trim <- function(x) {gsub("^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$", "", x)}
repofun <- function(x, y, z = NULL, ...) {
NAids <- which(is.na(x))
blnksIDs <- which(x == " ")
x <- trim(x)
specie <- z
if(y %in% c("SYMBOL", "GENENAME", "MAP", "ENZYME")) {
out <- x
} else {
if(y == "PMID") {
out <- paste0("<a href=\"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/", paste(x, collapse = ","),
"?tool=bioconductor\" target=\"_blank\">", length(x), "</a>")
} else {
out <- switch(y,
"ACCNUM" = paste0("<a href=\"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/", x, "\" target=\"_blank\">", x, "</a>"),
# "ACCNUM" = paste("<a href=\"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=search&db=nucleotide&term=",
# x, "[ACCN]&doptcmdl=GenBank\" target=\"_blank\">", x, "</a>", sep = ""),
"ENTREZ" = paste0("<a href=\"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=gene&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids=",
x, "\" target=\"_blank\">", x, "</a>"),
"REFSEQ" = paste0("<a href=\"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/", x, "?\" target=\"_blank\">", x, "</a>"),
"UNIGENE" = paste0("<a href=\"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/UniGene/clust.cgi?ORG=Hs&CID=",
substr(x, 4, nchar(x)), "\" target=\"_blank\">", x, "</a>"),
"ENSEMBL" = paste0("<a href=\"http://www.ensembl.org/", z, "/Gene/Summary?g=", x, "\" target=\"_blank\">", x, "</a>"),
"UNIPROT" = paste0("<a href=\"http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/", x, "\" target=\"_blank\">", x, "</a>"),
"GO" = paste0("<a href=\"http://amigo.geneontology.org/cgi-bin/amigo/term_details?term=", x, "\" target=\"_blank\">", x, "</a>"),
"PATH" = paste0("<a href=\"http://www.genome.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?", specie, x, "\" target=\"_blank\">", x, "</a>"))
out[NAids] <- " "
out[blnksIDs] <- " "
translateIDs <- function(geneIDs,
typeID = "REFSEQ",
specie = NULL,
...) {
annot <- eval(parse(text = paste0(anotPackage, typeID)))
newIDs <- AnnotationDbi::mget(geneIDs, annot, ifnotfound = NA)
if(typeID == "GO") {
if(runMulticore == 1 || runMulticore == 3) {
goids <- mclapply(1:length(names(newIDs)), function(x, y){names(newIDs[[x]])}, y = newIDs)
} else {
goids <- lapply(1:length(names(newIDs)), function(x, y){names(newIDs[[x]])}, y = newIDs)
names(goids) <- names(newIDs)
if(runMulticore == 1 || runMulticore == 3) {
idxs <- which(unlist(mclapply(goids, is.null)) == TRUE)
} else {
idxs <- which(unlist(lapply(goids, is.null)) == TRUE)
goids[idxs] <- NA
newIDs <- goids
if(toHTML) {
if(runMulticore == 1 || runMulticore == 3) {
newIDs <- mclapply(newIDs, function(x, y, z) {repofun(x, y, z)}, y = typeID, z = specie)
} else {
newIDs <- lapply(newIDs, function(x, y, z) {repofun(x, y, z)}, y = typeID, z = specie)
mysep <- ", "
} else {
mysep <- " /// "
if(runMulticore == 1 || runMulticore == 3) {
out <- mclapply(newIDs, FUN = function(x, y){paste(x, collapse = mysep)}, y = mysep)
} else {
out <- lapply(newIDs, FUN = function(x, y){paste(x, collapse = mysep)}, y = mysep)
#' @name GeneAnnotation.
#' @title Function to create a table with annotations to provide information about elected genes.
#' @param egIDs Entrez gene identifiers.
#' @param anotPackage Annotation package.
#' @param toHTML If TRUE a html file will be created.
#' @param outputDir Path of the file created.
#' @param filename Name of the file.
#' @param myTitle Title of ???
#' @param specie Specie
#' @param info2show Information that has to be shown
#' @param linksFile Name of the LinksFile.
#' @param maxGenes Maximum number of
#' @importFrom SortableHTMLTables sortable.html.table
#' @importFrom links2File addToLinksFile
#' @return It returns the time that the process least.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' genes2annotate <- entrezs[unique(rownames(fitMain$p.value))]
#' genesAnnotated <-BasicP::GeneAnnotation(egIDs = genes2annotate, anotPackage = "org.Hs.eg",
#' toHTML = TRUE, outputDir = outputDir,
#' filename = "Annotations",
#' myTitle = "Annotations for all genes analyzed",
#' specie = "homo sapiens",
#' info2show = c("Affymetrix", "EntrezGene", "GeneSymbol",
#' "GeneName", "KEGG", "GO"),
#' linksFile = linksFile, maxGenes = NULL)
#' }
#' @export
GeneAnnotation <- function(egIDs,
filename = "annotations",
myTitle = "Annotations for all genes analyzed",
specie = "Homo_sapiens",
info2show = c("Affymetrix", "EntrezGene"),
maxGenes = NULL) {
ptm <- proc.time()
NAs <- egIDs[is.na(egIDs)]
eg <- na.omit(egIDs)
if(toHTML) {
l.ai <- paste0("<span id=\"", names(eg), "\">", names(eg), "</span>")
} else {
l.ai <- names(eg)
l.eg <- repofun(x = eg, y = "ENTREZ")
a <- cbind(l.ai, l.eg)
colnames(a) <- c("AffyID", "EntrezGene")
if("GeneSymbol" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.gs <- unlist(translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "SYMBOL", toHTML))
a <- cbind(a, l.gs)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "Symbol")
if("GeneName" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.gn <- unlist(translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "GENENAME", toHTML))
a <- cbind(a, l.gn)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "Description")
if("KEGG" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.kg <- unlist(translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "PATH", toHTML, specie = specie))
a <- cbind(a, l.kg)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "KEGG")
if("GO" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.go <- unlist(translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "GO", toHTML))
a <- cbind(a, l.go)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "GO")
if("PubMed" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.pm <- unlist(translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "PMID", toHTML))
a <- cbind(a, l.pm)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "Pubmed")
if("GenBank" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.gb <- unlist(translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "ACCNUM", toHTML))
a <- cbind(a, l.gb)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "GenBank")
if("RefSeq" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.rs <- unlist(translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "REFSEQ", toHTML))
a <- cbind(a, l.rs)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "RefSeq")
if("UniGene" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.ug <- unlist(translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "UNIGENE", toHTML))
a <- cbind(a, l.ug)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "UniGene")
if("Ensembl" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.em <- translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "ENSEMBL", toHTML, specie = specie)
a <- cbind(a, l.em)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "Ensembl")
if("UniProt" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.up <- unlist(translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "UNIPROT", toHTML))
a <- cbind(a, l.up)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "UniProt")
if("Cytoband" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.cy <- unlist(translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "MAP", toHTML))
a <- cbind(a, l.cy)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "Cytoband")
if("Enzyme" %in% info2show) {
colnames.a <- colnames(a)
l.ez <- unlist(translateIDs(geneIDs = eg, anotPackage, typeID = "ENZYME", toHTML))
a <- cbind(a, l.ez)
colnames(a) <- c(colnames.a, "Enzyme")
if(!is.null(maxGenes)) {
if(!toHTML) maxGenes <- nrow(a) # si volem anotacions en .txt enlloc de .html no cal tallar l'output
k <- ceiling(nrow(a) / maxGenes) # tallarem l'output en k fitxers en funcio del maxim d'entrades per fitxer
j <- 1 # contador dels "marges" per fer els subsets
for(i in 1:k) {
genAnnot <- a[j:ceiling((nrow(a)*(i/k))), ]
outFileName <- paste(filename, paste0(i, "of", k), sep = ".")
if(toHTML) {
sortable.html.table(df = as.data.frame(genAnnot),
output.file = paste0(outFileName,"-sortable.html"),
output.directory = outputDir,
page.title = myTitle )
} else {
write.table(x = genAnnot, file = file.path(outputDir, paste(outFileName, "txt", sep = ".")),
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
anotationsFName <- ifelse(toHTML,
paste(outFileName, "html", sep = "."),
paste(outFileName, "txt", sep = "."))
addToLinksFile(linksFile = linksFile,
aFName = anotationsFName,
categ = 'ANNOT',
desc = "Gene annotations for all genes analyzed")
j <- j + ceiling((nrow(a) / k)) # actualitzem els marges pel seguent subset
} else {
genAnnot <- a
outFileName <- filename
if(toHTML) {
sortable.html.table(df = as.data.frame(genAnnot),
output.file = paste0(outFileName,"-sortable.html"),
output.directory = outputDir,
page.title = myTitle )
} else {
write.table(x = genAnnot, file = file.path(outputDir, paste(outFileName, "txt", sep = ".")),
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
anotationsFName <- ifelse(toHTML,
paste(outFileName, "html", sep = "."),
paste(outFileName, "txt", sep = "."))
addToLinksFile(linksFile = linksFile,
aFName = anotationsFName,
categ = 'ANNOT',
desc = "Gene annotations for all genes analyzed")
return(proc.time() - ptm)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.