#' @include aaa.R
#' @include generics.R
#' @include pgFull.R
#' @include pgLM.R
#' @include pgFullLoc.R
#' @include pgLMLoc.R
#' Construct a pangenome from fasta files
#' This function constructs an initial pangenome object from a set of fasta
#' files. Note that the actual pangenome is not calculated here. As such this
#' function mainly sets everything up before beginning the more lengthly
#' pangenome calculation.
#' @param paths A character vector with location of fasta files
#' @param translated A boolean indicating if the fasta files contain amino acid
#' sequences
#' @param geneLocation A function, string or dataframe. If it is a data.frame it
#' should contain the columns 'contig', 'start', 'end' and 'strand' with a row
#' for each gene. If it is a function it should take the name (fasta
#' description) for each gene and output a data.frame similar to described
#' above. If it is a string it should specify the format of the gene names.
#' Currently only 'prodigal' is supported.
#' @param lowMem Boolean. Should FindMyFriends avoid storing sequences in
#' memory.
#' @param ... Additional defaults to set on the object
#' @return A pgVirtual subclass object depending on geneLocation and lowMem.
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' \bold{geneLocation} \tab \bold{lowMem} \tab \bold{Resulting class} \cr
#' NULL \tab FALSE \tab \code{\linkS4class{pgFull}} \cr
#' NULL \tab TRUE \tab \code{\linkS4class{pgLM}} \cr
#' !NULL \tab FALSE \tab \code{\linkS4class{pgFullLoc}} \cr
#' !NULL \tab TRUE \tab \code{\linkS4class{pgLMLoc}} \cr
#' }
#' @examples
#' location <- tempdir()
#' unzip(system.file('extdata', 'Mycoplasma.zip', package='FindMyFriends'),
#' exdir=location)
#' genomeFiles <- list.files(location, full.names=TRUE, pattern='*.fasta')
#' # Create pgFull
#' pangenome(genomeFiles, TRUE)
#' # Create pgFullLoc
#' pangenome(genomeFiles, TRUE, geneLocation='prodigal')
#' # Create pgLM
#' pangenome(genomeFiles, TRUE, lowMem=TRUE)
#' # Create pgLMLoc
#' pangenome(genomeFiles, TRUE, geneLocation='prodigal', lowMem=TRUE)
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings readAAStringSet readDNAStringSet fasta.index
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
pangenome <- function(paths, translated, geneLocation = NULL, lowMem = FALSE,
...) {
settings <- .pkg_variables$defaults
sOverwrite <- list(...)
for (i in names(sOverwrite)) {
settings[[i]] <- sOverwrite[[i]]
settings$translated <- translated
settings$lowMem <- lowMem
args <- list(.settings = settings)
args$Class <- if (lowMem) {
if (is.null(geneLocation)) {
} else {
} else {
if (is.null(geneLocation)) {
} else {
sequenceFileLength <- as.integer(nSeqs(paths))
if (lowMem) {
if (length(paths) > 2000) {
splits <- rep(seq_len(ceiling(length(paths) / 2000)), each = 2000,
length.out = length(paths))
fi <- lapply(split(paths, splits), function(p) {
seqtype = if (translated) 'AA' else 'DNA')
args$seqIndex <- Reduce(function(l, r) {
r$recno <- r$recno + max(l$recno)
r$fileno <- r$fileno + max(l$fileno)
rbind(l, r)
}, x = fi)
} else {
args$seqIndex <- fasta.index(paths,
seqtype = if (translated) 'AA' else 'DNA')
} else {
args$sequences <- if (translated) {
} else {
if (any(sequenceFileLength == 0)) {
warning('The following files contained no sequences\n\n',
paste(paths[sequenceFileLength == 0], collapse = '\n'))
args$seqToOrg <- as.integer(unlist(sapply(seq_along(paths), function(x) {
rep(x, sequenceFileLength[x])
orgNames <- file_path_sans_ext(basename(paths))
args$orgInfo <- data.frame(
nGenes = sequenceFileLength,
row.names = orgNames,
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!is.null(geneLocation)) {
geneNames <- if (lowMem) {
} else {
args$geneLocation <- getSeqInfo(geneLocation, geneNames)
pan <- do.call(new, args)
zeroLengths <- which(geneWidth(pan) == 0)
if (length(zeroLengths) != 0) {
warning('Removing ', length(zeroLengths), ' genes of length 0')
pan <- removeGene(pan, ind = zeroLengths)
.pkg_variables$defaults <- list(
groupPrefix = 'OG',
nextGroup = 1,
coreThreshold = 1,
kmerSize = 5,
lowerLimit = 0.5,
algorithm = 'infomap',
flankSize = 4,
minFlank = 0,
forceParalogues = TRUE,
rescale = TRUE,
transform = FALSE,
maxLengthDif = 0.1,
geneChunkSize = 1e6,
cdhitOpts = list()
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