#' Prepare rewiring data for running the method.
#' Prepare neccessary files for running `runrewiring()`
#' @param name Desired name of the folder which is generated. The chosen
#' threshold will be `paste()` to the folder's name.
#' @param TraReObj TrareObj generated during preprocessing step.
#' @param linker_output linker output file.
#' @param final_signif_thresh Significance threshold for the rewiring method. The lower the threshold, the restrictive the method.
#' @param orig_test_perms Initial permutations for first test (default: 100) .
#' @param retest_thresh Threshold if a second test is performed (default: 0.08) .
#' @param retest_perms Permutations if a second test is performed (default: 1000) .
#' @param low_var_genes_th Perform a filtering to drop out low variance (<th) genes across phenotype samples. Default: 0.25
#' @param outdir Directory for the output folder to be located (default: tempdir())
#' @param nrcores Number of cores to run the parallelization within the rewiring test (default: 3).
#' @param last_cluster Boolean specifying whether to include the last_cluster in the rewiring or not. (default: FALSE)
#' @return Return a list containing: LINKER's output, expression matrix, boolean array from phenotype file,
#' array containing number of c(R,NR) samples, significance threshold and output directory.
#' @examples
#' ## Load the linker output
#' linker_output <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'),
#' '/linker_rewiring_example.rds'))
#' ## Load the phenotype file
#' phenotype_p <- paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'),
#' '/phenotype_rewiring_example.txt')
#' phenotype <- read.delim(phenotype_p, row.names = 1)
#' colnames(phenotype) <- 'phenotype'
#' ## We will be using the same file we generated for the LINKER_run phase.
#' ## TraReObj <- readRDS(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'),'/TraReObj.rds'))
#' ## Add the phenotype if it was not in the SummarizedExperiment when we did the preprocessing.
#' ## TraReObj <- rewiring_add_phenotype(TraReObj, phenotype)
#' ## outdir <- system.file('extdata',package='TraRe')
#' ## prepared <- preparerewiring(name='example', linker_output= linker_output,
#' ## TraReObj = TraReObj,
#' ## final_signif_thresh=0.05,
#' ## nrcores=1,outdir=outdir)
#' @export
preparerewiring <- function(name = "defaultname", linker_output = NULL, TraReObj = NULL,
final_signif_thresh = 0.001,
orig_test_perms = 100, retest_thresh = 0.08, retest_perms = 1000,
low_var_genes_th = 0.25, outdir = tempdir(), nrcores = 3, last_cluster = FALSE) {
# checks
if (is.null(linker_output)) {
stop("linker_output file required.")
# check if TraReObj has been provided.
if (is.null(TraReObj)) {
stop("Trare object is required")
#check if phenotype is configured
if (length(TraReObj@pheno) == 1){
stop('phenotype has not been added, please refer to TraRe::rewiring_add_phenotype')
# Check for comparison mode
linker_files <- 1
if (linker_files > 1) {
warning("Data comparison mode selected, only heatmap will be generated.")
# Create folder name
foldername <- paste(name, paste(final_signif_thresh, collapse = "_"), sep = "_")
# Concatenate with outdir path
outdir <- paste(outdir, foldername, sep = "/")
rewobjects <- list()
rewobjects$datasets <- list()
for (i in seq_along(linker_files)) {
rewobject <- list()
rundata <- linker_output
# Retrieve data from TraRe object
lognorm_est_counts <- TraReObj@lognorm_counts
geneinfo <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[TraReObj@regulator_idx]
# phenotype <- TraReObj@pheno
regs <- geneinfo
targs <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[TraReObj@target_idx]
phenosamples <- colnames(lognorm_est_counts)[!is.na(TraReObj@pheno)]
phenotype <- as.logical(TraReObj@pheno[!is.na(TraReObj@pheno)])
# Pre-filter non variant genes
lognorm_est_counts_pheno <- lognorm_est_counts[,phenosamples]
data_shape <- dim(lognorm_est_counts_pheno)
genes_var_cond <- which(apply(lognorm_est_counts_pheno,1,stats::var) >= low_var_genes_th)
if (length(genes_var_cond)>0){
drop_genes <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts_pheno)[!apply(lognorm_est_counts_pheno,1,stats::var) >= low_var_genes_th]
lognorm_est_counts_pheno <- lognorm_est_counts_pheno[genes_var_cond,]
methods::show(paste0(data_shape[1] - nrow(lognorm_est_counts_pheno) ,
' genes have been dropped out according to variance (across samples) threshold: ',
low_var_genes_th, ', from: ', data_shape[1], ' to: ', nrow(lognorm_est_counts_pheno)))
lognorm_est_counts <- lognorm_est_counts_pheno
regs <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[rownames(lognorm_est_counts)%in%regs]
targs <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)[rownames(lognorm_est_counts)%in%targs]
#generate list with name index
name2idx <- seq_len(nrow(lognorm_est_counts))
names(name2idx) <- rownames(lognorm_est_counts)
# check if NR/R proportions are similar to ensure property functioning of the method.
klzero <- sum(phenotype == 0, na.rm = TRUE)
klone <- sum(phenotype == 1, na.rm = TRUE)
#Format linkeroutput modules to graphs
message("\nFrom here on, graphs from LINKER_run output will be taken into account for Rewiring and some of them may be dropped out.\nHence, it is recommended to take preparerewiring object's run data to proceed with further analysis\n")
rundata <- graph_to_modules(linker_output, geneinfo, drop_genes)
if (min(klone, klzero)/max(klone, klzero) < 0.8) {
warning(paste0("phenotype samples proportions imbalance ", toString(c(klzero, klone)), " (<80%)."))
#generate line for
NumRegsTargs <- c("NumRegs and NumTargs: [", length(regs), ",", length(targs), "]")
SampleNames <- c("\nSample Names: [", phenosamples, "]\n\nNumber of samples: ", length(phenosamples))
class_counts <- as.numeric(table(phenotype))
ClassPerCounts <- c("Class Per Counts: ", "(", paste(class_counts, collapse = ","), ")")
rewobject$rundata <- rundata
rewobject$lognorm_est_counts <- lognorm_est_counts
rewobject$final_signif_thresh <- final_signif_thresh
rewobject$name2idx <- name2idx
rewobject$regs <- regs
rewobject$targs <- targs
rewobject$pheno <- phenotype
rewobject$phenosamples <- phenosamples
rewobject$class_counts <- class_counts
rewobjects$datasets[[i]] <- rewobject
rewobjects$outdir <- outdir
rewobjects$orig_test_perms <- orig_test_perms
rewobjects$retest_thresh <- retest_thresh
rewobjects$retest_perms <- retest_perms
rewobjects$NrCores <- nrcores
rewobjects$last_cluster <- last_cluster
# Create logfile
logfile <- list(NumRegsTargs, SampleNames, ClassPerCounts)
logfile <- vapply(logfile, FUN = paste0, collapse = "", FUN.VALUE = "")
rewobjects$logfile <- logfile
# Helper function
graph_to_modules <- function(linkeroutput, geneinfo, drop_genes){
## The structure we want to get is
## linkeroutput$modules[[link_mode]][[graph_mode]][[num_module]]$(target or regs)
#names of linkeroutput
linkeroutput_names <- names(linkeroutput$modules)
linkeroutput <- lapply(linkeroutput_names,function(x){
graph_modes <- names(linkeroutput$graphs[[x]])
selected <- graph_modes[1]
## Select VBSR if more than 1 is available
if (length(graph_modes)>1 & 'VBSR'%in%graph_modes){
selected <- 'VBSR'
module_list <- lapply(seq_along(linkeroutput$graphs[[x]][[selected]]),function(y){
graph <- linkeroutput$graphs[[x]][[selected]][[y]]
totgenes <- unique(names(igraph::V(graph)))
# Remove filtered genes
totgenes_filtered <- totgenes[!totgenes%in%drop_genes]
regulators <- intersect(totgenes_filtered, geneinfo)
if (identical(regulators, character(0))){
message('Module number ',y,' has been deleted')
list(regulators = regulators,
target_genes = setdiff(totgenes_filtered, regulators),
bootstrap_idx = linkeroutput$modules[[x]][[y]]$bootstrap_idx)
#generate old index
orig_index <- unlist(sapply(seq_along(module_list),function(x){
if (!is.null(module_list[[x]])){return(x)}
module_list <- Filter(Negate(function(X) {
length(X) == 0
names(linkeroutput) <- linkeroutput_names
#initialize the final linkeroutut
new_linkeroutput <- list(modules=list(),graphs=list())
for (method in names(linkeroutput)){
#assign the modules
new_linkeroutput[['modules']][[method]] <- linkeroutput[[method]][['modules']]
#assign the graphs
new_linkeroutput[['graphs']][[method]] <- linkeroutput[[method]][['graphs']]
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