#' @title Plot the \code{simulateGExTruthObject} from \code{simulateGExTruth}
#' @description This function plots the simulated RNA molecules on the
#' log 2 scale from the \code{simulateGExTruthObject}.
#' @param simulateGExTruthObject Must be an object created from
#' \code{simulateGExTruth}.
#' @return The distribution of simulated RNA molecules for each gene in
#' each group.
#' @import Biobase minfi quantro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' geneTruth <- simulateGExTruth(nGenes = 2e4, nGroups = 2,
#' pDiff = 0.05, foldDiff = 5)
#' plotGExTruth(geneTruth)
plotGExTruth <- function(simulateGExTruthObject)
if(!exists("objectType", where = simulateGExTruthObject)){
stop("[quantroSim]: Must supply a gene expression object created
from simulateGExTruth().")
nGenes <- simulateGExTruthObject$nGenes
nGroups <- simulateGExTruthObject$nGroups
pDiff <- simulateGExTruthObject$pDiff
geneRange <- simulateGExTruthObject$geneRange
scaleCounts <- simulateGExTruthObject$scaleCounts
percentZero <- sapply(1:nGroups, function(x){
round((length(which(geneRange[,x] == 0)) / nGenes )* 100) })
if(scaleCounts != 0){ geneRangeScaled <- geneRange + scaleCounts }
matdensity(log2(geneRangeScaled), ylab = "density",
xlab = "Simulated RNA molecules on log2 scale")
legend('top', colnames(geneRange), col = 1 + 1:nGroups, lty = 1, bty ="n")
#' @title Plot the simulated gene expression arrays or RNA-Sequencing
#' @description Plot the simulated gene expression arrays or RNA-Sequencing.
#' @description This function requires the simulateGExObject from
#' \code{simulateGEx}. Boxplots and density plots are plotted showing the
#' distribution of gene expression.
#' @param simulateGExObject Must be an object created from \code{simulateGEx}
#' @author Stephanie Hicks
#' @export
#' @examples
#' geneTruth <- simulateGExTruth(nGenes = 2e4, nGroups = 2,
#' pDiff = 0.05, foldDiff = 5)
#' sim <- simulateGEx(geneTruth, GEx.platform = "GExArrays", nSamps = 5)
#' plotGEx(sim)
plotGEx <- function(simulateGExObject)
if(exists("objectType", where = simulateGExObject)){
if( !(simulateGExObject$typePlatform %in% c("GExArrays")) ){
stop("Platform currently not supported. Must be a platform
nGenes <- simulateGExObject$nGenes
scaleCounts <- simulateGExObject$scaleCounts
nProbes <- simulateGExObject$nProbes
nGroups <- simulateGExObject$nGroups
PM <- simulateGExObject$PM
pd <- simulateGExObject$pd
gID <- simulateGExObject$params$gID
groupNames <- levels(simulateGExObject$pd$Group)
matboxplot(log2(PM), groupFactor = simulateGExObject$pd$Group,
main = "log2(PM Values)", range = 0, las=3)
matdensity(log2(PM), groupFactor = simulateGExObject$pd$Group,
xlab = "log2(PM Values)", ylab = "density")
legend('top', groupNames, lty = 1, col= 1 + 1:nGroups, bty ="n")
#' @title Plot the \code{simulateMethTruthObject} from \code{simulateMethTruth}
#' @description This function plots the simulate DNA meylation data from the
#' \code{simulateMethTruthObject}.
#' @param simulateMethTruthObject Must be an object created from
#' \code{simulateMethTruth}.
#' @return Two plots: One is a histogram of mixture model of three normal
#' distributions. The second is the density of the transformed methylation data
#' scaled between 0 and 1.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' methTruth <- simulateMethTruth(nProbes = 2e4, nGroups = 2,
#' pDiff = 0.05, pUp = 0.80)
#' plotMethTruth(methTruth)
plotMethTruth <- function(simulateMethTruthObject)
if(!exists("objectType", where = simulateMethTruthObject)){
stop("[quantroSim]: Must supply a DNA Methylation object created from
nProbes <- simulateMethTruthObject$nProbes
nGroups <- simulateMethTruthObject$nGroups
pDiff <- simulateMethTruthObject$pDiff
methRange <- simulateMethTruthObject$methRange
plot(density(simulateMethTruthObject$simObs$normObs), xlab = "",
main = "Mixture of Normal distributions")
xlab = "Simulated Methylation", ylab = "density",
xlim = c(-0.01,1.01))
legend('top', colnames(simulateMethTruthObject$methRange), lty = 1,
col= 1 + 1:nGroups, bty ="n")
#' @title Plot the simulated DNA methylation arrays
#' @description This function requires the simulateMethObject from
#' \code{simulateMeth}. Boxplots and density plots are plotted showing the
#' distribution of DNA methylation.
#' @param simulateMethObject Must be an object created from \code{simulateMeth}
#' @author Stephanie Hicks
#' @export
#' @examples
#' methTruth <- simulateMethTruth(nProbes = 2e4, nGroups = 2,
#' pDiff = 0.05, pUp = 0.80)
#' sim <- simulateMeth(methTruth, meth.platform = "methArrays",
#' nSamps = 5, nMol = 10^6)
#' plotMeth(sim)
plotMeth <- function(simulateMethObject)
if(exists("objectType", where = simulateMethObject)){
if( !(simulateMethObject$typePlatform %in% c("methArrays")) ){
stop("Platform currently not supported. Must be a platform
meth <- simulateMethObject$meth
unmeth <- simulateMethObject$unmeth
pd <- simulateMethObject$pd
nProbes <- simulateMethObject$nProbes
nGroups <- simulateMethObject$nGroups
gID <- simulateMethObject$params$gID
} else {
methDat <- simulateMethObject
groupNames <- levels(simulateMethObject$pd$Group)
betaObject <- getBeta(getMethylSet(simulateMethObject), offset = 100)
matboxplot(betaObject, groupFactor = simulateMethObject$pd$Group,
main = "Observed beta values")
matboxplot(log2(meth), groupFactor = simulateMethObject$pd$Group,
main = "Observed methylation (log2)")
matboxplot(log2(unmeth), groupFactor = simulateMethObject$pd$Group,
main = "Observed unmethylation (log2)")
matdensity(betaObject, groupFactor = simulateMethObject$pd$Group,
xlab = "Observed beta values",
ylab = "density", xlim = c(-0.01,1.01))
legend('top', groupNames, lty = 1, col= 1 + 1:nGroups, bty ="n")
matdensity(log2(meth), groupFactor = simulateMethObject$pd$Group,
xlab = "Observed methylation (log2)",
ylab = "density")
legend('top', groupNames, lty = 1, col= 1 + 1:nGroups, bty ="n")
matdensity(log2(unmeth), groupFactor = simulateMethObject$pd$Group,
xlab = "Observed unmethylation (log2)",
ylab = "density")
legend('top', groupNames, lty = 1, col= 1 + 1:nGroups, bty ="n")
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