
Defines functions .isValidSJ importSJ

Documented in importSJ

#' @title Import STAR Splice Junctions
#' @description Import the SJ.out.tab files produced by STAR
#' @details
#' Imports one or more splice-junction output files as produced by STAR.
#' If all are located in separated directories with identical names, be sure
#' to set the argument stripPaths = FALSE
#' All co-ordinates are 1-based, in keeping with the STAR manual
#' @return
#' A `tibble`
#' @param x vector of file paths to SJ.out.tab files
#' @param stripPaths logical(1) Remove directory prefixes from the file paths
#' in x
#' @author Stephen Pederson <stephen.pederson@@adelaide.edu.au>
#' @examples
#' sjFiles <- system.file("extdata", "SJ.out.tab", package = "ngsReports")
#' # Import leaving the complete file path in the column Filename
#' # The argument srtipPaths is set as TRUE by default
#' df <- importSJ(sjFiles, stripPaths = FALSE)
#' @export
importSJ <- function(x, stripPaths = TRUE){

    x <- unique(x) # Remove any  duplicates
    stopifnot(length(x) > 0) # Fail on empty vector
    stopifnot(file.exists(x)) # Check they all exist

    ## Load the data
    data <- suppressWarnings(lapply(x, readLines))
    if (stripPaths) x <- basename(x)
    names(data) <- x
    data <- lapply(data, .splitByTab, firstRowToNames = FALSE)

    ## Check the structure
    allValid <- vapply(data, .isValidSJ, logical(1))
    sjCols <- c(
        "chromosome", "start", "end", "strand", "intron_motif",
        "annotated", "uniquely_mapping", "multi_mapping", "max_overhang"

    ## Name the columns & set as the correct type
    df <- lapply(
            df <- data[[x]]
            colnames(df) <- sjCols
            df[["Filename"]] <- x
    df <- as_tibble(bind_rows(df))
    ## Format all the required columns
    num_cols <- c("start", "end")
    int_cols <- c(
        "strand", "intron_motif", "annotated", "uniquely_mapping",
        "multi_mapping", "max_overhang"
    df[num_cols] <- lapply(df[num_cols], as.numeric)
    df[int_cols] <- lapply(df[int_cols], as.integer)
    df[["annotated"]] <- as.logical(df[["annotated"]])
    ## Tidy up the strands
    strands <- c("*", "+", "-")
    df[["strand"]] <- strands[as.integer(df[["strand"]]) + 1]
    df[["strand"]] <- factor(df[["strand"]], levels = strands)
    ## Recode the motifs
    motifs <-  c(
        "non-canonical", "GT/AG", "CT/AC", "GC/AG", "CT/GC", "AT/AC", "GT/AT"
    df[["intron_motif"]] <- motifs[df[["intron_motif"]] + 1]
    df[["intron_motif"]] <- factor(df[["intron_motif"]], levels = motifs)
    ## Setup for easy conversion to GRanges
    df[["intron"]] <- paste0(
        df[["chromosome"]], ":",
        df[["start"]], "-", df[["end"]], ":", df[["strand"]]

    ## Return the object after creating a dummy variable for R CMD check
    intron <- c()
    dplyr::select(df, Filename, intron, everything())


.isValidSJ <- function(df){
    ## Format specified at
    ## https://github.com/alexdobin/STAR/blob/master/doc/STARmanual.pdf
    chkColNums <- ncol(df) == 9
    if (!chkColNums) return(FALSE)
    chkStrand <- all(df[[4]] %in% seq(0, 2))
    chkMotif <- all(df[[5]] %in% seq(0, 6))
    chkAnnot <- all(df[[6]] %in% seq(0, 1))
    chkUnique <- sum(is.na(as.numeric(df[[7]]))) == 0
    chkMulti <- sum(is.na(as.numeric(df[[8]]))) == 0
    chkOverhang <- sum(is.na(as.numeric(df[[9]]))) == 0
            chkStrand, chkMotif, chkAnnot,
            chkUnique, chkMulti, chkOverhang
steveped/ngsReports documentation built on July 24, 2024, 10:45 a.m.