is.oneSampleContrast <-function(row.cont.matrix) {
(length(row.cont.matrix[row.cont.matrix != 0]) == 1) && (sum(row.cont.matrix) == 1)
is.twoSampleContrast <-function(row.cont.matrix) {
(length(row.cont.matrix[row.cont.matrix != 0]) == 2) && (sum(row.cont.matrix) == 0)
genesSelectable <- function (topTab, adj0, adj1, adj2, P1, P2) {
upBelowB <- sum(topTab$B > 0 & topTab$t > 0)
downBelowB <- sum(topTab$B > 0 & topTab$t < 0)
upBelowAdj0 <- sum(topTab$adj.P.Val < adj0 & topTab$t > 0)
downBelowAdj0 <- sum(topTab$adj.P.Val < adj0 & topTab$t < 0)
upBelowAdj1 <- sum(topTab$adj.P.Val < adj1 & topTab$t > 0)
downBelowAdj1 <- sum(topTab$adj.P.Val < adj1 & topTab$t < 0)
upBelowAdj2 <- sum(topTab$adj.P.Val < adj2 & topTab$t > 0)
downBelowAdj2 <- sum(topTab$adj.P.Val < adj2 & topTab$t < 0)
upBelowP1 <- sum(topTab$P.Value < P1 & topTab$t > 0)
downBelowP1 <- sum (topTab$P.Value < P1 & topTab$t < 0)
upBelowP2 <- sum(topTab$P.Value < P2 & topTab$t > 0)
downBelowP2 <- sum(topTab$P.Value < P2 & topTab$t < 0)
return(c(upBelowB = upBelowB,downBelowB = downBelowB,
upBelowAdj0 = upBelowAdj0, downBelowAdj0 = downBelowAdj0,
upBelowAdj1 = upBelowAdj1, downBelowAdj1 = downBelowAdj1,
upBelowAdj2 = upBelowAdj2, downBelowAdj2 = downBelowAdj2,
upBelowP1 = upBelowP1, downBelowP1 = downBelowP1,
upBelowP2 = upBelowP2, downBelowP2 = downBelowP2))
genesSelected <- function(topTab = NULL, adj0=0.01, adj1 = 0.05, adj2 = 0.25, P1 = 0.01, P2 = 0.05) {
if(is.null(topTab)) {
seleccio <- data.frame(Col1 = integer(length = 12),
row.names = c("upReg-B>0", "downReg-B>0",
paste("upReg-Adjusted-p-val", adj0, sep = " < "),
paste("downReg-Adjusted-p-val", adj0, sep = " < "),
paste("upReg-Adjusted-p-val", adj1, sep = " < "),
paste("downReg-Adjusted-p-val", adj1, sep = " < "),
paste("upReg-Adjusted-p-val", adj2, sep = " < "),
paste("downReg-Adjusted-p-val", adj2, sep = " < "),
paste("upReg-P value", P1, sep = " < "),
paste("downReg-P value", P1, sep = " < "),
paste("upReg-P value", P2, sep = " < "),
paste("downReg-P value", P2, sep = " < ")))[, -1]
} else {
genesSelectable(topTab, adj0, adj1, adj2, P1, P2)
knowledge2gNames <- function(my.genes, knowledgeFile) {
my.genes <- as.character(my.genes)
my.annotation <- character()
if(!is.null(knowledgeFile)) {
for(i in 1:length(my.genes)) {
my.annotation[i] <- paste0("<A HREF=\"", knowledgeFile, "#", my.genes[i], "\" TARGET=\"_blank\">", my.genes[i],"</A>")
extractSinonims <- function(my.strings) {
my.sinonims <- list()
if(runMulticore == 1 || runMulticore == 3) {
my.sinonims <- mclapply(my.strings, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, " /// ")))
} else {
my.sinonims <- lapply(my.strings, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, " /// ")))
midSinonims <- function(my.IDs) {
my.indexes <- grep(" /// ", my.IDs)
my.sinonimIDs <- my.IDs[my.indexes]
my.IDs[my.indexes] <- extractSinonims(my.sinonimIDs)
annotateTopTable2 <- function(topTab,
Title = "Genes selected",
EntrezIDs = NULL,
SymbolIDs = NULL,
# comparison = "",
anotFilename = "annotations") {
# require("annotate", character.only = TRUE) ### ModAlba
gNames <- as.character(as.integer(topTab$ID))
} else {
gNames <- as.character(rownames(topTab))
linkedGeneNanes <- knowledge2gNames(gNames, knowledgeFile = paste(anotFilename, "html", sep = "."))
if(is.null(EntrezIDs)) {
myenvirENTREZID <- eval(parse(text = paste0(anotPackage, "ENTREZID")))
# EntrezIDs <- unlist(mget(gNames, env = myenvirENTREZID, ifnotfound = NA)) ### ModAlba
EntrezIDs <- unlist(mget(gNames, envir = myenvirENTREZID, ifnotfound = NA)) ### ModAlba
} else {
EntrezIDs <- midSinonims(EntrezIDs[gNames])
if(is.null(SymbolIDs)) {
myenvirSYMBOL <- eval(parse(text = paste0(anotPackage, "SYMBOL")))
# SymbolIDs <- unlist(mget(gNames, env = myenvirSYMBOL, ifnotfound = NA)) ### ModAlba
SymbolIDs <- unlist(mget(gNames, envir = myenvirSYMBOL, ifnotfound = NA)) ### ModAlba
} else {
SymbolIDs <- midSinonims(SymbolIDs[gNames])
aux.SymbolIDs <- as.character(SymbolIDs)
names(aux.SymbolIDs) <- names(SymbolIDs)
if(runMulticore == 1 || runMulticore == 3) {
lS <- mclapply(aux.SymbolIDs, function(l) {unlist(strsplit(l, "//"))})
} else {
lS <- lapply(aux.SymbolIDs, function(l) {unlist(strsplit(l, "//"))})
linkedList <- list(en = EntrezIDs)
if(!is.null(topTab$ID)) topTab <- topTab[, which(names(topTab) == "ID")]
# Si existeixen sinonims "otherNames" ha de ser una llista i no un data.frame com estava
otherNames <- list(affyIDs = linkedGeneNanes, GeneSymbols = lS, topTab)
htmlpage(linkedList, filename = fName, title = Title, othernames = otherNames,
table.head = c("EntrezID", "affyIDs", "GeneSymbols", names(topTab)),
table.center = TRUE, repository = list("en"), digits = 4)
write2csv <- function(my.data, fileName, csv = c("csv2", "csv", "txt", "xls"), outputDir) {
fileName <- file.path(outputDir, paste(fileName, substr(csv[1], 1, 3) , sep = "."))
"csv" = write.csv(my.data, file = fileName, quote = F),
"csv2" = write.csv2(my.data, file = fileName, quote = F),
"txt" = write.table(my.data, file = fileName, quote = F))
escriuTop_i_Express <- function(expres,
grup1 = NULL,
grup2 = NULL,
fName = NULL,
fit = NULL,
fitCoef = NULL,
my.symbols = NULL,
my.entrezs = NULL,
outputDir) {
if(!is.null(grup2)) {
expresA <- expres[, c(grup1, grup2)]
means2groups <- function(x) {
mean1 <- mean(x[1:length(grup1)])
mean2 <- mean(x[(length(grup1) + 1):(length(grup1) + length(grup2))])
foldC <- mean1 - mean2
return(c(foldC, mean1, mean2))
meansA <- t(apply(expresA, 1, means2groups))
colnames(meansA) <- c("logFC validation", nom1, nom2)
} else if(!is.null(grup1)) { # en aquest cas sols hi ha grup1
expresA <- expres[, grup1]
means1groups <- function(x) {
foldC <- mean(x[1:length(grup1)])
return(c(foldC, foldC))
meansA <- t(apply(expresA, 1, means1groups))
colnames(meansA) <- c("logFC validation", "logFC validation")
} else {
meansA <- NULL
expresA <- expres
if(!is.null(topTab$ID)) {
topA.order <- as.character(as.integer(topTab$ID))
} else {
topA.order <- rownames(topTab)
if(!is.null(meansA)) meansA.ord <- meansA[topA.order, ]
expresA.ord <- expresA[topA.order, ]
fitA.ord <- fit[topA.order, ]
if(!is.null(anotPackage)) {
SymbolsA <- getSYMBOL(topA.order, old2db(anotPackage))
} else {
if(!is.null(my.symbols)) {
gNames <- topA.order
SymbolsA <- my.symbols[gNames]
EntrezsA <- my.entrezs[gNames]
# calculem els parametres del limma
if(!is.null(fit) && !is.null(fitCoef)) {
s.post <- sqrt(fitA.ord$s2.post)
s.unscaled <- fitA.ord$stdev.unscaled[, fitCoef]
df.res <- fitA.ord$df.residual
s.res <- fitA.ord$sigma
s.prior <- rep(sqrt(fitA.ord$s2.prior), length(s.res))
df.prior <- rep(fitA.ord$df.prior, length(s.res))
fit.coef <- fitA.ord$coef[, fitCoef]
t.ord <- fit.coef / (s.unscaled * s.res)
p.ord <- 2 * pt(abs(t.ord), df = df.res, lower.tail = FALSE)
limmaPars <- data.frame(s.post, s.unscaled, t.ord, p.ord, df.res, s.res, s.prior, df.prior)
if(!is.null(fit) && !is.null(fitCoef)) { # mirem si tenim limmaPars
if(!is.null(my.symbols)) { # mirem si tenim symbols
if(!is.null(my.entrezs)) { # mirem si tenim entrezs
if(!is.null(meansA)) { # mirem si hi ha mitjanes (o sigui que els contrasts son simples, e.g: A - B )
combinedA <- cbind(SymbolsA, EntrezsA, topTab, meansA.ord, expresA.ord, limmaPars)
} else { # si no hi ha mitjanes (o sigui que els contrasts son simples, e.g: (A-C) - (B-C) )
combinedA <- cbind(SymbolsA, EntrezsA, topTab, expresA.ord, limmaPars)
} else { # si no tenim entrezs
if(!is.null(meansA)) { # si hi ha mitjanes (o sigui que els contrasts son simples, e.g: A - B )
combinedA <- cbind(SymbolsA, topTab, meansA.ord, expresA.ord, limmaPars)
} else { # si no hi ha mitjanes (o sigui que els contrasts son simples, e.g: (A-C) - (B-C) )
combinedA <- cbind(SymbolsA, topTab, expresA.ord, limmaPars)
} else { # si no tenim symbols
if(!is.null(my.entrezs)) {
if(!is.null(meansA)) {
combinedA <- cbind(EntrezsA, topTab, meansA.ord, expresA.ord, limmaPars)
} else {
combinedA <- cbind(EntrezsA, topTab, expresA.ord, limmaPars)
} else {
if(!is.null(meansA)) { # si hi ha mitjanes (o sigui que els contrasts son simples, e.g: A - B )
combinedA <- cbind(topTab, meansA.ord, expresA.ord, limmaPars)
} else { # si no hi ha mitjanes (o sigui que els contrasts son simples, e.g: (A-C) - (B-C) )
combinedA <- cbind(topTab, expresA.ord, limmaPars)
} else { # si no tenim limmaPars
if(!is.null(my.symbols)) {
if(!is.null(my.entrezs)) {
if(!is.null(meansA)) {
combinedA <- cbind(SymbolsA, EntrezsA, topTab, meansA.ord, expresA.ord)
} else {
combinedA <- cbind(SymbolsA, EntrezsA, topTab, expresA.ord)
} else {
if(!is.null(meansA)) {
combinedA <- cbind(SymbolsA, topTab, meansA.ord, expresA.ord)
} else {
combinedA <- cbind(SymbolsA, topTab, expresA.ord)
} else {
if(!is.null(my.entrezs)) {
if(!is.null(meansA)) {
combinedA <- cbind(EntrezsA, topTab, meansA.ord, expresA.ord)
} else {
combinedA <- cbind(EntrezsA, topTab, expresA.ord)
} else {
if(!is.null(meansA)) {
combinedA <- cbind(topTab, meansA.ord, expresA.ord)
} else {
combinedA <- cbind(topTab, expresA.ord)
if(!is.null(fName)) write2csv(combinedA, fileName = fName, csv = csvType, outputDir = outputDir)
### lmAnalysis
#' @name lmAnalysis
#' @title Function to make the linear model analysis.
#' @param exprs.filtered Dataset of filtered and normalized data.
#' @param design Design matrix.
#' @param cont.matrix Contrast matrix.
#' @param contrasts2test Numeric vector that contains the number of the columns for the contrasts to analyze.
#' @param anotPackage Annotation package.
#' @param Expressions_And_Top If is TRUE it will do "Expresions" and the toptable.
#' @param showParams If FALSe it won't show the lmFit parameters in the ExpressionsAndToptable.
#' @param use.dupCorr parameter for correlated analysis to be passed to limma
#' @param block parameter for correlated analysis to be passed to limma
#' @param nDups parameter for correlated analysis to be passed to limma
#' @param comparison Name of the comparations in all contrasts.
#' @param outputDir Path of the file created.
#' @param ENTREZIDs Name of the file for Entrez genes.
#' @param SYMBOLIDs Name of the file for gene Symbols .
#' @param linksFile Name of the file linksFile.
#' @param fitFileName Name of file containing object resulting from lmAnalysis
#' @param csvType type of csv to store the data.
#' @param rows2HTML How many lines have to be written to HTML output
#' @param anotFileName Name where annotations have to be saved.
#' @importFrom limma duplicateCorrelation
#' @importFrom limma lmFit
#' @importFrom limma contrasts.fit
#' @importFrom limma eBayes
#' @importFrom limma topTable
#' @importFrom limma volcanoplot
#' @importFrom annotate htmlpage
#' @importFrom annotate getSYMBOL
#' @importFrom links2File addToLinksFile
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load("./ResultsDir/exprs.filtered.Rda")
#' contrasts2test <- 1:ncol(cont.matrix)
#' anotPackage = NULL
#' comparison = "Estudi"
#' outputDir = "./ResultsDir"
#' ENTREZIDs = "entrezTable"
#' SYMBOLIDs = "symbolsTable"
#' linksFile = "Links.txt"
#' fitFileName = "fit.Rda"
#' csvType= "csv"
#' rows2HTML= NULL
#' anotFileName <- "Annotations"
#' runMulticore = 0
#' fitMain <- BasicP::lmAnalysis(exprs.filtered = exprs.filtered, design = design,
#' cont.matrix = cont.matrix, contrasts2test = contrasts2test, anotPackage = anotPackage,
#' outputDir = outputDir, comparison = comparison, Expressions_And_Top = TRUE ,
#' showParams = FALSE , use.dupCorr = FALSE, block = NULL, nDups = 1 , ENTREZIDs = ENTREZIDs,
#' SYMBOLIDs = SYMBOLIDs, linksFile = linksFile,fitFileName = fitFileName , csvType=csvType,
#' rows2HTML = NULL, anotFileName = anotFileName)
#' }
#' @export
lmAnalysis <- function(exprs.filtered,
design, cont.matrix,
contrasts2test = 1:ncol(cont.matrix),
Expressions_And_Top = TRUE,
showParams = FALSE,
use.dupCorr = FALSE,
block = NULL, nDups = 1,
comparison = "",
outputDir = ".",
rows2HTML = NULL,
anotFileName) {
categLabel <- 'ANALYSIS'
### 1. Ajust del model lineal
if(use.dupCorr && (!is.null(block))) {
# stopifnot(require(statmod)) ### ModAlba
corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(exprs.filtered, ndups = nDups, block = blocs, design = design)
# fit < -lmFit(exprs.filtered, design = design, block = blocs, cor = corfit$consensus) ### ModAlba
fit <- lmFit(exprs.filtered, design = design, block = blocs, correlation = corfit$consensus) ### ModAlba
} else {
fit <- lmFit(exprs.filtered, design)
fit.main <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.matrix)
fit.main <- eBayes(fit.main)
### Taula resum dels resultats : Pendent: numGenesChanged
numGenesChanged <- genesSelected(NULL)
if((is.null(ENTREZIDs)) & (!is.null(anotPackage))) {
# stopifnot(require(old2db (anotPackage), character.only = T)) ### ModAlba
stopifnot(requireNamespace(old2db(anotPackage))) ### ModAlba
envirName <- paste0(anotPackage, "ENTREZID")
myenvirENTREZID <- eval(parse(text = envirName))
ENTREZIDs <- unlist(AnnotationDbi::mget(rownames(exprs.filtered), myenvirENTREZID, ifnotfound = NA))
if((is.null(SYMBOLIDs)) & (!is.null(anotPackage))) {
# stopifnot(require(old2db (anotPackage), character.only = T)) ### ModAlba
stopifnot(requireNamespace(old2db(anotPackage))) ### ModAlba
myenvirSYMBOL <- eval(parse(text = paste0(anotPackage, "SYMBOL")))
SYMBOLIDs <- unlist(AnnotationDbi::mget(rownames(exprs.filtered), env = myenvirSYMBOL, ifnotfound = NA))
for(i in contrasts2test) {
# top.Diff <- topTable (fit.main, coef=i, n=nrow(fit.main$t), adjust="fdr") ### ModAlba
top.Diff <- topTable (fit.main, coef = i, number = nrow(fit.main$t), adjust.method = "fdr") ### ModAlba
fitCoefName <- colnames(cont.matrix)[i]
contrastTitle <- paste(comparison,colnames(cont.matrix)[i], sep = ".")
atitle <- paste("Genes analyzed in comparison", contrastTitle)
aFName0 <- paste(contrastTitle, "html", sep = ".")
aFName <- paste(file.path(outputDir, contrastTitle), "html", sep = ".")
if((!is.null(anotPackage)) | ((!is.null(SYMBOLIDs)) & (!is.null(ENTREZIDs)))) {
if(is.null(rows2HTML)) {
top.Diff2HTML <- top.Diff
} else {
len.rows2HTML <- length(rows2HTML)
if(len.rows2HTML == 1) {
cat(paste("Only", rows2HTML, "rows selected in html gene lists... \n"))
top.Diff2HTML <- top.Diff[1:rows2HTML, ]
} else {
cat(paste("Only", length(rows2HTML), "rows selected in html gene lists... \n"))
top.Diff2HTML <- top.Diff[rows2HTML, ]
outNUL <- annotateTopTable2(top.Diff2HTML,
anotPackage = anotPackage,
EntrezIDs = ENTREZIDs,
SymbolIDs = SYMBOLIDs,
anotFilename = anotFileName)
addToLinksFile (linksFile, aFName0, categ = categLabel,
desc = paste("Test parameters and ranked list of genes for the comparison", contrastTitle))
numGenesChanged <- cbind(numGenesChanged, genesSelectable(top.Diff, 0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.01, 0.05))
vFName0 <- paste("volcano", contrastTitle, "pdf", sep = ".")
if(toTIFF == TRUE) {
vFName <- file.path(outputDir, paste("volcano", contrastTitle, "tiff", sep = "."))
# tiff(file = vFName, width = 3200, height = 3200, units = "px", res = 800) ### ModAlba
tiff(filename = vFName, width = 3200, height = 3200, units = "px", res = 800) ### ModAlba
} else {
vFName <- file.path(outputDir, paste("volcano", contrastTitle, "pdf", sep = "."))
opt <- par(cex.lab = 0.7)
if(!is.null(SYMBOLIDs)) {
volcanoNames <- SYMBOLIDs[rownames(exprs.filtered)]
} else {
volcanoNames <- rownames(exprs.filtered)
volcanoplot(fit.main, coef = i, highlight = 10, names = volcanoNames,
main = paste("Differentially expressed genes", contrastTitle, sep = "\n"))
abline(v = c(-1, 1))
addToLinksFile(linksFile, vFName0, categ = "ANALYSIS",
desc = paste("Volcano Plot for the comparison", contrastTitle))
if(Expressions_And_Top) {
if(is.twoSampleContrast(cont.matrix[, i])) { # Si la comparacio inclou 2 mostres s'ha de definir grup1 i grup2
nom1 <- rownames(cont.matrix)[cont.matrix[, i] == 1]
nom2 <- rownames(cont.matrix)[cont.matrix[, i] == -1]
grup1 <- which(design[, colnames(design) == nom1] == 1)
grup2 <- which(design[, colnames(design) == nom2] == 1)
} else if(is.oneSampleContrast(cont.matrix[, i])) { # si inclou sols 1 mostra s'ha de definir sols grup1
nom1 <- rownames(cont.matrix)[cont.matrix[, i] == 1]
nom2 <- NULL
grup1 <- which(design[, colnames(design) == nom1] == 1)
grup2 <- NULL
} else { # si la comparacio es mes complexa s'han de posar ambdos grups i els seus noms a NULL
grup1 <- NULL
grup2 <- NULL
nom1 <- NULL
nom2 <- NULL
topFileName <- paste("ExpressAndTop", contrastTitle, sep = ".")
csvType <- ifelse(is.null(csvType), "csv2", csvType)
if(showParams) {
combined <- escriuTop_i_Express(exprs.filtered, top.Diff,
grup1 = grup1, grup2 = grup2, nom1 = nom1, nom2 = nom2,
#fName=file.path(outputDir, topFileName),
fName = topFileName,
fit = fit.main,
fitCoef = fitCoefName,
anotPackage = anotPackage,
my.symbols = SYMBOLIDs,
my.entrezs = ENTREZIDs,
csvType = csvType,
outputDir = outputDir)
} else {
combined <- escriuTop_i_Express(exprs.filtered, top.Diff,
grup1 = grup1, grup2 = grup2, nom1 = nom1, nom2 = nom2,
#fName=file.path(outputDir, topFileName),
fName = topFileName,
fit = NULL,
fitCoef = NULL,
anotPackage = anotPackage,
my.symbols = SYMBOLIDs,
my.entrezs = ENTREZIDs,
csvType = csvType,
outputDir = outputDir)
addToLinksFile (linksFile, paste(topFileName, substr(csvType, 1, 3), sep = "."), categ = categLabel,
desc = paste("TopTable and normalized expression values for the comparison", fitCoefName))
colnames(numGenesChanged) <- colnames(cont.matrix)[contrasts2test]
chgdFName0 <- paste("numGenesChanged", comparison, substr(csvType, 1, 3), sep = ".")
chgdFName <- paste("numGenesChanged", comparison, sep = ".")
write2csv(numGenesChanged, fileName = chgdFName, csv = csvType, outputDir = outputDir)
addToLinksFile(linksFile, chgdFName0, categ = categLabel,
desc = paste("Number of selectable genes in comparisons", comparison))
save(fit.main, file = file.path(outputDir, fitFileName))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.