#' Write H5AD
#' Write a H5AD file from a \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param sce A \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object.
#' @param file String containing a path to write the new `.h5ad` file.
#' @param X_name Name of the assay to use as the primary matrix (`X`) of the
#' AnnData object. If `NULL`, the first assay of `sce` will be used by default.
#' @param skip_assays Logical scalar indicating whether assay matrices should
#' be ignored when writing to `file`.
#' @param compression Type of compression when writing the new `.h5ad` file.
#' @param version A string giving the version of the **anndata** Python library
#' to use. Allowed values are available in `.AnnDataVersions`. By default the
#' latest version is used.
#' @param verbose Logical scalar indicating whether to print progress messages.
#' If `NULL` uses `getOption("zellkonverter.verbose")`.
#' @inheritDotParams SCE2AnnData
#' @details
#' ## Skipping assays
#' Setting `skip_assays = TRUE` can occasionally be useful if the matrices in
#' `sce` are stored in a format that is not amenable for efficient conversion
#' to a **numpy**-compatible format. In such cases, it can be better to create
#' an empty placeholder dataset in `file` and fill it in R afterwards.
#' ## **DelayedArray** assays
#' If `sce` contains any **DelayedArray** matrices as assays `writeH5AD()` will
#' write them to disk using the **rhdf5** package directly rather than via
#' Python to avoid instantiating them in memory. However there is currently
#' an issue which prevents this being done for sparse **DelayedArray** matrices.
#' ## Known conversion issues
#' ### Coercion to factors
#' The **anndata** package automatically converts some character vectors to
#' factors when saving `.h5ad` files. This can effect columns of `rowData(sce)`
#' and `colData(sce)` which may change type when the `.h5ad` file is read back
#' into R.
#' ## Environment
#' See [AnnData-Environment] for more details on **zellkonverter** Python
#' environments.
#' @return A `NULL` is invisibly returned.
#' @author Luke Zappia
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @seealso
#' [`readH5AD()`], to read a \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} file from a H5AD
#' file.
#' [`SCE2AnnData()`], for developers to create an AnnData object from a
#' \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment}.
#' @examples
#' # Using the Zeisel brain dataset
#' if (requireNamespace("scRNAseq", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' library(scRNAseq)
#' sce <- ZeiselBrainData()
#' # Writing to a H5AD file
#' temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5ad")
#' writeH5AD(sce, temp)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom basilisk basiliskRun
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @importFrom DelayedArray is_sparse
writeH5AD <- function(sce, file, X_name = NULL, skip_assays = FALSE,
compression = c("none", "gzip", "lzf"), version = NULL,
verbose = NULL, ...) {
compression <- match.arg(compression)
if (compression == "none") {
compression <- NULL
# Loop over and replace DelayedArrays.
ass_list <- assays(sce)
is_da <- logical(length(ass_list))
for (a in seq_along(ass_list)) {
# Skip sparse DelayedArrays due to rhdf5 issue
# https://github.com/grimbough/rhdf5/issues/79
if (is(ass_list[[a]], "DelayedMatrix") && !is_sparse(ass_list[[a]])) {
is_da[a] <- TRUE
assay(sce, a, withDimnames = FALSE) <- .make_fake_mat(dim(sce))
env <- zellkonverterAnnDataEnv(version)
version <- gsub("zellkonverterAnnDataEnv-", "", slot(env, "envname"))
.ui_info("Using {.field anndata} version {.field {version}}")
file <- path.expand(file)
env = env,
fun = .H5ADwriter,
sce = sce,
file = file,
X_name = X_name,
skip_assays = skip_assays,
compression = compression,
verbose = verbose,
# Going back out and replacing each of them.
if (any(is_da)) {
for (p in which(is_da)) {
if (p == 1L) {
curp <- "X"
} else {
curp <- file.path("layers", assayNames(sce)[p])
rhdf5::h5delete(file, curp)
mat <- ass_list[[p]]
if (!is_sparse(mat)) {
filepath = file, name = curp, with.dimnames = FALSE
} else {
.write_CSR_matrix(file, name = curp, mat = mat)
#' @importFrom reticulate import
.H5ADwriter <- function(
sce, file, X_name, skip_assays, compression,
verbose = NULL, ...) {
adata <- SCE2AnnData(
X_name = X_name, skip_assays = skip_assays, verbose = verbose, ...
"Writing {.file { .trim_path(file)} }",
msg_done = "Wrote {.file { .trim_path(file)} }",
spinner = TRUE
if (!is.null(compression)) {
.ui_info("Using {.field compression} compression")
adata$write_h5ad(file, compression = compression)
# nocov start
# Skipping code coverage on these function because they aren't used until the
# sparse DelayedArray rhdf5 issue mentioned above is addressed
#' @importFrom DelayedArray blockApply rowAutoGrid type
.write_CSR_matrix <- function(file, name, mat, chunk_dim = 10000) {
handle <- rhdf5::H5Fopen(file)
rhdf5::h5createGroup(handle, name)
ghandle <- rhdf5::H5Gopen(handle, name)
on.exit(rhdf5::H5Gclose(ghandle), add = TRUE, after = FALSE)
rhdf5::h5writeAttribute("csc_matrix", ghandle, "encoding-type")
rhdf5::h5writeAttribute("0.1.0", ghandle, "encoding-version")
rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(rev(dim(mat)), ghandle, "shape")
file.path(name, "data"),
dims = 0,
maxdims = rhdf5::H5Sunlimited(),
H5type = if (type(mat) == "integer") {
} else {
chunk = chunk_dim
file.path(name, "indices"),
dims = 0,
maxdims = rhdf5::H5Sunlimited(),
H5type = "H5T_NATIVE_UINT32",
chunk = chunk_dim
env <- new.env() # persist the 'last' counter.
env$last <- 0L
out <- blockApply(
grid = rowAutoGrid(mat),
FUN = .blockwise_sparse_writer,
env = env,
file = handle,
name = name,
as.sparse = TRUE
out <- as.double(unlist(out))
iname <- file.path(name, "indptr")
dims = length(out) + 1L,
H5type = "H5T_NATIVE_UINT64"
rhdf5::h5writeDataset(c(0, cumsum(out)), handle, iname)
#' @importFrom DelayedArray nzdata nzindex
.blockwise_sparse_writer <- function(block, env, file, name) {
nzdex <- nzindex(block)
i <- nzdex[, 1]
j <- nzdex[, 2]
v <- nzdata(block)
o <- order(i)
i <- i[o]
j <- j[o]
v <- v[o]
last <- env$last
index <- list(last + seq_along(j))
iname <- file.path(name, "indices")
rhdf5::h5set_extent(file, iname, last + length(j))
rhdf5::h5writeDataset(j - 1L, file, iname, index = index)
vname <- file.path(name, "data")
rhdf5::h5set_extent(file, vname, last + length(j))
rhdf5::h5writeDataset(v, file, vname, index = index)
env$last <- last + length(j)
tabulate(i, nrow(block))
# nocov end
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