#### RUN DE METHODS #####
#@param rawEset much has a pData variable called celltype indicator
# Set up global variables
model = ~ cellTypes + cngeneson # in MAST
termTotest = "cellTypes" # in SC2P
toEset = function(sce){
y = assays(sce)$counts
cellTypes = colData(sce)$cellTypes
phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data.frame(cellTypes = cellTypes))
rownames(phenoData) = colnames(y)
eset = ExpressionSet(assayData = y, phenoData = phenoData)
##### This is the function from the https://github.com/haowulab/SC2P/blob/master/R/twoPhaseDE.R.
##### Since it is from github not CRAN or Bioconductor, I modify for POWSC usage on Bioconductor.
twoPhaseDE <- function(norm,
design, ## vector of covariate names
test.which, ## which of design to be tested?
Y <- norm$exprs
Z <- norm$Z
Offset <- norm$Offset
k = colSums(Y)
k = log2(k/median(k))
Offset = matrix(rep(k, nrow(Y)), nrow=nrow(Y), byrow=TRUE)
X = norm$phenoData@data[, design, drop=FALSE] ## or X can be permuted
twoPhaseDE0(Y=Y, Z=Z, X=X, Offset=Offset,
test.which=test.which, low.prob=low.prob)
#' Run DE analysis by using SC2P. Here we output two result tables corresponding to two forms of DE genes.
#' @param sce is a simulated scRNA-seq dataset with two-group conditions, e.g., treatment vs control.
#' @return a list of three tables: the first table summaries the DE result for both forms of DE genes. cont table represents the result for continous case. disc table shows the result for discontinous case.
runSC2P = function(sce) {
sce$cellTypes = factor(sce$cellTypes)
rawEset = toEset(sce = sce); ngene = nrow(sce)
norm = eset2Phase(rawEset) ## eset if of class ExpressionSet or eSet
deSC2P = twoPhaseDE(norm, design = termTotest, test.which=1)
discPval = deSC2P$Ph1.pval; discFdr = p.adjust(discPval, method = "fdr")
contPval = deSC2P$Ph2.pval; contFdr = p.adjust(contPval, method = "fdr")
disLen = length(discPval)
conLen = length(contPval)
disc = data.frame(geneIndex = seq_len(disLen), pval = discPval, fdr = discFdr)
cont = data.frame(geneIndex = seq_len(conLen), pval = contPval, fdr = contFdr)
rownames(disc) = rownames(cont) = rownames(deSC2P)
return(list(table = deSC2P, cont = cont, disc = disc))
#' Run DE analysis by using MAST. Here we output two result tables corresponding to two forms of DE genes.
#' These parameters include four gene-wise parameters and two cell-wise parameters.
#' @param sce is a simulated scRNA-seq dataset with two-group conditions, e.g., treatment vs control.
#' @return a list of three tables: the first table summaries the DE result for both forms of DE genes. cont table represents the result for continous case. disc table shows the result for discontinous case.
runMAST = function(sce) {
## grab raw counts and compute log TPM
rawEset = toEset(sce = sce)
Y = exprs(rawEset)
sf = colSums(Y)/1e6
ltpm = log2(sweep(Y, 2, sf, FUN="/")+1)
sca = FromMatrix(ltpm, pData(rawEset), fData(rawEset)) # the object is sca for MAST
## Start testing
cdr2 = colSums(assay(sca)>0)
colData(sca)$cngeneson = scale(cdr2)
thres = thresholdSCRNACountMatrix(assay(sca)) #, nbins=200, min_per_bin=30)
assays(sca) = list(thresh=thres$counts_threshold, tpm=assay(sca))
fit = zlm(model, sca)
rslt = lrTest(fit, termTotest) # fiting zlm model
table = rslt[,,3]
two.des = list()
for (i in seq_len(2)){
pval = table[, i]
fdr = p.adjust(pval, method = "fdr")
result = data.frame(geneIndex=seq_len(length(pval)), pval=pval, fdr=fdr)
res = result[complete.cases(result),]
two.des[[i]] = res
return(list(table = table, cont = two.des[[1]], disc = two.des[[2]]))
#' A wrapper function for calling DE genes. This contains two methods: MAST and SC2P
#' @param sce is a simulated scRNA-seq dataset with two-group conditions, e.g., treatment vs control.
#' @param DE_Method is a string chosen from "MAST" or "SC2P".
#' @return a list of three tables: the first table summaries the DE result for both forms of DE genes. cont table represents the result for continous case. disc table shows the result for discontinous case.
#' @examples
#' data("es_mef_sce")
#' sce = es_mef_sce[, colData(es_mef_sce)$cellTypes == "fibro"]
#' set.seed(123)
#' rix = sample(1:nrow(sce), 500)
#' sce = sce[rix, ]
#' estParas = Est2Phase(sce)
#' simData = Simulate2SCE(n=100, estParas1 = estParas, estParas2 = estParas)
#' sim_sce = simData$sce
#' DErslt = runDE(sim_sce)
#' @export runDE
runDE = function(sce, DE_Method = c("MAST", "SC2P")){
DE_Method = match.arg(DE_Method)
if (DE_Method == "MAST"){
DE_rslt = runMAST(sce)
DE_rslt = runSC2P(sce)
############################## other DE methods ##############################
# runBPSC = function(rawEset) {
# require(BPSC)
# Y = exprs(rawEset)
# sf = colSums(Y)/1e6
# bp_mat = sweep(Y, 2, sf, FUN="/")+1
# groups = as.factor(droplevels(pData(rawEset)$celltype))
# controlIds = which(groups==levels(groups)[1])
# design = model.matrix( ~ groups)
# rslt = BPglm(data = bp_mat,
# controlIds = controlIds, design = design, coef = 2,
# estIntPar = FALSE)
# table = summary(rslt)$topTable
# pval = table[, 3]
# pval[is.na(pval)] <- 1
# qval = qvalue(pval)$qvalues
# ## construct results, ordered by the orignal order of genes
# ix = sort(pval, index.return=TRUE)$ix
# result = data.frame(geneIndex=ix, pval=pval[ix], qval=qval[ix])
# res = result[order(result$geneIndex),]
# return(res)
# }
# # SCDD
# runSCDD = function(simData){
# require("SingleCellExperiment"); require("scDD")
# Y = exprs(rawEset)
# sf = colSums(Y)/1e6
# ltpm = log2(sweep(Y, 2, sf, FUN="/")+1)
# group = as.factor(droplevels(pData(rawEset)$celltype))
# priorParam = list(alpha=0.01, mu0=0, s0=0.01, a0=0.01, b0=0.01)
# sce = SingleCellExperiment(assays=list(normcounts = as.matrix(ltpm)), colData=data.frame(condition = group))
# rslt = scDD(sce, priorParam, testZeroes=F)
# table = results(rslt)
# pval = table[, 7]
# pval[is.na(pval)] <- 1
# fdr = qvalue::lfdr(pval)
# ## construct results, ordered by the orignal order of genes
# ix = sort(pval, index.return=TRUE)$ix
# result = data.frame(geneIndex=ix, pval=pval[ix], fdr=fdr[ix])
# res = result[order(result$geneIndex),]
# return(res)
# }
# ## SCDE
# runSCDE = function(rawEset, ncores=32) {
# require(scde)
# Y = exprs(rawEset)
# Y = apply(Y,2,function(x) {
# storage.mode(x) <- 'integer'; x})
# colnames(Y) = 1:ncol(Y)
# cd = clean.counts(Y)
# sg = (pData(rawEset)$celltype)[as.integer(colnames(cd))]
# o.ifm = scde.error.models(counts=cd, groups=sg, n.cores=ncores,
# threshold.segmentation = TRUE,
# save.crossfit.plots = FALSE,
# save.model.plots = FALSE, verbose = 1)
# valid.cells = o.ifm$corr.a > 0
# table(valid.cells)
# o.ifm = o.ifm[valid.cells, ]
# o.prior = scde.expression.prior(models = o.ifm,
# counts = cd, length.out = 400,
# show.plot = FALSE)
# groups = sg[valid.cells]
# de.scde = scde.expression.difference(o.ifm, cd, o.prior,
# groups = groups,
# n.randomizations = 100,
# n.cores = ncores,
# verbose = 0)
# return(de.scde)
# }
# makeROC = function(pval, trueDE) {
# pred = prediction(-log10(pval), trueDE)
# auc = performance(pred,"auc")
# auc = unlist(slot(auc, "y.values"))
# perf = performance(pred,"tpr","fpr")
# return(list(perf = perf, auc = auc))
# }
### Main function #### should rewrite this function
# runDE = function(simData){
# rawEset = simData$eset
# rslt = runMAST(rawEset)
# pvals = rslt$pval
# trueDE = sign(match(rownames(rslt), simData$DEGs, nomatch = 0))
# roc_rslt = makeROC(rslt$pval, trueDE)
# return(list(simData = simData,
# auc = roc_rslt$auc, perf = roc_rslt$perf))
# }
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