#' @import tibble flowCore
#' @importFrom utils write.csv globalVariables
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows bind_cols
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
# Exist is a data object stored within the package
# . is a placeholder for a varable being piped using magrittr, used throughout
# the package
utils::globalVariables(c("exist", "."))
#' @title Takes in an example file as input and returns all marker names
#' @description This is a quick way to get a list of preferred marker names.
#' This outputs a csv file containing all markers in the dataset in the name
#' format that will be recognized by downstream functions. You manually
#' alter this list to remove and/or categorize the said markers. The file
#' can then be read in (stringsAsFactors = FALSE) to give you the marker
#' list of interest. In particular, name the top of the column as "markers" if
#' you're just altering the list. If you're doing to divide it into static
#' and functional markers, produce two columns, naming them respectively.
#' @param file the fcs file of interest
#' @return the list of markers of interest. This is to be written as a csv
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Bendall_et_al_Cell_Sample_C_basal.fcs",
#' package = "Sconify")
#' GetMarkerNames(file)
#' @export
GetMarkerNames <- function(file) {
cells <- FcsToTibble(file)
result <- colnames(cells)
#' @title Parse markers contained in a Sconify-directed marker file
#' @description This occurs after the user has modified the markers.csv file
#' to determine which markers are to be used as input for KNN and which markers
#' are to be used for within-knn comparisons
#' @param marker.file modified markers.csv file, now containing two columns.
#' the left column containing KNN input markers, and the right column
#' containing KNN comparison markers
#' @return a list of 2 vectors of strings. The first element, labeled "input"
#' is a vector KNN input markers. THe second slemenet, labeled "functional"
#' are the markers to be used in the KNN based comparisons
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "markers.csv", package = "Sconify")
#' ParseMarkers(file)
#' @export
ParseMarkers <- function(marker.file) {
markers <- read_csv(marker.file)
input <- markers[[1]] %>% .[complete.cases(.)]
funct <- markers[[2]] %>% .[complete.cases(.)]
return(list(input = input, functional = funct))
#' @title Takes a file as input and returns a data frame of cells by features
#' @description This function is a quick way to take the exprs content of
#' a fcs file, do an asinh transform, and create a tibble data structure
#' that can be further manipulated. Our default transform is asinh, but
#' you just have to change the transform to anything else, and you'll
#' get the raw data. This function is used in the main function
#' process.multiple.files
#' @param file the fcs file containing cell infomration
#' @param transform if set to asinh, then asinh transforms with scale arg 5
#' @return tibble of info contained within the fcs file
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Bendall_et_al_Cell_Sample_C_basal.fcs",
#' package = "Sconify")
#' FcsToTibble(file)
#' @export
FcsToTibble <- function(file, transform = "asinh") {
# Read in the files and set the columns as human-named parameters
cells <- read.FCS(filename = file)
params <- as.vector(pData(parameters(cells))$desc)
colnames(cells) <- params
# Turn into matrix and asinh tranform with cofactor of 5
if(transform == "asinh") {
cells <- exprs(cells) %>%
`/`(5) %>%
asinh() %>%
} else {
cells <- exprs(cells) %>%
#' @title Performs quantile normalization on the data frame (patient)
#' of interest
#' @description Credit goes to:
#' http://davetang.org/muse/2014/07/07/quantile-normalisation-in-r/
#' for this function
#' @param df a data frame with rows as cells and columns as features
#' @return a data frame where the columns have been quantile normalized
QuantNormalize <- function(df){
df_rank <- apply(df,2,rank,ties.method="first")
df_sorted <- data.frame(apply(df, 2, sort))
df_mean <- apply(df_sorted, 1, mean)
index_to_mean <- function(my_index, my_mean){
df_final <- apply(df_rank, 2, index_to_mean, my_mean=df_mean)
rownames(df_final) <- rownames(df)
#' @title Takes a list of tibbles as input, and performs per-column
#' quantile normalization, then outputs the quantile normalized list
#' @description This function performs per-marker quantile normalization
#' on multiple data tibbles. The normalization occurrs marker by marker.
#' The user assumes that the markers are distributed equally across tibbles,
#' as quantile normalization forces these marker distributions to be the same
#' per file
#' @param dat.list a list of tibbles
#' @return the per-column quantile normalized list
#' @examples
#' basal <- wand.combined[wand.combined$condition == "basal",][,1:10]
#' il7 <- wand.combined[wand.combined$condition == "IL7",][,1:10]
#' QuantNormalizeElements(list(basal, il7))
#' @export
QuantNormalizeElements <- function(dat.list) {
# Store the marker names for the re-naming when the list is reverted
marker.names <- colnames(dat.list[[1]])
# Transpose the list such that it's now marker-by-marker,
# and quantile normalize
new.list <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(dat.list[[1]])), function(i){
curr <- lapply(dat.list, function(j) {
slice <- j[,i]
curr <- do.call(what = cbind, args = curr) %>% QuantNormalize()
# Transpose again, leading to the original list of tibbles
revert <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(new.list[[1]])), function(i){
curr <- lapply(new.list, function(j) {
slice <- j[,i]
curr <- do.call(what = cbind, args = curr) %>% as.tibble()
# Loop through each element of the list and re-name the columns accordingly
for(i in seq_len(length(revert))) {
colnames(revert[[i]]) <- marker.names
#' @title Converts multiple files into a concatenated data frame
#' @description This is tailored to a very specific file format for unstim/stim
#' Files need the following name convention: "xxxx_stim.fcs"
#' Files where you want to name the patients need the following convention:
#' "xxxx__patientID_stim.fcs"
#' @param files a vector of file names (name = "anything_condition.fcs")
#' @param transform set to asinh if you want to do an asinh transform of
#' all markers in the dataset
#' @param numcells desiered number of cells in the matrix, set at 10k
#' @param norm boolean that quantile normalizes the data if true
#' @param scale boolean that converts all values to z scores if true
#' @param input the static markers that will be used downstream in knn
#' computation. These are included here to include the option of per-marker
#' quantile normalization, in the event norm is set to TRUE
#' @param name.multiple.donors boolean indicating whether multiple donors
#' will be distinguished (as a separate "patient" column)
#' @return result: a combined file set
#' @examples
#' file1 <- system.file("extdata", "Bendall_et_al_Cell_Sample_C_basal.fcs",
#' package = "Sconify")
#' file2 <- system.file("extdata", "Bendall_et_al_Cell_Sample_C_IL7.fcs",
#' package = "Sconify")
#' ProcessMultipleFiles(c(file1, file2), input = input.markers)
#' @export
ProcessMultipleFiles <- function(files,
transform = "asinh",
numcells = 10000,
norm = FALSE,
scale = FALSE,
name.multiple.donors = FALSE) {
# Edge case
if(numcells < length(files)) {
stop("Please select a subsampling number greater than the number
of files being used as input")
if(numcells %% 1 != 0) {
stop("Please select a subsampling number that is whole")
n <- numcells %/% length(files) # integer division
# Turn input into a list
dat <- lapply(files, function(i){
curr <- FcsToTibble(i, transform = transform) %>%
.[,na.omit(colnames(.))] %>%
as.tibble() # in case columns are named "NA"
# Subsample if the number of cells is greater than specified n
if(nrow(curr) > n) {
curr <- curr[sample(nrow(curr), n),]
# Break curr into the values you're going to normalize for
# knn generation and those you're not
curr.input <- curr[,input]
curr.rest <- curr[,(!(colnames(curr) %in% input))]
if(scale == TRUE) {
curr.input <- apply(curr.input, 2, scale) %>% as.tibble()
# takes care of scaling where all values are same
curr.input <- replace(curr.input, is.na(curr.input), 1)
# Overwrite curr, bringing the (potentially normalized/scaled)
# curr.input and curr.rest together
curr <- bind_cols(curr.input, curr.rest)
# File standard: "anything_condition.fcs"
curr$condition <- sub(".*_", "", i) %>% sub("\\..*", "", .)
if(name.multiple.donors == TRUE) {
curr$donor <- sub(".*__", "", i) %>% sub("\\_.*", "", .)
if(norm == TRUE) {
if(length(files) < 2) {
stop("Quantile normalization can only happen with 2 or more files")
# The list with only the input markers,
# and perform quantile normalization
dat.input <- lapply(dat, function(i) {
}) %>% QuantNormalizeElements(.)
# The list with only the non-input markers
dat.rest <- lapply(dat, function(i) {
i[,(!(colnames(i) %in% input))]
# Merge the two lists together again
dat <- lapply(seq_len(length(dat)), function(i) {
bind_cols(dat.input[[i]], dat.rest[[i]])
# Bind the list of tibbles by the row
if(length(dat) > 1) {
result <- bind_rows(dat)
} else {
result <- dat[[1]]
#' @title Runs "process.multiple.files" on a single file, splits it randomly,
#' and presends half of it is "unstim" and half of it is "stim"
#' @description This is meant to serve as a control for the basic "unstim"
#' and "stim" pipeline that is generally used within this package.
#' If phosphoproteins are being compared across conditions, for example,
#' then there should be no difference in the case that you split the same file
#' and compare the two halves.
#' @param file the file we're going to split
#' @param transform if set to asinh, performs asinh transformation on all
#' markers of the dataset
#' @param numcells the number of total cells to be subsampled to, set at 10k
#' for default
#' @param norm boolean of whether data should be quantile normalized
#' @param scale boolean of whether data should be z-scored
#' @param input.markers vector of strings indicating the markers
#' to be used as input
#' @return tibble containing original markers and all values
#' calculated by SCONE
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "Bendall_et_al_Cell_Sample_C_basal.fcs",
#' package = "Sconify")
#' SplitFile(file, input.markers = input.markers)
#' @export
SplitFile <- function(file,
transform = "asinh",
numcells = 10000,
norm = FALSE,
scale = FALSE,
input.markers) {
# Create a subsample
if(length(file) > 1) {
stop("Please use only a single file as input")
total.unstim <- ProcessMultipleFiles(files = file,
numcells = numcells,
transform = transform,
norm = norm,
scale = scale,
input = input.markers,
name.multiple.donors = FALSE)
cell.rows <- seq_len(nrow(total.unstim))
# If the number of cells is odd, get rid of the bottom cell in the matrix
if(nrow(total.unstim) %% 2 != 0) {
cell.rows <- cell.rows[-length(cell.rows)]
# Random sampling
index <- sample(cell.rows, size = nrow(total.unstim)/2, replace = FALSE)
index.2 <- cell.rows[!(cell.rows %in% index)]
s1 <- total.unstim[index,]
s1$condition <- "Split.1"
s2 <- total.unstim[index.2,]
s2$condition <- "Split.2"
s.merge <- bind_rows(s1, s2)
#' @title Meaning of life
#' @description Just a random musing
#' @return A string containing a random musing
#' @examples
#' MeaningOfLife()
#' @export
MeaningOfLife <- function() {
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