#' Gene set network plot
#' Draws a network with gene sets as nodes and the thickness of the edges
#' correlating to the number of shared genes. The gene set significance is
#' visualized as color intensities. Gives an overview of the influence of
#' overlap on significant gene sets. Uses package \code{visNetwork} for plotting.
#' In the case of \code{class="distinct"} and \code{direction="both"}, the
#' distinct directional p-values (\code{pDistinctDirUp} and
#' \code{pDistinctDirDn}, see \code{\link{runGSA}}) will be used in
#' combination.
#' @param gsaRes an object of class \code{GSAres}, as returned from
#' \code{runGSA()} or an object returned from \code{runGSAhyper()}.
#' @param class a character string determining the p-values of which
#' directionality class that should be used as significance information for the
#' plot. Can be one of \code{"distinct"}, \code{"mixed"}, \code{"non"}. Has to
#' be \code{"non"} if the result from \code{runGSAhyper()} is used.
#' @param direction a character string giving the direction of regulation, can
#' be either \code{"up"}, \code{"down"} or \code{"both"} (for
#' \code{class="distinct"} only).
#' @param adjusted a logical, if adjusted p-values should be used, or not. Note
#' that if \code{runGSA} was run with the argument \code{adjMethod="none"}, the
#' adjusted p-values will be equal to the original p-values.
#' @param significance the significance cut-off that determines which gene sets
#' are included in the plot. Defaults to 0.001.
#' @param geneSets a character vector of gene set names, to be included in the
#' plot. Defaults to \code{NULL}, but if given, the argument
#' \code{significance} will be ignored.
#' @param lay One of \code{"visNetwork"} (or \code{"1"}), \code{"layout_nicely"}
#' (or \code{"2"}), \code{"layout_as_star"} (or \code{"3"}), \code{"layout_with_fr"}
#' (or \code{"4"}), \code{"layout_with_kk"} (or \code{"5"}), \code{"layout_with_sugiyama"}
#' (or \code{"6"}), \code{"layout_in_circle"} (or \code{"7"}), \code{"layout_on_grid"}
#' (or \code{"8"}), \code{"layout_as_tree"}, \code{"layout_on_sphere"},
#' \code{"layout_randomly"}, \code{"layout_with_dh"}, \code{"layout_with_gem"},
#' \code{"layout_with_graphopt"}, \code{"layout_with_lgl"}, \code{"layout_with_mds"}
#' @param physics logical, whether or not to use physics simulation.
#' @param overlap a positive numerical. Determines the smallest number or fraction of
#' sharing genes between two gene-sets that is needed in order to draw a
#' line/edge between the gene-sets. If >= 1, the argument is interpreted as number of genes.
#' If between 0 and 1, the argument is interprested as the fraction of genes of the
#' smalles gene-set in a given pair. Defaults to 0.1.
#' @param label a character string, either \code{"names"} ,\code{"numbers"},
#' \code{"numbersAndSizes"} or \code{"namesAndSizes"}, determining the labels
#' used for the nodes. The names are the gene set names, numbers is an
#' arbritary numbered list of the gene sets used in the plot connected to the
#' named list returned by the funtion (see example). Sizes are the gene set sizes, e.g. the
#' number of genes.
#' @param labelSize the text size of the node labels.
#' @param ncharLabel the number of characters to include in the node labels.
#' @param nodeSize a numerical vector of length 2 giving the maximum and
#' minimum node sizes. The node size represents the size of the gene set, and
#' all values will be scaled to the given interval.
#' @param edgeWidth a numerical vector of length 2 giving the maximum and
#' minimum edge widths. The edge width represents the number of shared genes
#' between two gene sets, and all values will be scaled to the given interval.
#' @param edgeColor a character vector giving the colors to use for increasing
#' edge width. Can also be set to a single color. Defaults to a gray-scale.
#' @param scoreColors a character vector giving the colors from which the
#' gradient used for node coloring will be created. In the case of
#' \code{class="distinct"} and \code{direction="both"} the first half of the
#' vector will be used for the up-regulated gene sets and the second part will
#' be used for the down-regulated gene sets.
#' @param naColor the color for gene-sets when selected p-value is NA
#' @param main an optional character vector setting the title of the plot.
#' @param submain an optional character vector setting the subtitle of the plot.
#' @param seed random seed for reproducible layouts
#' @param maxAllowedNodes if the set parameters results in a network with more than
#' \code{maxAllowedNodes}, a error if given instead of drawing the network.
#' @param shiny Only for internal use. Set to FALSE by default.
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{visNetwork} that can be further manipulated,
#' see examples.
#' @author Leif Varemo \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com} and Intawat Nookaew
#' \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \pkg{\link{piano}}, \code{\link{runGSA}}, \code{\link{GSAheatmap}},
#' \code{\link{exploreGSAres}}
#' @examples
#' # Load example input data to GSA:
#' data("gsa_input")
#' # Load gene set collection:
#' gsc <- loadGSC(gsa_input$gsc)
#' # Run gene set analysis:
#' gsares <- runGSA(geneLevelStats=gsa_input$pvals , directions=gsa_input$directions,
#' gsc=gsc, nPerm=500)
#' # Network plot:
#' networkPlot2(gsares, class="non", significance=0.1)
#' # Display number to gene-set name mapping:
#' res <- networkPlot2(gsares, class="non", significance=0.1)
#' res$x$nodes[,c("id","geneSetNames")]
#' # Examples of reusing res later:
#' # Draw same again:
#' require(visNetwork)
#' visNetwork(res$x$nodes,res$x$edges)
#' # os simly just:
#' res
#' # Draw only essential, rest is default:
#' visNetwork(res$x$nodes[,c("id","label")],res$x$edges[,c("from","to")])
#' # Add custom options:
#' visNetwork(res$x$nodes[,c("id","label")],res$x$edges[,c("from","to")]) %>%
#' visIgraphLayout("layout_in_circle")
#' # Other example:
#' res %>% visNodes(shadow=FALSE)
#' # See package visNetwork for more examples
networkPlot2 <- function(gsaRes, class, direction, adjusted=TRUE, significance=0.001, geneSets=NULL, lay="visNetwork",
physics=TRUE, overlap=0.1, label="names", labelSize=22, ncharLabel=25, nodeSize=c(10,40),
edgeWidth=c(1,15), edgeColor=NULL, scoreColors=NULL, naColor="yellow", main, submain, seed=1,
maxAllowedNodes=Inf, shiny=FALSE) {
test <- 1 # Which contrast? Currently only one allowed!
# Check arguments:
tmp <- try(pValue <- match.arg(class, c("distinct","mixed","non"), several.ok=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
stop("argument class is not valid")
if(pValue == "non") {
if(!missing(direction)) warning("argument direction will not be used for pValue='non'")
direction <- "none"
} else {
tmp <- try(direction <- match.arg(direction, c("up","down","both"), several.ok=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
stop("argument direction is not valid")
if(pValue == "non") {
maintext <- paste(pValue,"-directional",sep="")
} else {
maintext <- paste(pValue,"-directional (",direction,")",sep="")
if(pValue == "mixed" & direction == "both") stop("for pValue='mixed', direction can not be 'both'")
if(pValue == "distinct" & direction == "both") pValue <- "dirupdn"
if(pValue == "distinct" & direction == "up") pValue <- "dirup"
if(pValue == "distinct" & direction == "down") pValue <- "dirdn"
if(pValue == "non") pValue <- "mix"
if(pValue == "mixed" & direction == "up") pValue <- "subup"
if(pValue == "mixed" & direction == "down") pValue <- "subdn"
#if(test < 1 | test > ncol(gsaRes$nGenes)) stop("argument test is out of bounds")
if(significance < 0 | significance >1) stop("argument significance is out of bounds")
if(overlap <= 0) stop("argument overlap has to be larger than zero")
if(length(nodeSize) != 2) stop("argument nodeSize has to have length 2")
if(length(edgeWidth) != 2) stop("argument edgeWidth has to have length 2")
if(!is(adjusted, "logical")) stop("argument adjusted has to be TRUE or FALSE")
if(!missing(main)) if(!class(main) %in% c("character","NULL")) stop("argument main has to be a character string")
if(!lay%in% c("visNetwork","layout_nicely","layout_as_star","layout_with_fr","layout_with_kk",
"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8")) stop("layout not recognized")
# Adds possibility to use output object from runGSAhyper:
if(length(gsaRes) == 5) {
if(all(names(gsaRes) == c("pvalues","p.adj","resTab","contingencyTable","gsc"))) {
if(pValue != "mix") stop("When using result from runGSAhyper, only class='non' is allowed")
gsaRes$pNonDirectional <- matrix(gsaRes$pvalues,ncol=1)
gsaRes$pAdjNonDirectional <- matrix(gsaRes$p.adj,ncol=1)
gsaRes$geneSetStat <- "Fisher's exact test"
if(adjusted) {
maintext <- paste("p.adj<",significance,sep="")
} else {
maintext <- paste("p<",significance,sep="")
# Prepare network:
# Extract values:
gsc <- gsaRes$gsc
if(adjusted) { # ...if adjusted:
if(pValue == "dirup") pValues <- gsaRes$pAdjDistinctDirUp[,test]
if(pValue == "dirdn") pValues <- gsaRes$pAdjDistinctDirDn[,test]
if(pValue == "dirupdn") {
pValues <- apply(abs(cbind(gsaRes$pAdjDistinctDirUp[,test],gsaRes$pAdjDistinctDirDn[,test])),1,min,na.rm=TRUE)
tmp <- apply(abs(cbind(gsaRes$pAdjDistinctDirUp[,test],gsaRes$pAdjDistinctDirDn[,test])),1,which.min)==2
pValuesZero <- pValues == 0
pValues[pValuesZero] <- min(c(pValues[pValues>0]/10, 1e-10), na.rm=TRUE)
pValuesOne <- pValues == 1
pValues[pValuesOne] <- 1/(1+1e-10)
pValues[tmp] <- -pValues[tmp]
if(pValue == "mix") pValues <- gsaRes$pAdjNonDirectional[,test]
if(pValue == "subup") pValues <- gsaRes$pAdjMixedDirUp[,test]
if(pValue == "subdn") pValues <- gsaRes$pAdjMixedDirDn[,test]
} else { # ...if un-adjusted:
if(pValue == "dirup") pValues <- gsaRes$pDistinctDirUp[,test]
if(pValue == "dirdn") pValues <- gsaRes$pDistinctDirDn[,test]
if(pValue == "dirupdn") {
pValues <- apply(abs(cbind(gsaRes$pDistinctDirUp[,test],gsaRes$pDistinctDirDn[,test])),1,min,na.rm=TRUE)
tmp <- apply(abs(cbind(gsaRes$pDistinctDirUp[,test],gsaRes$pDistinctDirDn[,test])),1,which.min)==2
pValuesZero <- pValues == 0
pValues[pValuesZero] <- min(c(pValues[pValues>0]/10, 1e-10), na.rm=TRUE)
pValuesOne <- pValues == 1
pValues[pValuesOne == 1] <- 1/(1+1e-10)
pValues[tmp] <- -pValues[tmp]
if(pValue == "mix") pValues <- gsaRes$pNonDirectional[,test]
if(pValue == "subup") pValues <- gsaRes$pMixedDirUp[,test]
if(pValue == "subdn") pValues <- gsaRes$pMixedDirDn[,test]
if(pValue != "dirupdn") {
pValuesZero <- pValues == 0
pValues[pValuesZero] <- min(c(pValues[pValues>0]/10, 1e-10), na.rm=TRUE)
pValuesOne <- rep(FALSE, length(pValues))
# Get gene set names:
geneSetNames <- names(gsc)
# Alt. 1. Select user defined gene sets:
if(!is.null(geneSets)) {
if(!all(geneSets %in% geneSetNames)) stop("argument geneSets not matching gene-set names in argument gsaRes")
indSelected <- which(geneSetNames %in% geneSets)
if(!missing(significance)) warning("argument significance will not be used when argument geneSets is supplied")
# Alt. 2. Select significant gene sets:
} else {
indSelected <- which(abs(pValues) < significance)
# Check if at least two gene sets are selected:
if(length(indSelected) < 2) stop("less than two gene sets were selected, can not plot (tip: adjust the significance cutoff)")
# Check if too many gene sets are selected:
if(length(indSelected) > maxAllowedNodes) stop(paste("the selected parameters results in a network with more than ",maxAllowedNodes," nodes (gene-sets). Drawing large networks requires more memory, if you want to continue, adjust the maxAllowedNodes argument.",sep=""))
# Get the relevant p-values and convert to -log10:
pSelected <- pValues[indSelected]
pSelectedLog10 <- -sign(pSelected)*log10(abs(pSelected))
# Generate overlap matrix for significant gene sets:
overlapMat <- matrix(nrow=length(indSelected),ncol=length(indSelected))
for(i in 1:nrow(overlapMat)) {
for(j in i:ncol(overlapMat)) {
tmp <- sum(gsc[[indSelected[i]]] %in% gsc[[indSelected[j]]])
overlapMat[i,j] <- tmp
overlapMat[j,i] <- tmp
# Gene set size:
gsSize <- diag(overlapMat)
# Generate overlap percentage matrix (% of smallest geneset in pair)
overlapPercentMat <- matrix(nrow=length(indSelected),ncol=length(indSelected))
for(i in 1:nrow(overlapPercentMat)) {
for(j in i:ncol(overlapPercentMat)) {
tmp <- overlapMat[i,j]/min(gsSize[i],gsSize[j])
overlapPercentMat[i,j] <- tmp
overlapPercentMat[j,i] <- tmp
# Remove gene sets with only small overlap (defined by argument 'overlap'):
if(overlap>=1) {
overlapMat[overlapMat < overlap] <- 0
} else {
overlapMat[overlapPercentMat < overlap] <- 0
# Adjecency matrix:
adjMat <- overlapMat > 0
# Create igraph object:
tmp <- adjMat
diag(tmp) <- 0 # For some reason diag=FALSE below stopped working...
g <- graph.adjacency(tmp, mode="undirected", diag=FALSE)
# Set plotting parameters:
# Edge width, according to shared genes:
edgeOverlap <- rep(NA,ecount(g))
for(iEdge in 1:ecount(g)) {
tmp <- ends(g,iEdge)
edgeOverlap[iEdge] <- overlapMat[tmp[1],tmp[2]]
eWidth <- (edgeOverlap-min(edgeOverlap))/(max(edgeOverlap)-min(edgeOverlap))*(edgeWidth[2]-edgeWidth[1])+edgeWidth[1]
# Edge color:
if(is.null(edgeColor)) edgeColor = c("gray90","gray80","gray70","gray60","gray50","gray40")
tmp <- seq(min(edgeOverlap), max(edgeOverlap), length.out=length(edgeColor)+1)
eColor <- rep(edgeColor[1],ecount(g))
for(i in 2:length(edgeColor)) {
eColor[edgeOverlap > tmp[i]] <- edgeColor[i]
# Node size, according to number of genes:
vSize <- (gsSize-min(gsSize))/(max(gsSize)-min(gsSize))*(nodeSize[2]-nodeSize[1])+nodeSize[1]
# Node color:
colorLegendInfo <- list()
if(pValue == "dirupdn") {
if(is.null(scoreColors)) {
tmp1 <- c('white','mistyrose','tomato','red')
tmp2 <- c('white','azure','cornflowerblue','blue')
gradColorsUp <- colorRampPalette(tmp1,interpolate="linear")(100)
gradColorsDn <- colorRampPalette(tmp2,interpolate="linear")(100)
} else {
if(length(scoreColors)%%2 != 0 | length(scoreColors) < 4) stop("argument scoreColors should contain at least four and an even number of colors")
tmp1 <- scoreColors[1:(length(scoreColors)/2)]
tmp2 <- scoreColors[(length(scoreColors)/2+1):length(scoreColors)]
gradColorsUp <- colorRampPalette(tmp1,interpolate="linear")(100)
gradColorsDn <- colorRampPalette(tmp2,interpolate="linear")(100)
vColor <- rep(NA,length(pSelectedLog10))
tmp <- pSelectedLog10[pSelectedLog10 > 0 & !is.na(pSelectedLog10)]
vColor[pSelectedLog10 > 0 & !is.na(pSelectedLog10)] <- gradColorsUp[round(rescale(tmp,c(1,100),c(-1e-8,max(abs(pSelectedLog10),3,na.rm=TRUE))))]
tmp <- abs(pSelectedLog10[pSelectedLog10 < 0 & !is.na(pSelectedLog10)])
vColor[pSelectedLog10 < 0 & !is.na(pSelectedLog10)] <- gradColorsDn[round(rescale(tmp,c(1,100),c(-1e-8,max(abs(pSelectedLog10),3,na.rm=TRUE))))]
colorLegendInfo$colors <- c(rev(gradColorsDn),gradColorsUp)
colorLegendInfo$range <- max(abs(pSelectedLog10),3,na.rm=TRUE)*c(-1,1)
} else {
if(is.null(scoreColors)) {
if(direction=="up") {
tmp <- c('white','mistyrose','tomato','red')
} else if(direction=="down") {
tmp <- c('white','azure','cornflowerblue','blue')
} else {
tmp <- c('#DDFABA','#55D800')
} else {
if(length(scoreColors) < 2) stop("argument scoreColors should contain at least two colors")
tmp <- scoreColors
gradColors <- colorRampPalette(tmp,interpolate="linear")(100)
vColor <- rep(NA, length(pSelectedLog10))
vColor[!is.na(pSelectedLog10)] <- gradColors[round(rescale(pSelectedLog10[!is.na(pSelectedLog10)],c(1,100),c(-1e-8,max(pSelectedLog10,3,na.rm=TRUE))))]
colorLegendInfo$colors <- gradColors
colorLegendInfo$range <- c(0,max(pSelectedLog10,3,na.rm=TRUE))
vColor[is.na(vColor)] <- naColor
# Node labels:
tmp <- try(label <- match.arg(label, c("names","numbers","numbersAndSizes","namesAndSizes"), several.ok=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
if(is(tmp, "try-error")) {
stop("argument label has to be set to either 'names' or 'numbers'")
tmp <- names(gsc)[indSelected]
for(i in 1:length(tmp)) {
if(nchar(tmp[i])>ncharLabel) tmp[i] <- paste(substr(tmp[i],1,ncharLabel),"...",sep="")
if(label == "names") vLabels <- tmp
else if(label == "numbers") vLabels <- 1:length(indSelected)
else if(label == "numbersAndSizes") vLabels <- paste(1:length(indSelected)," (",gsSize,")",sep="")
else if(label == "namesAndSizes") vLabels <- paste(tmp," (",gsSize,")",sep="")
# Node hover text:
if(shiny) {
tmp <- paste("<a href='#'"," onclick='Shiny.onInputChange(",'"links_genesets_click", "',names(gsc)[indSelected],'"',");'",">",names(gsc)[indSelected],"</a>",sep="")
} else {
tmp <- names(gsc)[indSelected]
if(pValue=="dirupdn") {
tmp2 <- paste("<br>Direction:",ifelse(sign(pSelected)<0,"Down","Up"))
} else {
tmp2 <- ""
tmp3 <- pSelected
tmp3[pValuesZero[indSelected]] <- 0
tmp3[pValuesOne[indSelected]] <- 1*sign(tmp3[pValuesOne[indSelected]])
vHoverText <- paste(tmp, "<br>p-value: ", format(abs(tmp3),scientific=TRUE,digits=3),"<br>-log10(p-value): ",round(log10(abs(tmp3)),3),tmp2,"<br>Genes: ", gsSize, sep="")
# Predefined layouts:
if(missing(physics) & lay%in%c(2:8)) physics <- FALSE
if(lay == 2) lay <- "layout_nicely"
else if(lay == 3) lay <- "layout_as_star"
else if(lay == 4) lay <- "layout_with_fr"
else if(lay == 5) lay <- "layout_with_kk"
else if(lay == 6) lay <- "layout_with_sugiyama"
else if(lay == 7) lay <- "layout_in_circle"
else if(lay == 8) lay <- "layout_on_grid"
# Main title and subtitle:
if(missing(main)) {
if(gsaRes$geneSetStat == "Fisher's exact test") {
main <- paste(gsaRes$geneSetStat,", ",maintext,sep="")
} else {
main <- paste("GSA method: ",gsaRes$geneSetStat,", p-value: ",maintext,sep="")
if(!is.null(main)) {
main <- list(text=main, style="font-family:Arial;font-weight:normal;font-size:20px;text-align:center;")
if(missing(submain)) {
submain <- paste("Node size (min-max): ",min(gsSize),"-",max(gsSize)," genes. Edge width (min-max): ",min(edgeOverlap),"-",max(edgeOverlap)," genes.", sep="")
if(!is.null(submain)) {
submain <- list(text=submain, style="font-family:Arial;font-weight:normal;font-size:14px;text-align:center;")
# Interactive plotting with visNetwork:
# Convert igraph object to visNetwork:
vn <- toVisNetworkData(g)
# Node attributes:
vn$nodes$geneSetNames <- names(gsc)[indSelected]
vn$nodes$size <- vSize
vn$nodes$label <- vLabels
vn$nodes$color <- vColor
vn$nodes$title <- vHoverText
# Edge attributes:
if(nrow(vn$edges)>0) {
vn$edges$width <- eWidth
vn$edges$color <- unlist(lapply(eColor, function(x) { rgb(col2rgb(x)[1],col2rgb(x)[2],col2rgb(x)[3], maxColorValue=255)}))
vn$edges$title <- paste("Genes:",edgeOverlap)
# Plot:
if(lay=="visNetwork" | lay==1) {
res <- visNetwork(nodes=vn$nodes, edges=vn$edges, main=main, submain=submain) %>%
visNodes(font=list(size=as.character(labelSize),face="arial"), shadow=TRUE) %>%
visLayout(randomSeed=seed) %>%
} else {
res <- visNetwork(nodes=vn$nodes, edges=vn$edges, main=main, submain=submain) %>%
visNodes(font=list(size=as.character(labelSize),face="arial"), shadow=TRUE) %>%
visIgraphLayout(layout=lay, physics=physics, randomSeed=seed)
# Draw / optionally return object for later drawing:
res$colorLegendInfo <- colorLegendInfo
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