check_import_data_inputs <- function(response_matrix, grna_matrix, grna_target_data_frame, moi, extra_covariates) {
# 1. check column names of grna_target_data_frame
colnames_present <- all(c("grna_id", "grna_target") %in% colnames(grna_target_data_frame))
if (!colnames_present) {
stop("The data frame `grna_target_data_frame` should have columns `grna_id` and `grna_target`. The `grna_target` column should specify the target of each individual `grna_id`.")
# 2. verify that the row names are unique for both response and grna modalities
response_ids <- rownames(response_matrix)
grna_ids <- rownames(grna_matrix)
if (length(response_ids) != length(unique(response_ids))) stop("The rownames of the `response_matrix` must be unique.")
if (length(grna_ids) != length(unique(grna_ids))) stop("The rownames of the `grna_matrix` must be unique.")
# 5. ensure that the ampersand symbol (&) is absent from the grna ids; ensure that no gRNA is named "non-targeting"
problematic_grna_ids <- grep(pattern = "&", x = grna_ids)
if (length(problematic_grna_ids) >= 1) {
stop(paste0("The ampersand character (&) cannot be present in the gRNA IDs. The following gRNA IDs contain an ampersand: ", paste0(grna_ids[problematic_grna_ids], collapse = ", ")))
if (any(grna_ids == "non-targeting")) {
stop("No individual gRNA can have the ID `non-targeting`. The string `non-targeting` is reserved for the `grna_target` column of the `grna_target_data_frame`.")
# 6. check that the ids in the grna group data frame are a subset of the ids in the grna matrix
if (!all(grna_target_data_frame$grna_id %in% rownames(grna_matrix))) {
stop("The column `grna_id` of the `grna_target_data_frame` must be a subset of the row names of the grna expression matrix. The row names of the grna expression matrix are as follows: ", paste0(rownames(grna_matrix), collapse = ", "))
# 7. check type of input matrices
check_matrix_class <- function(input_matrix, input_matrix_name, allowed_matrix_classes) {
ok_class <- vapply(
X = allowed_matrix_classes,
function(mat_class) methods::is(input_matrix, mat_class),
FUN.VALUE = logical(1)
) |> any()
if (!ok_class) {
stop(paste0("`", input_matrix_name, "` must be an object of class ", paste0(allowed_matrix_classes, collapse = ", "), "."))
check_matrix_class(response_matrix, "response_matrix", c("matrix", "dgTMatrix", "dgCMatrix", "dgRMatrix", "odm"))
check_matrix_class(grna_matrix, "grna_matrix", c("matrix", "dgTMatrix", "dgCMatrix", "dgRMatrix", "lgTMatrix", "lgCMatrix", "lgRMatrix", "odm"))
# 8. check for agreement in number of cells
check_ncells <- ncol(response_matrix) == ncol(grna_matrix)
if (nrow(extra_covariates) >= 1L) {
check_ncells <- check_ncells && (ncol(response_matrix) == nrow(extra_covariates))
if (!check_ncells) {
stop("The number of cells in the `response_matrix`, `grna_matrix`, and `extra_covariates` (if supplied) must coincide.")
# 9. if cell barcodes are provided for at least two of `response_matrix`, `grna_matrix`, and `extra_covariates`,
# then they must be identical
barcode_list <- list(
response_matrix = colnames(response_matrix), grna_matrix = colnames(grna_matrix),
extra_covariates = rownames(extra_covariates)
# for matrices we can just check if the names are not NULL, but `extra_covariates` is a data.frame so
# non-default names were provided if (1) it is not just `data.frame()` and (2) the names are not
# just "1", "2", ...
were_names_provided <- c(
nrow(extra_covariates) > 0 && !identical(barcode_list$extra_covariates, as.character(seq_len(nrow(extra_covariates))))
# If at least 2 non-default barcode names were provided, they must all be identical.
# This is done by looping over all pairs of non-default names
barcodes_with_names <- barcode_list[were_names_provided]
if (length(barcodes_with_names) >= 2) {
for (i in seq_len(length(barcodes_with_names) - 1)) {
for (j in seq(i + 1, length(barcodes_with_names))) {
if (!identical(barcodes_with_names[[i]], barcodes_with_names[[j]])) {
"You have provided cell barcodes in the `", names(barcodes_with_names)[i],
"` and `", names(barcodes_with_names)[j], "`. These cell barcodes must be identical across objects."
# 10. check that column names of extra_covariates are not already taken
reserved_covariate_names <- c("response_n_nonzero", "response_n_umis", "response_p_mito", "grna_n_nonzero", "grna_n_umis")
extra_covariate_names <- colnames(extra_covariates)
if (any(extra_covariate_names %in% reserved_covariate_names)) {
stop("The covariate names `response_n_nonzero`, `response_n_umis`, `response_p_mito`, `grna_n_nonzero`, and `grna_n_umis` are reserved. Change the column names of the `extra_covariates` data frame.")
# 11. verify that the types of the extra covariates are acceptable; if factor, check correctness of factor
for (extra_covariate_name in extra_covariate_names) {
v <- extra_covariates[, extra_covariate_name]
accept_type <- methods::is(v, "numeric") || methods::is(v, "character") ||
methods::is(v, "factor") || methods::is(v, "logical")
if (!accept_type) {
stop("The column `", extra_covariate_name, "` of the `extra_covariates` data frame should be of type numeric, character, or factor.")
if (methods::is(v, "factor")) {
if (length(levels(v)) != length(unique(v))) {
stop("The factor column `", extra_covariate_name, "` is incorrectly formatted. The number of unique elements in this column must equal the number of factors in this column. Consider relabeling the factors or converting this column into a character vector.")
# 12. verify that moi is specified
if (!(moi %in% c("low", "high"))) {
stop("`moi` should be either `low` or `high`.")
# 13. fail if extra_covariates has NA or inifinite values
if (any( {
stop("`extra_covariates` has NA values that need to be removed.")
if (vapply(extra_covariates, function(vect) any(is.infinite(vect)), FUN.VALUE = logical(1)) |> any()) {
stop("`extra_covariates` has infinite values that need to be removed.")
check_set_analysis_parameters <- function(sceptre_object, formula_object, response_grna_target_pairs_list,
control_group, resampling_mechanism, side, low_moi,
grna_integration_strategy, resampling_approximation) {
response_matrix <- get_response_matrix(sceptre_object)
grna_matrix <- get_grna_matrix(sceptre_object)
covariate_data_frame <- sceptre_object@covariate_data_frame
grna_target_data_frame <- sceptre_object@grna_target_data_frame
# 1. if response_grna_target_pairs has been supplied, check its characteristics
for (idx in seq_along(response_grna_target_pairs_list)) {
response_grna_target_pairs <- response_grna_target_pairs_list[[idx]]
if (nrow(response_grna_target_pairs) >= 1L) {
df_name <- names(response_grna_target_pairs_list)[idx]
# i. verify that `grna_target` and `response_id` are columns
if (!all(c("grna_target", "response_id") %in% colnames(response_grna_target_pairs))) {
stop("The data frame `", df_name, "` must contain the columns `grna_target` and `response_id`.")
# ii. check that the response ids in the `response_grna_target_pairs` data frame are a subset of the response ids
if (!all(response_grna_target_pairs$response_id %in% rownames(response_matrix))) {
stop("The column `response_id` of the `", df_name, "` data frame must be a subset of the row names of the response expression matrix.")
# iii. check that the `grna_target` column of the `response_grna_target_pairs` data frame is a subset of the `grna_target` column of the `grna_target_data_frame`
if (!all(response_grna_target_pairs$grna_target %in% grna_target_data_frame$grna_target)) {
stop("The column `grna_target` of the `", df_name, "` data frame must be a subset of the colummn `grna_target` of the `grna_target_data_frame`.")
# iv. ensure that "non-targeting" is not a group in the pairs to analyze data frame
if ("non-targeting" %in% unique(response_grna_target_pairs$grna_target)) {
stop("The `", df_name, "` data frame cannot contain the gRNA group `non-targeting`. To test non-targeting gRNAs against responses, run the calibration check.")
# v. ensure that rows are not duplicated
if (nrow(response_grna_target_pairs) != nrow(dplyr::distinct(response_grna_target_pairs))) {
stop("The `", df_name, "` data frame has duplicate rows.")
# 2. check that there are no offsets in the formula object
if (grepl("offset", as.character(formula_object)[2])) stop("Offsets are not currently supported in formula objects.")
# 3. check that the variables in the formula object are a subset of the column names of the covariate data frame
formula_object_vars <- all.vars(formula_object)
check_var <- formula_object_vars %in% colnames(covariate_data_frame)
if (!all(check_var)) {
stop(paste0("The variables in the `formula_object` must be a subset of the columns of the `covariate_data_frame`. Check the following variables: ", paste0(formula_object_vars[!check_var], collapse = ", ")))
# 4. verify that control group is either nt_cells, complement, or default
if (!control_group %in% c("nt_cells", "complement", "default")) {
stop("`control_group` should set to `nt_cells`, `complement`, or `default`.")
# 5. verify that resampling_mechanism is one of "permutations", "crt", or "default"
if (!(resampling_mechanism %in% c("permutations", "crt", "default"))) {
stop("`resampling_mechanism` should set to `permutations`, `crt`, or `default`.")
# 6. verify that the moi is consistent with the control group
if (!low_moi && control_group == "nt_cells") {
stop("The control group cannot be the NT cells in high MOI.")
# 7. verify that, if the control_group is NT cells, there are NT gRNAs present
if (control_group == "nt_cells") {
nt_present <- "non-targeting" %in% grna_target_data_frame$grna_target
if (!nt_present) {
stop("The string 'non-targeting' must be present in the `grna_target` column of the `grna_target_data_frame` is `control_group` is set to 'nt_cells'.")
# 8. verify that "side" is among "both", "left", or "right"
if (!(side %in% c("both", "left", "right"))) {
stop("`side` must be one of 'both', 'left', or 'right'.")
# 9. verify that "grna_integration_strategy" is union or singleton
if (!(grna_integration_strategy %in% c("union", "singleton", "bonferroni"))) {
stop("`grna_integration_strategy` must be either 'union', 'singleton', or 'bonferroni'.")
# 10. if using a backing .odm file, verify that resampling mechanism is permutations
if (methods::is(get_response_matrix(sceptre_object), "odm") && (resampling_mechanism != "permutations")) {
stop("`resampling_mechanism` must be set to 'permutations' when using an ondisc-backed sceptre_object.")
# 11. verify resampling_approximation acceptable
if (!(resampling_approximation %in% c("skew_normal", "no_approximation"))) {
stop("`resampling_approximation` must be set to 'skew_normal' or 'no_approximation'.")
check_assign_grna_inputs <- function(sceptre_object, assignment_method, hyperparameters, n_processors) {
if (!(assignment_method %in% c("maximum", "mixture", "thresholding"))) {
stop("`assignment_method` must be `mixture`, `maximum`, or `thresholding`.")
# 1. check that assignment method is OK for high MOI
if (!sceptre_object@low_moi && assignment_method == "maximum") {
stop("`assignment_method` cannot be `maximum` in high-MOI.")
# 2. check the hyperparameters
hyperparam_names <- names(hyperparameters)
# i. maximum option
if (assignment_method == "maximum") {
if (!setequal(hyperparam_names, c("umi_fraction_threshold", "min_grna_n_umis_threshold"))) {
stop("The hyperparameter list must contain the fields `umi_fraction_threshold` and `min_grna_n_umis_threshold`.")
if (!(hyperparameters[["umi_fraction_threshold"]] > 0.0 && hyperparameters[["umi_fraction_threshold"]] < 1.0)) {
stop("`umi_fraction_threshold` should be a numeric greater than 0.0 and be less than 1.0.")
if (hyperparameters[["min_grna_n_umis_threshold"]] < 0L) {
stop("`min_grna_n_umis_threshold` should be an integer greater than 0.")
# ii. thresholding operation
if (assignment_method == "thresholding") {
if (!setequal(hyperparam_names, "threshold")) {
stop("The hyperparameter list must contain the single entry `threshold`.")
if (hyperparameters[["threshold"]] < 1) {
stop("`threshold` should be an integer greater than or equal to 1.")
# iii. mixture model
if (assignment_method == "mixture") {
if (!setequal(hyperparam_names, c("n_em_rep", "pi_guess_range", "g_pert_guess_range", "n_nonzero_cells_cutoff", "backup_threshold", "probability_threshold", "formula_object"))) {
stop("The hyperparameter list must contain the fields `n_em_rep`, `pi_guess_range`, `g_pert_guess_range`, `n_nonzero_cells_cutoff`, `backup_threshold`, and `formula_object`.")
if (hyperparameters[["n_em_rep"]] <= 0 || hyperparameters[["n_em_rep"]] >= 100) {
stop("`n_em_rep` should be an integer greater than zero and less than 100.")
pi_guess_range <- hyperparameters[["pi_guess_range"]]
if (length(pi_guess_range) != 2 || any(pi_guess_range < 0) ||
any(pi_guess_range > 1) || pi_guess_range[2] <= pi_guess_range[1]) {
stop("`pi_guess_range` should be a numeric vector of length 2, where the first entry is less than the second and both entries are in the interval [0,1].")
g_pert_guess_range <- hyperparameters[["g_pert_guess_range"]]
if (length(g_pert_guess_range) != 2 || any(g_pert_guess_range < 0) ||
any(pi_guess_range > 20) || g_pert_guess_range[2] <= g_pert_guess_range[1]) {
stop("`g_pert_guess_range` should be a numeric vector of length 2, where the first entry is less than the second and both entries are in the interval [0,20].")
if (hyperparameters[["n_nonzero_cells_cutoff"]] <= 0) {
stop("`n_nonzero_cells_cutoff` should be an integer greater than or equal to 1.")
if (hyperparameters[["backup_threshold"]] <= 0) {
stop("`backup_threshold` should be an integer greater than or equal to 1.")
if (hyperparameters[["probability_threshold"]] <= 0 || hyperparameters[["probability_threshold"]] >= 1) {
stop("`probability_threshold` should be a numeric in the interval (0,1).")
# 3. check n_processors argument
if (!(identical(n_processors, "auto") || (is.numeric(n_processors) && n_processors >= 2))) {
stop("`n_processors` should be set to the string 'auto' or an integer greater than or equal to 2.")
check_run_qc_inputs <- function(n_nonzero_trt_thresh, n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh, response_n_umis_range, response_n_nonzero_range, initial_grna_assignment_list) {
if (n_nonzero_trt_thresh < 0 || n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh < 0) {
stop("`n_nonzero_trt_thresh` and `n_nonzero_cntrl_thresh` must be greater than or equal to zero.")
if (min(response_n_umis_range) < 0 || max(response_n_umis_range) > 1 ||
length(response_n_umis_range) != 2L || response_n_umis_range[1] > response_n_umis_range[2]) {
stop("`response_n_umis_range` must an interval in the range [0,1].")
if (min(response_n_nonzero_range) < 0 || max(response_n_nonzero_range) > 1 ||
length(response_n_nonzero_range) != 2L || response_n_nonzero_range[1] > response_n_nonzero_range[2]) {
stop("`response_n_nonzero_range` must an interval in the range [0,1].")
if (all(vapply(initial_grna_assignment_list, length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1)) == 0L)) {
stop("At least one gRNA must be assigned to at least one cell to call `run_qc()`.")
check_calibration_check_inputs <- function(sceptre_object, n_calibration_pairs, n_processors) {
grna_target_data_frame <- sceptre_object@grna_target_data_frame
control_group_complement <- sceptre_object@control_group_complement
n_nt_grnas <- grna_target_data_frame |>
dplyr::filter(grna_group == "non-targeting") |>
# 1. check number of gRNAS
if (!control_group_complement) {
if (n_nt_grnas < 2) stop("Two or more non-targeting gRNAs must be present to run the calibration check when using the NT cells as the control group. gRNAs that are non-targeting should be assigned a gRNA group label of 'non-targeting' in the `grna_target_data_frame`.")
} else {
if (n_nt_grnas < 1) stop("At least one non-targeting gRNA must be present to run the calibration check. gRNAs that are non-targeting should be assigned a gRNA group label of 'non-targeting' in the `grna_target_data_frame`.")
# 2. check number of calibration pairs
if (n_calibration_pairs == 0L) {
stop("Cannot run a calibration check on zero negative control pairs.")
# 3. check n_processors
if (!(identical(n_processors, "auto") || (is.numeric(n_processors) && n_processors >= 2))) {
stop("`n_processors` should be set to the string 'auto' or an integer greater than or equal to 2.")
check_discovery_analysis_inputs <- function(response_grna_group_pairs,
pc_analysis, calibration_result,
n_ok_pairs, n_processors) {
# 1. check that positive control pairs are available
if (nrow(response_grna_group_pairs) == 0L) {
if (pc_analysis) "Positive control" else "Discovery", " pairs have not been supplied. Thus, the ",
if (pc_analysis) "power check" else "discovery analysis", " cannot be run. You can supply ",
if (pc_analysis) "positive control" else "discovery", " pairs in the function set_analysis_parameters()."
# 2. check that negative control gRNAs are present (if the control group is the nt cells)
if (!control_group_complement) {
nt_present <- "non-targeting" %in% grna_target_data_frame$grna_group
if (!nt_present) {
"At least one non-targeting gRNA must be present to run a ",
if (pc_analysis) "power check" else "discovery analysis",
" when the control group is the NT set."
# 3. check for the presence of a calibration result
if (nrow(calibration_result) == 0L) {
cat(crayon::red(paste0("Warning: The calibration check (`run_calibration_check()`) should be run before the ", ifelse(pc_analysis, "power check", "discovery analysis"), ".\n\n")))
# 4. check that at least one pair passes qc
if (n_ok_pairs == 0L) {
stop("Zero pairs pass pairwise QC. Cannot run analysis.")
# 5. check n_processors
if (!(identical(n_processors, "auto") || (is.numeric(n_processors) && n_processors >= 2))) {
stop("`n_processors` should be set to the string 'auto' or an integer greater than or equal to 2.")
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