GOTerms2Genes.sql <- function(hgResult, anotPackage)
selectedGOTerms <- intersect(names(geneIdUniverse(hgResult)), summary(hgResult)[, 1])
selectedGO<- geneIdUniverse(hgResult)[selectedGOTerms]
if(runMulticore == 1 || runMulticore == 3) {
selectedGenes <- mclapply(selectedGO, function(x) {intersect(geneIds(hgResult), x)})
} else {
selectedGenes <- lapply(selectedGO, function(x) {intersect(geneIds(hgResult), x)})
sql.ENTREZSYMBOL <- "SELECT gene_id, symbol
FROM genes, gene_info
WHERE genes._id=gene_info._id"
if(regexpr(".db", anotPackage) < 0) {
genesAnnot <- dbGetQuery(eval(parse(text = paste0(anotPackage, "_dbconn()"))), sql.ENTREZSYMBOL)
} else {
genesAnnot <- dbGetQuery(eval(parse(text = paste0(substr(anotPackage, 1, nchar(anotPackage) - 3), "_dbconn()"))), sql.ENTREZSYMBOL)
if(runMulticore == 1 || runMulticore == 3) {
selectedSymb <- mclapply(selectedGenes, function(x) {genesAnnot[which(unlist(genesAnnot) %in% x), ]})
selectedSymb <- mclapply(selectedSymb, function(x) {x <- x[, -1]})
} else {
selectedSymb <- lapply(selectedGenes, function(x) {genesAnnot[which(unlist(genesAnnot) %in% x), ]})
selectedSymb <- lapply(selectedSymb, function(x) {x <- x[, -1]})
goLinksTest <- function(my.GOIDs) {
if(runMulticore ==1 || runMulticore ==3) {
GOIDslinked <- unlist(mclapply(my.GOIDs, function(x) {paste0("<a href=\"http://amigo.geneontology.org/cgi-bin/amigo/go.cgi?view=details&query=",
x, "\">", x, "</a>")}))
} else {
GOIDslinked <- unlist(lapply(my.GOIDs, function(x) {paste0("<a href=\"http://amigo.geneontology.org/cgi-bin/amigo/go.cgi?view=details&query=",
x, "\">", x, "</a>")}))
write.htmltable <- function (x, filename, title = "", sortby = NULL, decreasing = TRUE,
open = "wt", formatNumeric = function(x) paste(signif(x, 3))) {
if(!is.null(sortby)) {
if(!sortby %in% colnames(x))
stop(paste("Invalid argument \"sortby\": could not find a column in data frame x with name", sortby))
soby <- x[, sortby]
if (!is.numeric(soby))
stop("Invalid argument \"sortby\": column is not numeric")
x <- x[order(soby, decreasing = decreasing), ]
outfile <- file(paste0(filename, ".html"), open = open)
cat("<html>", "<STYLE>", "<!--TD { FONT-FAMILY: Helvetica,Arial; FONT-SIZE: 14px;}-->",
"<!--H1 { FONT-FAMILY: Helvetica,Arial; FONT-SIZE: 22px;}-->",
"</STYLE>", "<head>", paste0("<TITLE>", title, "</TITLE>"), "</head>",
"<body bgcolor=#ffffff>", file = outfile, sep = "\n")
if(title != "")
cat("<CENTER><H1 ALIGN=\"CENTER\">", title, " </H1></CENTER>\n", file = outfile, sep = "\n")
cat("<CENTER> \n", file = outfile)
cat("<TABLE BORDER=0>", file = outfile, sep = "\n")
cat("<TR>", file = outfile)
for (j in 1:ncol(x)) cat("<TD BGCOLOR=\"", c("#e0e0ff", "#d0d0f0")[j%%2 + 1], "\"><B>",
colnames(x)[j], "</B></TD>\n", sep = "", file = outfile)
cat("</TR>", file = outfile)
for(i in 1:nrow(x)) {
cat("<TR>", file = outfile)
for(j in 1:ncol(x)) {
txt <- switch(class(x[[j]]), numeric = formatNumeric(x[i, j]), as.character(x[i, j]))
if(length(grep("^http:", txt)) > 0) {
txt <- sub(";$", "", txt)
s <- unlist(strsplit(txt, "[/?=]"))
txt <- paste0("<A HREF=\"", txt, "\" TARGET=\"z\">", s[length(s)], "</A>")
cat("<TD BGCOLOR=\"", c("#e0e0ff", "#d0d0f0", "#f0f0ff", "#e0e0f0")[i%%2 * 2 + j%%2 + 1],
"\">", txt, "</TD>\n", sep = "", file = outfile)
cat("</TR>", file = outfile)
cat("</TABLE></CENTER>", "</body>", "</html>", sep = "\n", file = outfile)
enrichment_Analysis <- function(EntrezIDs,
universe = NULL,
pval = 0.05,
min.count = 3,
addGeneNames = TRUE,
ontologias = c("MF", "BP", "CC"),
testDirections = c("over", "under"),
contrast.Name) {
universe <- unique(universe)
EntrezIDs <- unique(EntrezIDs)
params <- new("GOHyperGParams",
geneIds = EntrezIDs,
universeGeneIds = universe,
annotation = anotPackage,
ontology = "MF",
pvalueCutoff = pval,
testDirection = "over")
resCum <- NULL
resum <- NULL
ontoTitle <- c(MF = "Molecular Function", BP = "Biological Process", CC = "Cellular Component")
for(onto in ontologias) {
params@ontology <- onto
dir.i <- 1
for(direction in testDirections) {
params@testDirection <- direction
hgResult <- hyperGTest(params)
if(addGeneNames) {
EnrichedGOTerms <- as.character(summary(hgResult)[, 1])
if(length(EnrichedGOTerms) > 0) {
selectedSymbols <- GOTerms2Genes.sql(hgResult, anotPackage)
genesInHg <- sapply(selectedSymbols, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ", "))
reshgTest <- cbind(summary(hgResult), GeneNames = genesInHg)
} else {
reshgTest <- summary(hgResult)
} else {
reshgTest <- summary(hgResult)
colorTest <- ifelse(direction == "over", "red;\">", "green;\">")
reshgTest <- cbind(reshgTest,
OverUnder = rep(paste0("<center><span style=\"color:", colorTest, direction, "</span></center>"),
reshgTest[, 1] <- goLinksTest(reshgTest[, 1])
colnames(reshgTest)[1] <- "GOID"
if(dir.i == 1) {
reshgTest2table <- reshgTest
} else {
reshgTest2table <- rbind(reshgTest2table, reshgTest)
dir.i <- dir.i + 1
if(dim(reshgTest2table)[1] != 0) {
reshgTest2table <- cbind(Ontology = paste0("<center>", onto, "</center>"),
resum <- rbind(resum, reshgTest2table)
if(!is.null(resum)) {
if(addGeneNames) {
my.table <- resum[, c(1, 2, 8, 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 10)]
} else {
my.table <- resum[, c(1, 2, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 9)]
write.htmltable(x = my.table,
# file = file.path(outputDir, anotFName), ### ModAlba
filename = file.path(outputDir, anotFName), ### ModAlba
title = paste("GO Enrichment Analysis", contrast.Name),
open = "wt")
sortable.html.table(df = my.table,
output.file = paste0(anotFName, "-sortable.html"),
output.directory = outputDir,
page.title = "GO Enrichment Analysis" )
#' @name GOAnalysis
#' @title Function that perform enrichment analysis based on the GO for one gene list and all ontologies with the GOstats package.
#' @param fitMain Object generated by the lmFit function.
#' @param whichContrasts Describes the lmFit contrasts whose associated ids will be analyzed.
#' @param comparison.Name Name of the comparison. To identify the output.
#' @param outputDir Path of the file created.
#' @param anotPackage Annotation package.
#' @param my.IDs Gene identifiers to be analyze. If NULL all provided by the lmFit object will be analyzed.
#' @param addGeneNames Vector of the gene names.
#' @param fileOfLinks Name of the links file.
#' @param thrLogFC Threshold for the logarithm Fold Change
#' @param cutoffMethod Method used to select the genes to be analyzed.
#' @param P.Value.cutoff Maximum value for the p.value.
#' @param pval Pvalue for the enrichment analysis test.
#' @param min.count Minimum number of categories for a result to be considered.
#' @param ontologias Ontologies to be used in the analysis.
#' @param testDirections To decide if the analysis has to be applied to genes upregulated, downregulated or both.
#' @param minNumGens Mimimum number of genes.
#' @importFrom limma topTable
#' @importFrom GOstats hyperGTest
#' @importFrom SortableHTMLTables sortable.html.table
#' @importFrom DBI dbGetQuery
#' @importFrom links2File addToLinksFile
#' @import GO.db
#' @import GOstats
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(GOstats)
#' GOResult<-BasicP::GOAnalysis(fitMain = fitMain, whichContrasts = wCont,
#' comparison.Name = "Estudi", outputDir = outputDir, anotPackage = "org.Hs.eg",
#' my.IDs = entrezTable, addGeneNames = TRUE, fileOfLinks = linksFile, thrLogFC = 1,
#' cutoffMethod = "adjusted", P.Value.cutoff = rep(0.05, length(wCont)), pval = 0.01,
#' min.count = 3, ontologias = c("MF", "BP", "CC"), testDirections = c("over", "under"),
#' minNumGens = 0)
#' }
#' @export
GOAnalysis <- function(fitMain,
addGeneNames = TRUE,
cutoffMethod = c("adjusted", "unadjusted"),
P.Value.cutoff = rep(0.05, length(whichContrasts)),
pval = 0.05,
min.count = 3,
ontologias = c("MF", "BP", "CC"),
testDirections = c("over", "under"),
minNumGens = 0) {
categLabel <- "GO"
if((!is.null(fitMain)) && (!is.null(fitMain$contrasts[, whichContrasts]))) {
if(is.null(my.IDs)) {
# stopifnot(require(old2db (anotPackage), character.only=T)) ### ModAlba
stopifnot(requireNamespace(old2db(anotPackage))) ### ModAlba
myenvirENTREZID <- eval(parse(text = paste0(anotPackage, "ENTREZID")))
# geneUniverse <- unlist(mget(unique( fitMain$genes[,1]), env = myenvirENTREZID, ifnotfound = NA)) ### ModAlba
geneUniverse <- unlist(mget(unique( fitMain$genes[, 1]), envir = myenvirENTREZID, ifnotfound = NA)) ### ModAlba
} else {
geneUniverse <- unlist(my.IDs)
geneUniverse <- unique(geneUniverse[geneUniverse != "---"])
for(i in whichContrasts) {
if(is.null(thrLogFC)) {
thrLogFC <- 0
} else {
thrLogFC <- abs(thrLogFC)
# top.Diff <- topTable(fitMain, coef = i, n = nrow(fitMain$t), adjust = "fdr", lfc=thrLogFC) # Seleccionem per FDR y mes ### ModAlba
top.Diff <- topTable(fitMain, coef = i, number = nrow(fitMain$t), adjust.method = "fdr", lfc = thrLogFC) # Seleccionem per FDR y mes ### ModAlba
if(cutoffMethod == "adjusted") {
top.Diff.selected.up <- top.Diff[(top.Diff$adj.P.Val < P.Value.cutoff[i]) & (top.Diff$t >0), ]
top.Diff.selected.down <- top.Diff[(top.Diff$adj.P.Val < P.Value.cutoff[i]) & (top.Diff$t < 0), ]
} else {
top.Diff.selected.up <- top.Diff[(top.Diff$P.Value < P.Value.cutoff[i]) & (top.Diff$t >0), ]
top.Diff.selected.down <- top.Diff[(top.Diff$P.Value < P.Value.cutoff[i]) & (top.Diff$t < 0), ]
if(!is.null(top.Diff$ID)) {
gNames.up <- top.Diff.selected.up$ID
gNames.down <- top.Diff.selected.down$ID
} else {
gNames.up <- rownames(top.Diff.selected.up)
gNames.down <- rownames(top.Diff.selected.down)
if(!(is.null(my.IDs))) {
selectedEntrezIds.up <- unlist(my.IDs[gNames.up])
selectedEntrezIds.up <- unique(selectedEntrezIds.up[selectedEntrezIds.up != "---"])
selectedEntrezIds.down <- unlist(my.IDs[gNames.down])
selectedEntrezIds.down <- unique(selectedEntrezIds.down[selectedEntrezIds.down != "---"])
} else {
# stopifnot(require(old2db (anotPackage), character.only=T)) ### ModAlba
stopifnot(requireNamespace(old2db(anotPackage))) ### ModAlba
myenvirENTREZID <- eval(parse(text = paste0(anotPackage, "ENTREZID")))
# selectedEntrezIds.up <- unlist(mget(unique(gNames.up), env = myenvirENTREZID, ifnotfound = NA)) ### ModAlba
# selectedEntrezIds.down <- unlist(mget(unique(gNames.down), env = myenvirENTREZID, ifnotfound = NA)) ### ModAlba
selectedEntrezIds.up <- unlist(mget(unique(gNames.up), envir = myenvirENTREZID, ifnotfound = NA)) ### ModAlba
selectedEntrezIds.down <- unlist(mget(unique(gNames.down), envir = myenvirENTREZID, ifnotfound = NA)) ### ModAlba
contrast.Name <- colnames(fitMain$contrasts)[i]
if(is.null(selectedEntrezIds.up) | (length(selectedEntrezIds.up) <= minNumGens)) {
warning(paste("There are not enough genes for cutoff", P.Value.cutoff[i], "and t > 0 in comparison", contrast.Name))
cat(paste("There are not enough genes for cutoff", P.Value.cutoff[i], "and t > 0 in comparison", contrast.Name, "\n"))
} else {
eaUpFName <- paste("SignificantGO", comparison.Name, contrast.Name, "Up", sep = ".")
eA.up <- enrichment_Analysis(EntrezIDs = selectedEntrezIds.up,
anotFName = eaUpFName,
anotPackage = anotPackage,
outputDir = outputDir,
universe = geneUniverse,
pval = pval,
min.count = min.count,
addGeneNames = addGeneNames,
ontologias = ontologias,
testDirections = testDirections,
contrast.Name = paste("for up-regulated genes in comparison", contrast.Name, sep = ": "))
paste(eaUpFName, "html", sep = "."),
categ = categLabel,
desc = paste("Enrichment Analysis for up-regulated genes in comparison", contrast.Name, sep = ": "))
# if (is.null(selectedEntrezIds.down))
if(is.null(selectedEntrezIds.down) | (length(selectedEntrezIds.down) <= minNumGens)) {
warning(paste("There are not enough genes for cutoff", P.Value.cutoff[i], "and t < 0 in comparison", contrast.Name))
cat(paste("There are not enough genes for cutoff", P.Value.cutoff[i], "and t < 0 in comparison", contrast.Name, "\n"))
} else {
eaDownFName <- paste("SignificantGO", comparison.Name, contrast.Name, "Down", sep = ".")
eA.down <- enrichment_Analysis(EntrezIDs = selectedEntrezIds.down,
anotFName = eaDownFName,
anotPackage = anotPackage,
outputDir = outputDir,
universe = geneUniverse,
pval = pval,
min.count = min.count,
addGeneNames = addGeneNames,
ontologias = ontologias,
testDirections = testDirections,
contrast.Name = paste("for down-regulated genes in comparison", contrast.Name, sep = ": "))
addToLinksFile(fileOfLinks, paste(eaDownFName, "html", sep = "."),
categ = categLabel,
desc = paste("Enrichment Analysis for down-regulated genes in comparison", contrast.Name, sep = ": "))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.