |> fixit("errors")
}, escape=FALSE)
output$warnfreq = DT::renderDataTable({
con |> tbl("warnings") |> filter(warnings != "NO WARNINGS") |> group_by(warnings) |> summarise(n=n()) |> arrange(desc(n)) |>
as.data.frame() |> fixit("warnings")
#con |> tbl("notes") |> group_by(notes) |> summarise(n=n()) |> arrange(desc(n))
#con |> tbl("BcChkERR") |> group_by(message) |> summarise(n=n()) |> arrange(desc(n))
#con |> tbl("BcChkWARN") |> group_by(message) |> summarise(n=n()) |> arrange(desc(n))
output$about = renderUI({
helpText("This app",
tags$ul(tags$li("uses rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck to parse and organize the check log to separate errors, warnings, and notes,"),
tags$li("ingests the BiocCheck log and decorates it lightly to simplify discovery of adverse conditions,"),
tags$li("[NOT YET:] formats results of covr::package_coverage to summarize test coverage (testthat or RUnit tests only) at the function level."),
tags$li("is based on a SQLite table generated using BiocBuildTools, which provides date-time of both the check event and the last commit to git")
) # end ul
) # end helpText
observeEvent(input$stopBtn, {
stopApp(returnValue = NULL)
runApp(list(ui=ui, server=server))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.