
Defines functions tP_missingValues_all tP_measuredValues_all setsServer tP_setsUI upSetServer tP_upSetUI histFeatCategoryServer tP_histFeatCategoryUI histFeatServer tP_histFeatUI barplotMeasuredMissingSampleServer sampleMeasuredMissingServer tP_barplotMeasuredMissingSampleUI

#' @name tP_barplotMeasuredMissingSampleUI
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'Number of Features'
#' @description 
#' The module defines the UI for the tab panel 'Number of Features'.
#' @details
#' \code{tP_histFeatUI} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane 'Number of Features'.
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param title \code{character}
#' @return 
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_barplotMeasuredMissingSampleUI("test")
#' @importFrom shiny NS tabPanel downloadButton
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
#' @importFrom plotly plotlyOutput
#' @noRd
tP_barplotMeasuredMissingSampleUI <- function(id, title = "Number of measured features") {
    ns <- shiny::NS(id)
    if (id == "MeV_number") {
        helper_file <- "tabPanel_barNumberFeature_measured"
    if (id == "MiV_number") {
        helper_file <- "tabPanel_barNumberFeature_missing"
    shiny::tabPanel(title = title,
        plotly::plotlyOutput(ns("barplotNumber")) |>
            shinyhelper::helper(content = helper_file),
        shiny::downloadButton(outputId = ns("downloadPlot"), "")

#' @name sampleMeasuredMissingServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Number of features'
#' @description 
#' The module defines the server expressions for the tab panel 
#' 'Number of features'.
#' @details 
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param se \code{SummarizedExperiment} and \code{reactive} value
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.render.function} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer reactive
#' @noRd
sampleMeasuredMissingServer <- function(id, se) {
        function(input, output, session) {

#' @name barplotMeasuredMissinSampleServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Number of features'
#' @description 
#' The module defines the server expressions for the tab panel 
#' 'Number of features'.
#' @details 
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param samplesMeasuredMissing \code{tibble} and \code{reactive} value
#' @param measured \code{logical}
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.render.function} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer reactive downloadHandler
#' @importFrom plotly renderPlotly
#' @importFrom htmlwidgets saveWidget
#' @noRd
barplotMeasuredMissingSampleServer <- function(id, samplesMeasuredMissing,
    measured = TRUE) {
        function(input, output, session) {
            p_barplotNumber <- shiny::reactive({
                    measured = measured)
            output$barplotNumber <- plotly::renderPlotly({
            output$downloadPlot <- shiny::downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                                            measured, ".html", sep = "")
                content = function(file) {
                    htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p_barplotNumber(), file)

#' @name tP_histFeatUI
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'Histogram Features'
#' @description 
#' The module defines the UI for the tab panel 'Histogram Features'.
#' @details
#' \code{tP_histFeatUI} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane 'Histogram Features'. 
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param se \code{SummarizedExperiment} object
#' @return 
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_histFeatUI("test")
#' @importFrom shiny NS tabPanel downloadButton uiOutput
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
#' @importFrom plotly plotlyOutput
#' @noRd
tP_histFeatUI <- function(id) {
    ns <- shiny::NS(id)
    if (id == "MeV") {
        helper_file <-  "tabPanel_histFeature_measured"
    if (id == "MiV") {
        helper_file <- "tabPanel_histFeature_missing"
    shiny::tabPanel(title = "Histogram Features",
        plotly::plotlyOutput(ns("histFeature")) |>
            shinyhelper::helper(content = helper_file),
        shiny::downloadButton(outputId = ns("downloadPlot_hist"), ""),
        shiny::sliderInput(inputId = ns("binwidth"), label = "Binwidth: ", 
            min = 1, max = 1, value = 1, step = 1)

#' @name histFeatServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Histogram Features'
#' @description 
#' The module defines the server expressions for the tab panel 
#' 'Histogram Features'
#' @details 
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param assay \code{matrix} and \code{reactive} value, obtained from 
#' \code{assay(se)}
#' @param measured \code{logical}
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.render.function} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer reactive updateSliderInput
#' @importFrom shiny downloadHandler 
#' @importFrom htmlwidgets saveWidget
#' @noRd
histFeatServer <- function(id, se, assay, measured = TRUE) {
        function(input, output, session) {
                shiny::updateSliderInput(session = session, 
                    inputId = "binwidth", max = ncol(se()))
            p_histFeature <- shiny::reactive({
                histFeature(assay(), binwidth = input$binwidth, 
                    measured = measured)
            output$histFeature <- plotly::renderPlotly({
            output$downloadPlot_hist <- shiny::downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                                                measured, ".html", sep = "")
                content = function(file) {
                    htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p_histFeature(), file)
#' @name tP_histFeatCategoryUI
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'Histogram Features along variable'
#' @description 
#' The function defines the UI for the tab panel 
#' 'Histogram Features along variable'.
#' @details 
#' \code{tP_histFeatCategoryUI} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane
#' 'Histogram Features along variable'. Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param se \code{SummarizedExperiment} object
#' @return 
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_histFeatCategoryUI("test")
#' @importFrom shiny NS tabPanel downloadButton uiOutput
#' @importFrom plotly plotlyOutput
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
#' @noRd
tP_histFeatCategoryUI <- function(id) {
    ns <- shiny::NS(id)
    if (id == "MeV") {
        helper_file <- "tabPanel_histFeatureSample_measured"
    if (id == "MiV") {
        helper_file <- "tabPanel_histFeatureSample_missing"
    shiny::tabPanel(title = "Histogram Features along variable",
        plotly::plotlyOutput(ns("histFeatureCategory")) |>
            shinyhelper::helper(content = helper_file),
        shiny::downloadButton(outputId = ns("downloadPlot_histFeat"), ""),
        sliderInput(inputId = ns("numberFeatures"),
            label = "Binwidth (# features per sample type): ", 
            step = 1, min = 1, value = 1, max = 2),
        shiny::selectInput(inputId = ns("categoryHist"), 
            label = "Variable for stratification", choices = "name")

#' @name histFeatCategoryServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel
#' 'Histogram Features along variable'
#' @description 
#' The function defines the output for the tab panel 
#' 'Histogram Features along variable'
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param se \code{SummarizedExperiment} object and \code{reactive} values
#' @param measured \code{logical}
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.render.function} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer updateSelectInput updateSliderInput reactive
#' @importFrom shiny req downloadHandler
#' @importFrom htmlwidgets saveWidget
#' @importFrom plotly renderPlotly
#' @noRd
histFeatCategoryServer <- function(id, se, measured = TRUE) {
        function(input, output, session) {
            cD <- shiny::reactive(se()@colData)
                shiny::updateSelectInput(session = session,
                    inputId = "categoryHist",
                    choices = colnames(cD()))
                updateSliderInput(session = session,
                    inputId = "numberFeatures",
                    max = max(as.vector(table(cD()[[input$categoryHist]]))))
            p_histFeatureCategory <- shiny::reactive({
                histFeatureCategory(se(), binwidth = input$numberFeatures, 
                    measured = measured, category = input$categoryHist)
            output$histFeatureCategory <- plotly::renderPlotly({
            output$downloadPlot_histFeat <- shiny::downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                        measured, ".html", sep = "")
                content = function(file) {
                    htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p_histFeatureCategory(), file)

#' @name tP_upSetUI
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel ''UpSet'
#' @description 
#' The module defines the UI for the tab panel 'UpSet'.
#' @details
#' \code{tP_upSetUI} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane 'UpSet'. 
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @return 
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_upSetUI("test")
#' @importFrom shiny tabPanel plotOutput downloadButton uiOutput
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
#' @noRd
tP_upSetUI <- function(id) {
    ns <- shiny::NS(id)
    if (id == "MeV") {
        helper_file <- "tabPanel_upSet_measured"
    if (id == "MiV") {
        helper_file <- "tabPanel_upSet_missing"
    tabPanel(title = "UpSet", 
        shiny::plotOutput(ns("upsetSample")) |>
            shinyhelper::helper(content = helper_file),
        shiny::downloadButton(outputId = ns("downloadPlot"), ""),
        shiny::selectInput(inputId = ns("categoryUpSet"), 
            label = "Variable for stratification", choices = "type")

#' @name upSetServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'UpSet'
#' @description 
#' The function defines the server expressions for the tab panel 'UpSet'.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param se \code{SummarizedExperiment} object and \code{reactive} values
#' @param measured \code{logical}
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.render.function} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer updateSelectInput req reactive
#' @importFrom shiny downloadHandler renderPlot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggsave
#' @noRd
upSetServer <- function(id, se, measured = TRUE) {
        function(input, output, session) {
                shiny::updateSelectInput(session = session,
                    inputId = "categoryUpSet", 
                    choices = colnames(se()@colData))
            p_upset <- shiny::reactive({
                upsetCategory(se(), category = input$categoryUpSet, 
                    measured = measured)
            output$upsetSample <- shiny::renderPlot({
            output$downloadPlot <- shiny::downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste("upSet_measured_", measured, ".pdf", sep = "")
                content = function(file) {
                    ggplot2::ggsave(file, p_upset(), device = "pdf",
                        limitsize = FALSE)

#' @name tP_setsUI
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'Sets'
#' @description 
#' The module defines the UI for the tab panel 'Sets'.
#' @details 
#' \code{tP_setsUI} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane 'Sets'. 
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @return 
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_setUI("test")
#' @importFrom shiny NS uiOutput textOutput tabPanel
#' @importFrom shinyhelper helper
#' @noRd 
tP_setsUI <- function(id) {
    ns <- shiny::NS(id)
    if (id == "MeV") {
        helper_file <- "tabPanel_sets_measured"
    if (id == "MiV") {
        helper_file <- "tabPanel_sets_missing"
    shiny::tabPanel(title = "Sets", 
        shiny::checkboxGroupInput(inputId = ns("checkboxCategory"), 
            label = "Select sets", choices = "setA") |> 
            shinyhelper::helper(content = helper_file),

#' @name setsServer
#' @title Module for server expressions of tab panel 'Sets'
#' @description 
#' The module defines the server expressions for the tab panel 'Sets'.
#' @details
#' Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @param id \code{character}
#' @param se \code{SummarizedExperiment} object and \code{reactive} values
#' @param measured \code{logical}
#' @return
#' \code{shiny.render.function} expression
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @importFrom shiny moduleServer updateCheckboxGroupInput renderText 
#' @importFrom shiny req
#' @noRd
setsServer <- function(id, se, measured = TRUE) {
        function(input, output, session) {
                shiny::updateCheckboxGroupInput(session = session,
                    inputId = "checkboxCategory", 
                    choices = unique(se()@colData[[input$categoryUpSet]])) 
            output$combinationText <- shiny::renderText({
                extractComb(se(), combination = input$checkboxCategory, 
                    category = input$categoryUpSet, measured = measured)

#' @name tP_measuredValues_all
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'Measured Values'
#' @description 
#' The module defines the UI for the tab panel 'Measured Values'.
#' @details 
#' \code{tP_measuredValues_all} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane 
#' 'Measured Values'. Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @return 
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_measuredValues_all()
#' @importFrom shiny tabPanel 
#' @importFrom shinydashboard tabBox
#' @noRd 
tP_measuredValues_all <- function() {
    shiny::tabPanel("Measured Values",
        shinydashboard::tabBox(title = "", width = 12,
            tP_barplotMeasuredMissingSampleUI(id = "MeV_number", 
                title = "Number of features"),
            tP_histFeatUI(id = "MeV"),
            tP_histFeatCategoryUI(id = "MeV"),
            tP_upSetUI(id = "MeV"),
            tP_setsUI(id = "MeV")

#' @name tP_missingValues_all
#' @title Tab panel UI for tab panel 'Missing Values'
#' @description 
#' The module defines the UI for the tab panel 'Missing Values'.
#' @details 
#' \code{tP_missingValues_all} returns the HTML code for the tab-pane 
#' 'Missing Values'. Internal function for \code{shinyQC}.
#' @return 
#' \code{shiny.tag} with HTML content
#' @author Thomas Naake
#' @examples
#' tP_missingValues_all()
#' @importFrom shiny tabPanel 
#' @importFrom shinydashboard tabBox
#' @noRd
tP_missingValues_all <- function() {
        shiny::tabPanel("Missing Values",
            shinydashboard::tabBox(title = "", width = 12,
                tP_barplotMeasuredMissingSampleUI(id = "MiV_number",
                    title = "Number of features"),
                tP_histFeatUI(id = "MiV"),
                tP_histFeatCategoryUI(id = "MiV"),
                tP_upSetUI(id = "MiV"),
                tP_setsUI(id = "MiV")
tnaake/MatrixQCvis documentation built on Nov. 4, 2024, 7:42 a.m.