
Defines functions .parseSalmonMetaInfoLogs .parseSalmonLibFormatCountsLogs .parseRnaseqcMetricsLogs .parseUmitoolsDedupLogs .parseMacs2CallpeakLogs .parseFlagstatLogs .parseQuastLogs .parseTrimmomaticLogs .parseBuscoLogs .parseFeatureCountsLogs .parseCutadaptLogs .parseAdapterRemovalLogs .parseDuplicationMetricsLogs .parseStarLogs .parseHisat2Logs .parseBowtieLogs .isValidSalmonMetaInfoLog .isValidSalmonLibFormatCountsLog .isValidRnaseqcMetricsLog .isValidUmitoolsDedupLog .isValidMacs2CallpeakLog .isValidFlagstatLog .isValidQuastLog .isValidTrimmomaticLog .isValidBuscoLog .isValidFeatureCountsLog .isValidCutadaptLog .isValidAdapterRemovalLog .isValidDuplicationMetricsLog .isValidStarLog .isValidHisat2Log .isValidBowtieLog .getToolName importNgsLogs

Documented in .getToolName importNgsLogs .parseAdapterRemovalLogs .parseBowtieLogs .parseBuscoLogs .parseCutadaptLogs .parseDuplicationMetricsLogs .parseFeatureCountsLogs .parseFlagstatLogs .parseHisat2Logs .parseMacs2CallpeakLogs .parseQuastLogs .parseRnaseqcMetricsLogs .parseSalmonLibFormatCountsLogs .parseSalmonMetaInfoLogs .parseStarLogs .parseTrimmomaticLogs .parseUmitoolsDedupLogs

#' @title Import Various NGS-related log files
#' @description
#'  `r lifecycle::badge("maturing")`
#' Imports NGS-related log files such as those generated from
#' stderr.
#' @details Imports one or more log files as output by tools such as:
#' `bowtie`, `bowtie2`, `featureCounts`, `Hisat2`, `STAR`, `salmon`
#' `picard MarkDuplicates`, `cutadapt`, `flagstat`, `macs2Callpeak`,
#' `Adapter Removal`, `trimmomatic`, `rnaseqcMetrics`, `quast` or `busco`.
#' `autoDetect` can be used to detect the log type by parsing the file.
#' The featureCounts log file corresponds to the `counts.out.summary`,
#' not the main `counts.out` file.
#' Whilst most log files return a single tibble, some are more complex
#' with multiple modules.
#' `adapterRemoval` can return one of four modules (which = 1:4),.
#' When calling by name, the possible values are sequences, settings,
#' statistics or distribution.
#' Partial matching is implemented.
#' `cutadapt` can return one of five modules (which = 1:5).
#' When calling by name the possible modules are summary, adapter1, adapter2,
#' adapter3 or overview.
#' Note that adapter2/3 may be missing from these files depending on the nature
#' of your data.
#' If cutadapt log files are obtained using `report=minimal`, all supplied
#' log files must be of this format and no modules can be returned.
#' `duplicationMetrics` will return either the metrics of histogram.
#' These can be requested by setting which as 1 or 2, or naming either module.
#' @param x `character`. Vector of filenames. All log files must be of the
#' same type. Duplicate file paths will be silently ignored.
#' @param type `character`. The type of file being imported. Can be one of
#' `bowtie`, `bowtie2`, `hisat2`, `star`, `flagstat`,
#' `featureCounts`, `duplicationMetrics`, `cutadapt`, `umitoolsDedup`,
#' `macs2Callpeak`, `adapterRemoval`, `rnaseqcMetrics`, `quast`,
#' `salmonLibFormatCounts`, `salmonMetaInfo` or `busco`.
#' Defaults to `type = "auto"` which will automatically detect the file
#' type for all implemented types.
#' @param which Which element of the parsed object to return. Ignored in all
#' file types except when `type` is set to duplicationMetrics, cutadapt or
#' adapterRemoval. See details for possible values.
#' To return all elements, set this value to 'all'
#' @param stripPaths logical(1). Remove paths from the Filename column
#' @return A `tibble`.
#' Column names are broadly similar to the text in supplied files,
#' but have been modified for easier handling under R naming conventions.
#' @examples
#' f <- c("bowtiePE.txt", "bowtieSE.txt")
#' bowtieLogs <- system.file("extdata", f, package = "ngsReports")
#' df <- importNgsLogs(bowtieLogs, type = "bowtie")
#' @importFrom lubridate dminutes dhours dseconds parse_date_time
#' @importFrom tidyselect contains everything starts_with ends_with
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_trim str_remove_all str_extract
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @export
importNgsLogs <- function(x, type = "auto", which, stripPaths = TRUE) {

    x <- unique(x) # Remove any  duplicates
    stopifnot(length(x) > 0) # Fail on empty vector
    stopifnot(file.exists(x)) # Check they all exist

    ## Check for a valid filetype
    possTypes <- c(
        "bowtie", "bowtie2",
    type <- match.arg(type, c("autoDetect", possTypes))

    ## Load the data
    data <- suppressWarnings(lapply(x, readLines))
    if (stripPaths) x <- basename(x)
    names(data) <- x

    ## adding auto detect
    if (type == "autoDetect") {
        type <- unlist(lapply(data, .getToolName, possTypes = possTypes))
        type <- unique(type)

    ## Sort out the which argument
    if (missing(which)) {
        which <- 1L
        if (type == "adapterRemoval") {
            message("Defaulting to the statistics module for Adapter Removal")
            which <- 3L

    ## Change to title case for easier parsing below
    type <- stringr::str_split_fixed(type, pattern = "", n = nchar(type))
    type[1] <- stringr::str_to_upper(type[1])
    type <- paste(type, collapse = "")

    ## Check validity using the helpers defined as private functions
    vFun <- paste0(".isValid", type, "Log")
    validLogs <- vapply(data, eval(parse(text = vFun)), logical(1))
    if (any(!validLogs)) {
        failed <- paste(names(validLogs)[!validLogs], collapse = "\n")
        stop("Incorrect file structure for:\n", failed)

    ## The two types of cutadapt output also need to be checked for consistency
    if (type == "Cutadapt") {
        ln <- vapply(data, length, integer(1))
        nMinimal <- sum(ln == 2) # nLines for a minimal report
        if (!nMinimal %in% c(0, length(data))) stop(
            "Some, but not all, reports are minimal format.\n",
            "Please load different format reports separately"


    ## Parse the data using the helpers defined as private functions
    if (is.character(which)) which <- paste0("'", which, "'")
    pFun <- paste0(".parse", type, "Logs(data, which = ", which, ")")
    out <- eval(parse(text = pFun))
    ## Return a tibble if only one module
    if (!grepl("all", which)) out <- as_tibble(out)


#' @title Identify tool name
#' @description Identify tool name for log files after
#' reading in using readLines.
#' @details Checks for all the required fields in the lines provided
#' @param x Character vector as output when readLines to a supplied log file
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.getToolName <- function(x, possTypes){

    logiList <- lapply(possTypes, function(types){
        ## Change to title case for easier parsing below
        types <- stringr::str_split_fixed(types, pattern = "", n = nchar(types))
        types[1] <- stringr::str_to_upper(types[1])
        types <- paste(types, collapse = "")
        vFun <- paste0(".isValid", types, "Log(x)")
        validLogs <- eval(parse(text = paste0(vFun)))

    logi <- unlist(logiList)

    type <- possTypes[logi]
    ## added for autodetect purposes
    if (all(c("hisat2", "bowtie2") %in% type)) type <- "bowtie2"
    if (length(type) == 0) stop("No matching file type was found")

.isValidBowtieLog <- function(x){
    nLines <- length(x)
    fields <- c(
        "Time loading forward index",
        "Time loading mirror index:",
        "Seeded quality full-index search:",
        "# reads processed:",
        "# reads with at least one reported alignment:",
        "# reads that failed to align:",
        "Time searching:",
        "Overall time:"
    chk <- vapply(fields, function(f){any(grepl(f, x))}, logical(1))

.isValidHisat2Log <- function(x){
    n <- length(x)
    chkLen <- length(x) > 0
    firstLine <- grepl("reads; of these:$", x[1])
    lastLine <- grepl("overall alignment rate$", x[n])
    noAln <- sum(grepl("aligned.*0 times$", x)) %in% seq_len(2)
    alnExact <- sum(grepl("aligned.*exactly 1 time$", x)) %in% seq_len(2)
    alnG1 <- sum(grepl("aligned.*>1 times$", x)) %in% seq_len(2)
    all(c(chkLen, firstLine, lastLine, noAln, alnExact, alnG1))
.isValidBowtie2Log <- .isValidHisat2Log

.isValidStarLog <- function(x){
    ## Just check for the key fields
    chkStart <- grepl("Started job on", x[1])
    chkUniq <- any(grepl("UNIQUE READS:", x))
    chkMulti <- any(grepl("MULTI-MAPPING READS:", x))
    chkUnmapped <- any(grepl("UNMAPPED READS:", x))
    all(chkStart, chkUniq, chkMulti, chkUnmapped)

.isValidDuplicationMetricsLog <- function(x){

    ## Check the METRICS CLASS data
    metricsHeader <- grep("METRICS CLASS\t.+DuplicationMetrics", x)

    if (length(metricsHeader) == 1) { # Must appear only once
        metricCols <- c(
        ## Check the column names in the log match the expected columns
        checkMetCols <- all(
            names(.splitByTab(x[metricsHeader + 1])) == metricCols

        ## Check the HISTOGRAM data
        checkHistCols <- TRUE
        if (any(grepl("HISTOGRAM", x))) {
            histHeader <- grep("HISTOGRAM\tjava.lang.Double", x)
            stopifnot(length(histHeader) == 1) # Must appear only once
            histCols <- c("BIN")
            nm <- names(.splitByTab(x[histHeader + 1]))[seq_along(histCols)]
            checkHistCols <- all(nm == histCols)
        all(checkMetCols, checkHistCols)

    } else FALSE #give false value if missing


.isValidAdapterRemovalLog <- function(x){

    ## Check the first line begins with AdapterRemoval
    checkAR <- grepl("AdapterRemoval", x[[1]])

    ## This should contain four modules, all of which are contained
    ## between square brackets
    modNames <- c(
        "[Adapter sequences]",
        "[Adapter trimming]",
        "[Trimming statistics]",
        "[Length distribution]"
    checkModNames <- stringr::str_subset(x[[1]], "^\\[.+") == modNames

    all(checkAR, checkModNames)

.isValidCutadaptLog <- function(x){

    ## These can take two forms, minimal & full
    ## The minimal report is like a tab-delimited data.frame
    ## whilst the full report has a more complex structure
    isMinimal <- length(x) == 2
    reqCols <- c(
        "status", "in_reads", "in_bp", "too_short", "too_long",
        "too_many_n",  "out_reads", "w/adapters", "qualtrim_bp", "out_bp"
    if (isMinimal) {
        ## As this is essentially a df, just check the columns
        df <- tryCatch(.splitByTab(x))
        chkCols <- all(reqCols %in% colnames(df))
    ## Check the complete file
    chkCutAdapt <- grepl("cutadapt", x[[1]])
    chkCols <- list(
        status = any(grepl("Finished in", x)),
        in_reads = any(grepl("Total (reads|read pairs) processed", x)),
        in_bp = any(grepl("Total basepairs processed", x)),
        too_short = any(grepl("(Reads|Pairs) that were too short", x)),
        ## Too long may not be in the file
        too_many_n = any(grepl("(Reads|Pairs) with too many N", x)),
        out_reads = any(
            grepl("(Reads|Pairs) written \\(passing filters\\)", x)
        `w/adapters` = any(grepl("Read.+ with adapter", x)),
        out_bp = any(grepl("Total written \\(filtered\\)", x))
    chkCols <- unlist(chkCols)
    all(c(chkCutAdapt, chkCols))


.isValidFeatureCountsLog <- function(x){

    if (all(grepl("\t", x))) { ### check all lines have a tab,
        ## required by .splitbyTab

        ## Check the Status column
        x <- .splitByTab(x)
        chkCol1 <- colnames(x)[[1]] == "Status"
        chkTypes <- FALSE
        if (chkCol1) {
            ## We can only do this if the Status column checks out
            vals <- c(
            chkTypes <- all(vals %in% x[["Status"]])

        all(chkTypes, chkCol1)
    else FALSE ## print false if not


.isValidBuscoLog <- function(x){

    fields <- c(
        "# BUSCO version is:",
        "# The lineage dataset is:",
        "# To reproduce this run:",
        "# Summarized benchmarking in BUSCO notation for file ",
        "# BUSCO was run in mode:"
    chk <- vapply(fields, function(f){any(grepl(f, x))}, logical(1))

.isValidTrimmomaticLog <- function(x){
    n <- length(x)
    checkL1 <- grepl("Trimmomatic[PS]E: Started with arguments", x[[1]])
    checkMain <- grepl("Input.+ Surviving.+ Dropped.+", x[[n - 1]])
    checkLast <- grepl("Trimmomatic[PS]E: Completed successfully", x[[n]])
    all(checkL1, checkMain, checkLast)

.isValidQuastLog <- function(x){

    fields <- c(
        "# contigs",
        "Largest contig",
        "Total length",
        "# N's per 100 kbp"
    chk <- vapply(fields, function(f){any(grepl(f, x))}, logical(1))

.isValidFlagstatLog <- function(x){

    ## Every line must have a '+' symbol
    nLines <- length(x)
    allPlus <- sum(grepl("\\+", x)) == nLines
    ## Check for required text in the first line
    firstLine <- grepl("QC-passed reads", x[[1]])
    all(allPlus, firstLine)

.isValidMacs2CallpeakLog <- function(x){
    hasCmd <- grepl("callpeak", x[[2]])
    hasArgs <- any(grepl("ARGUMENTS LIST", x))
    hasBlankSep <- any(str_trim(x) == "")
    hasTagSize <- any(grepl("tag size", x))
    hasFragLength <- any(grepl("fragment length", x))
    all(hasCmd, hasArgs, hasBlankSep, hasTagSize, hasFragLength)

.isValidUmitoolsDedupLog <- function(x){
    isUmiTools <- grepl("UMI-tools", x[[1]])
    isDedup <- grepl("output generated by dedup", x[[2]])
    n <- length(x)
    isComplete <- grepl("job finished", x[[n]])
    hasData <- sum(grepl("INFO", x)) > 0
    all(isUmiTools, isDedup, isComplete, hasData)

.isValidRnaseqcMetricsLog <- function(x){
    ## Just check some key fields which should distinguish these files
    hasSampleFirst <- which(grepl("Sample", x)) == 1
    rt_pattern <- "(Exon|Intron|Intergen|Intragen)ic Rate"
    hasAllRates <- sum(grepl(paste0("^", rt_pattern), x)) == 4
    hasAllHQRates <- sum(grepl(paste("High Quality", rt_pattern), x)) == 4
    tot_pattern <- "Total (Bases|Reads|Mapped)"
    hasAllTotals <- sum(grepl(tot_pattern, x)) == 3
    all(hasSampleFirst, hasAllRates, hasAllHQRates, hasAllTotals)

.isValidSalmonLibFormatCountsLog <- function(x){
    ## Check a few key columns
    has_read_files <- any(grepl("read_files", x))
    has_format <- any(grepl("expected_format", x))
    has_comp_frags <- sum(grepl("compatible_frag", x)) == 2
    has_sfr <- sum(grepl("[MOI]S[FR]", x)) >= 6
    has_assigned <- any(grepl("assigned_frag", x))
    all(has_format, has_read_files, has_sfr, has_comp_frags, has_assigned)

.isValidSalmonMetaInfoLog <- function(x){
    ## Check a few key columns
    has_vers <- any(grepl("salmon_version", x))
    frag_len <- sum(grepl("frag_length", x)) == 2
    has_libtype <- any(grepl("library_types", x))
    has_bias <- sum(grepl("bias", x)) == 3
    has_hash <- sum(grepl("hash", x)) == 6
    has_time <- sum(grepl("time", x)) == 2
    all(has_vers, frag_len, has_libtype, has_bias, has_hash, has_time)

#' @title Parse data from Bowtie log files
#' @description Parse data from Bowtie log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseBowtieLogs <- function(data, ...){

    ## This will have already been through the validity checks
    df <- lapply(data, function(x){
        x <- gsub("# ", "", x)
        ## Treat the line containing the total reads separately
        total <- grep("Reported .* alignments", x = x, value = TRUE)
        x <- setdiff(x, total)
        ## Split the remaining lines into a nx2 matrix,
        ## then change to titles and remove spaces/dashes
        x <- stringr::str_split_fixed(x, pattern = ": ", 2)
        x[,1] <- stringr::str_to_title(x[,1])
        x[,1] <- gsub("( |-)", "_", x[,1])
        ## Remove those percentages from some of the fields
        x[,2] <- gsub("(.+) \\(.+\\)", "\\1", x[,2])
        ## Return a data.frame
        df <- structure(as.list(x[,2]), names = x[,1])
        df <- as.data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df)

    ## Some colnames may have a flag from the original bowtie code
    ## This line will correct that after the title case conversion above
    names(df) <- gsub("__(.)", "_-\\L\\1", names(df), perl = TRUE)

    ## Reformat the columns as integers and durations
    timeCols <- grepl("(Time|Full_Index_Search)", names(df))
    df[!timeCols] <- suppressWarnings(lapply(df[!timeCols], as.integer))
    df[timeCols] <- lapply(df[timeCols], function(x){
        x <- stringr::str_split_fixed(x, ":", 3)
        x <- as.numeric(x)
        x <- matrix(x, ncol = 3)
        dhours(x[,1]) + dminutes(x[,2]) + dseconds(x[,3])
    ## Add the filename, reorder the columns & return a tibble
    df$Filename <- names(data)
        df, "Filename", contains("Reads"), contains("Time"), everything()


#' @title Parse data from HISAT2 log files
#' @description Parse data from HISAT2 log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseHisat2Logs <- function(data, ...){

    df <- lapply(data, function(x){

        x <- stringr::str_trim(x)
        paired <- grepl("were paired", x[2])
        totReads <- gsub("([0-9]*) reads; of these:", "\\1", x[1])
        ## Now find each category then extract the numbers
        noAln <- x[grep("aligned 0 times$", x)]
        noAln <- c(
            gsub("([0-9]*) .+ aligned 0 times", "\\1", noAln), NA_character_
        uniq <- x[grep("aligned exactly 1 time$", x)]
        uniq <- c(
            gsub("([0-9]*) .+ aligned exactly 1 time", "\\1", uniq),
        mult <- x[grep("aligned >1 times", x)]
        mult <- c(
            gsub("([0-9]*) .+ aligned >1 times", "\\1", mult), NA_character_
        alnRate <- x[grep("overall alignment rate", x)]
        alnRate <- gsub("([0-9\\.]+)% overall.+", "\\1", alnRate)
        alnRate <- as.numeric(alnRate) / 100

        ## Get the paired only fields
        pairReads <- uniqPairs <- multPairs <- uniqDiscord <- NA_character_
        if (paired) {
            pairReads <- x[grep("were paired; of these:$", x)]
            pairReads <- c(
                gsub("([0-9]*) .+ of these:", "\\1", pairReads), NA_character_
            uniqPairs <- x[grep("aligned concordantly exactly 1 time$", x)]
            uniqPairs <- c(
                gsub("([0-9]*) .+ exactly 1 time", "\\1", uniqPairs),
            multPairs <- x[grep("aligned concordantly >1 times$", x)]
            multPairs <- c(
                gsub("([0-9]*) .+ >1 times", "\\1", multPairs), NA_character_
            uniqDiscord <- x[grep("aligned discordantly 1 time$", x)]
            uniqDiscord <- c(
                gsub("([0-9]*) .+ 1 time", "\\1", uniqDiscord), NA_character_

        out <- list(
            Total_Reads = totReads,
            Not_Aligned = noAln,
            Unique_Unpaired = uniq,
            Multiple_Unpaired = mult,
            Paired_Reads = pairReads,
            Unique_In_Pairs = uniqPairs,
            Multiple_In_Pairs = multPairs,
            Unique_Discordant_Pairs = uniqDiscord
        ## Set all values as integers
        out <- lapply(out, as.integer)
        ## Add the Alignment Rate as a numeric
        out$Alignment_Rate <- alnRate

    ## Bind all result together
    df <- bind_rows(df)

    df$Filename <- names(data)

.parseBowtie2Logs <- .parseHisat2Logs

#' @title Parse data from STAR log files
#' @description Parse data from STAR log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
.parseStarLogs <- function(data, ...){
    ## Reformat as a data.frame / tibble
    df <- lapply(data, function(x){
        ## Split on '|\t'
        x <- stringr::str_split_fixed(x, pattern = "\\|\t", n = 2)
        ## Remove whitespace
        x <- apply(x, MARGIN = 2, stringr::str_trim)
        ## Remove blank rows
        x <- x[rowSums(x == "") == 0,]
        ## Tidy up the percent signs & brackets
        x[, 1] <- gsub("%", "Percent", x[,1])
        x <- apply(x, 2, stringr::str_remove_all, "[%\\(\\)]")
        ## Define the column names
        cols <- stringr::str_to_title(x[,1])
        cols <- gsub("[ :,]+", "_", cols)
        cols <- gsub(
            "([ACGTacgt]{2}/[ACGTacgt]{2})", "\\U\\1", cols, perl = TRUE
        ## Form a list then tibble
        out <- as.list(x[,2])
        names(out) <- cols
        ## Using tibble here preserves column names in a nicer format
    df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df)

    ## Reformat the time columns
    timeCols <- grepl("On$", names(df))
    df[timeCols] <- lapply(df[timeCols], parse_date_time, orders = "b! d! HMS")

    ## Reformat the integer columns
    intCols <- grepl("Number", names(df))
    df[intCols] <- lapply(df[intCols], as.integer)

    ## Set the remaining columns as numeric
    df[!intCols & !timeCols] <- lapply(df[!intCols & !timeCols], as.numeric)

    ## Add the filename & additional columns
    df$Filename <- names(data)
    df$Mapping_Duration <- df$Finished_On - df$Started_Mapping_On
    totMapped <-
        df$Uniquely_Mapped_Reads_Number +
    df$Total_Mapped_Percent <- 100*totMapped / df$Number_Of_Input_Reads

    ## Return the output
        "Filename", starts_with("Total"),
        contains("Mapped"), contains("Splice"),
        ends_with("On"), contains("Mapping"),


#' @title Parse data from Picard duplicationMetrics log files
#' @description Parse data from Picard duplicationMetrics log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param which which element of the log file to return.
#' Can be 1:2, "metrics" or "histogram"
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
.parseDuplicationMetricsLogs <- function(data, which = 1){

    if (is.character(which))
        which <- match.arg(which, c("metrics", "histogram", "all"))
    if (is.numeric(which)) stopifnot(which %in% c(1, 2))

    ## Collect the metrics from all files as a tibble
    metrics <- lapply(data, function(x){
        # ## Find the library name
        cmd <- stringr::str_subset(x, "(INPUT|input)")
        ip <- stringr::str_replace_all(
            cmd, ".+(input|INPUT)([ =]*)([^ ]+.bam).+", "\\3"
        ip <- str_replace_all(ip, "[\\[\\]]", "")
        ## Find the header. The next two rows will be the colnames + data
        metHeader <- grep("METRICS CLASS\t.+.DuplicationMetrics", x)
        df <- .splitByTab(x[seq(metHeader + 1, by = 1, length.out = 2)])
        df$LIBRARY <- ip
    metrics <- dplyr::bind_rows(metrics)
    ## Now ensure the correct types
    metrics$PERCENT_DUPLICATION <- as.numeric(metrics$PERCENT_DUPLICATION)
    intCols <- setdiff(colnames(metrics), c("LIBRARY", "PERCENT_DUPLICATION"))
    metrics[intCols] <- lapply(metrics[intCols], as.integer)
    metrics <- as_tibble(metrics)

    ## Collect the histogram data from all files as a tibble
    ## This may not be present, so this is an optional step
    histData <- lapply(data, function(x){
        # ## Find the library name
        cmd <- stringr::str_subset(x, "(INPUT|input)")
        ip <- stringr::str_replace_all(
            cmd, ".+(input|INPUT)([ =]*)([^ ]+.bam).+", "\\3"
        ip <- str_replace_all(ip, "[\\[\\]]", "")

        ## Find the header then remove up until that line
        histHeader <- grep("HISTOGRAM\tjava.lang.Double", x)
        df <- NULL
        if (length(histHeader)) {
            x <- x[-seq_len(histHeader)]
            ## Remove any blank lines (this is the last line)
            x <- x[!grepl("^$", x)]
            df <- .splitByTab(x)
            df$LIBRARY <- ip
            df <- dplyr::select(df, "LIBRARY", everything())
    histData <- dplyr::bind_rows(histData)
    ## Ensure the correct types
    if (ncol(histData)) {
        histData <- lapply(
            function(x) {
                any_na <- any(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))))
                if (!any_na) x <- as.numeric(x)
        histData$BIN <- as.integer(histData$BIN)
        histData <- as_tibble(histData)

    ## Setup the output, then format the column names
    out <- list(metrics = metrics, histogram = histData)
    out <- lapply(
            colnames(x) <- stringr::str_replace_all(colnames(x), "_", " ")
            colnames(x) <- stringr::str_to_title(colnames(x))
    if (which != "all") out <- out[[which]]

#' @title Parse data from Adapter Removal log files
#' @description Parse data from Adapter Removal log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param which which element of the log file to return.
#' Can be 1:4, "sequences", "settings", "statistics" or "distribution"
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stringr str_split_fixed
.parseAdapterRemovalLogs <- function(data, which = 3){

    ## These are renamed for easier understanding.
    ## The full mapping of titles are:
    ## 1: sequences = Adapter sequences
    ## 2: settings = Adapter trimming
    ## 3: statistics =  Trimming statistics
    ## 4: distribution = Length distribution
    ## No parsing of the version number has been implemented (1st row)
    ## Note that for each file, 'distribution' will return a tibble
    ## with nrow > 1
    modNames <- c("sequences", "settings", "statistics", "distribution", "all")
    if (is.character(which)) which <- match.arg(which, modNames)
    if (is.numeric(which)) stopifnot(which %in% seq_len(4))

    .parseArSingle <- function(x, which){
        ## Remove the blank elements
        x <- setdiff(x, "")
        ## Find where the modules start
        vals2Mods <- cumsum(stringr::str_detect(x, "^\\["))

        ## Just do the modules manually
        ## Start with the sequences
        sequences <- str_split_fixed(
            string = x[vals2Mods == 1][-1], pattern = ": ", n =  2
        sequences <- as_tibble(
            split(sequences[,2], f = sequences[,1])
        ## Now the settings
        settings <- str_split_fixed(
            string = x[vals2Mods == 2][-1], pattern = ": ", n =  2
        settings <- split(
            x = settings[,2],
            f = factor(settings[,1], levels = settings[,1])
        ## Convert to the correct value type
        intCols <- grepl("(score |value|length|Minimum)", names(settings))
        intCols <- intCols & !grepl("Maximum", names(settings))
        settings[intCols] <- lapply(settings[intCols], as.integer)
        numCols <- grepl("threshold", names(settings))
        settings[numCols] <- lapply(settings[numCols], as.numeric)
        settings <- as_tibble(settings)
        settings[["RNG seed"]] <- ifelse(
            settings[["RNG seed"]] == "NA",
            NA_integer_, as.integer(settings[["RNG seed"]])
        ## Statistics
        statistics <- str_split_fixed(x[vals2Mods == 3][-1], ": ", 2)
        statistics <- split(
            x = statistics[,2],
            f = factor(statistics[,1], levels = statistics[,1])
        statistics <- lapply(statistics, as.numeric)
        statistics <- as_tibble(statistics)
        ## Distribution
        distribution <- .splitByTab(x[vals2Mods == 4][-1])
        distribution <- lapply(distribution, as.integer)
        distribution <- as_tibble(distribution)

        ## Setup the output, then format the column names
        out <- list(
            sequences = sequences, settings = settings,
            statistics = statistics, distribution = distribution
        if (which != 'all') out <- out[which]

    arOut <- lapply(data, .parseArSingle, which = which)
    nMod <- unique(vapply(arOut, length, integer(1)))
    stopifnot(length(nMod) == 1)
    arOut <- lapply(
        function(i) {
                lapply(arOut, function(x) x[[i]]), .id = "Filename"
    if (which == 'all') {
        names(arOut) <- modNames[seq_len(4)]
    } else {
        arOut <- arOut[[1]]


#' @title Parse data from cutadapt log files
#' @description Parse data from cutadapt log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param which which element of the log file to return.
#' Can be summary, adapter1, adapter2, adapter3 or overview, or any integer in
#' 1:5
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate_at mutate_if
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_remove_all str_extract
.parseCutadaptLogs <- function(data, which = 1){

    ## Possible module names vary depending on PE/SE reads and the adapter
    ## configuration. The only stable name is `summary`.
    ## For this reason module name checking will be handled inside the
    ## parsing function
    isMinimal <- vapply(data, length, integer(1)) == 2
    if (sum(isMinimal) > 0 & mean(isMinimal) != 1) stop(
        "A mix of minimal and full cutadapt reports was detected"
    if (all(isMinimal)) which <- 1

    .parseCutAdaptSingle <- function(x, which){

        ## Check if it is a minimal report & return the df if TRUE
        if (length(x) == 2) {
            df <- .splitByTab(x)
            ## Values may sometimes be > 2^31 so convert to doubles
            df <- dplyr::mutate_if(df, colnames(df) != "status", as.numeric)

        ## Otherwise parse the modules:
        ## Remove the blank elements
        x <- x[x != ""]
        ## Find where the modules start
        mods <- grepl("===", x)
        foundMods <- tolower(str_remove_all(x[mods],"[= ]"))

        ## Check the requested module
        if (is.numeric(which) & which > length(foundMods)) stop(
            "Invalid module selected. The maximum number is ",
        if (is.character(which) & which != "all") {
            if (sum(grepl(which, foundMods)) != 1) stop(
                "Unable to determine module. Valid modules are ",
                paste(foundMods, collapse = "/")

        ## Now split into the modules
        x <- split(x, f = cumsum(mods))
        names(x) <- c("header", foundMods)
        ## Grab the header as a list
        hdr <- x[["header"]]
        names(hdr) <- c("version", "params", "processing", "finished")
        ## Remove the first value from each now we have the intact header
        x <- lapply(x, function(x){x[-1]})

        ## Just do the modules manually
        out <- vector("list", length(x) - 1)
        names(out) <- names(x)[-1]

        ## Start with the summary (i.e. minimal). Values then names
        vals <- str_replace_all(x$summary, ".+ +([0-9,]+).+", "\\1")
        vals <- str_remove_all(vals, ",")
        vals <- as.numeric(vals)
        nm <- str_trim(
            str_replace_all(x$summary, "(.+):.+", "\\1")
        ## If this is paired end, some of these will be nested and need to be
        ## handled correctly. The first two will be processed bp, whilst
        ## the next two will be written bp. Using the above code, they should
        ## just appear as Read 1 and Read 2 for each set.
        dups <- grepl("^Read [12]$", nm)
        nm[dups] <- paste(
            nm[dups], "basepairs",
            rep(c("processed", "written"), each = sum(dups)/2)
        nm <- tolower(nm)
        nm <- str_remove_all(nm, "[\\(\\)]")
        nm <- str_replace_all(nm, " ", "_")
        names(vals) <- nm
        out[["summary"]] <- as_tibble(as.list(vals))
        out[["summary"]][["header"]] <- list(hdr)
        out[["summary"]] <- dplyr::select(
            out[["summary"]], "header", everything()

        ## Now the adapters
        out[grep("adapter", names(out))] <- lapply(
            x[grepl("adapter", names(x))],
                ## Avoid R CMD errors by declaring dummy variables
                A <- C <- G <- `T` <- c()
                main <- tibble(
                    sequence = str_extract(a[grepl("Sequence", a)], "[ACGTN]+"),
                    type = str_replace_all(
                        a[grepl("Type", a)], ".+Type: (.+); Length.+", "\\1"
                    length = as.integer(
                            a[grepl("Length", a)],
                            ".+Length: (.+); Trimmed.+",
                    A = as.numeric(
                        str_extract(a[grepl("A:", a)], "[0-9\\.]+")
                    ) / 100,
                    C = as.numeric(
                        str_extract(a[grepl("C:", a)], "[0-9\\.]+")
                    ) / 100,
                    G = as.numeric(
                        str_extract(a[grepl("G:", a)], "[0-9\\.]+")
                    ) / 100,
                    `T` = as.numeric(
                        str_extract(a[grepl("T:", a)], "[0-9\\.]+")
                    ) / 100,
                    `none/other` = round(1 - (A + C + G + `T`), 2)
                overview <- .splitByTab(
                    a[seq(which(grepl("^Overview", a)) + 1, length(a))]
                ## Needs to be recoded using `across`
                overview <- dplyr::mutate_if(
                        \(x) suppressWarnings(all(!is.na(as.numeric(x)))),
                main[["overview"]] <- list(as_tibble(overview))

        ## Return the required module
        if (which != "all") out <- out[which]

    caOut <- lapply(data, .parseCutAdaptSingle, which = which)
    if (all(isMinimal)) {
        caOut <- bind_rows(caOut, .id = "Filename")

    nMod <- unique(vapply(caOut, length, integer(1)))
    stopifnot(length(nMod) == 1)
    modNames <- as.character(unlist(lapply(caOut, names)))
    caOut <- lapply(
        \(i) dplyr::bind_rows(
            lapply(caOut, function(x) x[[i]]), .id = "Filename"
    if (which == 'all') {
        names(caOut) <- modNames
    } else {
        caOut <- caOut[[1]]


#' @title Parse data from featureCounts summary files
#' @description Parse data from featureCounts summary files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom forcats fct_inorder
#' @importFrom tidyselect ends_with
.parseFeatureCountsLogs <- function(data, ...){

    out <- lapply(data, function(x){
        x <- .splitByTab(x)
        x <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
            data = x,
            cols = ends_with("bam"),
            names_to = "Sample",
            values_to = "Total"
        x$Sample <- x$Sample
        x$Total <- as.integer(x$Total)
        x$Status <- fct_inorder(x$Status)
            data = x,
            id_cols = "Sample",
            names_from = "Status",
            values_from = "Total"

    out <- lapply(names(data), function(x){
        out[[x]]$Filename <- x
        dplyr::select(out[[x]], Filename, everything())

#' @title Parse data from BUSCO log files
#' @description Parse data from BUSCO log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseBuscoLogs <- function(data, ...){

    ## This will have already been through the validity checks
    df <- lapply(data, function(x){
        x <- gsub("# ", "", x)
        ## get numbers of each field from lines
        single <- grep(
            "Complete and single-copy BUSCOs \\(S\\)", x = x, value = TRUE
        single <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)\tComp.*", "\\1", single))

        duplicated <- grep(
            "Complete and duplicated BUSCOs \\(D\\)", x = x, value = TRUE
        duplicated <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)\tComp.*", "\\1", duplicated))

        fragmented <- grep("Fragmented BUSCOs \\(F\\)", x = x, value = TRUE)
        fragmented <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)\tFrag.*", "\\1", fragmented))

        missing <- grep("Missing BUSCOs \\(M\\)", x = x, value = TRUE)
        missing <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)\tMiss.*", "\\1", missing))

        total <- sum(single, duplicated, fragmented, missing)

        name <- grep(
            "Summarized benchmarking in BUSCO notation for file ",
            x = x, value = TRUE
        name <- gsub(".*file ", "\\1", name)
        df <- tibble(
            name = name,
            completeSingleCopy = single,
            completeDuplicated = duplicated,
            fragmented = fragmented, missing = missing
    df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df)


#' @title Parse data from trimmomatic log files
#' @description Parse data from trimmomatic log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... not used
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything starts_with contains
.parseTrimmomaticLogs <- function(data, ...){

    .parseTrimmoSingle <- function(x){

        ## Initialise values which may or may not be present
        Input_Reads <- Input_Read_Pairs <- Surviving <- Both_Surviving <- NA
        Forward_Only_Surviving <- Reverse_Only_Surviving <- NA

        readType <- gsub(".+(PE|SE).+", "\\1", x[[1]])
        Illumina_Clip <- ifelse(
            grepl("ILLUMINACLIP", x[[2]]),
            gsub(".+ILLUMINACLIP:([^ ]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]]),
        Leading <- ifelse(
            grepl("LEADING", x[[2]]),
            as.integer(gsub(".+LEADING:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]])),
        Trailing <- ifelse(
            grepl("TRAILING", x[[2]]),
            as.integer(gsub(".+TRAILING:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]])),
        Crop <- ifelse(
            grepl(" CROP", x[[2]]),
            as.integer(gsub(".+ CROP:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]])),
        Head_Crop <- ifelse(
            grepl("HEADCROP", x[[2]]),
            as.integer(gsub(".+HEADCROP:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]])),
        Sliding_Window <- ifelse(
            grepl("SLIDINGWINDOW", x[[2]]),
            gsub(".+SLIDINGWINDOW:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]]),
        Min_Len <- ifelse(
            grepl("MINLEN", x[[2]]),
            gsub(".+MINLEN:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]]),
        Max_Info <- ifelse(
            grepl("MAXINFO", x[[2]]),
            gsub(".+MAXINFO:([^ ]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]]),
        Avg_Qual <- ifelse(
            grepl("AVGQUAL", x[[2]]),
            as.integer(gsub(".*AVGQUAL:([0-9]+).*", "\\1", x[[2]])),
        Quality_Encoding <- grep("Quality encoding", x, value = TRUE)
        Quality_Encoding <-
            gsub("Quality encoding detected as ", "", Quality_Encoding)

        ## Get the line with the summary values
        valLine <- x[[length(x) - 1]]

        if (readType == "SE") {

            Input_Reads <- gsub("Input Reads: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine)
            Input_Reads <- as.integer(Input_Reads)

            Surviving <- gsub(".+Surviving: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine)
            Surviving <- as.integer(Surviving)

        if (readType == "PE") {

            Input_Read_Pairs <- gsub(
                "Input Read Pairs: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine
            Input_Read_Pairs <- as.integer(Input_Read_Pairs)

            Both_Surviving <- gsub(
                ".+Both Surviving: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine
            Both_Surviving <- as.integer(Both_Surviving)

            Forward_Only_Surviving <- gsub(
                ".+Forward Only Surviving: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine
            Forward_Only_Surviving <- as.integer(Forward_Only_Surviving)

            Reverse_Only_Surviving <- gsub(
                ".+Reverse Only Surviving: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine
            Reverse_Only_Surviving <- as.integer(Reverse_Only_Surviving)
        Dropped <- gsub(".+Dropped: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine)
        Dropped <- as.integer(Dropped)

            Type = readType,
            Input_Reads, Input_Read_Pairs,
            Surviving, Both_Surviving,
            Forward_Only_Surviving, Reverse_Only_Surviving, Dropped,
            Illumina_Clip, Sliding_Window, Max_Info,
            Leading, Trailing,
            Crop, Head_Crop,
            Min_Len, Avg_Qual, Quality_Encoding


    out <- lapply(data, .parseTrimmoSingle)
    out <- dplyr::bind_rows(out)
    out$Filename <- names(data)

    ## Many of the above values may be missing.
    ## Remove them if so using a quick tidy
    value <- c() # Avoiding an R CMD check NOTE
    out <- tidyr::gather(out, "key", "value", -1)
    out <- dplyr::filter(out, !is.na(value))
    out <- pivot_wider(data = out, names_from = "key", values_from = "value")

    ## Return the final output
        "Filename", "Type", starts_with("Input"), contains("Surviving"),


#' @title Parse data from BUSCO log files
#' @description Parse data from BUSCO log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseQuastLogs <- function(data, ...){

    ## This will have already been through the validity checks
    df <- lapply(data, function(x){
        x <- gsub("# ", "", x)
        ## get Assembly stats from lines
        totalL <- grep("Total length\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
        totalL <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", totalL))

        N50 <- grep("N50\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
        N50 <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", N50))

        N75 <- grep("N75\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
        N75 <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", N75))

        L50 <- grep("L50\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
        L50 <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", L50))

        L75 <- grep("L75\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
        L75 <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", L75))

        longest <- grep("Largest contig\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
        longest <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", longest))

        df <- tibble(
            totalLength = totalL,
            longestTig = longest,
            N50 = N50, N75 = N75,
            L50 = L50, L75 = L75
    df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df)

    dplyr::bind_cols(tibble(fileNames = names(data)), df)


#' @title Parse data from samtools flagstat files
#' @description Parse data from samtools flagstat files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseFlagstatLogs <- function(data, ...){

    .parseFlagstatSingle <- function(data){
        df <- gsub("([0-9]+) \\+ ([0-9]+) (.+)", "\\1\t\\2\t\\3", data)
        df <- .splitByTab(df, FALSE)
        colnames(df) <- c("QC-passed", "QC-failed", "flag")
        df[["flag"]] <- gsub("([a-z ]+) \\(.+", "\\1", df[["flag"]])
        df[["flag"]][nrow(df)] <- paste(df[["flag"]][nrow(df)], "(mapQ>=5)")
        df[["QC-passed"]] <- as.integer(df[["QC-passed"]])
        df[["QC-failed"]] <- as.integer(df[["QC-failed"]])

    out <- lapply(data, .parseFlagstatSingle)
    out <- lapply(names(out), function(x){
        out[[x]]$Filename <- x
    out <- bind_rows(out)
    dplyr::select(out, "Filename", everything())


#' @title Parse data from macs2 callpeak log files
#' @description Parse data from macs2 callpeak log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @importFrom lubridate as_datetime
#' @importFrom stringr str_subset str_remove_all str_split_fixed str_extract
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_split str_trim str_extract_all
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything ends_with contains any_of
#' @keywords internal
.parseMacs2CallpeakLogs <- function(data, ...){

    .parseSingleCallPeak <- function(data, ...){

        ## Remove any leading/trailing whitespace
        data <- str_trim(data)

        ## The date the command was run
        dt <- gsub("INFO.+@ (.+):", "\\1", data[[1]])
        dt <- as_datetime(
            dt, format = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", tz = Sys.timezone()

        ## Fragment Length
        fl <- data[grepl("INFO .+ fragment (length|size) is", data) ]
        fl <- gsub(".+fragment (length|size) is.* ([0-9\\.]+) bp.*", "\\2", fl)
        fl <- as.numeric(fl)

        ## Tag length
        tl <- data[grepl("INFO .+ tag size = ", data) ]
        tl <- gsub(".+tag size = ([0-9\\.]+)$", "\\1", tl)
        tl <- as.numeric(tl)

        ## The arguments in the main header
        ind <- seq(
            which(grepl("ARGUMENTS LIST", data)),
            min(which(data == "")) - 1
        args <- data[ind]
        args_out <- args[grepl(" = ", args)]
        args_out <- str_remove_all(args_out, "# ")
        args_out <- str_split_fixed(args_out, " = ", 2)
        args_out[, 1] <- gsub("[ -]", "_", args_out[, 1])
        args_out <- structure(args_out[, 2], names = args_out[, 1])
        args_out <- as.list(args_out)
        nums <- suppressWarnings(vapply(args_out, as.numeric, numeric(1)))
        args_out[!is.na(nums)] <- lapply(args_out[!is.na(nums)], as.numeric)
        args_out$date <- dt

        ## Add any additional arguments
        cmd <- data[grepl("Command line: callpeak", data)]
        if (!grepl("--max-gap", cmd)) args_out$max_gap <- tl
        if (!grepl("--min-length", cmd)) args_out$min_length <- fl
        args_out$keep_dup <- grepl("--keep-dup", cmd)
        args_out$nomodel <- grepl("nomodel", cmd)

        args_out$scale_to <- str_subset(args, "dataset will be scaled towards")
        args_out$scale_to <- str_extract(args_out$scale_to , "(large|small)")

        lambda <- str_subset(args, "regional lambda")
        lambda <- str_extract_all(lambda, "[0-9]+ bps")
        lambda <- lapply(lambda, str_remove_all, " bps")
        lambda <- rep(unlist(lambda), 2)[seq_len(2)]
        lambda <- paste0("[", paste(lambda, collapse = ", "), "]")
        args_out$local <- lambda

        args_out$broad <- grepl("--broad ", cmd)
        args_out$paired_end <- str_subset(args, "Paired-End mode")
        args_out$paired_end <- !grepl("off", args_out$paired_end)

        if ("ChIP_seq_file" %in% names(args_out)) {
            l <- args_out$ChIP_seq_file
            l <- str_remove_all(l, "[\\[\\]\\']")
            l <- str_split(l, pattern = ", ")[[1]]
            args_out$ChIP_seq_file <- list(l)

        if ("control_file" %in% names(args_out)) {
            l <- args_out$control_file
            l <- str_remove_all(l, "[\\[\\]\\']")
            l <- str_split(l, pattern = ", ")[[1]]
            args_out$control_file <- list(l)

        ## Read numbers
        n_reads <- str_subset(data, "(read|fragment)s have been read")
        n_reads <- str_replace_all(
            n_reads, "INFO.+ ([0-9]+) (read|fragment)s have been.+", "\\1"
        n_reads <- as.numeric(n_reads)
        args_out$n_reads <- list(n_reads)

        ## Tag numbers
        n_tags_treatment <- str_subset(data, "total tags in treatment")
        n_tags_treatment <- str_replace_all(
            n_tags_treatment , ".+ ([0-9]+)$", "\\1"
        args_out$n_tags_treatment <- as.numeric(n_tags_treatment)
        n_tags_control <- str_subset(data, "total tags in control")
        n_tags_control <- str_replace_all(
            n_tags_control, ".+ ([0-9]+)$", "\\1"
        args_out$n_tags_control <- as.numeric(n_tags_control)

        ## Peaks
        paired_peaks <- str_subset(data, "number of paired peaks")
        paired_peaks <- str_replace_all(paired_peaks, ".+ ([0-9]+)$", "\\1")
        args_out$paired_peaks <- as.numeric(paired_peaks)

        ## Fragment length & tag length
        args_out$tag_length <- tl
        args_out$fragment_length <- fl
        alt <- str_subset(data, "alternative fragment length")
        alt <- str_replace_all(alt, ".+ ([0-9,]+) bps.*", "\\1")
        alt <- str_split(alt, ",")
        alt <- lapply(alt, as.numeric)
        args_out$alt_fragment_length <- alt

        ## Output files
        r_script <- str_subset(data, "R script")
        r_script <- str_replace_all(
            r_script, ".+R script for model : (.+)", "\\1"
        xls <- str_subset(data, "Write output xls file")
        xls <- str_replace_all(xls, ".+Write output xls file.+ (.+)", "\\1")

        peakFiles <- str_subset(data, " Write .* in .+Peak format file")
        peakFiles <- str_remove_all(peakFiles, ".+format file\\.\\.\\. ")

        summits_bed <- str_subset(data, " Write summits bed file")
        summits_bed <- str_replace_all(
            summits_bed, ".+ Write summits bed file.+ (.+)", "\\1"
        args_out$outputs <- list(
                r_script, xls, peakFiles, summits_bed

        ## To avoid R CMD check issues
        name <- min_length <- c()
        ## Suggested by LaureTomas
        i <- vapply(args_out, length, integer(1)) > 0
        args_out <- args_out[i]
        args_out <- as_tibble(args_out)
            name, date, any_of("paired_peaks"), min_length, contains("tags"), n_reads,
            ends_with("length"), everything()

    ## Run using lapply, then bind_rows and add the Filenames
    df <- lapply(data, .parseSingleCallPeak)
    df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df)
    df$Filename <- names(data)
    dplyr::select(df, "Filename", everything())


#' @title Parse data from umi_tools dedup files
#' @description Parse data from umi_tools dedup files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @keywords internal
.parseUmitoolsDedupLogs <- function(data, ...){

    .parseSingle <- function(data){
        timing <- data[[length(data)]]
        liveLines <- grepl("(Written out|Parsed|Searching)", data)
        commentLines <- grepl("^#", data)
        warningLines <- grepl("WARNING", data)
        cmd <- grepl("command", data)
        data <- data[!(liveLines | commentLines | warningLines | cmd)]
        data <- gsub("(.+INFO )", "", data)
        data <- gsub("^Reads: ", "", data)
        data <- strsplit(data, ",")
        data <- unlist(lapply(data, strsplit, ":"))
        data <- stringr::str_trim(data)
        mates <- data[grepl("mates", data)]
        data <- data[!grepl("mates", data)]
        umis <- data[grepl("umis", data)]
        data <- data[!grepl("umis", data)]
        mat <- matrix(data, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
        named_vec <- setNames(mat[,2], gsub("[ \\.]+", "_", mat[,1]))
        named_list <- as.list(named_vec)
        ## The next two fields were introduced with v0.23
        ## Should just duplicate the number of reads
        total_umis <- gsub("total_umis ", "", umis[grepl("total_umis", umis)])
        if (length(total_umis)) named_list$total_umis <- total_umis
        ## The total # unique UMIs
        unique_umis <- gsub("#umis ", "", umis[grepl("#umis ", umis)])
        if (length(unique_umis)) named_list$unique_umis <- unique_umis
        named_list$Mates_never_found <- gsub(" mates never found", "", mates)
        named_list$start <- gsub(".+at (.+) --.+--.+", "\\1", timing)
        named_list$duration <- gsub(".+finished in (.+) at.+", "\\1", timing)

    df_list <- lapply(data, .parseSingle)
    df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df_list, .id = "Filename")
    num_cols <- grepl("Mean", colnames(df))
    df[num_cols] <- lapply(df[num_cols], as.numeric)
    int_cols <- grepl("([Rr]ead|Total|Max|Mates)", colnames(df))
    df[int_cols] <- lapply(df[int_cols], as.integer)
    df$start <- lubridate::as_datetime(
        df$start, format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", tz = Sys.timezone()
    df$duration <- lubridate::as.duration(df$duration)


#' @title Parse data from rnaseqc metrics files
#' @description Parse data from rnaseqc metrics files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @keywords internal
.parseRnaseqcMetricsLogs <- function(data, ...){

    df_list <- lapply(data, .splitByTab, firstRowToNames = FALSE)
    tbl_list <- lapply(df_list, \(x) setNames(as.list(x[[2]]), x[[1]]))
    tbl_list <- lapply(tbl_list, tibble::as_tibble) # Respects column names
    tbl <- dplyr::bind_rows(tbl_list, .id = "Filename")
    nm <- names(tbl)
    i <- setdiff(nm, c("Sample", "Filename"))
    tbl[i] <- lapply(tbl[i], as.numeric)


#' @title Parse data from salmon lib_format_counts.json files
#' @description Parse data from salmon lib_format_counts.json files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseSalmonLibFormatCountsLogs <- function(data, ...){

    js_list <- lapply(data, jsonlite::fromJSON)
    tbl_list <- lapply(js_list, tibble::as_tibble)
    tbl <- dplyr::bind_rows(tbl_list, .id = "Filename")
    tbl$read_files <- strsplit(
        gsub("(^\\[ |\\]$)", "", tbl$read_files), ", "

#' @title Parse data from salmon meta_info.json files
#' @description Parse data from salmon meta_info.json files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseSalmonMetaInfoLogs <- function(data, ...){

    js_list <- lapply(data, jsonlite::fromJSON)
    ## Remove any missing columns & tidy up other problematic columns
    js_list <- lapply(
        \(x) {
            ln <- vapply(x, length, integer(1))
            x[ln > 1] <- lapply(x[ln > 1], list)
            x[ln > 0]
    tbl_list <- lapply(js_list, tibble::as_tibble)
    tbl <- dplyr::bind_rows(tbl_list, .id = "Filename")
    time_cols <- grepl("time$", names(tbl))
    tbl[time_cols] <- lapply(
        tbl[time_cols], lubridate::as_datetime,
        format = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", tz = Sys.timezone()
steveped/ngsReports documentation built on July 24, 2024, 10:45 a.m.