#' Extract intensities of specific features from a single spectrum
#' For each of the given features local maxima will be identified in a region
#' of 2ppm around the theoretical mz value using the algorithm implemented in
#' the function \code{\link[FTICRMS]{locate.peaks}}. The intensity value at the
#' local maximum with maximal intenstity within 1ppm will be extracted.
#' If no peak could be detected, the intensity at the closest measured mz value
#' is used.
#' @param spectrum.file Character. Name of mzML file to read.
#' @param scanrange Numeric vector of length 2. Scan range to read
#' (see \code{\link[xcms]{xcmsRaw}}).
#' @param info.features data.frame with information about features (e.g. as
#' generated by the function \code{\link{chem_formula_2_adducts}}).
#' @param ppm Numeric. Resolution of mass spectrometer.
#' @param num.pts Numeric. Minimum number of points needed to search for a peak
#' (see \code{\link[FTICRMS]{locate.peaks}}).
#' @param oneside.min Numeric. Minimum number of points needed on each side of
#' the local maximum (see \code{\link[FTICRMS]{locate.peaks}}).
#' @param verbose Logical. Print out additional information.
#' @param res.dir Character. Name of directory where result is saved as RDS
#' object (using the basename of the spectrum file). If NULL, a data.frame with
#' the results will be returned.
#' @return
#' if res.dir = NULL, data frame with information for each feature:
#' \itemize{
#' \item id: feature identifier (corresponds to chemical.form.isotope in
#' info.features)
#' \item mz.th: theoretical mz value
#' \item intensity: extracted intensity
#' \item mz.meas: mz value at center of peak (or closest measured mz value)
#' \item peak.detected: 0 = no peak detected, 1 = peak detected, NA = no or
#' not enough mz values available for feature
#' }
#' @import FTICRMS
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("info.features")
#' res.dir = tempdir()
#' mzml.file = system.file("extdata",
#' "20121015b__002__07__ME.mzML",
#' package = "preprocessHighResMS")
#' extract_feature_intensity(spectrum.file = mzml.file,
#' scanrange = c(1, 2),
#' info.features = info.features,
#' ppm = 20,
#' res.dir = res.dir)
extract_feature_intensity <- function(spectrum.file,
scanrange = c(1, 1),
ppm = 10,
num.pts = 5,
oneside.min = 1,
verbose = TRUE,
res.dir = NULL) {
## extract isotope info
info.iso = unique(info.features[, c("chemical.form.isotope", "m.z")])
## check that id is unique
if (length(unique(info.iso$chemical.form.isotope)) != nrow(info.iso)) {
stop("at least one feature with different mz values!")
if (verbose) {
print(paste(nrow(info.iso), "unique features"))
## define window around each mz value
info.iso$m.z.2ppm.lower = info.iso$m.z -
2 * ppm * info.iso$m.z / 1e06
info.iso$m.z.2ppm.upper = info.iso$m.z +
2 * ppm * info.iso$m.z / 1e06
info.iso$m.z.lower = info.iso$m.z -
ppm * info.iso$m.z / 1e06
info.iso$m.z.upper = info.iso$m.z +
ppm * info.iso$m.z / 1e06
## load spectrum
spectrum = load_spectrum(spectrum.file = spectrum.file,
scanrange = scanrange)
## extract feature intensities
range.mz = range(spectrum$mz)
info.iso = info.iso[which(info.iso$m.z.2ppm.lower >= range.mz[1] &
info.iso$m.z.2ppm.upper <= range.mz[2]),]
if (verbose) {
print(paste(nrow(info.iso), "isotopes covered by spectrum"))
intensity = center = width = peak.detected =
rep(NA, length = nrow(info.iso))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(info.iso))) {
if (i %% 500 == 0)
x = info.iso[i,]
ind = which(spectrum$mz >= x$m.z.2ppm.lower &
spectrum$mz <= x$m.z.2ppm.upper)
if (length(ind) > 0) {
temp = spectrum[ind,]
## note: needed since locate.peaks() function in FTICRMS package
## does not check if at least num.pts mz values are available
## no peak information is stored if not enough rows are available
if (nrow(temp) >= num.pts) {
# print("in first if")
## peak detection using local maxima
res.p = locate.peaks(
peak.base = temp,
num.pts = num.pts,
oneside.min = oneside.min,
peak.method = "locmaxes",
thresh = -Inf
## restrict to peaks within ppm
res.p = res.p[which(res.p$Center_hat >= x$m.z.lower &
res.p$Center_hat <= x$m.z.upper),]
if (nrow(res.p) > 0) {
## more than 1 peak detected
## select maximal peak
if (nrow(res.p) > 1) {
ord = order(res.p$Max_hat,
decreasing = TRUE)
ratio = res.p$Max_hat[ord[2]] / res.p$Max_hat[ord[1]]
if (ratio < 0.5) {
peak.detected[i] = 1
} else {
peak.detected[i] = 0
res.p = res.p[ord[1], , drop = FALSE]
} else {
peak.detected[i] = 1
intensity[i] = res.p$Max_hat
center[i] = res.p$Center_hat
width[i] = res.p$Width_hat
if (length(ind) < num.pts || nrow(res.p) == 0) {
## no peak found (e.g. constant intensity (0) or
## peak at border of interval
## select mz value closest to feature
if (length(ind) > 0) {
diff = abs(temp$mz - x$m.z)
ind.min = which.min(diff)
intensity[i] = temp$intensity[ind.min]
center[i] = temp$mz[ind.min]
peak.detected[i] = 0
res.features.all = data.frame(
id = info.iso$chemical.form.isotope,
mz.th = info.iso$m.z,
mz.meas = center,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
rownames(res.features.all) = res.features.all$id
# res.features = na.omit(res.features.all)
if (verbose)
"features detected"))
if (!is.null(res.dir)) {
feature.file = file.path(res.dir,
gsub(".mzML", ".rds",
file = feature.file)
} else {
#' Load spectrum
#' Based on functions in Bioconductor package xcms.
#' @param spectrum.file Character. Name of mzML file to read.
#' @param scanrange Numeric vector of length 2. Scan range to read
#' (see \code{\link[xcms]{xcmsRaw}}).
#' @return
#' data frame with spectrum information:
#' \itemize{
#' \item mz: mz value
#' \item intensity: intensity
#' }
#' @import xcms
#' @keywords internal
load_spectrum <- function(spectrum.file,
scanrange = c(1, 1)) {
if (!file.exists(spectrum.file)) {
stop(paste("file", spectrum.file, "does not exist!"))
xcms.raw.obj = xcmsRaw(filename = spectrum.file,
scanrange = scanrange,
profstep = 0)
no.scans = scanrange(xcms.raw.obj)[2]
if (no.scans == 1) {
spectrum = getScan(xcms.raw.obj, scan = 1)
} else {
spectrum = getSpec(xcms.raw.obj)
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