# Reshaping ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Reorder features
#' The `sort_tornado()` function reorders the features of a
#' \linkS4class{TornadoExperiment} object based on the weighted sum across all
#' bins.
#' @param tornado A \linkS4class{TornadoExperiment} object.
#' @param assay_name A `character(1)`: one of the assay names.
#' @param bin_subset,bin_weights Define either `bin_subset` or `bin_weights` (or
#' neither), but not both. `bin_subset` should be a `logical` or `numeric`
#' vector with subsetting indices for the number of bins. `bin_weights` should
#' be a `numeric` vector of weights, the same length as there are bins. If
#' both `bin_subset` and `bin_weights` are `NULL` (default), the weights are
#' constructed with the density function of the Laplace distribution wherein
#' the location is centred at the middle of the bins and the scale parameter
#' is 10% of the number of bins.
#' @param sample_subset A `character`, `logical` or `integer` vector for
#' subsetting the samples.
#' @param decreasing A `logical(1)`: sort from high to low (`TRUE`) or from low
#' to high (`FALSE`)?
#' @param ... Not currently in use.
#' @return The `tornado` dataset with the features reordered.
#' @export
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames
#' @family tornado utilities
#' @examples
#' # A tornado that isn't sorted
#' tor <- dummy_tornado()[c(2,1,4,3),]
#' # Sorting based on a particular sample
#' x <- sort_tornado(tor, sample_subset = "dummy_ctrl")
#' # Sorting based on a subset of bins
#' x <- sort_tornado(tor, bin_subset = 21:30)
#' # Sorting with custom weights
#' nbin <- nbin(tor)
#' w <- dnorm(seq_len(nbin), mean = (nbin + 1)/2, sd = 5)
#' x <- sort_tornado(tor, bin_weights = w)
sort_tornado <- function(
assay_name = assayNames(tornado),
bin_subset = NULL,
bin_weights = NULL,
sample_subset = NULL,
decreasing = TRUE,
) {
assay <- match.arg(assay_name, assayNames(tornado))
dim <- dim(tornado)
# Resolve weights
bin_weights <- resolve_bin_weights(dim[3], bin_subset, bin_weights)
# Resolve sample subset
if (length(sample_subset) < 1) {
sample_subset <- seq_len(dim[2])
sample_subset <- as.integer(NSBS(
sample_subset, setNames(seq_len(dim[2]), colnames(tornado))
# Determine order
order <- assay(tornado, assay)[, sample_subset, ]
order <- sweep(assay(tornado, assay), 3, bin_weights, FUN = "*")
order <- rowSums(order)
if (decreasing) {
order <- -order
order <- order(get_keydata(tornado, "row"), order)
metadata(tornado) <- c(metadata(tornado), list(sorted = TRUE))
#' Reshape tornado to long format
#' The `melt_tornado` emulates for the \linkS4class{TornadoExperiment} class
#' what the `melt()` function does in the \pkg{reshape2} package. It converts
#' the data to long format, which is the format of choice in the \pkg{tidyverse}
#' family of packages.
#' @inheritParams sort_tornado
#' @return A `data.frame` with `prod(dim(tornado))` rows.
#' @note For plotting purposes, the [`prep_tornado()`][prep_tornado()] function
#' does a more efficient job than `melt_tornado()`.
#' @export
#' @family tornado utilities
#' @examples
#' # Melt a tornado
#' tor <- dummy_tornado()
#' # Reshaping to long format
#' df <- melt_tornado(tor)
#' # Building a tornado plot from scratch
#' require(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(df, aes(position, feature_nr)) +
#' geom_raster(aes(fill = value)) +
#' facet_grid(feature_set ~ sample_name)
melt_tornado <- function(tornado, assay_name = assayNames(tornado)) {
assay <- match.arg(assay_name, assayNames(tornado))
position <- get_bin_position(tornado)
feat_num <- get_feature_num(tornado)
samp_dat <- get_sample_data(tornado)
ans <- cbind.data.frame(
samp_dat[flat_idx(tornado, 2), ],
feat_num[flat_idx(tornado, 1), ],
position = position[flat_idx(tornado, 3)],
value = as.vector(assay(tornado, assay_name))
rownames(ans) <- NULL
#' Normalise samples
#' Normalise the samples in a \linkS4class{TornadoExperiment} by dividing their
#' values by some scaling factor.
#' @inheritParams sort_tornado
#' @param scale A `numeric` vector or length `ncol(tornado)` with normalisation
#' factors.
#' @param assay_to A `character(1)` for the target assay name for the normalised
#' data. Defaults to the `assay_name` assay, thereby replacing input data.
#' @return A \linkS4class{TornadoExperiment} object.
#' @export
#' @family tornado utilities
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay<-
#' @examples
#' tor <- dummy_tornado()
#' tor <- norm_tornado(tor, c(1, 2))
norm_tornado <- function(
tornado, scale,
assay_name = assayNames(tornado), assay_to = assay_name) {
if (length(scale) == 1) {
scale <- rep(scale, ncol(tornado))
if (!is.null(names(scale)) && !is.null(colnames(tornado))) {
i <- match(names(scale), colnames(tornado))
scale <- scale[i]
"Cannot match up the 'scale' parameter with columns in 'x'." =
length(scale) == ncol(tornado),
"Scale cannot contain NAs" =
assay_name <- match.arg(assay_name, assayNames(tornado))
assay <- assay(tornado, assay_name, withDimnames = FALSE)
assay <- sweep(assay, 2, scale, FUN = "/")
assay(tornado, assay_to, withDimnames = FALSE) <- assay
#' Flatten features
#' Summarise a `TornadoExperiment` at every bin position for every sample by
#' calculating a statistic over all features in a set. The defaults measure
#' the mean, standard deviation and number of features.
#' @inheritParams sort_tornado
#' @param measure A **named** `list` wherein each element is a `function`.
#' Every function is expected to take a `nrow(x)` by `nbin(x)` matrix and
#' return one of these results:
#' \itemize{
#' \item An atomic vector of length 1. An example of this is `nrow()`.
#' \item An atomic vector of length `nbin(x)`. An example of this is
#' `colMeans()`.
#' \item An atomic matrix of dimension `nbin(x)` by `m` *with* columnames.
#' An example of this is the [`colQuantiles`][matrixStats::colQuantiles]
#' function.
#' }
#' As one might infer from the mentioned example functions, the
#' `col*`-patterned functions are generally appropriate. Alternatively, the
#' list elements can be `formula` with right-hand side. This follows the
#' \pkg{rlang} [lambda syntax][rlang::as_function()].
#' @return A long format `data.frame` with columns named after the `measure`
#' argument, as well as `position`, `feature_set` and elements from
#' `colData(x)`.
#' @export
#' @family tornado utilities
#' @importFrom MatrixGenerics colMeans2 colSds
#' @examples
#' # Summarise features
#' tor <- dummy_tornado()
#' df <- flatten_features(tor)
#' # Estimate standard error of the mean
#' df$se <- sqrt(df$sd^2 / df$n)
#' # Plotting the result
#' require(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(df, aes(position, fill = feature_set)) +
#' geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = mean - se, ymax = mean + se), alpha = 0.3) +
#' geom_line(aes(y = mean, colour = feature_set)) +
#' facet_wrap(~ sample_name)
#' # Calculating alternative metrics
#' require(matrixStats)
#' measure <- list(median = matrixStats::colMedians,
#' mad = matrixStats::colMads,
#' n = nrow)
#' df <- flatten_features(tor, measure = measure)
flatten_features <- function(
tornado, assay_name = assayNames(tornado),
measure = list(mean = colMeans2, sd = colSds, n = nrow)
) {
nbin <- nbin(tornado)
measure <- resolve_measure(measure)
assay_name <- match.arg(assay_name, assayNames(tornado))
diced <- dice_tornado(tornado, assay = assay_name)
# Collect metadata
position <- get_bin_position(tornado)
sample <- get_sample_data(tornado)
featset <- unique(get_keydata(tornado, "row"))
# Do measurements
ans <- mapply(function(mat, i) {
res <- lapply(measure, function(f) {
res$`.index` <- i
res$`.bin` <- seq_len(nbin)
}, mat = diced, i = seq_along(diced), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
ans <- resolve_listmatrix(ans, nbin)
# Attach metadata
ans$position <- position[ans$.bin]
ans$feature_set <- featset[flat_idx(diced, 1)[ans$.index]]
ans[names(sample)] <- as.list(sample[flat_idx(diced, 2)[ans$.index], ])
# Cleanup
ans$.bin <- ans$.index <- NULL
# Dicing ------------------------------------------------------------------
.dice_tornado <- function(x, f, ...) {
dim <- dim(x)
"Cannot dice tornado: 'f' must be of length 'nrow(x)'." =
length(f) == dim[1],
"Cannot dice array with dimensions other than 3." =
length(dim) == 3L
f <- split(seq_along(f), f)
i <- rep.int(seq_along(f), dim[2])
j <- rep(seq_len(dim[2]), each = length(f))
ans <- mapply(
function(i, j) x[i, j, , drop = TRUE],
i = f[i], j = j, SIMPLIFY = FALSE
dim(ans) <- c(length(f), dim[2])
function(x, f, ...) standardGeneric("dice_tornado")
"dice_tornado", "TornadoExperiment",
function(x, f = NULL, assay = assayNames(x)) {
assay <- match.arg(assay, assayNames(x))
if (missing(f) || is.null(f)) {
f <- get_keydata(x, keytype = "row")
ans <- callGeneric(
x = assay(x, assay),
f = f
dimnames(ans) <- list(unique(f), get_keydata(x, keytype = "col"))
"dice_tornado", "array",
# Resolve arguments -------------------------------------------------------
resolve_bin_weights <- function(nbins, bin_subset, bin_weights) {
x <- seq_len(nbins)
if (!is.null(bin_subset) && !is.null(bin_weights)) {
warning("Cannot use `bin_subset` and `bin_weights` at the same time.")
bin_subset <- NULL
# Translate bin_subset to 0/1 weights
if (!is.null(bin_subset) && is.null(bin_weights)) {
bin_subset <- as.integer(NSBS(bin_subset, x))
bin_weights <- as.numeric(x %in% bin_subset)
# Default to Laplacian density weights
if (is.null(bin_weights)) {
bin_range <- range(x)
bin_weights <- dlaplace(x, mu = 0.5 * diff(bin_range), b = 0.1 * nbins)
# Expand weights if they are of length 1
if (length(bin_weights) == 1) {
bin_weights <- rep(bin_weights, nbins)
# Check if length matches
if (!is.null(bin_weights)) {
"Bin weights do not match number of bins" =
length(bin_weights) == nbins
#' @importFrom rlang as_function is_formula
resolve_measure <- function(x, argname = "measure") {
if (is.function(x) || is_formula(x)) {
x <- list("func" = x)
msg <- paste0(
"The '", argname, "' argument was not a list but a single function. ",
"It will have the column name 'func' in the output."
# Check names
names <- names(x)
msg <- NULL
if (any(!nzchar(names))) {
msg <- c(msg, paste0(
"All functions in the '", argname, "' should be named."
if (any(c(".index", ".bin") %in% names(x))) {
msg <- c(msg, paste0(
"'.index' and '.bin' are prohibited names in the '",
argname, "' argument."
# Covert formulas to functions
formulas <- vapply(x, is_formula, logical(1))
if (any(formulas)) {
x[formulas] <- lapply(x[formulas], as_function)
# Check all are functions
is_fun <- vapply(x, is.function, logical(1))
if (any(!is_fun)) {
msg <- c(msg, paste0(
"The '", argname, "' argument should be a list of functions."
if (length(msg)) {
stop(paste0(msg, collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
resolve_listmatrix <- function(x, nbin) {
nans <- unique(lengths(x))
stopifnot(length(nans) == 1)
dim <- c(nans, length(x))
nms <- names(x[[1]])
# Bind columns
if (dim[2] > 1) {
x <- with_dim(unlist(x, FALSE, FALSE), dim)
x <- apply(x, 1, function(x) {bindROWS(x[[1]], x[-1])})
} else {
x <- unlist(x, FALSE, FALSE)
x <- setNames(x, nms)
# Resolve rows
rows <- vapply(x, NROW, integer(1))
x[rows == dim[2]] <- lapply(x[rows == dim[2]], rep, each = nbin)
delete <- vapply(x, NROW, integer(1)) != (dim[2] * nbin)
if (any(delete)) {
msg <- comma_and(names(delete)[delete])
msg <- paste0("The following measurements had inappropriate lengths: ",
warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
x[delete] <- NULL
# Resolve columns
cols <- vapply(x, NCOL, integer(1))
alter <- names(x)[cols != 1L]
alter <- lapply(alter, function(i) {
out <- as.list(as.data.frame(x[[i]]))
outnames <- names(out) %||% seq_len(ncol(out))
setNames(out, paste0(i, "_", outnames))
alter <- unlist(alter, FALSE)
x <- c(x[cols == 1L], alter)
# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace_distribution
dlaplace <- function(x, mu = 0, b = 1) {
(1 / (2 * b)) * exp(-1 * (abs(x - mu)/b))
get_bin_position <- function(x, extremes = FALSE) {
pos <- binData(x)
if ("range" %in% colnames(pos) && inherits(pos$range, "Ranges")) {
pos <- (start(pos$range) + end(pos$range)) / 2
} else {
pos <- as.vector(pos[[binKey(x)]])
if (!is.numeric(pos)) {
pos <- match(pos, sort(unique(pos)))
get_feature_num <- function(x) {
feat <- get_keydata(x, "row")
nr <- unlist(lapply(split(feat, feat), seq_along), FALSE, FALSE)
feature_set = as.vector(feat),
feature_nr = as.vector(nr)
get_sample_data <- function(x) {
# Put key as first column
key <- colKey(x)
x <- colData(x)
notkey <- setdiff(colnames(x), key)
x <- x[, c(key, notkey)]
with_dim <- function(x, dim) {
dim(x) <- dim
flat_idx <- function(x, margin = 1) {
as.vector(slice.index(x, margin))
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