seq2 <- Vectorize(seq.default, vectorize.args = c('from', 'to'))
#' Reverse and complement given string or list of strings
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x (string or vector of strings)
#' @return (string or vector of strings) reverse complemented input
revComp <- function(x) {
x[!] <- as.character(
#' Get codons for given string - translate
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x (string)
#' @return (string) codons
decode <- function(x) {
Biostrings::DNAString(paste0(x, collapse = "")))), "")[[1]])
#' amplicon sequence, reverse complemented when needed
#' @keywords internal
#' @param config (data.frame) config table
#' @param id (vector) a vector of id's
#' @return (character) amplicon sequence, reverse complemented if Direction 1
get_seq <- function(config, id, column = "Amplicon") {
amplicon <- as.character(config[which(config$ID == id[1]), ][[column]])
if (config[which(config$ID == id[1]), "Direction"] == 1) {
# revComp makes upper cases
groups <-
old_starts <- groups$start
groups$start <- nchar(amplicon) - groups$end + 1
groups$end <- nchar(amplicon) - old_starts + 1
amplicon <- tolower(revComp(amplicon))
for (i in seq_len(dim(groups)[1])) { # there may be many UPPER groups
substr(amplicon, groups$start[i], groups$end[i]) <-
toupper(substr(amplicon, groups$start[i], groups$end[i]))
#' left primer sequence
#' @keywords internal
#' @param config (data.frame) config table
#' @param id (vector) a vector of id's
#' @return (character) left primer sequence
get_left_primer <- function(config, id) {
if (config[which(config$ID == id[1]), "Direction"] == 1) {
as.character(config[which(config$ID == id[1]), "Reverse_Primer"])
} else {
as.character(config[which(config$ID == id[1]), "Forward_Primer"])
#' right primer sequence
#' @keywords internal
#' @param config (data.frame) config table
#' @param id (vector) a vector of id's
#' @return (character) right primer sequence
get_right_primer <- function(config, id) {
if (config[which(config$ID == id[1]), "Direction"] == 1) {
revComp(as.character(config[which(config$ID == id[1]), "Forward_Primer"]))
} else {
revComp(as.character(config[which(config$ID == id[1]), "Reverse_Primer"]))
#' Helper to construct GRanges with additional metadata columns.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x (\code{\link{IRanges}}) names(x) indicating read_id
#' @param ID (string)
#' @param type (string)
#' @param score (numeric) scores from the alignments
#' @param strand_info (string) Either '+', '-'
#' @param originally (string) Base pairs on the amplicon.
#' @param replacement (string) Base pairs on the read.
#' @return (\code{\link{GRanges}}) Object with meta-data
defGR <- function(x,
strand_info = "+",
type = "deletion",
originally = "",
replacement = "") {
if (length(x) == 0) return(GenomicRanges::GRanges())
ranges = x,
strand = strand_info,
seqnames = ID,
originally = as.character(originally),
replacement = as.character(replacement),
type = type,
read_id = names(x),
score = score
#' Cumulative sum to calculate shift
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x (\code{\link{IRanges}})
#' @return (numeric vector)
cumsumw <- function(x) {
c(0, cumsum(IRanges::width(x))[-length(x)])
#' Detect uppercases as ranges object.
#' For a given string, detect how many groups of uppercases is inside, where
#' are they, and how long they are.
#' For example:
#' asdkfaAGASDGAsjaeuradAFDSfasfjaeiorAuaoeurasjfasdhfashTTSfajeiasjsf
#' Has 4 groups of uppercases of length 7, 4, 1 and 3.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param candidate (string) A string with the nucleotide sequence.
#' @return (\code{\link{IRanges}}) A IRanges object with uppercases groups for
#' given candidate string
upperGroups <- function(candidate) {
start = which(stringr::str_detect(strsplit(candidate, "")[[1]],
width = 1)))
#' Reverse complement events that have amplicons with direction 1.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param idR (data.frame) Loaded events.
#' @param cfgT (data.frame) Loaded configuration file.
#' @return (data.frame) Returns input idR, but events for amplicons with
#' direction 1 reverse complemented, "+" and "-" swapped.
flipRanges <- function(idR, cfgT) {
is_dir <- as.logical(cfgT$Direction)
to_flip <- cfgT[is_dir, "ID"]
to_flip <- idR$seqnames %in% to_flip
if (any(to_flip)) {
ampl_lengths <- nchar(as.character(cfgT[is_dir, "Amplicon"]))
ampl_ids <- as.character(cfgT[is_dir, "ID"])
ids_mapping <- match(idR[to_flip, "seqnames"], ampl_ids)
ampl_lengths <- ampl_lengths[ids_mapping]
idR[to_flip, "originally"] <- revComp(idR[to_flip, "originally"])
idR[to_flip, "replacement"] <- revComp(idR[to_flip, "replacement"])
strand <- idR[to_flip, "strand"]
strand_minus <- strand == "-"
strand[strand == "+"] <- "-"
strand[strand_minus] <- "+"
idR[to_flip, "strand"] <- strand
# mm + del end -> start & start -> end
# ins start -> start & end -> end
ins <- idR$type == "insertion"
old_starts <- idR[to_flip & !ins, "start"]
idR[to_flip & !ins, "start"] <-
ampl_lengths[!ins[to_flip]] - idR[to_flip & !ins, "end"] + 1
idR[to_flip & !ins, "end"] <- ampl_lengths[!ins[to_flip]] - old_starts + 1
idR[to_flip & ins, "start"] <-
ampl_lengths[ins[to_flip]] - idR[to_flip & ins, "start"] + 1
idR[to_flip & ins, "end"] <-
idR[to_flip & ins, "width"] + idR[to_flip & ins, "start"] - 1
#' Map events to their respective relative coordinates specified with
#' UPPER case.
#' Translate coordinates of \code{\link{GRanges}} events so that they can be
#' relative to the amplicon. As point zero we assume first left sided UPPER case
#' letter in the
#' amplicon. Be weary that events for amplicons without expected cut sites are
#' filtered. Don't use this function, if you don't have expected cut sites
#' specified and don't use any of the metaplots.
#' @param aln (data.frame) List of events to map to the relative coordinates.
#' @param cfgT (data.frame) config table
#' @return (\code{\link{GRanges}}) Same as events, but the coordinates are
#' relative to the expected cut sites.
#' @export
#' @family analysis steps
#' @examples
#' # example config
#' config <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "config.csv",
#' package = "amplican"))
#' # example events
#' events <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "results", "alignments",
#' "raw_events.csv", package = "amplican"))
#' # make events relative to the UPPER case
#' amplicanMap(events, config)
amplicanMap <- function(aln, cfgT) {
aln <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(aln)
no_upper <- FALSE
for (id in unique(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(aln))) {
amplicon <- get_seq(cfgT, id)
zero_point <- upperGroups(amplicon)
if (length(zero_point) == 0) {
no_upper <- TRUE
aln <- aln[GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(aln) != id, ]
aln[GenomicRanges::seqnames(aln) == id] <-
GenomicRanges::shift(aln[GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(aln) == id],
shift = -1 * GenomicRanges::start(zero_point)[1])
if (no_upper) {
warning("Events for amplicons without UPPER case are filtered.")
#' Transform aligned strings into GRanges representation of events.
#' Transforms aligned strings into GRanges representation with
#' events of deletions, insertions and mismatches. Subject should come from
#' one amplicon sequence, after alignment to many sequences (patterns).
#' @param pattern (character) Aligned pattern.
#' @param subject (character) Aligned subject.
#' @param scores (integer) Alignment scores of the pattern and subject.
#' @param ID (character) Will be used as seqnames of output GRanges.
#' @param ampl_shift (numeric) Possible shift of the amplicons.
#' @param ampl_start (numeric) Real amplicon starts.
#' \code{\link{pairwiseAlignment}} clips alignments, therefore to output
#' GRanges relative to the amplicon sequence (subject) ranges have to be
#' shifted.
#' @param strand_info (character) Strands to assign.
#' @return (\code{\link{GRanges}}) Same as events.
#' @export
getEvents <- function(pattern, subject, scores, ID = "NA", ampl_shift = 1L,
ampl_start = 1L, strand_info = "+") {
pattern <- DNAStringSet(pattern)
subject <- DNAStringSet(subject)
read_id <- seq_along(pattern)
comparison <- compareStrings(pattern, subject)
comparison <- IRanges::RleList(strsplit(comparison, split = ""))
mm <- IRanges::IRangesList(comparison == "?")
del <- IRanges::IRangesList(comparison[comparison != "+"] == "-")
ins <- IRanges::IRangesList(comparison == "+")
ins_rep <- unlist(extractAt(pattern, ins), use.names = FALSE)
mm_rep <- unlist(extractAt(pattern, mm), use.names = FALSE)
mm_lw <- width(mm_rep) > 1
mm_rep <- c(as.character(mm_rep[!mm_lw]),
unlist(strsplit(as.character(mm_rep[mm_lw]), split = "")))
mm_org <- unlist(extractAt(subject, mm), use.names = FALSE)
mm_org <- c(as.character(mm_org[!mm_lw]),
unlist(strsplit(as.character(mm_org[mm_lw]), split = "")))
ins <- IRanges::shift(ins, IRanges::IntegerList(
lapply(ins, function(x) -1L * cumsumw(x))))
mm <- IRanges::IRangesList(comparison[comparison != "+"] == "?")
mm <- IRanges::shift(mm, ampl_shift + ampl_start - 2L)
names(mm) <- read_id
mm <- unlist(mm, use.names = TRUE)
mm_l <- mm[IRanges::width(mm) > 1]
mm <- mm[IRanges::width(mm) == 1]
mm_ln <- names(mm_l)
mm_l <- IRanges::tile(mm_l, width = 1L)
names(mm_l) <- mm_ln
mm_l <- unlist(mm_l, use.names = TRUE)
mm <- c(mm, mm_l)
ins <- IRanges::shift(ins, ampl_shift + ampl_start - 2L)
names(ins) <- read_id
del <- IRanges::shift(del, ampl_shift + ampl_start - 2L)
names(del) <- read_id
c(defGR(unlist(ins, use.names = TRUE), ID,
rep(scores, times = lengths(ins)),
strand_info, "insertion", "",
defGR(unlist(del, use.names = TRUE), ID,
rep(scores, times = sapply(del, length)),
defGR(mm, ID, scores[as.integer(names(mm))],
strand_info, "mismatch", as.character(mm_org),
#' This function takes alignments and gives back the events coordinates.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param align (\code{\link{PairwiseAlignmentsSingleSubject}})
#' @param ID (string)
#' @param ampl_shift (numeric vector) Shift events additionally by this value.
#' PairwiseAlignmentsSingleSubject returns truncated alignments.
#' @param ampl_len (numeric) Length of the amplicon (subject)
#' @param strand_info (string) Either '+', '-' or default '*'
#' @return (\code{\link{GRanges}}) Object with meta-data for insertion,
#' deletion, mismatch
getEventInfo <- function(align, ID, ampl_shift, strand_info = "+") {
if (length(align) == 0) return(GenomicRanges::GRanges())
if (any(ampl_shift < 1)) stop("Amplicon shift can't be less than 1.")
scores <- score(align)
subj <- subject(align)
pat <- pattern(align)
ampl_len <- width(unaligned(subj))
ampl_end <- end(subj)
ampl_start <- start(subj)
if (strand_info == "+") {
s_err <- ampl_end >= ampl_len
start <- ampl_end[!s_err] + ampl_shift
end <- if (all(s_err)) integer() else ampl_len + ampl_shift - 1
} else {
s_err <- ampl_start == 1
start <- if (all(s_err)) integer() else 1L
end <- ampl_start[!s_err] + ampl_shift - 2
sizes <- IRanges::IRanges(start = start, end = end, names = which(!s_err))
ranges <- getEvents(
pat, subj, scores = scores, ID = ID, ampl_shift = ampl_shift,
ampl_start = ampl_start, strand_info = strand_info)
# artificial deletions indicating end of reads
scores <- scores[!s_err]
if (!S4Vectors::isEmpty(sizes)) {
ranges <- c(
ranges, defGR(sizes[ampl_len > 0], ID, scores[ampl_len > 0], strand_info))
#' Transform extended CIGAR strings into GRanges.
#' Transform extended CIGAR strings into \code{\link{GRanges}} representation
#' with events of deletions, insertions and mismatches.
#' @param cigars (character) Extended CIGARS.
#' @param aln_pos_start (integer) Pos of CIGARS.
#' @param query_seq (character) Aligned query sequences.
#' @param ref (character) Reference sequences used for alignment.
#' @param read_id (numeric) Read id for assignment for each of the CIGARS.
#' @param mapq (numeric) Maping scores.
#' @param seqnames (character) Names of the sequences, potentially ids of
#' the reference sequences.
#' @param counts (integer) Vector of cigar counts, if data collapsed.
#' @param strands (character) Strands to assign.
#' @return (\code{\link{GRanges}}) Same as events.
#' @export
cigarsToEvents <- function(cigars, aln_pos_start, query_seq, ref, read_id, mapq,
seqnames, strands, counts) {
if (!requireNamespace("GenomicAlignments", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Install GenomicAlignments before calling this function.")
ids <- seq_along(cigars)
ins <- GenomicAlignments::cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace(cigars, ops = "I")
repl <- Biostrings::extractAt(DNAStringSet(query_seq), ins)
ins <- GenomicAlignments::cigarRangesAlongPairwiseSpace(cigars, ops = "I")
csum <- lapply(ins, function(x) -1L * cumsumw(x))
csum <- IRanges::IntegerList(csum)
names(ins) <- ids
names(csum) <- ids
csum <- unlist(csum, use.names = TRUE)
ins <- unlist(ins, use.names = TRUE) # empty ranges are droped out
csum <- csum[names(csum) %in% names(ins)]
ins <- IRanges::shift(ins, csum) # shift by cumsum of ins
iids <- as.integer(names(ins))
ins <- if (length(ins) > 0) {
seqnames = seqnames[iids],
ranges = ins,
strand = strands[iids],
originally = "",
replacement = as.character(unlist(repl, use.names = FALSE)),
type = "insertion",
read_id = read_id[iids],
score = mapq[iids],
counts = counts[iids])
} else {
del <- GenomicAlignments::cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace(
cigars, ops = c("D", "N"), pos = aln_pos_start)
origin <- Biostrings::extractAt(DNAStringSet(ref), del)
names(del) <- ids
del <- unlist(del, use.names = TRUE)
iids <- as.integer(names(del))
del <- if (length(del) > 0) {
seqnames = seqnames[iids],
ranges = del,
strand = strands[iids],
originally = as.character(unlist(origin, use.names = FALSE)),
replacement = "",
type = "deletion",
read_id = read_id[iids],
score = mapq[iids],
counts = counts[iids])
} else {
# MISMATCH - X #TODO MD tags contain mm too if X not present in CIGARS
mm <- GenomicAlignments::cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace(cigars, ops = "X")
repl <- Biostrings::extractAt(DNAStringSet(query_seq), mm)
repl <- unlist(repl, use.names = FALSE)
repl_l <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(repl[width(repl) > 1]), ""))
repl <- as.character(repl[width(repl) == 1])
mm <- GenomicAlignments::cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace(cigars, ops = "X")
names(mm) <- ids
mm <- unlist(mm, use.names = TRUE)
mm_l <- mm[width(mm) > 1]
mm <- mm[width(mm) == 1]
mm_ln <- names(mm_l)
mm_l <- IRanges::tile(mm_l, width = 1L)
names(mm_l) <- mm_ln
mm_l <- unlist(mm_l, use.names = TRUE)
iids <- as.integer(c(names(mm), names(mm_l)))
mm <- if (length(mm) > 0) {
seqnames = seqnames[iids],
ranges = c(mm, mm_l),
strand = strands[iids],
originally = "",
replacement = c(repl, repl_l),
type = "mismatch",
read_id = read_id[iids],
score = mapq[iids],
counts = counts[iids])
} else {
seqnames <- unique(as.character(seqnames))
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(mm) <- seqnames
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(del) <- seqnames
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(ins) <- seqnames
c(mm, del, ins)
#' Read "pair" format of EMBOSS needle into GRanges as events.
#' Parse EMBOSS needle (or needleall) "pair" format into GRanges representation
#' with events of deletions, insertions and mismatches. Make sure that each file
#' corresponds to single subject (single amplicon). Assumes that bottom sequence
#' "-bsequence" corresponds to the "subject" and full sequence alignment is
#' returned.
#' @param file (character) File path.
#' @param ID (character) ID of the experiment, will be used as seqnames of the
#' reutner ranges.
#' @param strand_info (character) Strand to assign.
#' @return (\code{\link{GRanges}}) Same as events.
#' @export
pairToEvents <- function(file, ID = "NA", strand_info = "+") {
file <- readLines(file)
# header
header <- grep("########################################", file)[2]
file_header <- file[seq_len(header)]
file <- file[-seq_len(header)]
if (file_header[2] != "# Program: needleall" |
file_header[grep("-aformat3", file_header)] != "# -aformat3 pair") {
stop("This function can only parse needleall 'pair' format.")
gapopen <- as.numeric(gsub("# -gapopen ", "",
file_header[grep("-gapopen ", file_header)]))
gapext <- as.numeric(gsub("# -gapextend ", "",
file_header[grep("-gapextend ", file_header)]))
seq1 <- gsub("# 1: ", "", file[grep("# 1: ", file)])
seq2 <- gsub("# 2: ", "", file[grep("# 2: ", file)])
score <- as.numeric(gsub("# Score: ", "", file[grep("# Score: ", file)]))
# split into list of reads
pos <- grep("#=======================================", file)
starts <- pos[c(FALSE, TRUE)] + 1
ends <- pos[c(TRUE, FALSE)] - 1
ends <- ends[-1]
ends <- c(ends, length(file))
headers_pos <- seq2(starts - 1, ends - 1, by = 2)
split_v <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(file))
uniq_ids <- seq_len(length(headers_pos))
split_v[unlist(headers_pos, use.names = FALSE)] <-
rep(uniq_ids, times = lengths(headers_pos))
alns <- split(file, factor(split_v, levels = uniq_ids))
# for every sequence parse
seq1_s <- substr(seq1, 1, 13)
seq2_s <- substr(seq2, 1, 13)
alns <- unlist(mapply(function(aln, s1, s2) {
query <- paste0(gsub(paste0(" |[0-9]|", s1), "",
aln[grep(s1, aln)]), collapse = "")
subj <- paste0(gsub(paste0(" |[0-9]|", s2), "",
aln[grep(s2, aln)]), collapse = "")
c(query, subj)
}, alns, seq1_s, seq2_s, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE),
use.names = FALSE)
# parsing into GRanges
events <- getEvents(
alns[c(TRUE, FALSE)], alns[c(FALSE, TRUE)], scores = score,
ID = ID, ampl_shift = 1, ampl_start = 1, strand_info = strand_info)
events$counts <- 1 # assume reads are not collapsed into unique
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