
#' anansi wrapper for the MultiAssayExperiment class
#' \code{getAnansi} provides a wrapper to execute the anansi pipeline on a
#' \code{\link[MultiAssayExperiment:MultiAssayExperiment]{MultiAssayExperiment}}
#' object. It applies the functions \code{\link{weaveWebFromTables}},
#' \code{\link{anansi}} and optionally \code{\link{spinToLong}} in the given
#' order.
#' @param x a
#' \code{\link[MultiAssayExperiment:MultiAssayExperiment]{MultiAssayExperiment}}.
#' @param experiment1 \code{Character scalar} or \code{numeric scalar}.
#'   Selects the experiment 1 from \code{experiments(x)} of
#'   \code{MultiassayExperiment} object. (Default: \code{1})
#' @param experiment2 \code{Character scalar} or \code{numeric scalar}.
#'   Selects the experiment 2 from\code{experiments(x)} of
#'   \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object. (Default: \code{2})
#' @param assay.type1 \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the name of the assay
#'   in experiment 1 to be used. (Default: \code{"counts"})
#' @param assay.type2  \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the name of the
#'   assay in experiment 2 to be used. (Default: \code{"counts"})
#' @param return.format \code{Character scalar}. Should be one of \code{"long"},
#'   \code{"wide"}, or \code{"raw"}. Should the output of \code{\link{anansi}}
#'   be passed to \code{\link{spinToLong}} or \code{\link{spinToWide}} for
#'   convenient use. (Default: \code{"long"})
#' @param ... additional parameters that can be passed to
#'   \code{\link{weaveWebFromTables}}, \code{\link{anansi}},
#'   \code{\link{spinToLong}} or \code{\link{spinToWide}}.
#' @details
#' This wrapper of \code{\link{anansi}} allows to perform a complete anansi
#' analysis directly on objects of class
#' \code{\link[MultiAssayExperiment:MultiAssayExperiment]{MultiAssayExperiment}}.
#' First, the assays specified by \code{assay.type1} and \code{assay.type2}
#' are passed to \code{\link{weaveWebFromTables}} to produce an anansiWeb object.
#' Next, this object is fed to the main \code{\link{anansi}} function to compute
#' interactions between the two assays. Finally, the output can be simplified
#' with \code{\link{spinToLong}} for easy manipulation and visualisation.
#' @return
#' If \code{return.format} is long (default), a long format data.frame intended
#' to be compatible with ggplot2. If \code{return.format} is wide, a wide format
#' data.frame. If \code{return.format} is raw, a list of lists containing
#' correlation coefficients, p-values and q-values for all operations.
#' @examples
#' # Import libraries
#' library(mia)
#' library(TreeSummarizedExperiment)
#' library(MultiAssayExperiment)
#' # Load data
#' data("FMT_data", package = "anansi")
#' data("dictionary", package = "anansi")
#' # Convert to (Tree)SummarizedExperiment objects
#' metab_se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(conc = as.matrix(FMT_metab)))
#' KO_tse <- TreeSummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(counts = as.matrix(FMT_KOs)))
#' # Select functions that are represented in the dictionary
#' keep <- row.names(KO_tse) %in% sort(unique(unlist(anansi_dic)))
#' KO_tse <- KO_tse[keep, ]
#' # Remove features with less than 10% prevalence
#' KO_tse <- subsetByPrevalent(KO_tse,
#'   assay.type = "counts",
#'   prevalence = 0.1
#' )
#' # Perform a centered log-ratio transformation on the functional counts assay
#' KO_tse <- transformAssay(KO_tse,
#'   assay.type = "counts",
#'   method = "clr",
#'   pseudocount = TRUE
#' )
#' # Prepare colData
#' coldata <- FMT_metadata
#' rownames(coldata) <- coldata$Sample_ID
#' coldata <- coldata[match(colnames(KO_tse), rownames(coldata)), ]
#' # Combine experiments into MultiAssayExperiment object
#' mae <- MultiAssayExperiment(
#'   experiments = ExperimentList(metabolites = metab_se, functions = KO_tse),
#'   colData = coldata
#' )
#' # Perform anansi analysis
#' out <- getAnansi(mae,
#'   experiment1 = "metabolites", experiment2 = "functions",
#'   assay.type1 = "conc", assay.type2 = "clr",
#'   formula = ~Legend
#' )
#' # Select significant interactions
#' out <- out[out$model_full_q.values < 0.1, ]
#' # View subset of results
#' head(out, 5)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{weaveWebFromTables}}
#' \code{\link{anansi}}
#' \code{\link{spinToLong}}
#' \code{\link{spinToWide}}
#' @name getAnansi

#' @rdname getAnansi
#' @export
  signature = c("x"),
  function(x, ...) standardGeneric("getAnansi")

#' @rdname getAnansi
#' @export
#' @importFrom MultiAssayExperiment MultiAssayExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay colData
  signature = c(x = "MultiAssayExperiment"),
  function(x, experiment1 = 1, experiment2 = 2, assay.type1 = "counts",
           assay.type2 = "counts", return.format = "long", ...) {
    # Retrieve kwargs as list
    kwargs <- list(...)
    # Check fixed arguments
    fixed_args <- c("tableY", "tableX", "web", "metadata", "anansi_output")
    remove <- names(kwargs) %in% fixed_args
    # If fixed arguments in kwargs, remove them
    if (any(remove)) {
      removed <- paste0(names(kwargs[remove]), sep = "'", collapse = ", '")
      kwargs <- kwargs[!remove]
      warning("The arguments '", removed, " should not be used, as they are ",
        "extracted from 'x'.",
        call. = FALSE
    # Determine and check return.format
    return.format <- match.arg(
      arg = return.format,
      choices = c("long", "wide", "raw"),
      several.ok = FALSE
    # Check experiments
    mia:::.test_experiment_of_mae(x, experiment1)
    mia:::.test_experiment_of_mae(x, experiment2)
    # Extract experiments
    x1 <- x[[experiment1]]
    x2 <- x[[experiment2]]
    # Check assays
    mia:::.check_assay_present(assay.type1, x1)
    mia:::.check_assay_present(assay.type2, x2)
    # Extract assays
    t1 <- t(assay(x1, assay.type1))
    t2 <- t(assay(x2, assay.type2))
    # Extract colData (metadata)
    coldata <- colData(x)
    # Combine weaveWebFromTables args into list
    web_args <- c(list(tableY = t1, tableX = t2), kwargs)
    keep <- names(web_args) %in% c(
      "tableY", "tableX", "dictionary",
      "verbose", "mode", "prune", "max_sds"
    web_args <- web_args[keep]
    # Generate web object
    web <- do.call(weaveWebFromTables, web_args)
    # Combine anansi args into list
    anansi_args <- c(list(web = web, metadata = coldata), kwargs)
    keep <- names(anansi_args) %in% c(
      "web", "groups", "metadata", "formula",
      "adjust.method", "verbose",
    anansi_args <- anansi_args[keep]
    # Generate anansi output
    out <- do.call(anansi, anansi_args)
    # Based on chosen return.format
      long = {
        # return output as long data.frame
        # Combine spinToLong args into list
        spin_args <- c(list(anansi_output = out), kwargs)
        keep <- names(spin_args) %in% c(
          "anansi_output", "prune", "translate",
          "Y_translation", "X_translation"
        spin_args <- spin_args[keep]
        # Simplify anansi output
        out <- do.call(spinToLong, spin_args)
      wide = {
        # return output as wide data.frame
        # Combine spinToWide args into list
        spin_args <- c(list(anansi_output = out), kwargs)
        keep <- names(spin_args) %in% c(
          "anansi_output", "prune", "translate",
          "Y_translation", "X_translation"
        spin_args <- spin_args[keep]
        # Simplify anansi output
        out <- do.call(spinToWide, spin_args)
      raw = {}
      # No wrangling needed if raw output is chosen
thomazbastiaanssen/anansi documentation built on Feb. 9, 2025, 2:07 p.m.