## Subsetting fastq data ##
getSubsetReads <- function(args,
geneList = NULL, gr = NULL, MappingRegion = 1:100000,
sample_range = 90000:100000,
truncate_refs = TRUE,
id_read_number = TRUE,
annotation = "data/tair10.gff",
reference = "data/tair10.fasta",
annot_outname = "tair10_sub.gff",
ref_outname = "tair10_sub.fasta",
outdir = "data/subset/", silent = FALSE) {
## Validation
if (all(class(args) != "SYSargs" & class(args) != "SYSargs2")) stop("Argument 'args' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2")
if (!file.exists(annotation)) stop("Please provide a valid annotation path.")
if (!file.exists(reference)) stop("Please provide a valid reference genome path.")
## check and create output directory
if (!dir.exists(outdir)) {
if (!(silent)) cat(paste0("Creating '", outdir, "' directory"), "\n")
if (!requireNamespace("systemPipeR", quietly = TRUE)) stop("Package systemPipeR should be installed.", "\n", call. = FALSE)
## obtain bam PATH
outpaths <- systemPipeR::subsetWF(args, slot = "output", subset = 1, index = 1)
## Create `txdb` for annontation
if (!is.null(geneList)) {
suppressWarnings(txdb <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF(file = annotation))
eByg <- GenomicFeatures::exonsBy(txdb, by = "gene")
gr_shortlist <- eByg[names(eByg) %in% geneList]
gr <- BiocGenerics::unlist(range(gr_shortlist)) # filter by names first before unlist
for (i in seq_along(systemPipeR::outpaths)) {
## Get sequence information
bam <- outpaths[i]
si <- GenomicRanges::seqinfo(Rsamtools::BamFile(bam))
# find the GRanges based on `geneList` OR `gr` OR `MappingRegion`
if (!is.null(geneList)) {
gr_target <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = GenomicRanges::seqnames(gr), ranges = GenomicRanges::ranges(gr))
if (is.null(gr_target)) stop("Please provide valid gene names.")
} else if (!is.null(gr)) {
gr_target <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = GenomicRanges::seqnames(gr), ranges = GenomicRanges::ranges(gr))
} else if (!is.null(MappingRegion)) {
gr_target <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(GenomicRanges::seqnames(si), IRanges::IRanges(MappingRegion))
} else {
stop("One of the arguments 'geneList', 'gr' or 'chrHead' must not be empty.")
## TODO: double check here. Need more testing
gr_outer <- range(gr_target) # obtain the outer boundary for the following subsetting
## Reference genome and annotatio
## TODO: need more testing
## subsetting
.subsetRef(reference, truncate_refs, gr, gr_outer, ref_outname)
## subsetting gff annotation file
.subsetAnno(anno, truncate_refs, gr, gr_outer, outdir)
## faster option from 'readGAlignments'
## get GR ids
param <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(which = gr_target, what = c("qname", "pos"))
aligns <- unname(Rsamtools::scanBam(bam, param = param))
# aligns <- unname(aligns)
elts <- stats::setNames(Rsamtools::bamWhat(param), Rsamtools::bamWhat(param))
aligns <- lapply(elts, function(elt) BiocGenerics::unlist(lapply(aligns, "[[", elt)))
names(aligns) <- elts
keepids <- aligns$qname[!is.na(aligns$pos)]
# whether the reads id will be sampled
if (!is.null(sample_range)) {
myN <- sample(sample_range, 1)
keepids <- sample(IRanges::unique(keepids), myN, replace = TRUE)
} else {
keepids <- keepids
## Filter fastq and writeout subset
filter <- function(x) x[as.character(ShortRead::id(x)) %in% keepids]
if (!is.null(systemPipeR::infile1(args)[i])) {
if (id_read_number) keepids <- paste(keepids, "/1", sep = "")
ShortRead::filterFastq(files = systemPipeR::infile1(args)[i], destinations = file.path(outdir, basename(systemPipeR::infile1(args)[i])), filter = filter)
if (!silent) {
"\t", "Data subset written to the file:",
file.path(outdir, BiocGenerics::basename(systemPipeR::infile1(args)[i])), "\n"
if (!is.null(systemPipeR::infile2(args)[i])) {
if (id_read_number) keepids <- IRanges::gsub("/1", "/2", keepids)
ShortRead::filterFastq(files = systemPipeR::infile2(args)[i], destinations = file.path(outdir, BiocGenerics::basename(systemPipeR::infile2(args)[i])), filter = filter)
if (!silent) {
"\t", "Data subset written to the file:",
file.path(outdir, basename(systemPipeR::infile2(args)[i])), "\n"
## Usage:
# getSubsetReads(args, MappingRegion = 1:900, sample_range = 800:900, outdir = "data/subset/", silent = FALSE)
# getSubsetReads(args, MappingRegion = 1:900, sample_range = NULL, outdir = "data/subset/", silent = FALSE)
## .subsetRef function ##
.subsetRef <- function(reference, truncate_refs, gr, gr_outer, ref_outname) {
refpath <- normalizePath(reference)
if (truncate_refs){
sref <- Biostrings::getSeq(Rsamtools::FaFile(refpath), gr)
srefl <- split(sref, names(sref))
subsetRef <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(lapply(srefl, unlist))
Biostrings::writeXStringSet(subsetRef, filepath = ref_outname)
} else {
sref <- Biostrings::getSeq(Rsamtools::FaFile(refpath), gr_outer)
Biostrings::writeXStringSet(sref, filepath = ref_outname)
## .subsetAnno function ##
.subsetAnno <- function(annotation, truncate_refs, gr, gr_outer, annot_outname) {
if (!requireNamespace(c("IRanges", "rtracklayer"), quietly = TRUE)) stop("Package IRanges OR rtracklayer should be installed.", "\n", call. = FALSE)
anno <- rtracklayer::import(annotation)
if (truncate_refs){
annosub <- anno[anno %within% gr]
rdc <- GenomicRanges::reduce(annosub, with.revmap = TRUE, ignore.strand = TRUE)
rmp <- GenomicRanges::mcols(rdc)$revmap
grl <- relist(annosub[unlist(rmp)], rmp)
widthList <- split(BiocGenerics::width(rdc), as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(rdc))) # base:split since width(rdc) is a vector
new_end <- unlist(unname(lapply(widthList, cumsum)))
subsetGFF <- unlist(shift(grl, new_end - BiocGenerics::end(rdc)))
} else {
annosub <- anno[anno %within% gr_outer]
grl <- split(annosub, GenomicRanges::seqnames(annosub), drop = TRUE)
subsetGFF <- unlist(shift(grl, 1 - BiocGenerics::start(gr_outer)))
con <- file(annot_outname, open = "w")
rtracklayer::export(subsetGFF, con, format = "gff3")
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