
Defines functions summarize_module module_edge_summary module_node_summary maxrepeat

#' Contain neccesary functions to generate rewiring html report
#' @noRd

maxrepeat <- function(invector) {
    sort(table(invector), decreasing = TRUE)[1]

module_node_summary <- function(norm_mat_keep, runmoddata, name2idx, nonrespond_idxs, responder_idxs) {
    # get graph method free edge data

    genenames <- c(runmoddata$regulators, runmoddata$target_genes)
    regidxs <- name2idx[runmoddata$regulators]
    targetidxs <- name2idx[runmoddata$target_genes]
    geneidxs <- c(regidxs, targetidxs)
    isreg <- c(rep(1, length(regidxs)), rep(0, length(targetidxs)))

    allmat <- norm_mat_keep[geneidxs, , drop = FALSE]
    allmat0 <- norm_mat_keep[geneidxs, nonrespond_idxs, drop = FALSE]
    allmat1 <- norm_mat_keep[geneidxs, responder_idxs, drop = FALSE]

    # count of most frequent value in gene
    repAll <- apply(allmat, 1, maxrepeat)
    rep0 <- apply(allmat0, 1, maxrepeat)
    rep1 <- apply(allmat1, 1, maxrepeat)

    # find average value in gene
    avgAll <- rowMeans(allmat)
    avg0 <- rowMeans(allmat0)
    avg1 <- rowMeans(allmat1)

    avgdiff <- avg0 - avg1

    test_vals <- NULL
    for (gene in genenames) {
        tres <- stats::t.test(allmat0[gene, ], allmat1[gene, ])
        wres <- stats::wilcox.test(allmat0[gene, ], allmat1[gene, ])
        myrow <- c(signif(tres$p.value, 3), signif(tres$statistic, 3), signif(wres$p.value, 3), signif(wres$statistic, 3))
        test_vals <- rbind(test_vals, myrow)
    nodesumm <- cbind(genenames, isreg, signif(avgAll, 3), signif(avg0, 3), signif(avg1, 3), signif(avgdiff, 3), test_vals, repAll,
        rep0, rep1)
    colnames(nodesumm) <- c("gene-name", "is-regulator", "avg-all", "avg-nonresp", "avg-respond", "avg-diff", "t-pval", "t-stat", "wilcox-pval",
        "wilcox-stat", "num-repeats-all", "num-repeats-nonresp", "num-repeats-respond")
    rownames(nodesumm) <- genenames

module_edge_summary <- function(norm_mat_keep, runmoddata, name2idx, nonrespond_idxs, responder_idxs) {
    # get graph method free edge data

    regidxs <- name2idx[runmoddata$regulators]
    targetidxs <- name2idx[runmoddata$target_genes]

    regmat <- norm_mat_keep[runmoddata$regulators, , drop = FALSE]
    regmat0 <- norm_mat_keep[runmoddata$regulators, nonrespond_idxs, drop = FALSE]
    regmat1 <- norm_mat_keep[runmoddata$regulators, responder_idxs, drop = FALSE]

    tarmat <- norm_mat_keep[runmoddata$target_genes, ]
    tarmat0 <- norm_mat_keep[runmoddata$target_genes, nonrespond_idxs]
    tarmat1 <- norm_mat_keep[runmoddata$target_genes, responder_idxs]

    edgesumm <- NULL
    for (myreg in runmoddata$regulators) {
        for (mytar in runmoddata$target_genes) {
            pcorall <- stats::cor.test(regmat[myreg, ], tarmat[mytar, ])
            pcor0 <- stats::cor.test(regmat0[myreg, ], tarmat0[mytar, ])
            pcor1 <- stats::cor.test(regmat1[myreg, ], tarmat1[mytar, ])
            spcorall <- stats::cor.test(regmat[myreg, ], tarmat[mytar, ], method = "spearman")
            spcor0 <- stats::cor.test(regmat0[myreg, ], tarmat0[mytar, ], method = "spearman")
            spcor1 <- stats::cor.test(regmat1[myreg, ], tarmat1[mytar, ], method = "spearman")
            myrow <- c(paste0(mytar, "||", myreg), myreg, mytar, pcorall$estimate, pcorall$p.value, pcor0$estimate, pcor0$p.value,
                pcor1$estimate, pcor1$p.value, spcorall$estimate, spcorall$p.value, spcor0$estimate, spcor0$p.value, spcor1$estimate,
            edgesumm <- rbind(edgesumm, myrow)
    colnames(edgesumm) <- c("key", "reg", "target", "all-pearson", "all-pearson-pvalue", "nonresp-pearson", "nonresp-pearson-pvalue",
        "respond-pearson", "respond-pearson-pvalue", "all-spearman", "all-spearman-pvalue", "nonresp-spearman", "nonresp-spearman-pvalue",
        "respond-spearman", "respond-spearman-pvalue")
    rownames(edgesumm) <- edgesumm[, "key"]

# summarize module
summarize_module <- function(norm_expr_mat_keep, runmoddata, name2idx, nonrespond_idxs, responder_idxs) {
    summarized_list <- NULL

    # node summary
    nodesumm <- module_node_summary(norm_expr_mat_keep, runmoddata, name2idx, nonrespond_idxs, responder_idxs)

    # edge summary
    edgesumm <- module_edge_summary(norm_expr_mat_keep, runmoddata, name2idx, nonrespond_idxs, responder_idxs)

    modregs <- runmoddata$regulators
    modtargs <- runmoddata$target_genes

    regidxs <- name2idx[modregs]
    targetidxs <- name2idx[modtargs]

    # get chip evidence and support data
    appendmat <- matrix(0, dim(edgesumm)[1], 6)
    rownames(appendmat) <- rownames(edgesumm)
    colnames(appendmat) <- c("support", "chip-evidence", "num-chip-peaks", "all-weights", "nonresp-weights", "respond-weights")

    # compute graphs and extract VBSR edge weights

    exception <- FALSE  #define variable to generate grah plots after trycatch graph generations.

    full_graph <- tryCatch({

        fg <- NET_compute_graph_all_VBSR(norm_expr_mat_keep, regidxs, targetidxs)

        # extract VBSR edge weights
        orderweights <- orderGraphWeights(fg, rownames(appendmat))
        appendmat[orderweights$commonedges, "all-weights"] <- orderweights$weights


    }, error = function(x) {
        message("Cant generate full graph for this supermodule")
        # cut <- TRUE

    respond_graph <- tryCatch({
        rg <- NET_compute_graph_all_VBSR(norm_expr_mat_keep[, responder_idxs], regidxs, targetidxs)

        # extract VBSR edge weights
        orderweights <- orderGraphWeights(rg, rownames(appendmat))
        appendmat[orderweights$commonedges, "respond-weights"] <- orderweights$weights


    }, error = function(x) {
        message("Cant generate responder graph for this supermodule")

    nonresp_graph <- tryCatch({

        ng <- NET_compute_graph_all_VBSR(norm_expr_mat_keep[, nonrespond_idxs], regidxs, targetidxs)

        # extract VBSR edge weights
        orderweights <- orderGraphWeights(ng, rownames(appendmat))
        appendmat[orderweights$commonedges, "nonresp-weights"] <- orderweights$weights


    }, error = function(x) {

        message("Cant generate nonresponder graph for this supermodule")


    if (is.null(full_graph)) exception <- TRUE
    fulledgesumm <- utils::type.convert(as.data.frame(cbind(edgesumm, appendmat), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    colnames(fulledgesumm) <- make.names(colnames(fulledgesumm))

    return(list(nodesumm = nodesumm, fulledgesumm = fulledgesumm, full_graph = full_graph, respond_graph = respond_graph, nonresp_graph = nonresp_graph, 
        appendmat = appendmat, runmoddata = runmoddata, exception = exception))
ubioinformat/TraRe documentation built on March 10, 2024, 1:11 a.m.