#' merge into MTseeker; could also do this with SmartSeq, etc.
#' For 10X BAMs, cellTag is CB and fragTag is UB.
#' For Salmon BAMs, cellTag is CB and fragTag is UR.
#' For BioRad BAMs, cellTag is DB and fragTag is XB (I think).
#' Per-cell pileups can be generated directly from BAMs, though this is tricky.
#' I'm not 100 percent sure how to deal with UMI reconciliation above, though.
#' @param BAM a BAM file or a BamFile object
#' @param cellTag what tag to use for cell identification (CB)
#' @param fragTag what tag to use for fragment identification (UB)
#' @param tagFilt optional tag filter (eg. list(CB="ATCGATCGAT-1")) (NULL)
#' @param dedupe drop reads with missing or duplicate (CB,UB)? (FALSE)
#' @param MTonly only reaad in mitochondrial reads? (FALSE)
#' @param byCell split by cell? (FALSE; only set TRUE for MT)
#' @param byFrag split by fragment? (FALSE; only set TRUE for MT)
#' @return a GAlignments or GAlignmentsList (if byCell/byFrag)
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @export
getScReads <- function(BAM, cellTag="CB", fragTag="UB", tagFilt=NULL, dedupe=FALSE, MTonly=FALSE, byCell=FALSE, byFrag=FALSE) {
if (!is(BAM, "BamFile")) BAM <- BamFile(BAM)
if (MTonly) {
seqs <- grep("(chrM|MT)", seqlevels(BAM), value=TRUE)
if (length(seqs) < 1) stop("Error: no (chrM|MT) contigs found!")
param <- ScanBamParam(which=as(seqinfo(BAM)[seqs], "GRanges"),
tag=c(cellTag, fragTag),
} else {
param <- ScanBamParam(tagFilter=tagFilt,
tag=c(cellTag, fragTag),
message("Importing reads from ", BAM$path, "...", appendLF=FALSE)
gal <- readGAlignments(BAM, param=param) # single-end for now
seqlevs <- seqlevelsInUse(gal)
gal <- keepSeqlevels(gal, seqlevs) # massively simplifies scanning
if (dedupe) gal <- .dedupe(gal, cellTag=cellTag, fragTag=fragTag)
message(length(gal), ifelse(dedupe, " deduplicated ", " "),
"fragments imported from ", basename(BAM$path), ".")
if (byCell & !byFrag) {
.byCell(gal, cellTag=cellTag)
} else if (byFrag & !byCell) {
.byFrag(gal, fragTag=fragTag)
} else if (byFrag & byCell) {
.byCellFrag(gal, cellTag=cellTag, fragTag=fragTag)
} else {
# helper fn
.dedupe <- function(gal, cellTag="CB", fragTag="UB") {
message("Dropping duplicate (cell, fragment) pairs.")
keep <- (!is.null(mcols(gal)[, cellTag]) &
!is.na(mcols(gal)[, cellTag]) &
!is.null(mcols(gal)[, fragTag]) &
!is.na(mcols(gal)[, fragTag]) &
!duplicated(paste0(mcols(gal)[, cellTag], "_",
mcols(gal)[, fragTag])))
# helper fn
.byCell <- function(gal, cellTag="CB") {
gal <- keepSeqlevels(gal, seqlevelsInUse(gal))
cells <- paste0(cellTag, ":", mcols(gal)[, cellTag])
mcols(gal)[, cellTag] <- NULL
split(gal, cells)
# helper fn
.byFrag <- function(gal, fragTag="UB") {
gal <- keepSeqlevels(gal, seqlevelsInUse(gal))
frags <- paste0(fragTag, ":", mcols(gal)[, fragTag])
mcols(gal)[, fragTag] <- NULL
split(gal, frags)
# helper fn
.byCellFrag <- function(gal, cellTag="CB", fragTag="UB") {
gal <- keepSeqlevels(gal, seqlevelsInUse(gal))
jointTag <- paste0(cellTag, ":", mcols(gal)[, cellTag], ";",
fragTag, ":", mcols(gal)[, fragTag])
mcols(gal)[, cellTag] <- NULL
mcols(gal)[, fragTag] <- NULL
split(gal, jointTag)
# helper fn
.fragTable <- function(gal, cellTag="CB", fragTag="UB", BPPARAM=SerialParam()) {
gal <- keepSeqlevels(gal, seqlevelsInUse(gal))
frags <- .fragsPerCell(gal, cellTag=cellTag, fragTag=fragTag, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
res <- data.frame(cell=names(frags), fragments=unlist(frags))
res[order(res$fragments, decreasing=TRUE), ]
# helper fn -- parallelize?
.fragsPerCell <- function(gal, cellTag="CB", fragTag="UB", BPPARAM=SerialParam()) {
gal <- keepSeqlevels(gal, seqlevelsInUse(gal))
if (is(gal, "GAlignmentsList")) {
bplapply(gal, .uniqueFrags, fragTag=fragTag, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
} else {
bplapply(.byCell(gal, cellTag=cellTag),
.uniqueFrags, fragTag=fragTag, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
# helper fn
.uniqueFrags <- function(gal, fragTag="UB") {
nlevels(factor(mcols(gal)[, fragTag]))
# helper fn
.getKnee <- function(fragTable) {
cdf <- ecdf(fragTable$fragments)
qs <- sapply(seq(0.01, 0.99, 0.01), quantile, x=cdf)
cutoff <- names(which.max(diff(qs)/qs[-1]))
# helper fn
.cellFilter <- function(gal, ft=NULL, cellTag="CB", fragTag="UB",
BPPARAM=SerialParam()) {
if (!is(gal, "GAlignmentsList")) {
gal <- .byCell(gal, cellTag=cellTag)
if (is.null(ft)) {
ft <- .fragsPerCell(gal, cellTag=cellTag, fragTag=fragTag, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
gal[subset(ft$cell, ft$fragments > .getKnee(ft))]
# helper fn
.coverageByCell <- function(gal, BPPARAM=SerialParam()) {
gal <- keepSeqlevels(gal, seqlevelsInUse(gal))
if (is(gal, "GAlignmentsList")) {
res <- bplapply(gal, coverage, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
} else {
res <- bplapply(.byCell(gal, cellTag=cellTag), coverage, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
.txCoverage(res, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
# helper fn
.txCoverage <- function(covgs, BPPARAM=SerialParam()) {
unlist(bplapply(covgs, .weightedMeanCoverage, BPPARAM=BPPARAM))
# helper fn
.weightedMeanCoverage <- function(covg) {
mean(sapply(covg, mean), weights=sapply(covg, length))
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