#' FS class
#' FS class
#' @param server_address placehoder
#' @param api_address placehoder
#' @param vsfs_jar placehoder
#' @param cache_dir placehoder
#' @param cache_size placeholder
#' @param project_id placeholder
#' @importFrom uuid UUIDgenerate
#' @export FS
FS <- setRefClass(
fields = list(
mount_point = "characterORNULL",
mode = "characterORNULL",
debug = "logicalORNULL",
cache_dir = "characterORNULL",
cache_size = "characterORNULL",
api_address = "characterORNULL",
token = "characterORNULL",
project_id = "listORNULL",
lastproject_id = "characterORNULL",
secure = "logicalORNULL",
server_address = "characterORNULL",
vsfs_jar = "characterORNULL"
methods = list(
initialize = function(server_address = "fs.sbgenomics.com",
api_address = "https://api.sbgenomics.com",
vsfs_jar = NULL,
cache_dir = "~/vsfs_cache",
cache_size = "10GB",
project_id = list(), ...) {
if (is.null(vsfs_jar)) {
# vsfs_jar <<- system.file("java", "sbg-vsfs.jar", package = "vsfsr")
stop("please provie jar library")
} else {
vsfs_jar <<- vsfs_jar
server_address <<- server_address
api_address <<- api_address
cache_dir <<- cache_dir
cache_size <<- cache_size
# db <<- db
# icoll <<- icoll
# check project_id, has to be integer if any
if (length(project_id)) {
if (!is.list(project_id)) {
if (length(project_id) > 1 && is.numeric(project_id)) {
.project_id <- as.list(project_id)
} else {
.project_id <- list(project_id)
} else {
.project_id <- project_id
.project_id <- lapply(.project_id, function(id) {
if (is.numeric(id) && !is.integer(id)) {
id <- as.integer(id)
message("Converting numerical value to integer")
project_id <<- .project_id
lastproject_id <<- unlist(tail(project_id, n = 1))
check_mount = function() {
"check if a path is mounted"
mount = function(mount_point = NULL,
project_id = NULL,
ignore.stdout = TRUE,
sudo = TRUE, ...) {
"mount a specific project if project_id is provided, otherwise mount all projects"
.self$project_id <<- c(.self$project_id, list(project_id))
lastproject_id <<- unlist(tail(project_id, n = 1))
if (is.null(mount_point)) {
stop("mount_point not provided")
} else {
mount_point <<- normalizePath(mount_point)
# create uid
uid <- UUIDgenerate()
# Create cache dir at local home.
# Is there going to be a problem?
.cache_dir <- file.path(cache_dir, uid)
dir.create(.cache_dir, recursive = TRUE)
.cache_dir <- normalizePath(.cache_dir)
# stdout and stderr path
stdout <- file.path(cache_dir, paste0(uid, ".out"))
stderr <- file.path(cache_dir, paste0(uid, ".err"))
# run command
if (!is.null(project_id)) {
cmd <- paste(
"java", "-Xmx128m", "-jar", vsfs_jar, "-ssl",
"-as", api_address,
"-s", server_address,
"-mountPoint", .self$mount_point,
"-authToken", token,
"-cacheDir", .cache_dir,
"-cacheSize", cache_size, # check project id for list
"-projectId", project_id
} else {
cmd <- paste(
"java", "-Xmx128m", "-jar", vsfs_jar, "-ssl",
"-as", api_address,
"-s", server_address,
"-mountPoint", .self$mount_point,
"-authToken", token,
"-cacheDir", .cache_dir,
"-cacheSize", cache_size
) # check project id for list
if (sudo) cmd <- paste("sudo", cmd)
# system2(cmd, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr)
system(cmd, wait = FALSE, ignore.stdout = ignore.stdout, ...)
unmount = function(mount_cmd = NULL, project_id = NULL, ...) {
"unmount a project if project_id is provided, otherwise unmount all"
if (is.null(mount_cmd)) {
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
OS <- "linux"
} else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Linux" &&
.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
OS <- "mac"
} else {
stop("please provide a working umount command interface")
# switching un-mount command line
mount_cmd <- switch(OS,
mac = "umount",
linux = "fusermount -u"
if (!is.null(project_id)) {
# check if this is correct
mount_point <<- file.path(mount_point, "Projects", project_id)
cmd <- paste(mount_cmd, mount_point)
system(cmd, ...)
list_project_id = function(id = NULL) {
pids <- list.files(file.path(mount_point, "Projects"))
if (is.null(id)) {
pids <- pids
file = function(id = NULL) {
"given project id, show all files in it"
if (is.null(id)) {
if (is.null(lastproject_id)) {
stop("nothing mounted yet")
message("id not provided, show files in project", lastproject_id)
list.files(file.path(mount_point, "Projects", lastproject_id))
} else {
list.files(file.path(mount_point, "Projects", id))
path = function(id = NULL) {
"List path for all mounted projects, for easy copy/paste of file path. If project id is provoded, show project path and files path."
if (is.null(id)) {
list.dirs(file.path(mount_point, "Projects"), recursive = FALSE)
} else {
file.path(mount_point, "Projects", id)
# list.files("file.path")
setClassUnion("FSORNULL", c("FS", "NULL"))
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