#' Decompose and annotate AA changes in MT variants
#' FIXME: this function is remarkably slow
#' @name decomposeAndCalcConsequences
#' @param mvr An MVRangesList or MVRanges object
#' @param coding Annotate only coding regions? (TRUE)
#' @param AAchanges Annotate amino acid (AA) changes? (TRUE)
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to injectMTVariants
#' @return Annotated variants, as an MVRanges
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import VariantAnnotation
#' @import VariantTools
#' @examples
#' library(MTseekerData)
#' library(VariantTools)
#' # Set a really high depth filter
#' # Just an example, not something you'd use to filter real data
#' # Something like 20 reads is more reasonable (gives Sanger-like error rates)
#' filters <-
#' FilterRules(list(minTotalDepth=MinTotalDepthFilter(min.depth=2e3L)))
#' ronks_vars.anno <- subsetByFilter(RONKSvariants[[1]], filters)
#' decomposeAndCalcConsequences(ronks_vars.anno)
#' @export
decomposeAndCalcConsequences <- function(mvr, coding=TRUE, AAchanges=TRUE, ...){
#this will decompose non-disjoint ranges for injectMTVariants()
if (!(is(mvr, "MVRanges") | is(mvr, "MVRangesList"))) {
stop("Error: Input is not an MVRanges or MVRangesList. Cannot proceed.")
if (is(mvr, "MVRangesList")) {
# this may or may not be such a good idea -- vapply would be preferable
MVRangesList(lapply(mvr, decomposeAndCalcConsequences, coding=coding, ...))
# Save the coverage information for later when we combine mvr
# and overlapMvr at the end
covg <- genomeCoverage(mvr)
#preprocess the variants
if (coding) mvr <- .getCoding(mvr, ...)
if (length(mvr) == 0) {
message("No variants found within the coding region.")
message("Returning an empty MVRanges.")
#add empty column for consequences
mcols(mvr)$AAchange <- NA
#mcols(mvr)$typeMut <- NA
mcols(mvr)$impacted.gene <- NA
mcols(mvr)$overlapGene <- NA
# Store overlapping variants here
# Even though there will be doubles of variants
# At least you can see the potential depending on which gene it effects
overlapMvr <- mvr[0]
if (!isDisjoint(mvr)) {
#message("Found non-disjoint ranges in ", sampleNames(mvr)@values)
#message("Processing consequences...")
if (AAchanges) {
for (r in 1:length(mvr)) {
con <- injectMTVariants(mvr[r], coding=coding, ...)
if (length(con) == 2) {
newMvr <- mvr[r]
mcols(newMvr)$AAchange <- mcols(con)$consequences[2]
if (mcols(newMvr)$AAchange == "") mcols(newMvr)$AAchange <- NA_character_
#mcols(newMvr)$typeMut <- mcols(con)$typeMut[2]
mcols(newMvr)$impacted.gene <- mcols(con)$synonym[2]
mcols(newMvr)$overlapGene <- mcols(con)$overlapGene[2]
overlapMvr <- append(overlapMvr, newMvr)
} else {
mcols(mvr)$AAchange[r] <- mcols(con)$consequences
if (mcols(mvr)$AAchange[r] == "") mcols(mvr)$AAchange[r] <- NA_character_
#mcols(mvr)$typeMut[r] <- mcols(con)$typeMut
mcols(mvr)$impacted.gene[r] <- mcols(con)$synonym
mcols(mvr)$overlapGene[r] <- mcols(con)$overlapGene
} # AAchanges
else {
#message("Processing consequences for ", sampleNames(mvr)@values)
if (AAchanges) {
for (r in 1:length(mvr)) {
con <- injectMTVariants(mvr[r], coding=coding, ...)
if (length(con) == 2) {
newMvr <- mvr[r]
mcols(newMvr)$AAchange <- mcols(con)$consequences[2]
#mcols(newMvr)$typeMut <- mcols(con)$typeMut[2]
mcols(newMvr)$impacted.gene <- mcols(con)$synonym[2]
mcols(newMvr)$overlapGene <- mcols(con)$overlapGene[2]
overlapMvr <- append(overlapMvr, newMvr)
} else {
mcols(mvr)$AAchange[r] <- mcols(con)$consequences
#mcols(mvr)$typeMut[r] <- mcols(con)$typeMut
mcols(mvr)$impacted.gene[r] <- mcols(con)$synonym
mcols(mvr)$overlapGene[r] <- mcols(con)$overlapGene
} ## AAchanges
mvr <- sort(MVRanges(c(mvr, overlapMvr), coverage = covg), ignore.strand=T)
# helper function to subset ranges to just coding space
.getCoding <- function(mvr, gr=NULL, canon=.99, refX=1, altX=1) {
# rCRS only, for the time being
stopifnot(unique(genome(mvr)) == "rCRS")
# get mtGenes if needed
if (is.null(gr)) gr <- genes(mvr)
stopifnot(unique(genome(gr)) == "rCRS")
mvr <- MVRanges(subsetByOverlaps(mvr, gr, type="within"), coverage = genomeCoverage(mvr))
# subset the variants to those that overlap the target GRanges and are canon
if (length(mvr)) {
#drop anything that has an N base.. this also looks like a weird bug?
mvr <- mvr[!grepl("N", mvr@alt),]
#check again whether we've now cleared out all the variants
#return an empty ranges if we have
if (length(mvr) == 0) {
mvr <- MVRanges(subsetByOverlaps(mvr, gr, type="within"))
# helper function to pull of which gene the variant is impacting
.getGeneImpacted <- function(mvr, gr=NULL) {
# rCRS only, for the time being
stopifnot(unique(genome(mvr)) == "rCRS")
# get mtGenes if needed
if (is.null(gr)) gr <- genes(mvr)
stopifnot(unique(genome(gr)) == "rCRS")
gene.name <- mcols(subsetByOverlaps(gr, mvr))$synonym
if (length(gene.name) > 1) {
gene.name <- paste(gene.name, collapse = ",")
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