
Defines functions factory_flextable

#' Internal function to build table with `flextable`
#' @inheritParams factory_gt
#' @return flextable object
#' @noRd
factory_flextable <- function(tab,
                              align = NULL,
                              hrule = NULL,
                              notes = NULL,
                              title = NULL,
                              output_format = "flextable",
                              output_file = NULL,
                              ...) {


  span <- get_span_kableExtra(tab)
  colnames(tab) <- gsub(".*\\|\\|\\|\\|", "", colnames(tab))
  colnames(tab) <- pad(colnames(tab), output_format = output_format)

  # measurements
  table_width <- ncol(tab)

  # flextable object
  out <- flextable::flextable(tab)

  # title
  if (!is.null(title)) {
    out <- flextable::set_caption(out, title)

  # user-supplied notes at the bottom of table
  if (!is.null(notes)) {
    for (i in rev(seq_along(notes))) {
      out <- flextable::add_footer_row(out,
        values = notes[[i]],
        colwidths = table_width)

  # theme
  theme_ms <- getOption("modelsummary_theme_flextable",
                        default = theme_ms_flextable)
  out <- theme_ms(out, hrule = hrule)

  # spanning headers
  for (i in seq_along(span)) {
    out <- flextable::add_header_row(out,
      colwidths = span[[i]],
      values = names(span[[i]])

  # output
  if (is.null(output_file)) {
  } else if (identical(output_format, "word")) {
    flextable::save_as_docx(out, path = output_file)
  } else if (identical(output_format, "powerpoint")) {
    flextable::save_as_pptx(out, path = output_file)
  } else if (identical(output_format, "png")) {
    flextable::save_as_image(out, path = output_file)
  } else if (identical(output_format, "html")) {
    flextable::save_as_html(out, path = output_file)
vincentarelbundock/gtsummary documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 11:22 p.m.