
#  Copyright 2007-2022 Timothy C. Bates
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

# ==================================================
# = Twin data for Direction of causation modelling =
# ==================================================
#' Twin data for Direction of causation modelling
#' A dataset containing indicators for two traits `varA` and `varB`, each measured in MZ and DZ twins.
#' It is designed to show off [umxDoC()] testing the hypothesis `varA` causes `varB`, `varB` causes `varA`, both cause each other.
#' * *zygosity* "MZFF", "DZFF", "MZMM", or "DZMM"
#' * *varA1_T1* Twin one's manifest 1 for varA
#' * *varA2_T1* Twin one's manifest 2 for varA
#' * *varA3_T1* Twin one's manifest 3 for varA
#' * *varB1_T1* Twin one's manifest 1 for varB
#' * *varB2_T1* Twin one's manifest 2 for varB
#' * *varB3_T1* Twin one's manifest 3 for varB
#' * *varA1_T2* Twin two's manifest 1 for varA
#' * *varA2_T2* Twin two's manifest 2 for varA
#' * *varA3_T2* Twin two's manifest 3 for varA
#' * *varB1_T2* Twin two's manifest 1 for varB
#' * *varB2_T2* Twin two's manifest 2 for varB
#' * *varB3_T2* Twin two's manifest 3 for varB
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @family datasets
#' @name docData
#' @seealso - [umxDoC()], [plot.MxModelDoC()], [umxSummary.MxModelDoC()], [umxModify()]
#' @references - N.A. Gillespie and N.G. Martin (2005). Direction of Causation Models. 
#' In *Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science*, **1**, 496–499. Eds. Brian S. Everitt & David C. Howell
#' @usage data(docData)
#' @format A data frame 6 manifests for each of two twins in 1400 families of MZ and DZ twins
#' @md
#' @examples
#' data(docData)
#' str(docData)
#' mzData = subset(docData, zygosity %in% c("MZFF", "MZMM"))
#' dzData = subset(docData, zygosity %in% c("DZFF", "DZMM"))
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))  # 1 rows and 3 columns
#' plot(varA1_T2 ~varA1_T1, ylim = c(-4, 4), data = mzData, main="MZ")
#' tmp = round(cor.test(~varA1_T1 + varA1_T2, data = mzData)$estimate, 2)
#' text(x=-4, y=3, labels = paste0("r = ", tmp))
#' plot(varA1_T2 ~varA1_T1, ylim = c(-4, 4), data = dzData, main="DZ")
#' tmp = round(cor.test(~varA1_T1 + varA1_T2, data = dzData)$estimate, 2)
#' text(x=-4, y=3, labels = paste0("r = ", tmp))
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1))  # back to as it was

# ===================================
# = General Family Functioning data =
# ===================================

#' Twin data: General Family Functioning, divorce, and well-being.
#' Measures of family functioning, happiness and related variables in twins, and
#' their brothers and sisters. (see details)
#' @details
#' Several scales in the data are described in  van der Aa et al. (2010).
#' General Family Functioning (GFF) refers to adolescents' evaluations general family health
#' vs. pathology. It assesses problem solving, communication, roles within the household,
#' affection, and control. GFF was assessed with a Dutch translation of the General Functioning
#' sub-scale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD) (Epstein et al., 1983).
#' Family Conflict (FC) refers to adolescents' evaluations of the amount of openly 
#' expressed anger, aggression, and conflict among family members. Conflict
#' sub-scale of the Family Environment Scale (FES) (Moos, 1974)
#' Quality of life in general (QLg) was assessed with the 10-step Cantril
#' Ladder from best- to worst-possible life (Cantril, 1965).
#'   * *zyg_6grp*: Six-level zygosity: MZMM, DZMM, MZFF, DZFF, DZMF, DZFM
#'   * *zyg_2grp*: Two-level zygosity measure: 'MZ', 'DZ'
#'   * *divorce*: Parental divorce status: 0 = No, 1 = Yes
#'   * *sex_T1*: Sex of twin 1: 0 = "male", 1 = "female"
#'   * *age_T1*: Age of twin 1 (years)
#'   * *gff_T1*: General family functioning for twin 1
#'   * *fc_T1*: Family conflict sub-scale of the FES
#'   * *qol_T1*: Quality of life for twin 1
#'   * *hap_T1*: General happiness for twin 1
#'   * *sat_T1*: Satisfaction with life for twin 1
#'   * *AD_T1*: Anxiety and Depression for twin 1
#'   * *SOMA_T1*: Somatic complaints for twin 1
#'   * *SOC_T1*: Social problems for twin 1
#'   * *THOU_T1*: Thought disorder problems for twin 1
#'   * *sex_T2*: Sex of twin 2
#'   * *age_T2*: Age of twin 2
#'   * *gff_T2*: General family functioning for twin 2
#'   * *fc_T2*: Family conflict sub-scale of the FES
#'   * *qol_T2*: Quality of life for twin 2
#'   * *hap_T2*: General happiness for twin 2
#'   * *sat_T2*: Satisfaction with life for twin 2
#'   * *AD_T2*: Anxiety and Depression for twin 2
#'   * *SOMA_T2*: Somatic complaints for twin 2
#'   * *SOC_T2*: Social problems for twin 2
#'   * *THOU_T2*: Thought disorder problems for twin 2
#'   * *sex_Ta*: Sex of sib 1
#'   * *age_Ta*: Age of sib 1
#'   * *gff_Ta*: General family functioning for sib 1
#'   * *fc_Ta*: Family conflict sub-scale of the FES
#'   * *qol_Ta*: Quality of life for sib 1
#'   * *hap_Ta*: General happiness for sib 1
#'   * *sat_Ta*: Satisfaction with life for sib 1
#'   * *AD_Ta*: Anxiety and Depression for sib 1
#'   * *SOMA_Ta*: Somatic complaints for sib 1
#'   * *SOC_Ta*: Social problems for sib 1
#'   * *THOU_Ta*: Thought disorder problems for sib 1
#'   * *sex_Ts*: Sex of sib 2
#'   * *age_Ts*: Age of sib 2
#'   * *gff_Ts*: General family functioning for sib 2
#'   * *fc_Ts*: Family conflict sub-scale of the FES
#'   * *qol_Ts*: Quality of life for sib 2
#'   * *hap_Ts*: General happiness for sib 2
#'   * *sat_Ts*: Satisfaction with life for sib 2
#'   * *AD_Ts*: Anxiety and Depression for sib 2
#'   * *SOMA_Ts*: Somatic complaints for sib 2
#'   * *SOC_Ts*: Social problems for sib 2
#'   * *THOU_Ts*: Thought disorder problems for sib 2
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @family datasets
#' @name GFF
#' @usage data(GFF)
#' @format A data frame with 1000 rows of twin-family data columns.
#' @references van der Aa, N., Boomsma, D. I., Rebollo-Mesa, I., Hudziak, J. J., & Bartels, 
#' M. (2010). Moderation of genetic factors by parental divorce in adolescents' 
#' evaluations of family functioning and subjective wellbeing. Twin Research 
#' and Human Genetics, **13**, 143-162. \doi{10.1375/twin.13.2.143}
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Twin 1 variables (end in '_T1')
#' data(GFF)
#' umx_names(GFF, "1$") # Just variables ending in 1 (twin 1)
#' str(GFF) # first few rows
#' m1 = umxACE(selDVs= "gff", sep = "_T",
#' 	mzData = subset(GFF, zyg_2grp == "MZ"), 
#' 	dzData = subset(GFF, zyg_2grp == "DZ")
#' )
#' }

# ================================
# = Anthropometric data on twins =
# ================================
#' Anthropometric data on twins
#' A dataset containing height, weight, BMI, and skin-fold fat measures in several
#' hundred US twin families participating in the MCV Cardiovascular Twin Study (PI Schieken).
#' Biceps and Triceps are folds above and below the upper arm (holding arm palm upward),
#' Calf (fold on the calf muscle), Subscapular (fold over the shoulder blade), 
#' Suprailiacal (fold between the hip and ribs).
#' * *fan* FamilyID (t1=male,t2=female)
#' * *zyg* Zygosity  1:mzm, 2:mzf, 3:dzm, 4:dzf, 5:dzo
#' * *ht_T1*  Height of twin 1 (cm)
#' * *wt_T1*  Weight of twin 1 (kg)
#' * *bmi_T1* BMI of twin 1
#' * *bml_T1* log BMI of twin 1
#' * *bic_T1* Biceps Skinfold of twin 1
#' * *caf_T1* Calf Skinfold of twin 1
#' * *ssc_T1* Subscapular Skinfold of twin 1
#' * *sil_T1* Suprailiacal Skinfold of twin 1
#' * *tri_T1* Triceps Skinfold of twin 1
#' * *ht_T2*  Height of twin 2
#' * *wt_T2*  Weight of twin 2
#' * *bmi_T2* BMI of twin 2
#' * *bml_T2* log BMI of twin 2
#' * *bic_T2* Biceps Skinfold of twin 2
#' * *caf_T2* Calf Skinfold of twin 2
#' * *ssc_T2* Subscapular Skinfold of twin 2
#' * *sil_T2* Suprailiacal Skinfold of twin 2
#' * *tri_T2* Triceps Skinfold of twin 2
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @family datasets
#' @name us_skinfold_data
#' @references Moskowitz, W. B., Schwartz, P. F., & Schieken, R. M. (1999).
#' Childhood passive smoking, race, and coronary artery disease risk:
#' the MCV Twin Study. Medical College of Virginia.
#' *Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine*, **153**, 446-453.
#' <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10323623/>
#' @usage data(us_skinfold_data)
#' @format A data frame with 53940 twin families (1 per row) each twin measured on 10 variables.
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(us_skinfold_data)
#' str(us_skinfold_data)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))  # 1 rows and 3 columns
#' plot(ht_T1 ~ht_T2, ylim = c(130, 165), data = subset(us_skinfold_data, zyg == 1))
#' plot(ht_T1 ~ht_T2, ylim = c(130, 165), data = subset(us_skinfold_data, zyg == 3))
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1))  # back to as it was
#' }

# Load Data
# iqdat = read.table(file = "~/Desktop/IQ.txt", header = TRUE)
# iqdat$zygosity = NA
# iqdat$zygosity[iqdat$zyg %in% 1] = "MZ"
# iqdat$zygosity[iqdat$zyg %in% 2] = "DZ"
# iqdat = iqdat[, c('zygosity','IQ1_T1','IQ2_T1','IQ3_T1','IQ4_T1','IQ1_T2','IQ2_T2','IQ3_T2','IQ4_T2')]
# head(iqdat); dim(iqdat); str(iqdat)
# names(iqdat) = c('zygosity', 'IQ_age1_T1','IQ_age2_T1','IQ_age3_T1','IQ_age4_T1','IQ_age1_T2','IQ_age2_T2','IQ_age3_T2','IQ_age4_T2')
# save("iqdat", file = "iqdat.rda")
# system(paste("open ",shQuote(getwd(), type = "csh")))

# ==============================
# = IQ measured longitudinally =
# ==============================
#' Twin data: IQ measured longitudinally across 4 ages.
#' Measures of IQ across four ages in 261 pairs of identical twins and 301 pairs of fraternal (DZ) twins. (see details).
#' It is used as data for the [umxSimplex()] examples.
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#'   \item zygosity Zygosity (MZ or DZ)
#'   \item IQ_age1_T1 T1 IQ measured at age 1
#'   \item IQ_age2_T1 T1 IQ measured at age 2
#'   \item IQ_age3_T1 T1 IQ measured at age 3
#'   \item IQ_age4_T1 T1 IQ measured at age 4
#'   \item IQ_age1_T2 T2 IQ measured at age 1
#'   \item IQ_age2_T2 T2 IQ measured at age 2
#'   \item IQ_age3_T2 T2 IQ measured at age 3
#'   \item IQ_age4_T2 T2 IQ measured at age 4
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @family datasets
#' @name iqdat
#' @references Boomsma, D. I., Martin, N. G., & Molenaar, P. C. (1989). Factor and simplex models for repeated measures: 
#' application to two psychomotor measures of alcohol sensitivity in twins. *Behavior Genetics*, **19**, 79-96.
#' Retrieved from <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2712815>
#' @usage data(iqdat)
#' @format A data frame with 562 rows (twin families). Nine measures on each twin.
#' @seealso [umxSimplex()] 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(iqdat)
#' str(iqdat)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 3))  # 1 rows and 3 columns
#' plot(IQ_age4_T1 ~ IQ_age4_T2, ylim = c(50, 150), data = subset(iqdat, zygosity == "MZ"))
#' plot(IQ_age4_T1 ~ IQ_age4_T2, ylim = c(50, 150), data = subset(iqdat, zygosity == "DZ"))
#' plot(IQ_age1_T1 ~ IQ_age4_T2, data = subset(iqdat, zygosity == "MZ"))
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1))  # back to as it was
#' }

# ==========================
# = Fischbein weight data  =
# ==========================
#' Weight data across time.
#' A dataframe containing correlations of weight for 66 females measured 6 times at 6-month intervals.
#' * Weight1: Weight at time 1 (t0)
#' * Weight2: Weight at time 2 (t0 + 6 months)
#' * Weight3: Weight at time 3 (t0 + 12 months)
#' * Weight4: Weight at time 4 (t0 + 18 months)
#' * Weight5: Weight at time 5 (t0 + 24 months)
#' * Weight6: Weight at time 6 (t0 + 32 months)
#' @details
#' Created as follows:
#' ```
#' Fischbein_wt = umx_read_lower(file = "", diag = TRUE, names = paste0("Weight", 1:6), ensurePD= TRUE)
#' 1.000
#' 0.985	1.000
#' 0.968	0.981	1.000
#' 0.957	0.970	0.985	1.000
#' 0.932	0.940	0.964	0.975	1.000
#' 0.890	0.897	0.927	0.949	0.973	1.000
#' ```
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @family datasets
#' @name Fischbein_wt
#' @references Fischbein, S. (1977). Intra-pair similarity in physical growth of monozygotic and of dizygotic twins during puberty. 
#' *Annals of Human Biology*, **4**. 417-430. \doi{10.1080/03014467700002401}
#' @usage data(Fischbein_wt)
#' @format A 6*6 correlation matrix based on n = 66 female subjects.
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(Fischbein_wt) # load the data
#' str(Fischbein_wt) # data.frame
#' as.matrix(Fischbein_wt) # convert to matrix
#' }
tbates/umx documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 1:10 a.m.