#' An S4 class to contain all metabolomics and functional input data as well as a dictionary to link them.
#' @slot tableY A matrix of metabolomics data. Rows are samples and columns are features.
#' @slot tableX A matrix of functional data. Rows are samples and columns are features.
#' @slot dictionary A binary adjacency matrix. Typically generated using the \code{weaveWebFromTables()} function.
#' @description anansiWeb is the main container that will hold your input data thoughout the \code{anansi} pipeline.
slots = c(
tableY = "matrix",
tableX = "matrix",
dictionary = "matrix"
#' An S4 class to contain all \code{anansi} stats results so that they can easily be extracted.
#' @slot subject A character that describes the data that was queried.
#' @slot type A character that describes type of parameter contained in the \code{estimates} slot.
#' For example r.values for correlations or r.squared for models.
#' @slot df a vector of length 2, containing df1 and df2 corresponding to the F-ratio considered.
#' @slot F.valules A matrix containing the f-values
#' @slot estimates A matrix containing the estimates for the parameters named in the \code{type} slot.
#' @slot p.values A matrix containing the p.values for the parameters named in the \code{type} slot.
#' @slot q.values A matrix containing the q.values for the parameters named in the \code{type} slot.
#' @description \code{anansiTale} is the main container that will hold your stats output data coming out of the \code{anansi} pipeline.
slots = c(
subject = "character",
type = "character",
df = "numeric",
estimates = "matrix",
F.values = "matrix",
p.values = "matrix",
q.values = "matrix"
#' An S4 class to contain all \code{anansi} input so that they can easily be extracted.
#' @slot input A list that holds the input data in \code{anansiWeb} format, as well as the \code{int.terms} and corresponding \code{groups}, the equivalent \code{lm.formula} and \code{error.term} argument(s) if provided.
#' @description \code{anansiInput} is the container that will hold your input data in the \code{anansiYarn} output file coming out of the \code{anansi} pipeline.
slots = c(
web = "anansiWeb",
lm.formula = "formula",
error.term = "ANY",
int.terms = "vector",
groups = "ANY"
#' An S4 class to contain all \code{anansi} output so that they can easily be extracted.
#' @slot outut A list that holds the output data in \code{anansiWeb} format, as well as the \code{groups} argument if provided.
#' @description \code{anansiOutput} is the container that will hold your output data in the \code{anansiYarn} output file coming out of the \code{anansi} pipeline.
slots = c(
cor_results = "list",
model_results = "list"
#' An S4 class to contain all \code{anansi} input and output so that they can easily be extracted.
#' @slot input A list that holds the input data in \code{anansiWeb} format, as well as the \code{groups} argument if provided.
#' @slot output A list that holds the output in \code{anansiTale} format.
#' @description \code{anansiYarn} is the main container that will hold your output data coming out of the \code{anansi} pipeline.
#' The \code{spinToWide()} and \code{spinToLong()} functions can be used to extract result tables in wide and long format, respectively.
slots = c(
input = "anansiInput",
output = "anansiOutput"
#' Plotting method for \code{anansiYarn} object.
#' @description Makes a lot of histograms, useful to eyeball the p-value distribution.
#' @param x An \code{anansiYarn} object.
#' @importFrom graphics hist par
#' @export
setMethod("plot", "anansiYarn", function(x) {
par(ask = TRUE)
plotnames <- c(names(x@output@cor_results), names(x@output@model_results))
plotlist <- list(unlist(x@output@cor_results), unlist(x@output@model_results))
dictionary <- x@input@web@dictionary
for (p in seq_len(length(plotnames))) {
tale <- unlist(plotlist)[[plotnames[p]]]
# figure out if we're plotting r.values or r.squared.
if (tale@type == "r.values") {
xlim = c(-1, 1), xlab = tale@type, main = paste(tale@type, "of", tale@subject)
if (tale@type == "r.squared") {
xlim = c(0, 1), xlab = tale@type, main = paste(tale@type, "of", tale@subject)
# plot p.values
xlim = c(0, 1), xlab = "p.values",
main = paste("p.values of", tale@subject),
breaks = 20
# plot q.values
xlim = c(0, 1), xlab = "q.values",
main = paste("q.values of", tale@subject),
breaks = 20
par(ask = FALSE)
#' Show method for \code{anansiYarn} object.
#' @description method to print \code{anansiYarn} object by calling \code{show}.
#' Since anansiYarn objects are typically huge and unwieldy, also gives some tips on how to handle it.
#' @param object An \code{anansiYarn} object.
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @importFrom methods show
#' @export
setMethod("show", "anansiYarn", function(object) {
cat("\nThis is an anansiYarn S4 object. They tend to be very large so we here's a summary instead.
You can parse it to a data.frame using the spinToWide() & spinToLong() functions,
or you can manually explore it by using the @ operator. ")
#' Print method for \code{anansiYarn} object.
#' @description method to print \code{anansiYarn} object by calling \code{print}.
#' Since anansiYarn objects are typically huge and unwieldy, also gives some tips on how to handle it.
#' @param x An \code{anansiYarn} object.
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @export
setMethod("print", "anansiYarn", function(x) {
cat("\nThis is an anansiYarn S4 object. They tend to be very large so we here's a summary instead.
You can parse it to a data.frame using the spinToWide() & spinToLong() functions,
or you can manually explore it by using the @ operator. ")
#' Summary method for \code{anansiYarn} object.
#' @description method to print \code{anansiYarn} object by calling \code{summary}.
#' Since anansiYarn objects are typically huge and unwieldy, also gives some tips on how to handle it.
#' @param object An \code{anansiYarn} object.
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @export
setMethod("summary", "anansiYarn", function(object) {
cat("\nThis is an anansiYarn S4 object. They tend to be very large so we here's a summary instead.
You can parse it to a data.frame using the spinToWide() & spinToLong() functions,
or you can manually explore it by using the @ operator. ")
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