#' Perform differential expression analysis
#' Identifies differentially expressed genes by using the linear model approach
#' of \pkg{limma}. Optionally produces a Venn diagram, heatmap, Polar plot and
#' volcano plot.
#' This function uses \pkg{\link[limma:01Introduction]{limma}} to calculate p-values measuring
#' differential expression in the given \code{contrasts}. The
#' \code{uniqueFactors} given by \code{\link{extractFactors}} can be used to
#' define a contrast vector, where each element should be a character string on
#' the form \code{"uniqueFactorA - uniqueFactorB"}, note the space surrounding
#' the \code{-}. (See the example below and for \code{\link{extractFactors}}.)
#' If appropriate annotation is missing for the \code{ArrayData} object the
#' user can suppply this as \code{chromosomeMapping}. This should be either a
#' \code{data.frame} or a tab delimited text file and include the columns
#' \emph{chromosome} with the chromosome name and \emph{chromosome location}
#' containing the starting position of each gene. A \code{-} sign can be used
#' to denote the antisense strand but this will be disregarded while plotting.
#' The rownames should be \emph{probe IDs} or, if using a text file, the first
#' column with a column header should contain the \emph{probe IDs}.
#' Note that the \code{fitMethod="robust"} may need longer time to run.
#' A Venn diagram can be drawn for up to five contrasts (\code{diffExp()} will
#' use \code{vennDiagram}).
#' The heatmap shows normalized expression values of the genes that pass the
#' \code{heatmapCutoff} in at least one contrast.
#' A volcano plot is produced for each contrast showing magnitude of change
#' versus significance.
#' The Polar plot sorts the genes according to chromosomal location, for each
#' chromosome starting with unknown positions followed by increasing number in
#' the \emph{chromosome location} column. Genes which do not map to any
#' chromosome are listed as U for unknown. The radial lines in the Polar plot
#' are -log10 scaled p-values, so that a longer line means a smaller p-value.
#' This gives an overview of the magnitude of differential expression for each
#' contrast.
#' Typical usages are: \preformatted{ # Identify significantly changed genes in
#' 'm1' and 'm2' compared to 'wt': diffExp(arrayData, contrasts=c("m1 - wt",
#' "m2 - wt")) }
#' @param arrayData an object of class \code{ArrayData}.
#' @param contrasts a character vector giving the contrasts to be tested for
#' differential expression. Use \code{\link{extractFactors}} to get allowed
#' contrasts.
#' @param chromosomeMapping character string giving the name of the chromosome
#' mapping file, or an object of class \code{data.frame} or similar containing
#' the chromosome mapping. Required for the Polar plot if the \code{ArrayData}
#' object lacks annotation information. See details below.
#' @param fitMethod character string giving the fitting method used by
#' \code{lmFit}. Can be either \code{"ls"} for least squares (default) or
#' \code{"robust"} for robust regression.
#' @param adjustMethod character string giving the method to use for adjustment
#' of multiple testing. Can be \code{"holm"}, \code{"hochberg"},
#' \code{"hommel"}, \code{"bonferroni"}, \code{"BH"}, \code{"BY"}, \code{"fdr"}
#' (default) or \code{"none"}. See \code{p.adjust} for details.
#' @param significance number giving the significance cutoff level for the Venn
#' diagram and the horizontal line drawn in the volcano plot. Defaults to
#' \code{0.001}.
#' @param plot should plots be produced? Set either to \code{TRUE} (default) or
#' \code{FALSE} to control all plots, or to a character vector with any
#' combination of \code{"venn"}, \code{"heatmap"}, \code{"polarplot"} and
#' \code{"volcano"}, to control the single plots (e.g.
#' \code{plot=c("venn","polarplot")} or \code{plot="heatmap"}).
#' @param heatmapCutoff number giving the significance cutoff level for the
#' heatmap. Defaults to \code{1e-10}.
#' @param volcanoFC number giving the x-coordinates of the vertical lines drawn
#' in the volcano plot. Defaults to \code{2}.
#' @param colors character vector of colors to be used by the Venn diagram and
#' Polar plot.
#' @param save should the figures and p-values be saved? Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param verbose verbose? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A \code{list} with elements:
#' \item{pValues}{\code{data.frame} containing adjusted p-values (according to
#' argument \code{adjustMethod}) for each contrast}
#' \item{foldChanges}{\code{data.frame} containing log2 fold changes for each
#' contrast} \item{resTable}{a \code{list} with an element for each contrast,
#' each being a \code{data.frame} with full result information}
#' \item{vennMembers}{\code{list} containing the gene members of each area of
#' the Venn diagram (only returned when a Venn diagram is drawn)}
#' @author Leif Varemo \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com} and Intawat Nookaew
#' \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \pkg{\link{piano}}, \code{\link{loadMAdata}},
#' \code{\link{extractFactors}}, \code{\link{polarPlot}}, \code{\link{runGSA}},
#' \pkg{\link[limma:01Introduction]{limma}}, \code{\link{venn}}, \code{\link{heatmap.2}}
#' @references Smyth, G. K. (2005). Limma: linear models for microarray data.
#' In: 'Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions using R and
#' Bioconductor'. R. Gentleman, V. Carey, S. Dudoit, R. Irizarry, W. Huber
#' (eds), Springer, New York, pages 397--420.
#' @examples
#' # Get path to example data and setup files:
#' dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package="piano")
#' # Load normalized data:
#' myArrayData <- loadMAdata(datadir=dataPath, dataNorm="norm_data.txt.gz", platform="yeast2")
#' # Perform differential expression analysis:
#' pfc <- diffExp(myArrayData, contrasts=c("aerobic_Clim - anaerobic_Clim",
#' "aerobic_Nlim - anaerobic_Nlim"))
#' # Order the genes according to p-values, for aerobic_Clim vs anaerobic_Clim:
#' o <- order(pfc$resTable$'aerobic_Clim - anaerobic_Clim'$P.Value)
#' # Display statistics for the top 10 significant genes:
#' pfc$resTable$'aerobic_Clim - anaerobic_Clim'[o[1:10],]
diffExp <- function(arrayData, contrasts, chromosomeMapping,
fitMethod="ls", adjustMethod="fdr", significance=0.001,
plot=TRUE, heatmapCutoff=1e-10, volcanoFC=2,
save=FALSE, verbose=TRUE) {
#if(!try(require(limma))) stop("package limma is missing") # old, below is preferred:
if (!requireNamespace("limma", quietly = TRUE)) stop("package limma is missing")
# Argument check:
if(missing(contrasts)) stop("argument contrasts is not defined")
if(!fitMethod %in% c("ls","robust")) {
stop("incorrect value of argument fitMethod")
if(!adjustMethod %in% c("holm","hochberg","hommel","bonferroni","BH","BY","fdr","none")) {
stop("incorrect value of argument adjustMethod")
if(is(plot, "logical")) {
if(plot) {
venn <- heatmap <- polarPlot <- volcano <- TRUE
} else {
venn <- heatmap <- polarPlot <- volcano <- FALSE
} else if(is(plot, "character")) {
venn <- heatmap <- polarPlot <- volcano <- FALSE
if("venn" %in% plot) venn <- TRUE
if("heatmap" %in% plot) heatmap <- TRUE
if("polarplot" %in% plot) polarPlot <- TRUE
if("volcano" %in% plot) volcano <- TRUE
} else {
stop("argument plot has to be either TRUE, FALSE or a character string")
savedirFig <- paste(getwd(),"/Piano_Results/Figures/DifferentialExpression", sep="")
savedirPval <- paste(getwd(),"/Piano_Results/pValues/genes",sep="")
# Verbose function:
.verb <- function(message, verbose) {
if(verbose == TRUE) {
saveFig <- save
savePval <- save
# Get factors from setup and sort according to dataNorm columns
factors <- extractFactors(arrayData)
# Run lmFit
.verb("Fitting linear models...", verbose)
factors <- factor(factors$factors[,1])
designMatrix <- model.matrix(~0+factors)
colnames(designMatrix) <- levels(factors)
dataForLimma <- arrayData$dataNorm
fitLm <- limma::lmFit(dataForLimma, design=designMatrix, method=fitMethod, maxit=200)
# Run ebayes
contrastMatrix <- limma::makeContrasts(contrasts=contrasts, levels=levels(factors))
fitContrasts <- limma::contrasts.fit(fitLm,contrasts=contrastMatrix)
fitContrasts <- limma::eBayes(fitContrasts)
.verb("...done", verbose)
# Venn diagram
if(venn == TRUE) {
if(length(contrasts) <= 5) {
.verb("Generating Venn diagrams...", verbose)
vennInfo <- limma::decideTests(fitContrasts,adjust.method=adjustMethod,p.value=significance)
# Plot
if(saveFig == FALSE) {
#if(length(contrasts) <= 3) {
limma::vennDiagram(vennInfo, cex=1, main=paste("Venn diagram (p-value adjustment: ",adjustMethod,", p<",significance,")",sep=""),
circle.col=colors, names=LETTERS[1:length(contrasts)])
title(main="Legend Venn diagram")
#legend(x=0.05, y=0.8, legend=colnames(fitContrasts),fill=colors)
for(i in 1:length(contrasts)) {
text(x=0.2, y=(1-0.05*i), paste(LETTERS[i],": ",contrasts[i],sep=""), adj=c(0,0))
#} else {
#vennInfoTmp <- as.data.frame(vennInfo,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#vennInfoTmp[vennInfoTmp == -1] <- 1
#colnames(vennInfoTmp) <- LETTERS[1:ncol(vennInfoTmp)]
#title(main="Legend Venn diagram")
#for(i in 1:length(contrasts)) {
# text(x=0.2, y=(1-0.05*i), paste(LETTERS[i],": ",contrasts[i],sep=""), adj=c(0,0))
.verb("...done", verbose)
if(saveFig == TRUE) {
dirStat <- dir.create(savedirFig, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
if(dirStat == TRUE) {
.verb(paste("Creating new directory:",savedirFig), verbose)
# Venn diagram
vennFileName = paste("venn_pval_adj_",adjustMethod,".pdf",sep="")
vennFilePath = paste(savedirFig,"/",vennFileName,sep="")
.verb("Saving Venn diagram...", verbose)
if(file.exists(vennFilePath)) {
.verb(paste("Warning: ",vennFileName," already exists in directory: overwriting old file...",sep=""), verbose)
#if(length(contrasts) <= 3) {
limma::vennDiagram(vennInfo, cex=1, main=paste("Venn diagram (p-value adjustment: ",adjustMethod,", p<",significance,")",sep=""),
circle.col=colors, names=LETTERS[1:length(contrasts)])
#} else {
#vennInfoTmp <- as.data.frame(vennInfo,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#vennInfoTmp[vennInfoTmp == -1] <- 1
#colnames(vennInfoTmp) <- LETTERS[1:ncol(vennInfoTmp)]
#pdf(file=vennFilePath, paper="a4", onefile=FALSE)
tmp <- dev.off()
.verb("...done", verbose)
# Venn legend
vennFileName = "vennLegend.pdf"
vennFilePath = paste(savedirFig,"/",vennFileName,sep="")
.verb("Saving Venn legend...", verbose)
if(file.exists(vennFilePath)) {
.verb("Warning: vennLegend.pdf already exists in directory: overwriting old file...", verbose)
pdf(file=vennFilePath, paper="a4")
#if(length(contrasts) <= 3) {
#title(main="Legend Venn diagram")
#legend(x=0.05, y=0.8, legend=colnames(fitContrasts),fill=c("red","green","blue"))
#} else {
title(main="Legend Venn diagram")
for(i in 1:length(contrasts)) {
text(x=0.2, y=(1-0.05*i), paste(LETTERS[i],": ",contrasts[i],sep=""), adj=c(0,0))
tmp <- dev.off()
.verb("...done", verbose)
} else {
warning("can not create a Venn diagram for more than 5 samples")
# Calculate p-values for each contrast:
if(savePval == TRUE) {
# Save pval-files, one for each contrast
dirStat <- dir.create(savedirPval, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
if(dirStat == TRUE) {
.verb(paste("Creating new directory:",savedirPval), verbose)
pValues <- NA
foldChanges <- NA
topTabList <- list()
for(i in 1:length(contrasts)) {
if(savePval == TRUE) {
.verb(paste("Saving p-values for contrast ",colnames(fitContrasts)[i],"...",sep=""), verbose)
pvalFileName <- paste(colnames(fitContrasts)[i],"_pval_adj_",adjustMethod,".txt",sep="")
pvalFilePath <- paste(savedirPval,"/",pvalFileName,sep="")
if(file.exists(pvalFilePath)) {
.verb(paste("Warning: ",pvalFileName," already exists in directory: overwriting old file...",sep=""), verbose)
} else {
.verb(paste("Calculating p-values for contrast ",colnames(fitContrasts)[i],"...",sep=""), verbose)
topTab <- limma::topTable(fitContrasts,coef=i,adjust.method=adjustMethod,sort.by="none",number=nrow(dataForLimma))
# For limma version compatability:
if(!"ID" %in% colnames(topTab)) {
topTab <- cbind(rownames(topTab),topTab)
colnames(topTab)[1] <- "ID"
# If gene names exist, add them:
tmp <- arrayData$annotation$geneName
if(!is.null(tmp)) {
names(tmp) <- rownames(arrayData$annotation)
tmp <- as.data.frame(tmp,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
topTab <- merge(x=topTab,y=tmp,by.x="ID",by.y="row.names",all.y=TRUE,sort=FALSE)
topTab <- topTab[,c("ID","tmp",colnames(topTab)[!colnames(topTab)%in%c("ID","tmp")])]
colnames(topTab)[1:2] <- c("ProbesetID","GeneName")
} else {
colnames(topTab)[1] <- c("ProbesetID")
# Check that topTab rows are consistent with arrayData$dataNorm rows:
if(nrow(topTab)!=nrow(arrayData$dataNorm)) {
stop("failed to order the genes correctly, possibly an issue with the supplied annotation")
if(!all(topTab[,1]==rownames(arrayData$dataNorm))) {
stop("failed to order the genes correctly, possibly an issue with the supplied annotation")
topTabList[[i]] <- topTab
pValues <- cbind(pValues,topTab$adj.P.Val) # P-values for all contrasts, to be further used below
foldChanges <- cbind(foldChanges,topTab$logFC) # FC for all contrasts
if(savePval == TRUE) {
row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
.verb("...done", verbose)
pValues <- as.data.frame(pValues[,2:ncol(pValues)],stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(pValues) <- topTab[,1]
colnames(pValues) <- colnames(fitContrasts)
foldChanges <- as.data.frame(foldChanges[,2:ncol(foldChanges)],stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(foldChanges) <- topTab[,1]
colnames(foldChanges) <- colnames(fitContrasts)
# Heatmap
if(heatmap == TRUE) {
.verb("Generating heatmap...", verbose)
genesInHeatmap <- vector()
for(i in 1:ncol(pValues)) {
genesInHeatmap <- c(genesInHeatmap, rownames(pValues)[pValues[,i] < heatmapCutoff])
if(length(unique(genesInHeatmap)) < 2) {
warning("No genes were selected, change the heatmapCutoff. Omitting heatmap.")
} else {
genesInHeatmap <- unique(genesInHeatmap)
heatmapMatrix <- as.matrix(arrayData$dataNorm[rownames(arrayData$dataNorm) %in% genesInHeatmap,])
if("annotation" %in% attributes(arrayData)$names) {
geneNamesHeatmap <- arrayData$annotation[rownames(arrayData$annotation) %in% genesInHeatmap,]
for(j in 1:nrow(heatmapMatrix)) {
tmp <- geneNamesHeatmap[rownames(geneNamesHeatmap) == rownames(heatmapMatrix)[j],1]
if(length(tmp) == 1) {
rownames(heatmapMatrix)[j] <- tmp
if(saveFig == TRUE) {
dirStat <- dir.create(savedirFig, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
if(dirStat == TRUE) {
.verb(paste("Creating new directory:",savedirFig), verbose)
figFileName = paste("heatmap_genes.pdf",sep="")
figFilePath = paste(savedirFig,"/",figFileName,sep="")
.verb("Saving heatmap...", verbose)
if(file.exists(figFilePath)) {
.verb(paste("Warning: ",figFileName," already exists in directory: overwriting old file...",sep=""), verbose)
pdf(file=figFilePath,paper="a4", width=21, height=29)
} else {
heatmap.2(heatmapMatrix, trace="none", scale="none", margins=c(10,5),
lwid=c(2,10), lhei=c(2,20), key=FALSE)
if(saveFig == TRUE) {
tmp <- dev.off()
figFileName = paste("heatmap_genes_colorkey.pdf",sep="")
figFilePath = paste(savedirFig,"/",figFileName,sep="")
if(file.exists(figFilePath)) {
.verb(paste("Warning: ",figFileName," already exists in directory: overwriting old file...",sep=""), verbose)
pdf(file=figFilePath,paper="a4", width=4, height=3)
} else {
k=5,main="Color key")
title(xlab="expression values")
if(saveFig == TRUE) {
tmp <- dev.off()
.verb("...done", verbose)
# Polar plot
if(polarPlot == TRUE) {
if("annotation" %in% attributes(arrayData)$names & missing(chromosomeMapping)) {
polarPlot(pValues, chromosomeMapping=arrayData$annotation[,c(2,3)],
colors=colors, save=saveFig, verbose=verbose)
} else if(!missing(chromosomeMapping)) {
polarPlot(pValues, chromosomeMapping=chromosomeMapping,
colors=colors, save=saveFig, verbose=verbose)
} else {
warning("can not run PolarPlot: no chromosome mapping provided")
# Volcano plot
if(volcano == TRUE) {
.verb("Generating volcano plot...", verbose)
if(saveFig == TRUE) {
dirStat <- dir.create(savedirFig, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
if(dirStat == TRUE) {
.verb(paste("Creating new directory:",savedirFig), verbose)
figFileName = paste("volcano_plot.pdf",sep="")
figFilePath = paste(savedirFig,"/",figFileName,sep="")
.verb("Saving volcano plot...", verbose)
if(file.exists(figFilePath)) {
.verb(paste("Warning: ",figFileName," already exists in directory: overwriting old file...",sep=""), verbose)
for(i in 1:ncol(pValues)) {
if(saveFig == FALSE) dev.new()
main=contrasts[i],xlab="log2 fold change",ylab="-log10 p-value",xlim=c(max(abs(foldChanges[,i])),-max(abs(foldChanges[,i]))))
tmp <- cbind(foldChanges[,i],pValues[,i])
tmp <- tmp[abs(tmp[,1])>=abs(volcanoFC) & tmp[,2]<=significance,]
if(length(tmp) > 2) {
} else if(length(tmp) == 2) {
if(saveFig == TRUE) {
tmp <- dev.off()
.verb("...done", verbose)
# Get Venn gene membership info:
if(venn == TRUE) {
combMat <- expand.grid(lapply(1:ncol(pValues),function(x) 0:1))
signGeneList <- apply(pValues,2,function(x) which(x < significance))
if(!is(signGeneList, "list")) {
tmp <- list()
for(i in 1:ncol(signGeneList)) {
tmp[[i]] <- signGeneList[,i]
signGeneList <- tmp
vennList <- list()
for(i in 2:nrow(combMat)) { # skip the first row with all zeros
if(ncol(combMat)==1) {
geneInd <- signGeneList[[1]]
} else {
geneInd <- Reduce(intersect, signGeneList[combMat[i,]==1])
geneInd <- geneInd[!geneInd %in% unique(unlist(signGeneList[combMat[i,]==0]))]
if(length(topTabList[[1]]$GeneName) > 0) {
vennList[[i-1]] <- topTabList[[1]][geneInd,1:2]
} else {
vennList[[i-1]] <- topTabList[[1]][geneInd,1]
rownames(vennList[[i-1]]) <- NULL
names(vennList)[i-1] <- paste("Uniquely in ",paste(LETTERS[1:ncol(pValues)][combMat[i,]==1],collapse=""),sep="")
# Output
names(topTabList) <- contrasts
if(venn == TRUE) {
} else {
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