
Defines functions makeBoxplot

Documented in makeBoxplot

#' makeBoxplot
#' @aliases makeBoxplot
#' @seealso \code{\link{calcScore}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{boxplot}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{correctBatchEffect}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @title produce simple predefined boxplot for methylation data
#' @description A simple \code{\link{boxplot}} is done with boxes either
#' separated by batches or by samples and describe the five number summary of
#' all beta values corresponding to a batch or a sample, respectively. The
#' batch_ids are shown on the x-axis with a coloring corresponding to the
#' BEscore.
#' @details The color code for the batch_ids on the x-axis provides a simple
#' "traffic light" the user can use to decide if he wants to correct for an
#' assumed batch effect or not. Green means no batch effect, yellow a possibly
#' existing not severe batch effect and red stands for an obviously existing
#' batch effect that should be corrected. The traffic light colors are set
#' according to the BEscore from the \code{\link{calcScore}} function, values
#' from 0 to 0.02 are colored in green, from 0.02 to 0.1 in yellow and values
#' over 0.1 are colored in red.
#' @param data any matrix filled with beta values, column names have to be
#' sample_ids corresponding to the ids listed in "samples", row names have to
#' be gene names.
#' @param samples data frame with two columns, the first column has to contain
#' the sample numbers, the second column has to contain the corresponding batch
#' number. Colnames have to be named as "sample_id" and "batch_id".
#' @param score data frame produced by the \code{\link{calcScore}} function.
#' Contains the number of presumably batch affected genes and a BEscore which
#' is needed for the coloring of the batch_ids.
#' @param bySamples should the boxes be separated by samples or not. If not,
#' boxes are separated by the batch_ids.
#' @param col colors for the boxes, refers to the standard \code{\link{boxplot}}
#' R-function. If it is set to "standard", boxes are colored batch-wise (if
#' separated by samples) or the standard color "yellow" is used (if separated
#' by batches).
#' @param main main title for the box plot. Default is an empty string.
#' @param xlab label for the x-axis of the box plot. Default is "Batch".
#' @param ylab label for the y-axis of the box plot. Default is "Beta value".
#' @param scoreCol should the batch_ids on the a-axis be colored according to
#' the BEscore or not? If not, black is used as color for all batch_ids.
#' @param log TRUE, if the y-axis should be on a logarithmic scale. 
#' @export makeBoxplot
#' @importFrom graphics boxplot mtext par
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom stats ks.test median rnorm
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @usage makeBoxplot(data, samples, score, bySamples=FALSE, col="standard",
#' main="", xlab="Batch", ylab="Beta value", scoreCol=TRUE, log = FALSE)
#' @return Returns a boxplot on the graphic device with the features explained
#' above.
#' @examples
#' ## Shortly running example. For a more realistic example that takes
#' ## some more time, run the same procedure with the full BEclearData
#' ## dataset.
#' ## Whole procedure that has to be done to use this function.
#' data(BEclearData)
#' ex.data <- ex.data[31:90, 7:26]
#' ex.samples <- ex.samples[7:26, ]
#' ## Prepare the data for the box plots
#' ## Calculate the batch effects
#' batchEffects <- calcBatchEffects(data = ex.data, samples = ex.samples,
#' adjusted = TRUE, method = "fdr")
#' meds <- batchEffects$med
#' pvals <- batchEffects$pval
#' ## Summarize p-values and median differences for batch affected genes
#' sum <- calcSummary(medians = meds, pvalues = pvals)
#' # Calculate the BEscore for the batch_id colorings of the x-axis
#' score <- calcScore(data = ex.data, samples = ex.samples, summary = sum)
#' ## Simple boxplot for the example data separated by batch
#' makeBoxplot(
#'   data = ex.data, samples = ex.samples, score = score, bySamples = FALSE,
#'   main = "Some box plot"
#' )
#' ## Simple boxplot for the example data separated by samples
#' makeBoxplot(
#'   data = ex.data, samples = ex.samples, score = score, bySamples = TRUE,
#'   main = "Some box plot"
#' )
makeBoxplot <- function(data, samples, score, bySamples = FALSE, col = "standard",
                        main = "", xlab = "Batch", ylab = "Beta value",
                        scoreCol = TRUE, log = FALSE) {
    logPar <- ""
        logPar <- "y"
  if (bySamples == FALSE) {
    ## get batch numbers
    batches <- sort(unique(samples$batch_id))
    ## prepare data for the box plot
    boxplotData <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(length(batches)))
      s <- as.character(samples[
        samples$batch_id == batches[i],
      boxplotData[[as.character(batches[i])]] <- as.vector(as.matrix(
        data[, s]
    annotation <- rep("", length(batches))
    par(las = 2)
    if (col == "standard") {
      coloring <- "yellow"
    else {
      coloring <- col

    ## make boxplot
      col = coloring, main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
      names = annotation, cex.axis = 1, xaxt = "n", log = logPar

    if (scoreCol == TRUE) {
      ## get scoring colors for the x-axis labels
      colors <- c()
      for (i in batches) {
        if (score$BEscore[score$batch == i] >= 0.1) {
          colors <- c(colors, "red")
        } else
        if (score$BEscore[score$batch == i] >= 0.02 &
          score$BEscore[score$batch == i] < 1) {
          colors <- c(colors, "orange")
        } else
        if (score$BEscore[score$batch == i] < 0.02) {
          colors <- c(colors, "darkgreen")
    else {
      colors <- rep("black", length(batches))

    ## add colored batch number to x-axis
    for (i in seq_len(length(batches))) {
        side = 1, line = 1, at = i, las = 2, cex = 1,
        col = colors[i]
  else {
    ## get batch numbers
    batches <- sort(unique(samples$batch_id))
    ## boxplot separated by sample
    ## sort samples by batch
    samplesNew <- samples
    samplesNew <- samplesNew[order(samplesNew$batch_id), ]
    ## take sample_ids
    barcodes <- samplesNew$sample_id

    ## prepare data
    boxplotData <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(length(barcodes)))
      s <- as.character(samplesNew[
        samplesNew$sample_id == barcodes[i],
      boxplotData[[as.character(barcodes[i])]] <- as.vector(as.matrix(
        data[, s]

    annotation <- rep("", length(barcodes))
    par(las = 2)
    ## get colors for the boxes
    batchesForColoring <- sort(samples$batch_id)
    ## store number of samples per batch
    countings <- as.vector(table(batchesForColoring))
    if (col == "standard") {
      coloring <- c()
      colnum <- 1
      for (i in seq_len(length(batches))) {
        if (colnum == 1) {
          coloring <- c(coloring, rep("yellow", countings[i]))
          colnum <- 2
        } else
        if (colnum == 2) {
          coloring <- c(coloring, rep("red", countings[i]))
          colnum <- 3
        } else
        if (colnum == 3) {
          coloring <- c(coloring, rep("blue", countings[i]))
          colnum <- 4
        } else
        if (colnum == 4) {
          coloring <- c(coloring, rep(
          colnum <- 1
    else {
      coloring <- col

    ## make the boxplot
      main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
      names = annotation, col = coloring, cex.axis = 0.8, xaxt = "n", log = logPar

    ## get scoring colors for the x-axis labels
    if (scoreCol == TRUE) {
      colors <- c()
      for (i in batches) {
        if (score$BEscore[score$batch == i] >= 0.1) {
          colors <- c(colors, "red")
        } else
        if (score$BEscore[score$batch == i] >= 0.02 &
          score$BEscore[score$batch == i] < 1) {
          colors <- c(colors, "orange")
        } else
        if (score$BEscore[score$batch == i] < 0.02) {
          colors <- c(colors, "darkgreen")
    else {
      colors <- rep("black", length(batches))

    ## calculate positions to add text for every batch
    positionsText <- c()
    positionCounter <- 0
    for (i in seq_len(length(batches))) {
      if (countings[i] == 1) {
        positionsText <- c(positionsText, positionCounter + 1)
      } else
      if (countings[i] == 2) {
        positionsText <- c(positionsText, positionCounter + 1)
      } else
      if (countings[i] == 3) {
        positionsText <- c(positionsText, positionCounter + 2)
      } else
      ## nearly the mid position of the batch
      if (countings[i] >= 4) {
        positionsText <- c(positionsText, positionCounter +
          ceiling(countings[i] / 2))
      positionCounter <- positionCounter + countings[i]

    ## add colored batch number to x-axis
    batchCounter <- 1
    for (i in seq_len(positionCounter)) {
      if (batchCounter == length(batches) + 1) {
      } else
      ## add number if i is on positionText of batch batchCounter
      if (i == positionsText[batchCounter]) {
          side = 1, line = 1, at = i, las = 2,
          cex = 1, col = colors[batchCounter]
        batchCounter <- batchCounter + 1
      } else
      ## add "" if not
      if (i != positionsText[batchCounter]) {
        mtext("", side = 1, line = 1, at = i, las = 2, cex = 1)
uds-helms/BEclear documentation built on April 16, 2023, 12:44 a.m.