#' Download and store the Gene Ontology
#' This function downloads a copy of the gene ontology and formats it for quick
#' access. It can optionally check the current version and only download a new
#' if it supersede the current one.
#' @param mode Either 'force' (default) or 'auto'. If 'force' the gene ontology
#' will get fetched no matter what. If 'auto' it will only get fetched if the
#' current local version is older than the one available on the net.
#' @return This function is called for its side effects
#' @references \url{http://geneontology.org}
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' getGO('auto')
#' }
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @export
getGO <- function(mode = 'force') {
get <- !hasGO()
if (!get) {
if (mode == 'force') {
get <- TRUE
} else if (mode == 'auto') {
get <- !checkVersion()
if (get) {
oboPath <- file.path(
system.file('extdata', package = 'PanVizGenerator'),
download.file('http://geneontology.org/ontology/go-basic.obo', oboPath)
message('Parsing obo file... ', appendLF = FALSE)
go <- parseOBO(oboPath)
oboVersion <- function(obo) {
if (grepl('https?://', obo)) {
con <- url(obo)
} else {
con <- file(obo)
chunkSize <- 5
start <- 0
while (TRUE) {
rec <- scan(con, character(), sep = '\n', skip = start,
nlines = chunkSize, quiet = TRUE)
if (any(grepl('data-version', rec))) {
} else {
start <- start + chunkSize
sub('data-version:\\s+', '', rec[grepl('data-version', rec)])
hasGO <- function() {
oboFile <- system.file('extdata', 'go-basic.obo',
package = 'PanVizGenerator')
oboFile != ''
checkVersion <- function() {
if (!hasGO()) return(FALSE)
oboFile <- system.file('extdata', 'go-basic.obo',
package = 'PanVizGenerator')
currentVersion <- oboVersion(oboFile)
publicVersion <- oboVersion('http://geneontology.org/ontology/go-basic.obo')
as.Date(currentVersion, 'releases/%Y-%m-%d') >=
as.Date(publicVersion, 'releases/%Y-%m-%d')
parseOBO <- function(file) {
obo <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
obo <- obo[seq(which(obo == '[Term]')[1], length(obo))]
elemStart <- grep('^\\[.+\\]$', obo)
obo <- split(obo, rep.int(seq_along(elemStart),
diff(c(elemStart, length(obo) + 1))))
obo <- obo[sapply(obo, function(elem) elem[1] == '[Term]')]
termInd <- rep.int(seq_along(obo), lengths(obo))
obo <- unlist(obo, use.names = FALSE)
type <- sub('^(\\w+):.*$', '\\1', obo)
type[!grepl('^\\w+?:', obo)] <- NA
typeSplit <- split(seq_along(type), type)
obo <- sub('^\\w+?:\\s+', '', obo)
obo <- sub('^\"(.+)\".*$', '\\1', obo)
obo <- sub(' ! .+$', '', obo)
vertices <- data.frame(
id = obo[typeSplit$id],
name = obo[typeSplit$name],
namespace = obo[typeSplit$namespace],
def = obo[typeSplit$def],
alt_id = NA,
comment = NA,
is_obsolete = FALSE,
subset = NA,
synonym = NA,
xref = NA,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
vertices$alt_id[unique(termInd[typeSplit$alt_id])] <-
split(obo[typeSplit$alt_id], termInd[typeSplit$alt_id])
vertices$comment[termInd[typeSplit$comment]] <-
vertices$is_obsolete[termInd[typeSplit$is_obsolete]] <-
vertices$subset[unique(termInd[typeSplit$subset])] <-
split(obo[typeSplit$subset], termInd[typeSplit$subset])
vertices$synonym[unique(termInd[typeSplit$synonym])] <-
split(obo[typeSplit$synonym], termInd[typeSplit$synonym])
vertices$xref[unique(termInd[typeSplit$xref])] <-
split(obo[typeSplit$xref], termInd[typeSplit$xref])
isAEdges <- data.frame(
from = termInd[typeSplit$is_a],
to = match(obo[typeSplit$is_a], vertices$id),
type = 'is_a',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
considerEdges <- data.frame(
from = termInd[typeSplit$consider],
to = match(obo[typeSplit$consider], vertices$id),
type = 'consider',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
replacedByEdges <- data.frame(
from = termInd[typeSplit$replaced_by],
to = match(obo[typeSplit$replaced_by], vertices$id),
type = 'replaced_by',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
relationship <- unlist(strsplit(obo[typeSplit$relationship], ' '))
relationshipEdges <- data.frame(
from = termInd[typeSplit$relationship],
to = match(relationship[
seq(2, by = 2, length.out = length(relationship)/2)
], vertices$id),
type = relationship[seq(1, by = 2,
length.out = length(relationship)/2)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
edges <- rbind(
edges <- edges[!is.na(edges$from) & !is.na(edges$to), ]
row.names(edges) <- NULL
vertices = vertices,
edges = edges
cacheGO <- function(go) {
file <- file.path(system.file('extdata', package = 'PanVizGenerator'),
saveRDS(go, file)
loadGO <- function() {
if (!hasGO()) {
file <- file.path(system.file('extdata', package = 'PanVizGenerator'),
if (!file.exists(file)) {
go <- parseOBO(system.file('extdata', 'go-basic.obo',
package = 'PanVizGenerator'))
} else {
go <- readRDS(file)
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame V V<-
goToGraph <- function(go) {
names(go$vertices) <- sub('^name$', '.name', names(go$vertices))
go$vertices <- data.frame(name = seq_len(nrow(go$ver)), go$vertices,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
gr <- graph_from_data_frame(go$edges, vertices = go$vertices)
V(gr)$name <- V(gr)$id
#' @importFrom igraph as_data_frame
graphToGo <- function(graph) {
go <- as_data_frame(graph, 'both')
go$edges$from <- match(go$edges$from, go$vertices$name)
go$edges$to <- match(go$edges$to, go$vertices$name)
go$vertices$name <- go$vertices$.name
go$vertices$.name <- NULL
edgeColOrder <- order(match(names(go$edges), c('from', 'to', 'type')))
go$edges <- go$edges[, edgeColOrder]
vertexColOrder <- order(match(names(go$vertices),
c("id", "name", "namespace", "def", "alt_id",
"comment", "is_obsolete", "subset",
"synonym", "xref")))
go$vertices <- go$vertices[, vertexColOrder]
rownames(go$vertices) <- NULL
rownames(go$edges) <- NULL
#' @importFrom igraph induced_subgraph V E vertex_attr vertex_attr<- vertex_attr_names gorder
pruneGO <- function(go, namespace = NULL, subset = NULL, relations = NULL,
metadata = NULL) {
if (!inherits(go, 'igraph')) {
go <- goToGraph(go)
asList <- TRUE
} else {
asList <- FALSE
if (!is.null(namespace)) {
possibles <- unique(V(go)$namespace)
namespace <- unlist(lapply(namespace, function(n) {
possibles[grep(n, possibles)]
go <- induced_subgraph(go, which(V(go)$namespace %in% namespace))
if (!is.null(subset)) {
possibles <- unique(unlist(V(go)$subset))
subset <- unlist(lapply(subset, function(n) {
possibles[grep(n, possibles)]
subsetInd <- rep(seq_len(gorder(go)), lengths(V(go)$subset))
subsetMatch <- unlist(V(go)$subset) %in% subset
subsetMatch <- sapply(split(subsetMatch, subsetInd), any)
go <- induced_subgraph(go, which(subsetMatch))
if (!is.null(relations)) {
possibles <- unique(E(go)$type)
relations <- unlist(lapply(relations, function(n) {
possibles[grep(n, possibles)]
go <- go - E(go)[!E(go)$type %in% relations]
if (!is.null(metadata)) {
possibles <- vertex_attr_names(go)
metadata <- unlist(lapply(metadata, function(n) {
possibles[grep(n, possibles)]
metadata <- c('name', unique(sub('^name$', '.name', metadata)))
vertex_attr(go) <- vertex_attr(go)[metadata]
if (asList) {
go <- graphToGo(go)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.