#' Sex check
#' Predicts sex using k nearest neighbour classification based on expression
#' of sex specific genes.
#' @param se
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{RangedSummarizedExperiment-class}}
#' object
#' @param assay Character or integer. Name or number of assay containing
#' expression data to be used for sex check.
#' @param info.sex.genes data.frame. Information about sex chromosomal genes
#' (see \code{info.sex.genes}).
#' @param gene.column Character. Column in rowData containing gene symbols
#' (default: "symbol") or "rownames" if rownames should be used.
#' @param sex.column Character. Column in colData containing sex information.
#' @param col Character vector. Colours to be used for coloring sex in MDS plot
#' (default: red and blue).
#' @param genes Character vector. Symbols of sex specific genes to be used in
#' classification (default: genes collected from the literature, see details).
#' @param title Character. Title of the plot. If NULL title will be set to
#' "MDS (sex specific genes)".
#' @param ellipse Logical. Should ellipses around points be drawn? (default:
#' TRUE).
#' @param ellipse.type Character. Type of ellipse as given in
#' \code{\link[ggpubr]{ggscatter}} (default: "norm").
#' @return List with the following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item info: data.frame with information about samples with wrong sex or NULL
#' \item plot: MDS plot as returned by \code{plot_mds_pca_2d}
#' }
#' @importFrom caret knn3
#' @importFrom S4Vectors unstrsplit
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("se.gene")
#' data("info.sex.genes")
#' check_sex(se = se.gene,
#' info.sex.genes = info.sex.genes,
#' gene.column = "Gene.symbol",
#' sex.column = "Sex")
check_sex <- function(se,
assay = 1,
gene.column = "symbol",
sex.column = "sex",
col = c("red", "blue"),
title = NULL,
ellipse = TRUE,
ellipse.type = "norm") {
## extract sex information
pheno = colData(se)
if (!(sex.column %in% colnames(pheno))) {
stop(paste("column", sex.column, "not found in colData!"))
sex = pheno[, sex.column]
se$sex = sex
## remove samples with missing sex information
ind.rm = which(is.na(se$sex))
if (length(ind.rm) > 0) {
warning(paste("removed", length(ind.rm), "samples with missing",
"sex information!"))
se = se[, -ind.rm]
## extract genes
anno = rowData(se)
if (gene.column == "rownames") {
anno$gene.to.use = rownames(anno)
} else {
if (!(gene.column %in% colnames(anno))) {
stop(paste("column", gene.column, "not found in rowData!"))
if (is.factor(anno[, gene.column])) {
anno$gene.to.use = as.character(anno[, gene.column])
} else {
anno$gene.to.use = anno[, gene.column]
# does not work with SimpleCharacterList (e.g. used in ERP009768)
anno$gene.char = unstrsplit(#as.character(anno[, gene.column]),
sep = "|")
## identify column of info.sex.genes to use
## (maximum number of matches with gene.column)
cols = c("ensembl_gene_id",
match.l = apply(info.sex.genes[, cols], 2,
FUN = function(x) {
intersect(anno$gene.char, x)
if (length(match.l) == 0) {
stop("none of the genes in se overlap with genes in info.sex.genes!")
no.match = vapply(match.l,
FUN = length,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
ind.use = which.max(no.match)
genes.use = rownames(anno)[which(anno$gene.char %in% match.l[[ind.use]])]
if (length(genes.use) < 2) {
stop("at least 2 genes are needed to predict sex!")
se.use = se[genes.use, ]
se.use = remove_genes(se = se.use,
assay = assay,
method = "missing",
freq = 0)
res.mds = calculate_mds_pca(se = se.use,
assay = assay,
method = "mds",
dist = "euclidean")
if (is.null(title)) {
title = "MDS (sex specific genes)"
g = plot_mds_pca_2d(res = res.mds,
se = se.use,
dim = c(1, 2),
var.color = "sex",
title = title,
palette = col,
ellipse = ellipse,
ellipse.type = ellipse.type)$plot
# print(g)
## classification using knn
if (is.character(assay) && !(assay %in% names(assays(se.use)))) {
stop(paste("assay", assay, "not found!"))
expr = assays(se.use)[[assay]]
## check if k needs to be reduced due to small group size
min = min(table(se$sex))
if (min < 5) {
k = ifelse(min %% 2 == 0, min - 1, min)
} else {
k = 5
res.knn = knn3(x = t(expr),
y = factor(se.use$sex),
k = k)
sex.pred = predict(res.knn,
type = "class")
ind.wrong = which(sex.pred != se.use$sex)
if (length(ind.wrong) > 0) {
info.wrong = data.frame(id = colnames(se)[ind.wrong],
sex.pheno = se$sex[ind.wrong],
sex.predicted = sex.pred[ind.wrong],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
info.wrong = NULL
return(list(info = info.wrong,
plot = g))
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