#' Model summary tables, stacked in panels
#' Display the results from several statistical models in "panels": side-by-side
#' and stacked on top of each other. This function supports dozens of statistical
#' models, and it can produce tables in HTML, LaTeX, Word, Markdown, PDF,
#' PowerPoint, Excel, RTF, JPG, or PNG. The appearance of the tables can be
#' customized extensively by specifying the `output` argument, and by using
#' functions from one of the supported table customization packages:
#' `tinytable`, `kableExtra`, `gt`, `flextable`, `huxtable`, `DT`. For more information, see
#' the Details and Examples sections below, and the vignettes on the
#' `modelsummary` website:
#' https://modelsummary.com/
#' * [The `modelsummary` Vignette includes dozens of examples of tables with extensive customizations.](https://modelsummary.com/articles/modelsummary.html)
#' * [The Appearance Vignette shows how to modify the look of tables.](https://modelsummary.com/articles/appearance.html)
#' @param panels a nested list of models
#' * Unnamed nested list with 2 panels: `list(list(model1, model2), list(model3, model4))`
#' * Named nested list with 2 panels: `list("Panel A" = list(model1, model2), "Panel B" = list(model3, model4))`
#' @inheritParams modelsummary
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
modelsummary_rbind <- function(
output = "default",
fmt = 3,
estimate = "estimate",
statistic = "std.error",
vcov = NULL,
conf_level = 0.95,
exponentiate = FALSE,
stars = FALSE,
coef_map = NULL,
coef_omit = NULL,
coef_rename = FALSE,
gof_map = NULL,
gof_omit = NULL,
gof_custom = NULL,
add_columns = NULL,
add_rows = NULL,
align = NULL,
shape = NULL,
group_map = NULL,
notes = NULL,
title = NULL,
escape = TRUE,
...) {
settings_init(settings = list("function_called" = "modelsummary_rbind"))
dots <- list(...)
# sanity
checkmate::assert_list(panels, min.len = 2)
number_of_panels <- length(panels)
for (i in seq_along(panels)) {
panels[[i]] <- sanitize_models(panels[[i]], ...)
# need the settings for later -- before escape_string
tmp <- sanitize_output(output) # early
output_format <- tmp$output_format
output_factory <- tmp$output_factory
output_file <- tmp$output_file
# panel names
# model names dictionary: use unique names for manipulation
if (is.null(names(panels))) {
panel_names <- NULL
} else {
panel_names <- names(panels)
if (!is.null(panel_names)) {
panel_names <- pad(panel_names, output_format = output_format)
# If there are no common model names but all the panels have the same number
# of models, we make assumptions.
len <- sapply(panels, length)
if (isTRUE(length(unique(len)) == 1)) {
int <- intersect(names(panels[[1]]), names(panels[[2]]))
for (i in seq_along(panels)) {
flag1 <- isTRUE(length(int) == 0)
flag2 <- length(names(panels[[i]])) != length(names(panels[[i]]))
if (flag1 || flag2) {
names(panels[[i]]) <- sprintf("(%s)", seq_along(panels[[i]]))
# panel lists to tables
panels_list <- list()
for (i in seq_along(panels)) {
# modelsummary(output="dataframe") changes the output format
# reset for every call
args <- utils::modifyList(
models = panels[[i]],
output = "dataframe",
fmt = fmt,
estimate = estimate,
statistic = statistic,
vcov = vcov,
conf_level = conf_level,
exponentiate = exponentiate,
stars = stars,
coef_map = coef_map,
coef_omit = coef_omit,
coef_rename = coef_rename,
shape = term + statistic ~ model,
group_map = NULL,
gof_map = gof_map,
gof_omit = gof_omit,
gof_custom = gof_custom,
escape = escape
), keep.null = TRUE)
tab <- do.call("modelsummary", args)
panels_list[[i]] <- tab
# modelsummary(output="dataframe") re-inits this
# identical GOF rows should be combined and reported at the bottom
# do not combine GOF if the model names are different in the different panels
flag <- isTRUE(shape == "rcollapse")
# panels are not all the same length
if (length(unique(sapply(panels, length))) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(panels)) {
if (!identical(names(panels[[i - 1]]), names(panels[[i]]))) {
flag <- FALSE
if (flag) {
# fixed effects should not be collapsed unless they are exactly identical across panels
fe_collapse <- TRUE
fe <- lapply(panels_list, subset, grepl("^FE: ", term))
fe_n <- sapply(fe, nrow)
if (fe_n[1] == 0 || length(unique(fe_n)) > 1) {
fe_collapse <- FALSE
} else {
fe <- lapply(fe, function(x) x[order(x$term),])
for (i in 2:length(fe)) {
if (any(fe[[i]] != fe[[i - 1]])) {
fe_collapse <- FALSE
if (fe_collapse) {
est <- lapply(panels_list, subset, part != "gof")
gof <- lapply(panels_list, subset, part == "gof")
} else {
est <- lapply(panels_list, subset, part != "gof" | grepl("^FE: ", term))
gof <- lapply(panels_list, subset, part == "gof" & !grepl("^FE: ", term))
gof_same <- lapply(gof, data.table::as.data.table)
gof_same <- tryCatch(
Reduce(data.table::fintersect, gof_same),
error = function(e) NULL)
if (!is.null(gof_same)) {
for (i in seq_along(gof)) {
gof[[i]] <- gof[[i]][!gof[[i]]$term %in% gof_same$term, , drop = FALSE]
panels_list[[i]] <- rbind(est[[i]], gof[[i]])
panels_list <- c(panels_list, list(gof_same))
} else {
gof_same <- NULL
panels_list <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), panels_list)
panels_nrow <- sapply(panels_list, nrow)
# only one hrule after the last data, before gof_same
if (is.null(gof_same) || isTRUE(nrow(gof_same) == 0)) {
hrule <- NULL
} else {
hrule <- sum(utils::head(panels_nrow, -1)) + 1
tab <- data.table::rbindlist(panels_list, fill = TRUE)
tab$part <- tab$statistic <- NULL
colnames(tab)[1] <- " "
tab[is.na(tab)] <- ""
# pad
colnames(tab) <- pad(colnames(tab), output_format = output_format)
# group rows by panel: kableExtra
if (isTRUE(nrow(gof_same) > 0)) {
panel_names <- c(panel_names, "Combined GOF")
end <- cumsum(panels_nrow)
sta <- c(0, utils::head(end, -1)) + 1
# Issue #626: add rows moves hgroup
pos <- rev(sort(attr(add_rows, "position")))
if (!is.null(pos)) {
sta <- sta + sapply(sta, function(x) sum(pos <= x))
end <- end + sapply(end, function(x) sum(pos <= x))
hgroup <- list()
for (i in seq_along(panel_names)) {
hgroup[[panel_names[i]]] <- c(sta[i], end[i])
# indent
if (isTRUE(nrow(gof_same) > 0)) {
hindent <- utils::tail(hgroup, 1)
hgroup <- utils::head(hgroup, -1)
} else {
hindent <- NULL
# stars
if (!isFALSE(stars) && !any(grepl("\\{stars\\}", c(estimate, statistic)))) {
stars_note <- make_stars_note(stars, output_format = output_format, output_factory = output_factory)
if (is.null(notes)) {
notes <- stars_note
} else {
notes <- c(stars_note, notes)
# align
if (is.null(align)) {
n_stub <- sum(grepl("^ *$", colnames(tab)))
align <- paste0(strrep("l", n_stub), strrep("c", ncol(tab) - n_stub))
if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(add_columns))) {
align <- paste0(align, strrep("c", ncol(add_columns)))
## build table
out <- factory(
align = align,
fmt = fmt,
hrule = hrule,
hgroup = hgroup,
hindent = hindent,
notes = notes,
output = output,
title = title,
add_rows = add_rows,
add_columns = add_columns,
escape = escape,
output_factory = output_factory,
output_format = output_format,
output_file = output_file,
# invisible return
if (!is.null(output_file) ||
isTRUE(output == "jupyter") ||
(output == "default" && settings_equal("output_default", "jupyter"))) {
# visible return
} else {
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