#' Get data for calculating the distance matrix
#' @export
#' @usage get_data_clustering(data, profile_type, var1_aggregate_by,
#' var2_aggregate_by)
#' @param data processed profile data
#' @param profile_type type of data used for calculating the distance matrix.
#' Either "binary" (consider only the presence/absence status of orthlogs), or
#' "var1"/"var2" for taking values of the additional variables into account.
#' @param var1_aggregate_by aggregate method for VAR1 (min, max, mean or median)
#' @param var2_aggregate_by aggregate method for VAR2 (min, max, mean or median)
#' @return A wide dataframe contains values for calculating distance matrix.
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
#' @note Documented by Vinh Tran (tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de)
#' @seealso \code{\link{from_input_to_profile}}
#' @examples
#' data("full_processed_profile", package="phyloprofile")
#' data <- full_processed_profile
#' profile_type <- "binary"
#' var1_aggregate_by <- "max"
#' var2_aggregate_by <- "mean"
#' get_data_clustering(data, profile_type, var1_aggregate_by, var2_aggregate_by)
get_data_clustering <- function(
data, profile_type, var1_aggregate_by, var2_aggregate_by
) {
supertaxon <- NULL
presSpec <- NULL
# remove lines where there is no found ortholog
sub_data_heat <- subset(data, data$presSpec > 0)
# transform data into wide matrix
if (profile_type == "binary") {
sub_data_heat <- sub_data_heat[, c("geneID", "supertaxon", "presSpec")]
sub_data_heat$presSpec[sub_data_heat$presSpec > 0] <- 1
sub_data_heat <- sub_data_heat[!duplicated(sub_data_heat), ]
wide_data <- spread(sub_data_heat, supertaxon, presSpec)
} else {
var <- profile_type
sub_data_heat <- sub_data_heat[, c("geneID", "supertaxon", var)]
sub_data_heat <- sub_data_heat[!duplicated(sub_data_heat), ]
# aggreagte the values by the selected method
if (var == "var1") aggregate_by <- var1_aggregate_by
else aggregate_by <- var2_aggregate_by
sub_data_heat <- aggregate(
sub_data_heat[, var],
list(sub_data_heat$geneID, sub_data_heat$supertaxon),
FUN = aggregate_by
colnames(sub_data_heat) <- c("geneID", "supertaxon", var)
wide_data <- spread(sub_data_heat, supertaxon, var)
# set name for wide matrix as gene IDs
dat <- wide_data[, 2:ncol(wide_data)]
rownames(dat) <- wide_data[, 1]
dat[is.na(dat)] <- 0
#' Calculate the distance matrix
#' @export
#' @param profiles profile data for distance calculating
#' @param method distance calculation method ("euclidean", "maximum",
#' "manhattan", "canberra", "binary", "distance_correlation",
#' "mutual_information" or "pearson" for binary data; "distance_correlation" or
#' "mutual_information" for non-binary data)
#' @return A distance matrix for input phylogenetic profiles.
#' @author Carla Mölbert (carla.moelbert@gmx.de)
#' @note Documented by Vinh Tran (tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de)
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_data_clustering}}
#' @examples
#' data("full_processed_profile_large", package="phyloprofile")
#' data <- full_processed_profile_large
#' profile_type <- "binary"
#' profiles <- get_data_clustering(
#' data, profile_type, var1_aggregate_by, var2_aggregate_by)
#' method <- "mutual_information"
#' get_distance_matrix(profiles, method)
get_distance_matrix <- function(profiles, method) {
profiles <- profiles[, colSums(profiles != 0) > 0]
profiles <- profiles[rowSums(profiles != 0) > 0, ]
dist_methods <- c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary")
if (method %in% dist_methods) {
distance_matrix <- dist(profiles, method = method)
} else if (method == "distance_correlation") {
matrix <- data.frame()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(profiles))) { # rows
for (j in seq_len(nrow(profiles))) { # columns
if (i == j) {
matrix[i,i] = 1 # if this cell NA as.dist not work probably
dist <- dcor(unlist(profiles[i,]), unlist(profiles[j,]))
# Swich the value so that the profiles with a high correlation
# are clustered together
matrix[i,j] <- 1 - dist
profile_names <- rownames(profiles)
colnames(matrix) <- profile_names[seq_len(length(profile_names)) - 1]
rownames(matrix) <- profile_names
distance_matrix <- as.dist(matrix)
} else if (method == "mutual_information") {
distance_matrix <- mutualInfo(as.matrix(profiles))
distance_matrix <- max(distance_matrix, na.rm = TRUE) - distance_matrix
} else if (method == "pearson") {
distance_matrix <- cor.dist(as.matrix(profiles))
#' Create a dendrogram tree from the distance matrix
#' @export
#' @param distance_matrix calculated distance matrix
#' @param cluster_method clustering method ("single", "complete",
#' "average" for UPGMA, "mcquitty" for WPGMA, "median" for WPGMC,
#' or "centroid" for UPGMC)
#' @return A dendrogram tree object
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_data_clustering}},
#' \code{\link{get_distance_matrix}}, \code{\link{hclust}}
#' @examples
#' data("full_processed_profile_large", package="phyloprofile")
#' data <- full_processed_profile_large
#' profile_type <- "binary"
#' profiles <- get_data_clustering(
#' data, profile_type, var1_aggregate_by, var2_aggregate_by)
#' dist_method <- "mutual_information"
#' distance_matrix <- get_distance_matrix(profiles, dist_method)
#' cluster_method <- "complete"
#' cluster_data_dend(distance_matrix, cluster_method)
cluster_data_dend <- function(distance_matrix, cluster_method) {
if (is.null(distance_matrix)) return()
dd.col <- as.dendrogram(hclust(distance_matrix, method = cluster_method))
#' Plot dendrogram tree
#' @export
#' @param dd dendrogram object
#' @return A dendrogram plot
#' @author Vinh Tran {tran@bio.uni-frankfurt.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{cluster_data_dend}}
#' @examples
#' data("full_processed_profile_large", package="phyloprofile")
#' data <- full_processed_profile_large
#' profile_type <- "binary"
#' profiles <- get_data_clustering(
#' data, profile_type, var1_aggregate_by, var2_aggregate_by)
#' dist_method <- "mutual_information"
#' distance_matrix <- get_distance_matrix(profiles, dist_method)
#' cluster_method <- "complete"
#' dd <- cluster_data_dend(distance_matrix, cluster_method)
#' get_dendrogram(dd)
get_dendrogram <- function(dd) {
if (is.null(dd)) return()
py <- dendextend::as.ggdend(dd)
p <- ggplot(py, horiz = TRUE, theme = theme_minimal()) +
theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank())
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