
Defines functions .id_only getOutputById Flow

Documented in Flow

#' Build workflow
#' Build workflow
#' @param graph if add graph coordinates or not,
#' used for flow visualization on Seven Bridges platforms.
#' @param x.width x scale width
#' @param y.width y scale width
#' @param x.start node x start point for a flow
#' @param y.start node y start point for a flow
#' @param canvas_zoom zoom factor
#' @param canvas_x canvas x
#' @param canvas_y canvas y
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to SBGWorkflow
#' @rdname Flow
#' @return a SBGWorkflow object.
#' @export SBGWorkflow
#' @exportClass SBGWorkflow
#' @aliases SBGWorkflow
#' @examples
#' f1 <- system.file("extdata/app", "flow_star.json", package = "sevenbridges")
#' f1 <- convert_app(f1)
#' # input matrix
#' f1$input_matrix()
#' # by name
#' f1$input_matrix(c("id", "type", "required", "link_to"))
#' # return only required
#' f1$input_matrix(required = TRUE)
#' # return everything
#' f1$input_matrix(NULL)
#' # return a output matrix with more informtion
#' f1$output_matrix()
#' # return only a few fields
#' f1$output_matrix(c("id", "type"))
#' # return everything
#' f1$output_matrix(NULL)
#' # flow inputs
#' f1$input_type()
#' # flow outouts
#' f1$output_type()
#' # flow input id
#' f1$input_id()
#' # linked input id
#' f1$linked_input_id()
#' # flow output id
#' f1$output_id()
#' # linked output id
#' f1$linked_output_id()
#' # link_map
#' f1$link_map()
#' # all step input id
#' f1$step_input_id()
#' # all step input full id with type
#' f1$step_input_id(TRUE)
#' # all step output id
#' f1$step_output_id()
#' # all step output full id with type
#' f1$step_output_id(TRUE)
#' # get inputs objects
#' f1$get_input("#clip3pNbases")
#' f1$get_input(c("#clip3pNbases", "#chimScoreMin"))
#' f1$get_input(c("#clip3pNbases", "#chimScoreMin", "#STAR.outFilterMismatchNoverLmax"))
#' # get outputs objects
#' f1$get_output("#log_files")
#' f1$get_output(c("#log_files", "intermediate_genome"))
#' f1$get_output(c("#log_files", "intermediate_genome", "#STAR.unmapped_reads"))
#' f1$get_output("#log_files")
#' # set flow input
#' f1$set_flow_input("#SBG_FASTQ_Quality_Detector.fastq")
#' f1$set_flow_output(c("#log_files", "intermediate_genome"))
#' # get required node
#' f1$get_required()
#' # set required node
#' f1$steps[[1]]$run$set_required("genomeChrBinNbits")
#' f1$get_required()
#' f1$steps[[1]]$run$set_required("genomeChrBinNbits", FALSE)
#' f1$get_required()
#' # get Tool object from Flow by id and name
#' f1$list_tool()
#' # return two
#' f1$get_tool("STAR")
#' # return one
#' f1$get_tool("^STAR$")
#' # get included input ports
#' f1$get_input_port()
#' # set included input ports
#' f1$set_input_port(c("#STAR.alignSJDBoverhangMin", "chimScoreSeparation"))
#' f1$get_input_port()
#' f1$set_input_port(c("#STAR.alignSJDBoverhangMin", "chimScoreSeparation"), FALSE)
#' f1$get_input_port()
#' f1$get_input_node()
#' f1$get_output_node()
#' f1$get_input_exposed()
#' f1$step_input_id(TRUE)
#' f1$input_id()
#' f1$set_flow_input("#STAR.reads")
#' f1$input_id()
#' # batch
#' f1$set_batch("sjdbGTFfile", c("metadata.sample_id", "metadata.library_id"))
#' f1$set_batch("sjdbGTFfile", type = "ITEM")
#' # add source to id
#' f1$link_map()
#' f1$add_source_to_id(c("test1", "test2"), c("#STAR.genome", "#STAR.reads"))
#' f1$link_map()
SBGWorkflow <- setRefClass(
  contains = c("Workflow", "SBG"),

  fields = list(
    "sbg:canvas_zoom" = "numericORNULL",
    "sbg:canvas_y" = "numericORNULL",
    "sbg:canvas_x" = "numericORNULL",
    "sbg:batchInput" = "characterORNULL",
    "sbg:batchBy" = "listORNULL",
    "y" = "numericORNULL",
    "x" = "numericORNULL"

  methods = list(
    initialize = function(id = NULL,
                              label = NULL,
                              canvas_zoom = 1,
                              canvas_y = NULL,
                              canvas_x = NULL,
                              batchInput = NULL,
                              batchBy = NULL,
                              steps = list(), ...) {


      args <- mget(

      nms <- c(
        "canvas_x", "canvas_y",
        "canvas_zoom", "update",
        "batchInput", "batchBy"
      for (nm in nms) {
        .self$field(paste0("sbg:", nm), args[[nm]])
      steps <<- steps

      callSuper(id = id, label = label, ...)

    copy_obj = function() {
      "this is a hack to make copy of reference cwl object"
      tmp <- tempfile()
      write(toJSON(pretty = TRUE), tmp)
      res <- convert_app(tmp)

    set_flow_output = function(oid = NULL, add = TRUE) {
      "Expose tool output node as flow output, default is additative, if add = FALSE, this will overwrite and only made provided id outputs of flow."
      # just add to output node
      if (!length(oid)) return(NULL)
      # get exist
      if (add) {
        old.id <- output_id()
        oid <- unique(c(old.id, oid))
      oi <- sapply(oid, .id_only)
      ol <- get_output(oid, TRUE)

      sol <- as(ol, "SBGWorkflowOutputParameterList")
      lst <- lapply(sol, function(ol) {
        .id <- ol$id
        nm <- names(oi[oi == .id])
        # should be full name
        ol$source <- set_box(nm)
      sol <- do.call(
      for (i in 1:length(sol)) {
        sol[[i]]$"sbg:includeInPorts" <- TRUE

      outputs <<- sol


    set_flow_input = function(iid = NULL, add = TRUE) {
      # validate if the input is File or File...
      "Expose tool input node as flow input, default is additative, if add = FALSE, this will overwrite and only made provided id inputs of flow."

      .id <- step_input_id(TRUE)
      if (!all(iid %in% .id)) {
        stop("input id doesn't exist")

      if (add) {
        oid <- input_id()
        nid <- iid[which(is.na(match(sapply(iid, .id_only), oid)))]
        .nnl <- get_input(id = nid)
        if (length(.nnl) == 1) {
          .nnl <- list(.nnl)
        } else {
          .nnl <- as.list(.nnl)

        inl <- do.call("IPList", c(.nnl, as.list(inputs)))
      } else {
        nid <- iid
        inl <- get_input(id = nid, TRUE)
      # get connected from step list

      sapply(nid, function(x) {
        tool.id <- get_tool_id_from_full(x)
        sins <- get_step(id = tool.id)$inputs
        idx <- which(x == sapply(sins, function(i) i$id))
        input.id <- get_input_id_from_full(x)
        sins[[idx]]$source <- set_box(input.id)

      for (i in 1:length(inl)) {
        # all exposed
        inl[[i]]$"sbg:includeInPorts" <- TRUE
      inputs <<- inl

    linked_output_id = function() {
      "output id that linked to an input"
      res <- unlist(sapply(steps, function(s) {
        if (length(s$inputs)) {
          sapply(s$inputs, function(i) {
            res <- i$source
            if (length(res)) {
            } else {
        } else {

    linked_input_id = function() {
      "input id that linked to an output"
      res <- unlist(sapply(steps, function(s) {
        if (length(s$inputs)) {
          sapply(s$inputs, function(i) {
            res <- i$source
            if (length(res)) {
            } else {
        } else {

    link_map = function() {
      "show a table of all linked nodes"

      lst <- lapply(steps, function(s) {
        ilst <- s$inputs

        res <- do.call(rbind, lapply(ilst, function(ii) {
          ii <- ii$toList()

          if ("source" %in% names(ii)) {
              id = unname(ii$id),
              source = as.character(ii$source),
              type = "input",
              stringsAsFactors = TRUE
          } else {

        if (length(res)) {
          rownames(res) <- NULL
        } else {
      r1 <- do.call(rbind, lst)

      lst <- lapply(outputs, function(o) {
          id = unname(o$id),
          source = as.character(o$source),
          type = "output",
          stringsAsFactors = TRUE
      r2 <- do.call(rbind, lst)
      rbind(r1, r2)
      # output

    get_id_by_source = function(sname) {
      lm <- link_map()
      paste0(as.character(lm[which(lm$source == sname), "id"]), collapse = " | ")

    add_source_to_id = function(sources, ids) {
      if (length(sources) != length(ids)) {
        stop("sources and ids lengths must be the same")

      for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
        .s <- get_step(id = get_tool_id_from_full(ids[i]))
        idx <- which(sapply(.s$inputs, function(x) {
          x$id == ids[i]
        .s$inputs[[idx]]$source <- c(.s$inputs[[idx]]$source, set_box(sources[i]))

    list_tool = function() {
      "list all tools included in this flow"
      res <- lapply(steps, function(x) {
          label = x$run$label,
          sbgid = x$run$id,
          id = x$id,
          stringsAsFactors = TRUE
      res <- do.call(rbind, res)
      rownames(res) <- NULL

    get_tool = function(name = NULL, id = NULL) {
      "get a tool object by name or id, name support pattern match"
      if (is.null(name) && is.null(id)) {
        stop("please provide name or id")
      dt <- list_tool()
      if (!is.null(name)) {
        idx <- which(grepl(name, dt$label))
      if (!is.null(id)) {
        idx <- which(id == dt$id)
      if (length(idx) == 0) {
      } else if (length(idx) == 1) {
      } else if (length(idx) > 1) {
        return(lapply(steps[idx], function(x) x$run))

    get_step = function(name = NULL, id = NULL) {
      "get step object by name or id, name support pattern match"
      if (is.null(name) && is.null(id)) {
        stop("please provide name or id")
      dt <- list_tool()
      if (!is.null(name)) {
        idx <- which(grepl(name, dt$label))
      if (!is.null(id)) {
        idx <- which(id == dt$id)
      if (length(idx) == 0) {
      } else if (length(idx) == 1) {
      } else if (length(idx) > 1) {

    get_input = function(ids, force = FALSE) {
      "get input by pure input id from all steps"

      ids <- addIdNum(ids)
      idx <- is_full_name(ids)
      res <- NULL
      if (sum(idx)) {
        ids.full <- ids[idx]
        tool.name <- get_tool_id_from_full(ids[idx])
        input.name <- get_input_id_from_full(ids[idx])
        for (i in 1:length(tool.name)) {
          res <- c(res, get_tool(id = tool.name[i])$get_input(id = input.name[i]))

      if (sum(!idx)) {
        for (.id in ids[!idx]) {
          for (i in seq_len(length(steps))) {
            r <- steps[[i]]$run
            idx <- which(.id == r$input_id())
            if (length(idx)) {
              res <- c(res, r$inputs[[idx]])

      if (force) {
        if (length(res)) {
          return(do.call("InputParameterList", res))
        } else {
      } else {
        if (length(res) > 1) {
          return(do.call("InputParameterList", res))
        } else if (length(res) == 1) {
        } else {

    get_output = function(ids, force = FALSE) {
      "get output by pure output id from all steps"
      res <- NULL

      ids <- addIdNum(ids)
      idx <- is_full_name(ids)
      if (sum(idx)) {
        ids.full <- ids[idx]
        tool.name <- get_tool_id_from_full(ids[idx])
        output.name <- get_input_id_from_full(ids[idx])
        for (i in 1:length(tool.name)) {
          res <- c(res, get_tool(id = tool.name[i])$get_output(id = output.name[i]))
      if (sum(!idx)) {
        for (.id in ids[!idx]) {
          for (i in seq_len(length(steps))) {
            r <- steps[[i]]$run

            idx <- which(.id == r$output_id())
            if (length(idx)) {
              res <- c(res, r$outputs[[idx]])
      if (force) {
        if (length(res)) {
          return(do.call("OutputParameterList", res))
        } else {
      } else {
        if (length(res) > 1) {
          return(do.call("OutputParameterList", res))
        } else if (length(res) == 1) {
        } else {

    input_type = function() {
      "Show a vector of flow input type, names of them are input id."

    output_type = function() {
      "Show a vector of flow output type, names of them are output id."

    input_id = function() {
      "show input id"
      res <- unname(sapply(inputs, function(i) i$id))
      if (length(res)) {
      } else {

    output_id = function() {
      "show output id"
      res <- unname(sapply(outputs, function(o) o$id))
      if (length(res)) {
      } else {

    input_matrix = function(new.order = c("id", "label", "type", "required", "prefix", "fileTypes"), required = NULL) {
      "This return a matrix of input parameters, by default, following the order id, label, type, required, prefix, fileTypes. new.order accept names of column you want to print, but it has to be a field of inputs. When its set to NULL, it prints all fields. When required = TRUE, only print required field."

      res <- suppressWarnings(as(inputs, "data.frame"))

      if ("link_to" %in% new.order || is.null(new.order)) {
        res$link_to <- sapply(res$id, .self$get_id_by_source)

      if (!is.null(required)) {
        res <- res[res$required == required, ]
        if (!nrow(res)) {

      if (!is.null(new.order)) {
        new.order <- intersect(new.order, names(res))
        res[, new.order]
      } else {

    output_matrix = function(new.order = c("id", "label", "type", "fileTypes")) {
      "This return a matrix of output parameters, by default, following the order id, label, type, fileTypes. new.order accept names of column you want to print, but it has to be a field of outputs. When its set to NULL, it prints all fields. When required = TRUE, only print required field."

      res <- suppressWarnings(as(outputs, "data.frame"))

      if ("link_to" %in% new.order || is.null(new.order)) {
        lm <- link_map()
        res$link_to <- sapply(res$id, function(i) {
          paste0(as.character(lm[which(lm$id == i), "source"]), collapse = " | ")

      if (!is.null(new.order)) {
        new.order <- intersect(new.order, names(res))
        res[, new.order]
      } else {

    step_input_id = function(full = FALSE) {
      "Show step input id, default names of them is tool id. When full = TRUE, show full name then names of vector is type."
      unlist(sapply(steps, function(x) {
        x$run$input_id(full = full)

    step_output_id = function(full = FALSE) {
      "Show step output id, default names of them is tool id. when full = TRUE, show full name then names of vector is type."
      unlist(sapply(steps, function(x) {
        x$run$output_id(full = full)

    get_required = function() {
      "show flow required input id and types"
      nms <- unlist(sapply(steps, function(x) {
      # get exposed from workflow

      it <- input_type()
      enms <- names(it)
      res <- intersect(names(nms), enms)
      if (length(res)) {
        it[enms %in% res]
      } else {

    set_required = function(ids, required = TRUE) {
      "Set a input node required (TRUE) or not required (FALSE) this require full input id (with tool id prefix) such as #STAR.alignIntronMax"
      tool.name <- get_tool_id_from_full(ids)
      input.name <- get_input_id_from_full(ids)

      tools <- get_tool(tool.name)
      for (i in 1:length(tool.name)) {
        tools[[i]]$set_required(input.name, required)

    get_input_port = function() {
      "show included port of all inputs"

      unlist(sapply(steps, function(x) {

    set_input_port = function(ids, include = TRUE) {
      "set included port for provided input id(s)"
      ids <- add_sharp(ids)
      idx <- is_full_name(ids)
      if (sum(idx)) {
        ids.full <- ids[idx]
        tool.name <- get_tool_id_from_full(ids[idx])
        input.name <- get_input_id_from_full(ids[idx])
        for (i in 1:length(tool.name)) {
          get_tool(id = tool.name[i])$set_input_port(id = input.name[i], include = include)
      if (sum(!idx)) {
        for (.id in ids[!idx]) {
          get_input(id = .id)$field("sbg:includeInPorts", include)

    get_input_node = function() {
      "get input file nodes id"
      it <- input_type()
      add_sharp(names(it[it %in% c("File", "File...")]))

    get_output_node = function() {
      "get output file nodes id"
      it <- output_type()
      add_sharp(names(it[it %in% c("File", "File...")]))

    get_input_exposed = function() {
      "exposed input id other than file"
      it <- input_type()
      add_sharp(names(it[!it %in% c("File", "File...")]))

    set_batch = function(input = NULL,
                             criteria = NULL,
                             type = c("ITEM", "CRITERIA")) {
      "Set a flow input node into a batch mode, this is now required before you execute a batch task on a batch-not-enabled flow."

      lst <- batch(input = input, criteria = criteria, type = type)
      lst$batch_by$type <- tolower(lst$batch_by$type)
      # flow level
      .self$field("sbg:batchInput", addIdNum(lst$batch_input))
      .self$field("sbg:batchBy", lst$batch_by)

      # step level
      idx <- which(sapply(.self$inputs, function(x) x$id) == addIdNum(input))
      .self$inputs[[idx]]$field("batchType", tail(criteria, 1))

    run = function(run_inputs = list(), engine = c("bunny", "rabix", "cwlrun")) {
      "Run this tool with inputs locally. Engines supported: bunny, rabix, cwlrun. Inputs accept list or JSON."
      engine <- match.arg(engine)
      run_inputs <- lapply(run_inputs, asTaskInput)
        bunny = {
          test_tool_bunny(.self, run_inputs)
        cwlrun = {
          test_tool_cwlrun(.self, run_inputs)
        rabix = {
          test_tool_rabix(.self, run_inputs)

#' @rdname Flow
#' @export Flow
#' @aliases Flow
Flow <- function(...,
                 graph = TRUE,
                 x.width = 1000,
                 y.width = 400,
                 x.start = 100,
                 y.start = 200,
                 canvas_zoom = 1,
                 canvas_x = 40,
                 canvas_y = 130) {
  obj <- SBGWorkflow(...)

  if (graph) {
    obj <- addGraph(obj,
      x.width = x.width,
      y.width = y.width,
      x.start = x.start,
      y.start = y.start,
      canvas_zoom = canvas_zoom,
      canvas_x = canvas_x,
      canvas_y = canvas_y


#' @rdname Flow
#' @export
#' @param e1 either Tool App or Workflow object
#' @param e2 either Tool App or Workflow object
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases "+",Tool,Tool-method
setMethod("+", c("Tool", "Tool"), function(e1, e2) {

  # find the x1
  o <- e1$output_id(TRUE)
  i <- e2$input_id(TRUE)

  idx <- match(names(o), names(i))

  if (!all(is.na(idx))) {
    if (sum(!is.na(idx)) == 1) {
      # return a Workflow
      .out.id <- o[which(!is.na(idx))]
      .in.id <- i[idx[!is.na(idx)]]

      .out1 <- o
      .out2 <- e2$output_id(TRUE)

      o1 <- do.call(
        lapply(.out1, function(oid) WorkflowStepOutput(id = oid))
      o2 <- do.call(
        lapply(.out2, function(oid) WorkflowStepOutput(id = oid))

      # insert int id

      steplst <- SBGStepList(
          id = getId(e1),
          run = e1,
          outputs = o1
          id = getId(e2),
          run = e2,
          outputs = o2,
          inputs = WorkflowStepInputList(
              id = .in.id,
              source = c(.out.id)
      # make rest inports
    } else {
      stop("multiple matching found, no sure which one to connect")
  } else {
    stop("no input match ouput types")

#' @rdname Flow
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases "+",WorkflowStepList,Tool-method
setMethod("+", c("WorkflowStepList", "Tool"), function(e1, e2) {
  t.last <- e1[[length(e1)]]$run
  t.new <- (t.last + e2)[2]
  do.call(SBGStepList, c(as.list(e1), as.list(t.new)))

#' @rdname Flow
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases "+",WorkflowStepList,WorkflowStepList-method
setMethod("+", c("WorkflowStepList", "WorkflowStepList"), function(e1, e2) {
  do.call("WorkflowStepList", c(as.list(e1), as.list(e2)))

# Fix me
#' @rdname Flow
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases "+",App,App-method
setMethod("+", c("App", "App"), function(e1, e2) {
  convert_app(e1) + convert_app(e2)

#' @rdname Flow
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases "+",WorkflowStepList,App-method
setMethod("+", c("WorkflowStepList", "App"), function(e1, e2) {
  t.last <- e1[[length(e1)]]$run
  t.new <- (t.last + convert_app(e2))[2]
  do.call(SBGStepList, c(as.list(e1), as.list(t.new)))

# linear connection
#' @rdname Flow
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases "%>>%"
setGeneric("%>>%", function(e1, e2) standardGeneric("%>>%"))

#' @rdname Flow
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases "%>>%",Tool,Tool-method
setMethod("%>>%", c("Tool", "Tool"), function(e1, e2) {

  # assumption here is linear connection
  o <- e1$output_id(TRUE)
  i <- e2$input_id(TRUE)
  idx <- match(names(o), names(i))

  if (!all(is.na(idx))) {
    if (sum(!is.na(idx)) == 1) {
      # return a Workflow
      .out.id <- get_input_id_from_full(o[which(!is.na(idx))])
      .in.id <- get_input_id_from_full(i[idx[!is.na(idx)]])
    } else {
      stop("multiple matching found, no sure which one to connect")
  } else {
    stop("no input match ouput types")

  link(e1, e2, .out.id, .in.id)

#' @rdname Flow
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases "%>>%",Workflow,Tool-method
setMethod("%>>%", c("Workflow", "Tool"), function(e1, e2) {
  # fix
  slist <- e1$steps + e2
  new.flow <- Flow(id = e1$id, label = e1$label, steps = slist)
  e1$steps <- slist
  e1$outputs <- new.flow$outputs

#' @rdname Flow
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases "%>>%",Workflow,Workflow-method
setMethod("%>>%", c("Workflow", "Workflow"), function(e1, e2) {
  e1$steps <- e1$steps + e2$steps

#' @rdname Flow
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases "%>>%",App,App-method
setMethod("%>>%", c("App", "App"), function(e1, e2) {
  # convert_app(e1) %>>% convert_app(e2)
  stop("not implemented yet")

#' @rdname Flow
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases "%>>%",Workflow,App-method
setMethod("%>>%", c("Workflow", "App"), function(e1, e2) {
  slist <- e1$steps + convert_app(e2)
  new.flow <- Flow(id = e1$id, label = e1$label, steps = slist)
  # udpate step list
  e1$steps <- slist
  # update workflow
  e1$outputs <- new.flow$outputs

# assign coordinates
# add output port

# coersion
  "CommandOutputParameter", "WorkflowOutputParameter",
  function(from) {
      type = from$type,
      label = from$label,
      description = from$description,
      streamable = from$streamable,
      default = from$default,
      id = from$id

  "CommandOutputParameter", "SBGWorkflowOutputParameter",
  function(from) {
      type = from$type,
      label = from$label,
      description = from$description,
      streamable = from$streamable,
      default = from$default,
      id = from$id

  "OutputParameterList", "WorkflowOutputParameterList",
  function(from) {
    lst <- lapply(from, function(x) as(x, "WorkflowOutputParameter"))
    do.call("WorkflowOutputParameterList", lst)

  "OutputParameterList", "SBGWorkflowOutputParameterList",
  function(from) {
    lst <- lapply(from, function(x) as(x, "SBGWorkflowOutputParameter"))
    do.call("SBGWorkflowOutputParameterList", lst)

getOutputById <- function(sl, id) {
  lst <- lapply(sl, function(s) {
    ol <- s$run$outputs
    lapply(ol, function(o) {
      if (o$id %in% id) {
      } else {

  lst <- do.call(c, lst)
  lst <- lst[!sapply(lst, is.null)]
  do.call("OutputParameterList", lst)

# asign step list coordinates
setGeneric("addGraph", function(obj, ...) standardGeneric("addGraph"))

setMethod("addGraph", "SBGStepList", function(obj,
                                              x.width = 1000,
                                              y.width = 400,
                                              x.start = 100,
                                              y.start = 200) {
  N <- length(obj)
  if (N) {
    x.step <- x.width / (N + 1)
    # x from 100
    # y from 200
    for (i in 1:N) {
      obj[[i]]$field("sbg:x", x.start + x.step * (i - 1))
      obj[[i]]$field("sbg:y", y.start)

  "addGraph", "SBGWorkflow",
             x.width = 1000,
             y.width = 400,
             x.start = 100,
             y.start = 200,
             canvas_zoom = 1,
             canvas_x = 40,
             canvas_y = 130) {
    obj$steps <- addGraph(obj$steps)
    slst <- obj$steps
    x.step <- x.width / (length(slst) + 1)
    # outputs
    os <- obj$outputs
    N <- length(os)
    if (N) {
      y.step <- y.width / (N + 1)
      for (i in 1:N) {
        x <- obj$outputs[[i]]$field("sbg:x")
        y <- obj$outputs[[i]]$field("sbg:y")
        if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
          obj$outputs[[i]]$field("sbg:x", x.width - x.step)
          obj$outputs[[i]]$field("sbg:y", y.start + y.step * (i - 1))
    # inputs
    ins <- obj$inputs
    N <- length(ins)
    if (N) {
      y.step <- y.width / (N + 1)
      for (i in 1:N) {
        x <- obj$inputs[[i]]$field("sbg:x")
        y <- obj$inputs[[i]]$field("sbg:y")
        if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
          obj$inputs[[i]]$field("sbg:x", 0 + x.step)
          obj$inputs[[i]]$field("sbg:y", y.start + y.step * (i - 1))
    if (is.null(obj$field("sbg:canvas_zoom"))) {
      obj$field("sbg:canvas_zoom", canvas_zoom)
    if (is.null(obj$field("sbg:canvas_x"))) {
      obj$field("sbg:canvas_x", canvas_x)
    if (is.null(obj$field("sbg:canvas_y"))) {
      obj$field("sbg:canvas_y", canvas_y)

# link Generic
setClassUnion("ToolORWorkflow", c("Tool", "Workflow"))

#' link two nodes to form a new Workflow
#' link two nodes to form a new Workflow
#' Flexible enought to allow users to connect two objects by ids
#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link
#' @param from either Tool App or Workflow object
#' @param to either Tool App or Workflow object
#' @param ... more auguments
#' @return A Workflow object
setGeneric("link", function(from, to, ...) standardGeneric("link"))

#' @rdname link
#' @param id1 id to be connected from the ouput of the first node
#' @param id2 id id to be connected from the input of the second first node
#' @param flow_id workflow id, if ignored, going to create one by joning tool id.
#' @param flow_label workflow label, if ignored, going to create one by joning tool labels.
#' @param flow_input full flow input id, e.g. "#SBG_Unpack_FASTQs.input_archive_file"
#' @param flow_output full flow output id, e.g. "#STAR.log_files"
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link,Tool,Tool-method
#' @examples
#' t1 <- system.file("extdata/app", "tool_unpack_fastq.json", package = "sevenbridges")
#' t2 <- system.file("extdata/app", "tool_star.json", package = "sevenbridges")
#' t1 <- convert_app(t1)
#' t2 <- convert_app(t2)
#' # check possible link
#' link_what(t1, t2)
#' # link
#' f1 <- link(t1, t2, "output_fastq_files", "reads")
#' # link
#' f2 <- link(
#'   t1, t2, "output_fastq_files", "reads",
#'   flow_input = "#SBG_Unpack_FASTQs.input_archive_file",
#'   flow_output = "#STAR.log_files"
#' )

  "link", c("Tool", "Tool"),

  function(from, to, id1, id2,
             flow_id = NULL,
             flow_label = NULL,
             flow_input = NULL,
             flow_output = NULL) {
    if (is.null(flow_id)) {
      flow_id <- paste(parseLabel(from$label),
        sep = "_"

    if (is.null(flow_label)) {
      flow_label <- paste(

    .out.id <- id1
    .in.id <- id2

    .out1 <- unname(from$output_id(TRUE))
    .out2 <- unname(to$output_id(TRUE))
    o1 <- do.call(
      lapply(.out1, function(oid) WorkflowStepOutput(id = oid))
    o2 <- do.call(
      lapply(.out2, function(oid) WorkflowStepOutput(id = oid))

    .in1 <- from$input_id(TRUE)
    .in2 <- to$input_id(TRUE)

    if (length(.in1)) {
      in.lst1 <- do.call(WorkflowStepInputList, lapply(1:length(.in1), function(i) {
        WorkflowStepInput(id = unname(.in1[i]))
    } else {
      in.lst1 <- WorkflowStepInputList()

    if (length(.in2)) {
      in.lst2 <- do.call(WorkflowStepInputList, lapply(1:length(.in2), function(i) {
        idx <- which(get_input_id_from_full(.in2[i]) ==
        if (length(idx)) {
          if (is_full_name(id1[i])) {
            .s <- id1[i]
          } else {
            .s <- paste(getId(from), de_sharp(id1[i]), sep = ".")
            id = unname(.in2[i]),
            source = set_box(unname(add_sharp(.s)))
        } else {
          WorkflowStepInput(id = unname(.in2[i]))
    } else {
      in.lst2 <- WorkflowStepInputList()

    steplst <- SBGStepList(
        id = getId(from),
        run = from,
        outputs = o1,
        inputs = in.lst1
        id = getId(to),
        run = to,
        outputs = o2,
        inputs = in.lst2
    res <- Flow(id = flow_id, label = flow_label, steps = steplst)

    if (is.null(flow_input)) {
      # auto parse input file

      i.f <- c(from$input_id(TRUE), to$input_id(TRUE))
      flow_input.all <- addIdNum(i.f[names(i.f) %in% c("File", "File...")])
      flow_input.linked <- res$linked_input_id()
      flow_input <- setdiff(flow_input.all, flow_input.linked)
    } else {
      # need to get required file.. input
      i.f <- c(from$input_id(TRUE, TRUE), to$input_id(TRUE, TRUE))
      flow_input.all <- addIdNum(i.f[names(i.f) %in% c("File", "File...")])
      flow_input.linked <- res$linked_input_id()
      flow_input <- unique(c(flow_input, setdiff(flow_input.all, flow_input.linked)))

    if (length(flow_input)) {
      message("flow_input: ", paste0(flow_input, collapse = " / "))

    if (is.null(flow_output)) {
      # auto parse output file
      o.f <- c(from$output_id(TRUE), to$output_id(TRUE))
      flow_output.all <- addIdNum(o.f[names(o.f) %in% c("File", "File...")])
      flow_output.linked <- res$linked_output_id()
      flow_output <- setdiff(flow_output.all, flow_output.linked)

    if (length(flow_output)) {
      message("flow_output: ", paste0(flow_output, collapse = " / "))


#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link,Tool,Workflow-method
  "link", c("Tool", "Workflow"),

  function(from, to, id1, id2,
             flow_id = NULL,
             flow_label = NULL,
             flow_input = NULL,
             flow_output = NULL) {


#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link,Workflow,Tool-method
  "link", c("Workflow", "Tool"),

             from, to, id1, id2,
             flow_id = NULL,
             flow_label = NULL,
             flow_input = NULL,
             flow_output = NULL) {

    # make a realy copy not reference with a hack
    from.new <- from$copy_obj()

    if (!is.null(flow_id)) {
      from.new$id <- flow_id

    if (!is.null(flow_label)) {
      from.new$label <- flow_label

    if (!all(sapply(id1, is_full_name))) {
      stop("id2 should be fule name following #Tool_name.input_id style, check link_what")

    # register the new tool as new step
    # to.tool = to$get_tool(id = get_tool_id_from_full(id2))
    out <- unname(to$output_id(TRUE))
    o <- do.call(
      lapply(out, function(oid) WorkflowStepOutput(id = oid))
    ini <- to$input_id(TRUE)
    if (length(ini)) {
      in.lst <- do.call(WorkflowStepInputList, lapply(1:length(ini), function(i) {
        WorkflowStepInput(id = unname(ini[i]))
    } else {
      in.lst <- WorkflowStepInputList()

    s.new <- SBGStep(
      id = getId(to),
      run = to,
      outputs = o,
      inputs = in.lst

    from.new$steps <- do.call("SBGStepList", c(as.list(from$steps), s.new))

    # then udpate the linked tools's step info
    # id1 is short id name, id2 is full
    tool.name <- s.new$id
    # make full names
    id2 <- paste(tool.name, de_sharp(id2), sep = ".")
    # add source to id

    from.new$add_source_to_id(id1, id2)

    # keep old input,  set new flow input that belongs to new tool

    if (is.null(flow_input)) {
      # auto parse input file

      i.f <- to$input_id(TRUE, TRUE)
      flow_input <- add_sharp(i.f[names(i.f) %in% c("File", "File...")])
    } else {
      # need to get required file.. input
      i.f <- to$input_id(TRUE, TRUE)
      flow_input.all <- add_sharp(i.f[names(i.f) %in% c("File", "File...")])
      flow_input <- unique(c(flow_input, flow_input.all))

    if (length(flow_input)) {
      message("flow_input: ", paste0(flow_input, collapse = " / "))

    if (is.null(flow_output)) {
      # auto parse output file
      flow_output <- to$output_id(TRUE)

    if (length(flow_output)) {
      message("flow_output: ", paste0(flow_output, collapse = " / "))

#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link,Workflow,Workflow-method
setMethod("link", c("Workflow", "Workflow"), function(from, to, id1, id2) {
  stop("not implemented yet")

#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link,App,ToolORWorkflow-method
setMethod("link", c("App", "ToolORWorkflow"), function(from, to, id1, id2) {
  stop("not implemented yet")

#' @rdname link
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link,ToolORWorkflow,App-method
setMethod("link", c("ToolORWorkflow", "App"), function(from, to, id1, id2) {
  stop("not implemented yet")

#' List possible linking methods
#' List possible linking methods
#' Given two object of Tool, Flow or App, list all possible input/output match.
#' @rdname link_what
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link_what
#' @param from either Tool App or SBGWorkflow object
#' @param to either Tool App or Workflow object
#' @param ... more auguments
#' @return A Workflow object
setGeneric("link_what", function(from, to, ...) standardGeneric("link_what"))

#' shows potential link methods by providing grouped inputs/ouputs
#' @rdname link_what
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link_what,Tool,Tool-method
#' @examples
#' t1 <- system.file("extdata/app", "tool_unpack_fastq.json", package = "sevenbridges")
#' t2 <- system.file("extdata/app", "tool_star.json", package = "sevenbridges")
#' t1 <- convert_app(t1)
#' t2 <- convert_app(t2)
#' # check possible link
#' link_what(t1, t2)
  "link_what", c("Tool", "Tool"),

  function(from, to) {
    from.in <- from$output_matrix()
    from.in$full.name <- sevenbridges:::get_id_from_label(from$label)

    to.in <- to$input_matrix()
    to.in$full.name <- sevenbridges:::get_id_from_label(to$label)

    .t <- unique(intersect(from.in$type, to.in$type))
    res <- lapply(.t, function(i) {
        from = from.in[from.in$type == i, ],
        to = to.in[to.in$type == i, ]

    names(res) <- .t
    for (i in .t) {
      # suggest link

      .s <- data.frame()
      for (f in res[[i]]$from$id) {
        idx <- grepl(f, res[[i]]$to$id)
        if (sum(idx)) {
          for (id in idx) {
            .s <- rbind(data.frame(from = f, to = res[[i]]$to$id[id], stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
            message("  ", f, " --> ", " ", res[[i]]$to$id[id])
      for (.t in res[[i]]$to$id) {
        idx <- grepl(.t, res[[i]]$from$id)
        if (sum(idx)) {
          for (id in idx) {
            .s <- rbind(data.frame(from = res[[i]]$from$id[id], to = .t, stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
            message("  ", res[[i]]$from$id[id], " --> ", " ", .t)
      if (length(.s)) {
        res$suggest <- .s
    if (!length(res)) {
      message("no type matching")

#' shows potential link methods by providing grouped inputs/ouputs
#' @rdname link_what
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link_what,Tool,SBGWorkflow-method
#' @examples
#' tool.in <- system.file("extdata/app", "tool_unpack_fastq.json", package = "sevenbridges")
#' flow.in <- system.file("extdata/app", "flow_star.json", package = "sevenbridges")
#' t1 <- convert_app(tool.in)
#' f2 <- convert_app(flow.in)
#' link_what(t1, f2)
  "link_what", c("Tool", "SBGWorkflow"),

  function(from, to) {
    from.in <- from$output_matrix()
    # from.in$full.name = sevenbridges:::get_id_from_label(from$label)

    to.in <- to$input_matrix(c(
      "id", "label", "type", "required", "fileTypes",
    # to.in$full.name = sevenbridges:::get_id_from_label(to$label)

    .t <- unique(intersect(from.in$type, to.in$type))
    res <- lapply(.t, function(i) {
        from = from.in[from.in$type == i, ],
        to = to.in[to.in$type == i, ]

    names(res) <- .t

    if (!length(res)) {
      message("no type matching")


#' shows potential link methods by providing grouped inputs/ouputs
#' @rdname link_what
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link_what,SBGWorkflow,Tool-method
#' @examples
#' tool.in <- system.file("extdata/app", "tool_unpack_fastq.json", package = "sevenbridges")
#' flow.in <- system.file("extdata/app", "flow_star.json", package = "sevenbridges")
#' t1 <- convert_app(tool.in)
#' f2 <- convert_app(flow.in)
#' link_what(f2, t1)
  "link_what", c("SBGWorkflow", "Tool"),

  function(from, to) {
    from.in <- from$output_matrix(c(
      "id", "label", "type", "required", "fileTypes",
    # from.in$full.name = sevenbridges:::get_id_from_label(from$label)

    to.in <- to$input_matrix()
    # to.in$full.name = sevenbridges:::get_id_from_label(to$label)

    .t <- unique(intersect(from.in$type, to.in$type))
    res <- lapply(.t, function(i) {
        from = from.in[from.in$type == i, ],
        to = to.in[to.in$type == i, ]

    names(res) <- .t

    if (!length(res)) {
      message("no type matching")


#' shows potential link methods by providing grouped inputs/ouputs
#' @rdname link_what
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases link_what,SBGWorkflow,SBGWorkflow-method
  "link_what", c("SBGWorkflow", "SBGWorkflow"),

  function(from, to) {
    from.in <- from$output_matrix()
    # from.in$full.name = sevenbridges:::get_id_from_label(from$label)

    to.in <- to$input_matrix()
    # to.in$full.name = sevenbridges:::get_id_from_label(to$label)

    .t <- unique(intersect(from.in$type, to.in$type))
    res <- lapply(.t, function(i) {
        from = from.in[from.in$type == i, ],
        to = to.in[to.in$type == i, ]

    names(res) <- .t

    if (!length(res)) {
      message("no type matching")


# utils
.id_only <- function(x) {
  if (grepl("[.]", x)) {
    res <- unlist(strsplit(x, "[.]"))
    paste0("#", res[length(res)])
  } else {
tengfei/sevenbridges documentation built on March 27, 2021, 1:22 p.m.