
Defines functions makeVoomInput plotBarCodes

Documented in makeVoomInput plotBarCodes

#' Make Voom transformed input for BarCodePlot and ROAST test
#' @param fcountOutput A featurecounts output file
#' @param design A data frame containing design information. rownames should correspond to columns in count file and
#'               column could be control/test or any set of factors.
#' @param plotFile File name to output filtering plots (.pdf).
#' @param genome Genome of organism to fetch annotation (available : "mm10", "hg38" , "dm6")
#' @return A plot (as pdf) and a voom transformed output as list.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fc <- system.file("extdata", "fcount_mouse.tsv", package="vivlib")
#' design <- data.frame(row.names = c(paste0("cnt_", 1:3), paste0("KD_",1:3)),
#'                      condition = rep(c("cnt","KD"), each = 3) )
#' makeVoomInput(fcountOutput = fc, design = design, plotFile = "test.pdf")

makeVoomInput <- function(fcountOutput, design, genome = "mm10", plotFile = NULL){

        # get featurecount data
        fcountOutput <- read.delim(fcountOutput, header = T, row.names = 1)
        fcountOutput <-  fcountOutput[,c(6:ncol(fcountOutput))]
        rownames(fcountOutput) = gsub('(ENS.*)\\.[0-9]*','\\1',rownames(fcountOutput))# remove extra dots from gencode
        # filter by rowmean
        means = rowMeans(fcountOutput)
        fcountOutput = fcountOutput[which(means > 1),]

        # get design matrix for voom
        colnames(design) <- "condition"
        design <- model.matrix(~ condition, design)

        # add gene names from biomart file
        ext.data <- fetch_annotation(genome)
        fcountOutputMerged <- merge(fcountOutput, ext.data, by.x = 0, by.y = 1, all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)

        # voom
        y <- limma::voom(fcountOutput,design)
        y$Gene = tolower(as.character(fcountOutputMerged$external_gene_name))
        fit <- limma::lmFit(y, design = design)
        fit <- limma::eBayes(fit)
        voomOutput <- list(y = y, fit = fit)

        # make plots of filtering
        boxplot(log2(fcountOutput),notch = TRUE,col="steelblue",cex.names=0.5,main="Log fcountOutput after filtering")
        gplots::textplot(paste0("Number of genes after filtering : ",nrow(fcountOutput)))
        hist(fit$t[,2],col="steelblue",xlab="Range of test-statistic",
             main="Distribution of test statistics post-filtering")


#' Perform ROAST and make BarCodePlot using a voom transformed output and a microarry output
#' @description This function was originally written for comparing a  voom-transformed mouse input
#' and a microarry (affy) input from human or mouse. That's why the option to provide a Human-Mouse ID map.
#' But if you don't want that, you can simply use it to compare any set of microarry outputs to any voom-transformed input.
#' @param GSEfile A microarry data file. Filename should start from 'GSE'.
#'              The columns should have 'gname' and 'SPOT_ID'.
#' @param ourVoomFile Voom transformed output from \code{\link{makeVoomInput}}
#' @param batchAnalyse If there are multiple microarry files in the folder, give the folder path.
#' @param VoomInputName Provide a name for our Voom-transformed input data.
#' @param humanMouseNameMap A tab-seperated file with column ("Sym_Human") which provides alternative
#'                      human symbol for our mouse gene IDs
#' @param dfCutoff Which cutoff to use for filtering genes from GSEfile.
#'                      Default is by pvalue. Otherwise a log Fold Change cutoff can be used.
#' @param logFoldCh logFoldChange cutoff for filtering GSE file (if used)
#' @param padj adjusted p-value cutoff for filtering GSE file (if used)
#' @param outFolder Folder to write the output pdf file.
#' @return Pdf file with barcode plots
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'      plotBarCodes(GSEfile,ourVoomFile)
#' }

plotBarCodes <- function(GSEfile,ourVoomFile, batchAnalyse=TRUE, VoomInputName=NULL,
                         humanMouseNameMap = NULL,
                         dfCutoff="pvalue",logFoldCh = 0, padj = 0.05,
                         outFolder=NULL) {

        # one file or many?
        if(batchAnalyse == FALSE) {
                GSE_files <- GSEfile
                } else {
                        GSE_files <- list.files(path=GSEfile,pattern="GSE")

  # seperate matrix and fit inputs
  y = ourVoomFile$y
  fit = ourVoomFile$fit

  for (d in GSE_files){
    GSEname = gsub('.*(GSE.*).txt','\\1',d)

        ## parse GSE data files
        GSE_df <- read.table(d, header=T)
        colnames(GSE_df) <- gsub('SPOT_ID','gname',colnames(GSE_df))
        GSE_df$gname <-tolower(GSE_df$gname)

        if(dfCutoff== "pvalue"){
          ## take only UPs and Downs from Online Data
          print(paste0("Filtering by P-value:",padj))
          GSE_df <- subset(GSE_df, adj.P.Val < padj)

          GSE_df <- aggregate(logFC ~ gname, data=GSE_df, FUN=mean)
          GSE_df[which(GSE_df$logFC < 0),2] <- -1
          GSE_df[which(GSE_df$logFC > 0),2] <- 1

        } else {
          print(paste0("Filtering by logFC : +- ", logFoldCh))
          GSE_df <- aggregate(logFC ~ gname, data=GSE_df, FUN=mean)
          GSE_df <- subset(GSE_df,abs(logFC) > logFoldCh)

          GSE_df[which(GSE_df$logFC < 0),2] <- -1
          GSE_df[which(GSE_df$logFC > 0),2] <- 1

        print(paste0("No. of selected genes in sample:",d," = ",nrow(GSE_df)))

        if(!is.null(humanMouseNameMap)){ # convert human gene names to mouse
          print("Converting Human IDs to mouse")
          geneMap <- read.table(humanMouseNameMap,sep="\t",header=T)

          geneMap$Sym_Human = tolower(geneMap$Sym_Human)
          GSE_df = merge(GSE_df,geneMap,by.x = "gname",by.y = "Sym_Human",all.x = TRUE)

        # match our Gene names to the gene names in the GSE datasets
        GSE_df$gname = tolower(as.character(GSE_df$gname))
        GSE_df$idx <- match(GSE_df$gname, y$Gene)
        GSE_df <- na.omit(GSE_df) # remove NAs

        print("Running Test and making plots")
        pdf(file = paste0(outFolder,"/",GSEname,"_vs_",VoomInputName, ".pdf"), width = 6, height = 6)

        ## the stats[index] is based on the gene symbol
        limma::barcodeplot(statistics = fit$t[,"conditiontreatment"],index = GSE_df$idx[GSE_df$logFC > 0],
                                 index2 = GSE_df$idx[GSE_df$logFC < 0], main = (paste(GSEname," vs ",VoomInputName))

        ## Do roast and add testScores
        testRes <- roast(index = GSE_df$idx, y = y, design = y$design,contrast = 2,
                                   nrot = 9999, gene.weights = GSE_df$logFC)
        gplots::textplot(as.data.frame(testRes),cex=0.5,col.colnames="steelblue",col.rownames = "red")

vivekbhr/vivlib documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:13 p.m.