
Defines functions sanitize_datasummary_balance_data DinM datasummary_balance

Documented in datasummary_balance

#' Balance table: Summary statistics for different subsets of the data (e.g.,
#' control and treatment groups)
#' Creates balance tables with summary statistics for different subsets of the
#' data (e.g., control and treatment groups). It can also be used to create
#' summary tables for full data sets. See the Details and Examples sections
#' below, and the vignettes on the `modelsummary` website:
#' * https://modelsummary.com/
#' * https://modelsummary.com/articles/datasummary.html
#' @param formula
#' + `~1`: show summary statistics for the full dataset
#' + one-sided formula: with the "condition" or "column" variable on the right-hand side.
#' + two-side formula: with the subset of variables to summarize on the left-hand side and the condition variable on the right-hand side.
#' @param data A data.frame (or tibble). If this data includes columns called
#'   "blocks", "clusters", and/or "weights", the "estimatr" package will consider
#'   them when calculating the difference in means. If there is a `weights`
#'   column, the reported mean and standard errors will also be weighted.
#' @param dinm TRUE calculates a difference in means with uncertainty
#'   estimates. This option is only available if the `estimatr` package is
#'   installed. If `data` includes columns named "blocks", "clusters", or
#'   "weights", this information will be taken into account automatically by
#'   `estimatr::difference_in_means`.
#' @param dinm_statistic string: "std.error" or "p.value"
#' @inheritParams datasummary
#' @inheritParams modelsummary
#' @template kableExtra2tinytable
#' @template citation
#' @template options
#' @export
#' @section Examples:
#' ```{r, eval = identical(Sys.getenv("pkgdown"), "true")}
#' library(modelsummary)
#' datasummary_balance(~am, mtcars)
#' ```
datasummary_balance <- function(formula,
                                output = getOption("modelsummary_output", default = "default"),
                                fmt = fmt_decimal(digits = 1, pdigits = 3),
                                title = getOption("modelsummary_title", default = NULL),
                                notes = getOption("modelsummary_notes", default = NULL),
                                align = getOption("modelsummary_align", default = NULL),
                                stars = getOption("modelsummary_stars", default = FALSE),
                                add_columns = getOption("modelsummary_add_columns", default = NULL),
                                add_rows = getOption("modelsummary_add_rows", default = NULL),
                                dinm = getOption("modelsummary_dinm", default = TRUE),
                                dinm_statistic = getOption("modelsummary_dinm_statistic", default = "std.error"),
                                escape = getOption("modelsummary_escape", default = TRUE),
                                ...) {
  ## settings
  settings_init(settings = list("function_called" = "datasummary_balance"))

  ## sanity checks
  tmp <- sanitize_output(output) # before sanitize_escape
  output_format <- tmp$output_format
  output_factory <- tmp$output_factory
  output_file <- tmp$output_file

  # this is going to be detected by fmt_mathmode() when we call
  # datasummary(output="dataframe") so we can get siunitx formatting even in
  # internal calls.
  settings_set("output_format_ultimate", output_format)

  sanitize_escape(escape) # after sanitize_output
  checkmate::assert_data_frame(data, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 1)
  checkmate::assert_choice(dinm_statistic, choices = c("std.error", "p.value"))
  data <- sanitize_datasummary_balance_data(formula, data)

  if ("p.value" %in% dinm_statistic) {

  ## rhs condition variable
  rhs <- labels(stats::terms(formula))

  ## haven labels are not supported. Implementation is complicated because
  ## tables::All() does not accept labels, so we need to strip them from the
  ## dataset used in formulas, but not from the actual `data` argument.
  flag <- any(sapply(data, inherits, "haven_labelled"))
  if (isTRUE(flag)) {
    data <- strip_labels(data)
      msg = "Labelled data are not supported by the `datasummary_balance()` function.",
      id = "balance haven labels"

  if (formula == ~1) {
    # No groups to calculate mean differences
    dinm <- FALSE
    rhs <- NULL
  } else {
    ## nobs in column spans via factor levels
    lev <- table(data[[rhs]])
    lev <- paste0(names(lev), " (N=", lev, ")")
    levels(data[[rhs]]) <- lev

  ## exclude otherwise All() makes them appear as rows
  idx <- setdiff(colnames(data), c(rhs, "clusters", "blocks", "weights"))
  data_norhs <- data[, idx, drop = FALSE]

  ## 3-parts table: numeric + dinm / factor
  any_numeric <- any(sapply(data_norhs, is.numeric))
  any_factor <- any(sapply(data_norhs, is.factor))
  n_factor <- sum(sapply(data_norhs, is.factor))

  ## difference in means
  if (!any_numeric) {
    dinm <- FALSE

  if (dinm && !isTRUE(check_dependency("estimatr"))) {
    dinm <- FALSE
    warning("Please install the `estimatr` package or set `dinm=FALSE` to suppress this warning.",
      call. = FALSE)

  if (dinm && (length(unique(data[[rhs]])) > 2)) {
    dinm <- FALSE
    warning("The difference in means can only be calculate with two groups in the right-hand side variable. Set `dinm=FALSE` to suppress this warning.",
      call. = FALSE)

  ## factors
  if (any_factor) {
    ## enforce 2-column stub, even when there is only one factor
    tmp1 <- data
    tmp2 <- data_norhs
    tmp1$bad_factor_for_stub <- as.factor(sample(c("A", "B"), nrow(tmp1), replace = TRUE))
    tmp2$bad_factor_for_stub <- as.factor(sample(c("A", "B"), nrow(tmp2), replace = TRUE))

    # pctformat = function(x) sprintf("%.1f", x)
    pctformat <- sanitize_fmt(1)
    nformat <- function(x) {
    if (!is.null(rhs)) {
      f_fac <- stats::as.formula(sprintf(
        "All(tmp2, factor = TRUE, numeric = FALSE) ~
                 Factor(%s) * (N * Format(nformat()) + Heading('Pct.') * Percent('col') * Format(pctformat()))", rhs))
    } else {
      f_fac <- stats::as.formula(
        "All(tmp2, factor = TRUE, numeric = FALSE) ~
                 (N * Format(nformat()) + Heading('Pct.') * Percent('col') * Format(pctformat()))")
    tab_fac <- datasummary(
      formula = f_fac,
      data = tmp1,
      fmt = fmt,
      internal_call = TRUE,
      output = "data.frame")

    ## datasummary(output="dataframe") changes the output format
    settings_set("output_format_ultimate", output_format)

    ## enforce 2-column stub, even when there is only one factor
    idx <- grep("bad_factor_for_stub", tab_fac[[1]])
    tab_fac <- tab_fac[1:(idx - 1), , drop = FALSE]

  ## numerics
  if (any_numeric) {
    ## tab_fac has 2 stub columns when there is more than one factor, but only 1 otherwise
    emptyfun <- function(x) {
      return(" ")
    empty <- ifelse(any_factor, "Heading(' ') * emptyfun + ", "")
    # weights
    if ("weights" %in% colnames(data)) {
      # Grouped
      if (!is.null(rhs)) {
        f_num <- "All(data_norhs) ~ %s Factor(%s) * (
                        Heading('Mean') * weighted.mean * Arguments(w = weights, na.rm = TRUE) +
                        Heading('Std. Dev.') * modelsummary:::weighted_sd * Arguments(w = weights))"
        f_num <- stats::as.formula(sprintf(f_num, empty, rhs))
        # No groups
      } else {
        f_num <- "All(data_norhs) ~ %s (
                    Heading('Mean') * weighted.mean * Arguments(w = weights, na.rm = TRUE) +
                    Heading('Std. Dev.') * modelsummary:::weighted_sd * Arguments(w = weights))"
        f_num <- stats::as.formula(sprintf(f_num, empty))
      # no weights
    } else {
      # Grouped
      if (!is.null(rhs)) {
        f_num <- "All(data_norhs) ~ %s Factor(%s) * (Mean + Heading('Std. Dev.') * SD)"
        f_num <- stats::as.formula(sprintf(f_num, empty, rhs))
        # No groups
      } else {
        f_num <- "All(data_norhs) ~ %s (Mean + Heading('Std. Dev.') * SD)"
        f_num <- stats::as.formula(sprintf(f_num, empty))
    tab_num <- datasummary(
      formula = f_num,
      fmt = fmt,
      data = data,
      internal_call = TRUE,
      output = "data.frame")

    ## datasummary(output="dataframe") changes the output format
    settings_set("output_format_ultimate", output_format)

  ## combine
  if (any_numeric && any_factor) {
    top <- tab_num
    mid <- attr(get_span_kableExtra(tab_fac), "column_names")
    if (is.null(mid)) {
      mid <- colnames(tab_fac)
    } else {
      mid <- trimws(mid)
    mid <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(as.list(mid)), colnames(top))
    bot <- stats::setNames(tab_fac, colnames(top))
    tab <- bind_rows(top, mid, bot)

    ## restore attributes destroyed by bind_rows
    idx <- grep("header|stub|align", names(attributes(tab_num)), value = TRUE)
    for (i in idx) {
      attr(tab, i) <- attr(tab_num, i)
    ## empty numeric column looks real but is actually a stub
    attr(tab, "stub_width") <- attr(tab_fac, "stub_width")
  } else if (any_numeric) {
    tab <- tab_num
  } else if (any_factor) {
    tab <- tab_fac
  } else {
    stop("The `datasummary_balance` function was unable to extract summary statistics.")

  ## differences in means for numeric variables
  if (any_numeric && isTRUE(dinm)) {
    ## dinm
    numeric_variables <- colnames(data_norhs)[sapply(data_norhs, is.numeric)]
    tmp <- lapply(
      function(lhs) {
          lhs = lhs,
          rhs = rhs,
          data = data,
          fmt = fmt,
          statistic = dinm_statistic,
          stars = stars,
          escape = escape)
    tmp <- do.call("rbind", tmp)

    ## use poorman's left_join because merge breaks the order, even with sort=FALSE
    ## this also protects attributes
    tab <- left_join(tab, tmp, by = " ")

    tab[is.na(tab)] <- ""

  ## horizontal rule
  if (any_factor && any_numeric) {
    hrule <- nrow(tab_num) + 1
  } else {
    hrule <- NULL

  ## align: default (TODO: `add_columns` support)
  if (is.null(align) && !is.null(attr(tab, "stub_width")) && is.null(add_columns)) {
    align <- paste0(
      strrep("l", attr(tab, "stub_width")),
      strrep("r", ncol(tab) - attr(tab, "stub_width")))

  ## weights warning
  if (isTRUE(any_factor) && "weights" %in% colnames(data)) {
    msg <- 'When the `data` used in `datasummary_balance` contains a "weights" column, the means, standard deviations, difference in means, and standard errors of numeric variables are adjusted to account for weights. However, the counts and percentages for categorical variables are not adjusted.'
    warning(msg, call. = FALSE)

  ## make table
  out <- factory(
    align = align,
    hrule = hrule,
    notes = notes,
    fmt = fmt,
    output = output,
    add_rows = add_rows,
    add_columns = add_columns,
    title = title,
    escape = escape,
    output_factory = output_factory,
    output_format = output_format,
    output_file = output_file,

  # invisible return
  if (!is.null(output_file) ||
    output == "jupyter" ||
    (output == "default" && settings_equal("output_default", "jupyter"))) {
    # visible return
  } else {

#' Difference in means using `estimatr`
#' @noRd
DinM <- function(lhs, rhs, data, fmt, statistic, stars = TRUE, escape = TRUE) {

  if (!"clusters" %in% colnames(data)) {
    clusters <- NULL
  if (!"weights" %in% colnames(data)) {
    weights <- NULL
  if (!"blocks" %in% colnames(data)) {
    blocks <- NULL

  # needed for names with spaces
  data[["condition_variable_placeholder"]] <- data[[rhs]]
  data[["outcome_variable_placeholder"]] <- data[[lhs]]

  out <- estimatr::difference_in_means(
    outcome_variable_placeholder ~ condition_variable_placeholder,
    data = data, blocks = blocks, clusters = clusters, weights = weights)

  out <- estimatr::tidy(out)

  rounding <- sanitize_fmt(fmt)

  out[["estimate"]] <- rounding(out[["estimate"]])

  if (!isFALSE(stars) && "p.value" %in% colnames(out)) {
    out$estimate <- paste0(
      make_stars(out$p.value, stars))

  if (identical(statistic, "p.value")) {
    out[[statistic]] <- rounding(out[[statistic]], pval = TRUE)
  } else {
    out[[statistic]] <- rounding(out[[statistic]])

  out <- out[, c("estimate", statistic), drop = FALSE]

  out$variable <- lhs

  if (statistic == "std.error") {
    colnames(out) <- c("Diff. in Means", "Std. Error", " ")
  } else if (statistic == "p.value") {
    colnames(out) <- c("Diff. in Means", "p", " ")
  } else {
    colnames(out) <- c("Diff. in Means", statistic, " ")


#' internal function for sanity checks
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
sanitize_datasummary_balance_data <- function(formula, data) {
  # tables::tabular does not play well with tibbles
  data <- as.data.frame(data)

  # tables::All() does not play well with labelled data (hack formula which
  # includes All())
  sanity_ds_data(All(data) ~ x + y, data)

  # rhs condition variable
  rhs <- labels(stats::terms(formula))

  # LHS selects columns
  lhs <- stats::update(formula, ".~1")
  lhs <- all.vars(lhs)
  lhs <- setdiff(lhs, ".")
  bonus <- c("clusters", "weights", "blocks")
  if (length(lhs) > 0) {
    cols <- intersect(c(lhs, rhs, bonus), colnames(data))
    if (length(cols) > 1) {
      data <- data[, cols, drop = FALSE]

  if (formula != ~1) {
    if (!rhs %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop("Variable ", rhs, " must be in data.")

    if (length(unique(data[[rhs]])) > 10) {
        "Each value of the `%s` variable will create two separate columns. This variable has more than 10 unique values, so the table would be too wide to be readable.",
    data <- data[!is.na(data[[rhs]]), , drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    # No grouping variable - summarise full dataset
    rhs <- NULL

  if ("weights" %in% colnames(data)) {
    if (anyNA(data[["weights"]])) {
      stop("The `weights` column cannot include missing data.")

  # sanity checks on other variables
  drop_too_many_levels <- NULL
  drop_entirely_na <- NULL

  for (n in colnames(data)) {
    # categorical data must be factor
    if (is.character(data[[n]]) || is.logical(data[[n]])) {
      data[[n]] <- factor(data[[n]], exclude = NULL)

    if (is.null(rhs) || n != rhs) {
      # completely missing
      if (all(is.na(data[[n]]))) {
        data[[n]] <- NULL
        drop_entirely_na <- c(drop_entirely_na, n)
      } else {
        # factors with too many levels
        if (is.factor(data[[n]])) {
          if (length(levels(data[[n]])) > 50) {
            data[[n]] <- NULL
            drop_too_many_levels <- c(drop_too_many_levels, n)

  if (!is.null(drop_too_many_levels)) {
    warning(sprintf("These variables were omitted because they include more than 50 levels: %s.", paste(drop_too_many_levels, collapse = ", ")),
      call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(drop_entirely_na)) {
    warning(sprintf("These variables were omitted because they are entirely missing: %s.", paste(drop_entirely_na, collapse = ", ")),
      call. = FALSE)

vincentarelbundock/gtsummary documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 11:22 p.m.