#' Metabolite Identification in a mass_dataset Object Using MS1 Data
#' This function identifies potential metabolites in a `mass_dataset` object by matching MS1 data (m/z) with a reference spectral database. Optionally, retention time (RT) can also be used for more accurate matching.
#' @param object A `mass_dataset` object that contains MS1 data.
#' @param ms1.match.ppm A numeric value specifying the mass accuracy threshold for MS1 matching in parts per million (ppm). Defaults to `25`.
#' @param rt.match.tol A numeric value specifying the retention time matching tolerance in seconds. Defaults to `30`. If set to a large value (e.g., greater than `10000`), RT matching will not be performed.
#' @param polarity A character string specifying the ionization mode. It can be either `"positive"` or `"negative"`. Defaults to `"positive"`.
#' @param column A character string specifying the chromatographic column type, either `"hilic"` (hydrophilic interaction) or `"rp"` (reverse phase). Defaults to `"hilic"`.
#' @param candidate.num A numeric value specifying the number of top candidates to retain per feature. Defaults to `3`.
#' @param database A `databaseClass` object containing the reference spectral database for annotation.
#' @param threads An integer specifying the number of threads to use for parallel processing. Defaults to `3`.
#' @return A data frame containing the metabolite identification results, including m/z error, RT error, matching scores, and information about the identified compounds.
#' @details
#' This function performs MS1-based matching between the experimental data in the `mass_dataset` object and a reference spectral database. The matching process is based on mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and optionally retention time (RT). The function supports both positive and negative ionization modes and can work with either HILIC or reverse-phase columns.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Perform MS1-based metabolite identification in a mass_dataset object
#' identification_result <- mzIdentify_mass_dataset(
#' object = mass_object,
#' ms1.match.ppm = 20,
#' rt.match.tol = 30,
#' polarity = "positive",
#' database = reference_database,
#' threads = 4
#' )
#' }
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{xiaotao.shen@@outlook.com}
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate select distinct anti_join rename left_join arrange bind_cols bind_rows
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract str_replace str_detect
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom furrr future_map
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom future plan multisession
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @importFrom crayon yellow bgRed
#' @export
mzIdentify_mass_dataset <-
ms1.match.ppm = 25,
rt.match.tol = 30,
polarity = c("positive", "negative"),
column = c("hilic", "rp"),
candidate.num = 3,
threads = 3) {
message("`mzIdentify_mass_dataset()` is deprecated.")
options(warn = -1)
###Check data
if (missing(database)) {
stop("No database is provided.\n")
##parameter specification
polarity <- match.arg(polarity)
column <- match.arg(column)
##check ms1.file and ms2.file
if (!is(database, "databaseClass")) {
stop("database should be databaseClass object.\n")
database.name <-
sep = "_")
##load adduct table
if (polarity == "positive" & column == "hilic") {
data("hilic.pos", envir = environment())
adduct.table <- hilic.pos
if (polarity == "positive" & column == "rp") {
data("rp.pos", envir = environment())
adduct.table <- rp.pos
if (polarity == "negative" & column == "hilic") {
data("hilic.neg", envir = environment())
adduct.table <- hilic.neg
if (polarity == "negative" & column == "rp") {
data("rp.neg", envir = environment())
adduct.table <- rp.neg
ms1.data <-
object@variable_info %>%
dplyr::rename(name = variable_id)
if (rt.match.tol > 10000) {
message(crayon::yellow("You set rt.match.tol as NA, so RT will not be used for matching."))
} else{
"You set rt.match.tol < 10,000, so if the compounds have RT, RTs will be used for matching."
ms1_database <-
database@spectra.info %>%
dplyr::mutate(mz = as.numeric(mz)) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(mz)) %>%
dplyr::distinct(Compound.name, .keep_all = TRUE)
###calculate the mz_matrix for all the compound with all adducts
mz_matrix <-
seq_len(nrow(adduct.table)) %>%
purrr::map(function(i) {
temp_n <-
stringr::str_extract(string = adduct.table$adduct[i],
pattern = "[0-9]{1}M") %>%
stringr::str_replace("M", "") %>%
temp_n[is.na(temp_n)] <- 1
temp <-
data.frame(as.numeric(adduct.table$mz[i]) + temp_n * as.numeric(ms1_database$mz))
colnames(temp) <- i
}) %>%
colnames(mz_matrix) <-
rownames(mz_matrix) <-
mz_rt_matrix <-
mz_matrix %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Lab.ID") %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -c(Lab.ID),
names_to = "Adduct",
values_to = "mz") %>%
dplyr::left_join(ms1_database[, c("Lab.ID", "RT")],
by = "Lab.ID")
rm(list = "mz_matrix")
###mz and rt match
# pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = nrow(ms1.data))
future::plan(strategy = future::multisession, workers = threads)
match_result <-
seq_len(nrow(ms1.data)) %>%
furrr::future_map(function(i) {
# pb$tick()
# cat(i, " ")
mz_rt_matrix %>%
dplyr::mutate(variable_id = ms1.data$name[i]) %>%
dplyr::mutate(mz.error = abs(ms1.data$mz[i] - mz) * 10 ^ 6 / ifelse(ms1.data$mz[i] < 400, 400, ms1.data$mz[i])) %>%
dplyr::mutate(RT.error = abs(ms1.data$rt[i] - RT)) %>%
dplyr::filter(mz.error < ms1.match.ppm) %>%
dplyr::filter(is.na(RT.error) |
RT.error < rt.match.tol) %>%
dplyr::select(variable_id, Lab.ID, Adduct, mz.error, RT.error) %>%
dplyr::arrange(mz.error, RT.error) %>%
}, .progress = TRUE)
match_result <-
match_result %>%
dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
dplyr::mutate(Database = database.name) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ms2_files_id = NA,
ms2_spectrum_id = NA) %>%
match_result$mz.match.score <-
exp(-0.5 * (match_result$mz.error / (ms1.match.ppm)) ^ 2)
if (rt.match.tol > 10000) {
match_result$RT.error <- NA
match_result$RT.match.score <- NA
match_result$Total.score <- match_result$mz.match.score
} else{
match_result$RT.match.score <-
exp(-0.5 * (match_result$RT.error / (rt.match.tol)) ^ 2)
match_result$Total.score <-
match_result$mz.match.score * 0.5 +
match_result$RT.match.score * 0.5
match_result$Total.score[is.na(match_result$Total.score)] <-
match_result$CE <-
match_result$SS <-
match_result <-
match_result %>%
dplyr::left_join(ms1_database[, c("Lab.ID",
by = "Lab.ID")
match_result <-
match_result %>%
####remove some impossible adducts
adduct_check <-
match_result %>%
dplyr::select(Formula, Adduct) %>%
dplyr::distinct(Formula, Adduct) %>%
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(Adduct, "(-H2O)|(-2H2O)")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(minus_h2o_number = stringr::str_extract(Adduct, "(-H2O)|(-2H2O)")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(minus_h2o_number = stringr::str_replace(minus_h2o_number, "(H2O)", "")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(minus_h2o_number = stringr::str_replace(minus_h2o_number, "-", "")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(minus_h2o_number = as.numeric(minus_h2o_number))
adduct_check$minus_h2o_number[is.na(adduct_check$minus_h2o_number)] <-
adduct_check <-
adduct_check %>%
h_number = stringr::str_extract(Formula, "H[0-9]{1,2}") %>%
stringr::str_replace("H", "") %>%
) %>%
o_number = stringr::str_extract(Formula, "O[0-9]{1,2}") %>%
stringr::str_replace("O", "") %>%
adduct_check$h_number[is.na(adduct_check$h_number)] <- 0
adduct_check$o_number[is.na(adduct_check$o_number)] <- 0
adduct_check <-
adduct_check %>%
dplyr::mutate(h_diff = h_number - minus_h2o_number * 2,
o_diff = o_number - minus_h2o_number) %>%
dplyr::filter(h_diff < 0 | o_diff < 0)
if (nrow(adduct_check) > 0) {
match_result <-
match_result %>%
dplyr::anti_join(adduct_check, by = c("Formula", "Adduct"))
match_result <-
match_result %>%
dplyr::select(-Formula) %>%
message(crayon::bgRed("All done."))
#' #' @title Identify peaks based on MS1 database
#' #' @description Identify peaks based on MS1 database.
#' #' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' #' \email{xiaotao.shen@@outlook.com}
#' #' @param object A mass_dataset class object.
#' #' @param ms1.match.ppm Precursor match ppm tolerance.
#' #' @param rt.match.tol RT match tolerance.
#' #' @param polarity The polarity of data, "positive"or "negative".
#' #' @param column "hilic" (HILIC column) or "rp" (reverse phase).
#' #' @param candidate.num The number of candidates.
#' #' @param database MS1 database name or MS1 database.
#' #' @param threads Number of threads
#' #' @return A mzIdentifyClass or metIdentifyClass object.
#' #' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' #' @importFrom dplyr pull filter
#' #' @export
#' #' @seealso The example and demo data of this function can be found
#' #' \url{https://tidymass.github.io/metid/articles/metid.html}
#' mzIdentify_mass_dataset2 <-
#' function(object,
#' ms1.match.ppm = 25,
#' rt.match.tol = 30,
#' polarity = c("positive", "negative"),
#' column = c("hilic", "rp"),
#' candidate.num = 3,
#' database,
#' threads = 3) {
#' options(warn = -1)
#' ###Check data
#' if (missing(database)) {
#' stop("No database is provided.\n")
#' }
#' ##parameter specification
#' polarity <- match.arg(polarity)
#' column <- match.arg(column)
#' ##check ms1.file and ms2.file
#' if (!is(database, "databaseClass")) {
#' stop("database should be databaseClass object.\n")
#' }
#' database.name <-
#' paste(database@database.info$Source,
#' database@database.info$Version,
#' sep = "_")
#' #------------------------------------------------------------------
#' ##load adduct table
#' if (polarity == "positive" & column == "hilic") {
#' data("hilic.pos", envir = environment())
#' adduct.table <- hilic.pos
#' }
#' if (polarity == "positive" & column == "rp") {
#' data("rp.pos", envir = environment())
#' adduct.table <- rp.pos
#' }
#' if (polarity == "negative" & column == "hilic") {
#' data("hilic.neg", envir = environment())
#' adduct.table <- hilic.neg
#' }
#' if (polarity == "negative" & column == "rp") {
#' data("rp.neg", envir = environment())
#' adduct.table <- rp.neg
#' }
#' ms1.data <-
#' object@variable_info %>%
#' dplyr::rename(name = variable_id)
#' if (rt.match.tol > 10000) {
#' message(crayon::yellow("You set rt.match.tol as NA, so RT will not be used for matching."))
#' } else{
#' message(
#' crayon::yellow(
#' "You set rt.match.tol < 10,000, so if the compounds have RT, RTs will be used for matching."
#' )
#' )
#' }
#' temp.fun <-
#' function(idx,
#' ms1.data,
#' ms1.match.ppm = 25,
#' rt.match.tol = 30,
#' database,
#' adduct.table,
#' candidate.num = 3) {
#' temp_mz <-
#' as.numeric(ms1.data$mz[idx])
#' temp_rt <-
#' as.numeric(ms1.data$rt[idx])
#' rm(list = c("ms1.data"))
#' temp_mz_diff1 <- abs(temp_mz - as.numeric(database$mz))
#' temp_mz_diff2 <- abs(temp_mz - as.numeric(database$mz) * 2)
#' temp_mz_diff3 <- abs(temp_mz - as.numeric(database$mz) * 3)
#' temp_mz_diff1[is.na(temp_mz_diff1)] <- 100000
#' temp_mz_diff2[is.na(temp_mz_diff2)] <- 100000
#' temp_mz_diff3[is.na(temp_mz_diff3)] <- 100000
#' max_mz_diff <-
#' max(abs(adduct.table$mz)) + 1
#' database <-
#' database[which(
#' temp_mz_diff1 < max_mz_diff |
#' temp_mz_diff2 < max_mz_diff |
#' temp_mz_diff3 < max_mz_diff
#' )
#' , , drop = FALSE]
#' rm(list = c("temp_mz_diff1", "temp_mz_diff2", "temp_mz_diff3"))
#' if (nrow(database) == 0) {
#' return(NA)
#' }
#' # spectra_mz <-
#' # purrr::map(as.data.frame(t(adduct.table)),
#' # function(x) {
#' # temp_n <-
#' # stringr::str_extract(string = as.character(x[1]),
#' # pattern = "[0-9]{1}M")
#' # temp_n <-
#' # as.numeric(stringr::str_replace(
#' # string = temp_n,
#' # pattern = "M",
#' # replacement = ""
#' # ))
#' # temp_n[is.na(temp_n)] <- 1
#' # as.numeric(x[2]) + temp_n * as.numeric(database$mz)
#' # }) %>%
#' # do.call(cbind, .)
#' spectra_mz <-
#' seq_len(nrow(adduct.table)) %>%
#' purrr::map(function(i) {
#' temp_n <-
#' stringr::str_extract(string = adduct.table$adduct[i],
#' pattern = "[0-9]{1}M") %>%
#' stringr::str_replace("M", "") %>%
#' as.numeric()
#' temp_n[is.na(temp_n)] <- 1
#' as.numeric(adduct.table$mz[i]) + temp_n * as.numeric(database$mz)
#' }) %>%
#' do.call(cbind, .) %>%
#' as.data.frame()
#' colnames(spectra_mz) <- adduct.table$adduct
#' rownames(spectra_mz) <- database$Lab.ID
#' ###mz match
#' temp <-
#' abs(spectra_mz - temp_mz) * 10 ^ 6 / ifelse(temp_mz < 400, 400, temp_mz)
#' temp_idx <-
#' which(temp < ms1.match.ppm, arr.ind = TRUE) %>%
#' as.data.frame()
#' if (nrow(temp_idx) == 0) {
#' return(NA)
#' }
#' match_idx <-
#' seq_len(nrow(temp_idx)) %>%
#' purrr::map(function(i) {
#' data.frame(
#' "Lab.ID" = rownames(spectra_mz)[temp_idx$row[i]],
#' "Addcut" = colnames(spectra_mz)[temp_idx$col[i]],
#' "mz.error" = temp[temp_idx$row[i], temp_idx$col[i]],
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' })
#' rm(list = c("spectra_mz", "adduct.table", "temp", "temp_idx"))
#' ##remove some none matched
#' match_idx <-
#' match_idx[which(unlist(lapply(match_idx, function(x) {
#' nrow(x)
#' })) != 0)]
#' if (length(match_idx) == 0) {
#' return(NA)
#' }
#' match_idx <-
#' match_idx %>%
#' dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
#' dplyr::arrange(mz.error)
#' # match_idx <- data.frame(rownames(match_idx),
#' # match_idx, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' colnames(match_idx) <-
#' c("Lab.ID", "Adduct", "mz.error")
#' ##rt match
#' RT.error <-
#' abs(temp_rt - as.numeric(database$RT)[match(match_idx$Lab.ID, database$Lab.ID)])
#' match_idx <- data.frame(match_idx, RT.error,
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' match_idx <-
#' dplyr::filter(match_idx,
#' is.na(RT.error) | RT.error < rt.match.tol)
#' if (nrow(match_idx) == 0) {
#' return(NA)
#' }
#' if (nrow(match_idx) > candidate.num) {
#' match_idx <- match_idx[seq_len(candidate.num), , drop = FALSE]
#' }
#' match_idx <-
#' data.frame(match_idx,
#' database[match(match_idx$Lab.ID, database$Lab.ID),
#' c("Compound.name", "CAS.ID", "HMDB.ID", "KEGG.ID"),
#' drop = FALSE],
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' match_idx <-
#' match_idx[, c(
#' "Compound.name",
#' "CAS.ID",
#' "HMDB.ID",
#' "KEGG.ID",
#' "Lab.ID",
#' "Adduct",
#' "mz.error",
#' 'RT.error'
#' )]
#' rownames(match_idx) <- NULL
#' return(match_idx)
#' }
#' if (masstools::get_os() == "windows") {
#' bpparam = BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
#' progressbar = TRUE)
#' } else{
#' bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads,
#' progressbar = TRUE)
#' }
#' if (is(database, "databaseClass")) {
#' ms1_database <-
#' database@spectra.info %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(mz = as.numeric(mz)) %>%
#' dplyr::filter(!is.na(mz)) %>%
#' dplyr::distinct(Compound.name, .keep_all = TRUE)
#' } else{
#' ms1_database <-
#' database
#' }
#' match_result <-
#' BiocParallel::bplapply(
#' seq_len(nrow(ms1.data)),
#' FUN = temp.fun,
#' BPPARAM = bpparam,
#' ms1.data = ms1.data,
#' ms1.match.ppm = ms1.match.ppm,
#' rt.match.tol = rt.match.tol,
#' database = ms1_database,
#' adduct.table = adduct.table,
#' candidate.num = candidate.num
#' )
#' names(match_result) <- ms1.data$name
#' temp_idx <-
#' which(unlist(lapply(match_result, function(x) {
#' all(is.na(x))
#' })))
#' if (length(temp_idx) > 0) {
#' match_result <- match_result[-temp_idx]
#' }
#' match_result <-
#' seq_along(match_result) %>%
#' purrr::map(function(i) {
#' data.frame(variable_id = names(match_result)[i],
#' match_result[[i]])
#' }) %>%
#' dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(Database = database.name) %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(ms2_files_id = NA,
#' ms2_spectrum_id = NA) %>%
#' dplyr::select(variable_id,
#' ms2_files_id,
#' ms2_spectrum_id,
#' dplyr::everything())
#' match_result$mz.match.score <-
#' exp(-0.5 * (match_result$mz.error / (ms1.match.ppm)) ^ 2)
#' if (rt.match.tol > 10000) {
#' match_result$RT.error <- NA
#' match_result$RT.match.score <- NA
#' match_result$Total.score <- match_result$mz.match.score
#' } else{
#' match_result$RT.match.score <-
#' exp(-0.5 * (match_result$RT.error / (rt.match.tol)) ^ 2)
#' match_result$Total.score <-
#' match_result$mz.match.score * 0.5 +
#' match_result$RT.match.score * 0.5
#' match_result$Total.score[is.na(match_result$Total.score)] <-
#' match_result$mz.match.score[is.na(match_result$Total.score)]
#' }
#' match_result$CE <-
#' match_result$SS <-
#' NA
#' match_result <-
#' match_result %>%
#' dplyr::select(
#' "variable_id",
#' "ms2_files_id",
#' "ms2_spectrum_id",
#' "Compound.name",
#' "CAS.ID",
#' "HMDB.ID",
#' "KEGG.ID",
#' "Lab.ID",
#' "Adduct",
#' "mz.error",
#' "mz.match.score",
#' "RT.error",
#' "RT.match.score",
#' "CE",
#' "SS",
#' "Total.score",
#' "Database",
#' dplyr::everything()
#' )
#' message(crayon::bgRed("All done."))
#' return(match_result)
#' }
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