#' Filter SummarizedExperiment, DataFrame, MVRanges, or MVRangesList using user specified constraints
#' Griffin et al. (Genetics in Medicine 2014) recommends 20x coverage for mtDNA
#' sequencing to have comparable error rates to Sanger sequencing. By default,
#' that is the cutoff applied here to ensure halfway decent variant annotation.
#' Triska (Cancer Res, in revision) suggests a small number of masked regions
#' where homopolymers can be a problem; these are avoided if fpFilter
#' The NuMT filtration step (Ju, in eLife 2014, suggests a variant allele cutoff
#' of 0.03 to avoid false positive calls from nuclear-mitochondrial translocated
#' or 'NuMT' fragments) is also a useful tool to cut down on nonsensical calls,
#' although it may be important to use caution as low heteroplasmy can also
#' resolve into apparent near-homoplasmy at the single-cell level, at least in
#' our (TJT & co) experience.
#' As a consequence of the Wild West nature for published methods of high-
#' throughput mitochondrial sequence variant analysis at the time of writing
#' (2018), the default for this function is to filter on coverage only, as
#' the user is expected to determine what additional filters to apply. We
#' could envision changing these defaults down the road as standards congeal.
#' @param vars variants, can be MVRanges[List] or DataFrame/SummarizedExperiment with colData()$`mtCovg`
#' @param minTotalDepth minimum number of total reads (ref + alt reads) (20)
#' @param minAltDepth minimum number of reads supporting a mutation needed (2)
#' @param minVAF minimum VAF to be considered (0.90)
#' @param minCovg minimum total depth (20, cf. Griffin, Genetics in Medicine 2014)
#' @param fpFilter apply Triska's homopolymer false positive filter? Only applicable for rCRS (FALSE)
#' @param NuMT apply the 0.03 VAF NuMT filter from Ju (GR 2015)? (FALSE)
#' @param verbose prints the filters applied (FALSE)
#' @return a filtered SE, data.frame, MVRanges, or MVRangesList
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @examples
#' filterMT(data.frame(sample="foo", mtCovg=1000))
#' @export
newFilterMT <- function(vars, minTotalDepth=20, minAltDepth=2, minVAF=0.90,
minCovg=20, fpFilter=TRUE, NuMT=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) {
if (is(vars, "MVRangesList")) {
# Since this is a very customizable function
# I thought it might be a good idea to print what the settings have been set to
if (verbose) {
if (NuMT) message("Discarding calls with VAF < 3% to avoid NuMT contamination...")
if (fpFilter) message("Filtering out common false positive regions in rCRS...")
message("Filtering out samples with < ", minCovg, "x mean read coverage...")
message("Discarding calls with a total depth < ", minTotalDepth, " and alt depth < ", minAltDepth, "...")
mvr <- lapply(vars, newFilterMT, minTotalDepth=minTotalDepth, minAltDepth=minAltDepth, minVAF=minVAF,
minCovg=minCovg, fpFilter=fpFilter, NuMT=NuMT, verbose=verbose)
if (is(vars, "MVRanges")) {
# If a sample has on average, less than minCovg coverage (default is 20)
# Then it is a low quality sample that should be discarded
if (genomeCoverage(vars) < minCovg) {
# More complicated version for human genome
if (genome(vars) == "rCRS") {
return(.rCRSfilter(vars, fp=fpFilter, NuMT=NuMT,
minTotalDepth=minTotalDepth, minAltDepth=minAltDepth, minVAF=minVAF))
else {
# Only keep variants with a minimum altDept and totalDepth as specified by the user
vars <- subset(vars, !is.na(altDepth(vars)) & altDepth(vars) >= minAltDepth)
vars <- subset(vars, !is.na(totalDepth(vars)) & totalDepth(vars) >= minTotalDepth)
vars <- subset(vars, VAF >= minVAF)
# Nuclear contamination
if (NuMT) vars <- subset(vars, VAF >= 0.03)
} #MVRanges
# Accepts data frames as well
else if (is(vars, "DataFrame") | is(vars, "data.frame")) {
stop("Gotta fix for dataframes")
else {
stop("filterMT operates only on MVRangesLists, MVRanges, and data frames.")
# helper fn
# If the input is a data frame
.variantsDF <- function(DFSE, fpFilter=FALSE, NuMT=TRUE, verbose=FALSE) {
if (is(DFSE, "DataFrame") | is(DFSE, "data.frame")) {
stopifnot("mtCovg" %in% names(DFSE))
} else if (is(DFSE, "SummarizedExperiment") &
!"mtCovg" %in% names(colData(DFSE))) {
stop("filterMT requires colData named `mtCovg`.")
} else if (!"mtCovg" %in% names(DFSE)) {
stop("filterMT requires a column named `mtCovg`.")
if(verbose) message("Filtering out samples with < ", minCovg, "x mean read coverage...")
if (is(DFSE, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
res <- DFSE[, which(DFSE$mtCovg >= minCovg)]
} else {
res <- subset(DFSE, mtCovg >= minCovg)
if (fpFilter) {
if (verbose) message("Filtering out common false positive regions...")
data(fpFilter_Triska, package="MTseeker")
res <- subsetByOverlaps(res, subset(gaps(fpFilter_Triska), strand=="*"))
if (NuMT) {
if (is(res, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
if (verbose) message("Discarding calls with VAF < 3% to avoid NuMT contamination...")
res <- subset(res, res$VAF >= 0.03)
# helper fn
# More complicated filter for rCRS ref genome
.rCRSfilter <- function(vars, fp=TRUE, NuMT=TRUE, minTotalDepth=20, minAltDepth=2, minVAF=0.90) {
# False positive filter
if (fp) {
data(fpFilter_Triska, package="MTseeker")
fpFilter <- subset(gaps(fpFilter_Triska), strand == "*")
# a nonfilter -- keep anything and everything on chrM
else {
fpFilter <- GRanges("chrM", IRanges(start=1, end=16569), strand="*")
# Only keep variants with an altDept of at least minAltDepth
vars <- subset(vars, !is.na(altDepth(vars)) & altDepth(vars) >= minAltDepth)
vars <- subset(vars, !is.na(totalDepth(vars)) & totalDepth(vars) >= minTotalDepth)
vars <- subset(vars, VAF >= minVAF)
# Nuclear contamination
if (NuMT) {
vars <- subset(subsetByOverlaps(vars, fpFilter), VAF >= 0.03)
} else {
vars <- subsetByOverlaps(vars, fpFilter)
#if ("PASS" %in% names(mcols(vars))) vars <- subset(vars, PASS)
# If it is empty, return the empty MVRanges
if (length(vars) == 0) return(vars)
names(vars) <- MTHGVS(vars)
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