#' This is a generalisation of ifelse that accepts an object and return an objects
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @importFrom purrr as_mapper
#' @param .x A tibble
#' @param .p A boolean
#' @param .f1 A function
#' @param .f2 A function
#' @return A tibble
ifelse_pipe = function(.x, .p, .f1, .f2 = NULL) {
switch(.p %>% not%>% sum(1),
if (.f2 %>% is.null %>% not)
#' This is a generalisation of ifelse that accepts an object and return an objects
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @param .x A tibble
#' @param .p1 A boolean
#' @param .p2 ELSE IF condition
#' @param .f1 A function
#' @param .f2 A function
#' @param .f3 A function
#' @return A tibble
ifelse2_pipe = function(.x, .p1, .p2, .f1, .f2, .f3 = NULL) {
# Nested switch
switch(# First condition
.p1 %>% not%>% sum(1),
# First outcome
# Second condition
.p2 %>% not %>% sum(1),
# Second outcome
# Third outcome - if there is not .f3 just return the original data frame
if (.f3 %>% is.null %>% not)
#' Get matrix from tibble
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @importFrom magrittr set_rownames
#' @importFrom rlang quo_is_null
#' @param tbl A tibble
#' @param rownames A character string of the rownames
#' @param do_check A boolean
#' @return A matrix
as_matrix <- function(tbl,
rownames = NULL,
do_check = TRUE) {
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
variable = NULL
rownames = enquo(rownames)
tbl %>%
# Through warning if data frame is not numerical beside the rownames column (if present)
do_check &&
tbl %>%
# If rownames defined eliminate it from the data frame
ifelse_pipe(!quo_is_null(rownames), ~ .x[, -1], ~ .x) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(class) %>%
tidyr::gather(variable, class) %>%
pull(class) %>%
unique() %>%
`%in%`(c("numeric", "integer")) %>% not() %>% any(),
~ {
warning("to_matrix says: there are NON-numerical columns, the matrix will NOT be numerical")
) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
# Deal with rownames column if present
~ .x %>%
magrittr::set_rownames(tbl %>% pull(!!rownames)) %>%
) %>%
# Convert to matrix
#' Check whether a numeric vector has been log transformed
#' @param x A numeric vector
#' @param .abundance A character name of the transcript/gene abundance column
#' @return NA
error_if_log_transformed <- function(x, .abundance) {
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
m = NULL
.abundance = enquo(.abundance)
if (x %>% nrow %>% gt(0))
if (x %>% summarise(m = !!.abundance %>% max) %>% pull(m) < 50)
"tidyHeatmap says: The input was log transformed, this algorithm requires raw (un-normalised) read counts"
#' .formula parser
#' @importFrom stats terms
#' @param fm a formula
#' @return A character vector
parse_formula <- function(fm) {
if (attr(terms(fm), "response") == 1)
stop("tidyHeatmap says: The .formula must be of the kind \"~ covariates\" ")
as.character(attr(terms(fm), "variables"))[-1]
# #' Scale design matrix
# #'
# #' @importFrom rlang set_names
# #' @importFrom stats cov
# #'
# #' @param df A tibble
# #' @param .formula a formula
# #'
# #' @return A tibble
# #'
# #'
# scale_design = function(df, .formula) {
# # Comply with CRAN NOTES
# value = sample_idx = `(Intercept)` = NULL
# df %>%
# set_names(c("sample_idx", "(Intercept)", parse_formula(.formula))) %>%
# gather(cov, value,-sample_idx) %>%
# group_by(cov) %>%
# mutate(value = ifelse(
# !grepl("Intercept", cov) &
# length(union(c(0, 1), value)) != 2,
# scale(value),
# value
# )) %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# pivot_wider(names_from = cov, values_from = value) %>%
# arrange(as.integer(sample_idx)) %>%
# select(`(Intercept)`, any_of(parse_formula(.formula)))
# }
#' Add attribute to abject
#' @param var A tibble
#' @param attribute An object
#' @param name A character name of the attribute
#' @return A tibble with an additional attribute
add_attr = function(var, attribute, name) {
attr(var, name) <- attribute
#' Remove class to abject
#' @param var A tibble
#' @param name A character name of the class
#' @return A tibble with an additional attribute
drop_class = function(var, name) {
class(var) <- class(var)[!class(var)%in%name]
#' From rlang deprecated
#' @param x An array
#' @param values An array
#' @param before A boolean
#' @return An array
prepend = function (x, values, before = 1)
n <- length(x)
stopifnot(before > 0 && before <= n)
if (before == 1) {
c(values, x)
else {
c(x[1:(before - 1)], values, x[before:n])
#' Add class to abject
#' @param var A tibble
#' @param name A character name of the attribute
#' @return A tibble with an additional attribute
add_class = function(var, name) {
class(var) <- prepend(class(var),name)
#' Get column names either from user or from attributes
#' @importFrom rlang quo_is_symbol
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .sample A character name of the sample column
#' @param .transcript A character name of the transcript/gene column
#' @param .abundance A character name of the read count column
#' @return A list of column enquo or error
get_sample_transcript_counts = function(.data, .sample, .transcript, .abundance){
my_stop = function() {
tidyHeatmap says: The function does not know what your sample, transcript and counts columns are.\n
You have to either enter those as symbols (e.g., `sample`), \n
or use the funtion create_tt_from_tibble() to pass your column names that will be remembered.
if( .sample %>% quo_is_symbol() ) .sample = .sample
else if(".sample" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.sample = attr(.data, "parameters")$.sample
else my_stop()
if( .transcript %>% quo_is_symbol() ) .transcript = .transcript
else if(".transcript" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.transcript = attr(.data, "parameters")$.transcript
else my_stop()
if( .abundance %>% quo_is_symbol() ) .abundance = .abundance
else if(".abundance" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.abundance = attr(.data, "parameters")$.abundance
else my_stop()
list(.sample = .sample, .transcript = .transcript, .abundance = .abundance)
#' Get column names either from user or from attributes
#' @importFrom rlang quo_is_symbol
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .sample A character name of the sample column
#' @param .abundance A character name of the read count column
#' @return A list of column enquo or error
get_sample_counts = function(.data, .sample, .abundance){
my_stop = function() {
tidyHeatmap says: The function does not know what your sample, transcript and counts columns are.\n
You have to either enter those as symbols (e.g., `sample`), \n
or use the funtion create_tt_from_tibble() to pass your column names that will be remembered.
if( .sample %>% quo_is_symbol() ) .sample = .sample
else if(".sample" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.sample = attr(.data, "parameters")$.sample
else my_stop()
if( .abundance %>% quo_is_symbol() ) .abundance = .abundance
else if(".abundance" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.abundance = attr(.data, "parameters")$.abundance
else my_stop()
list(.sample = .sample, .abundance = .abundance)
#' Get column names either from user or from attributes
#' @importFrom rlang quo_is_symbol
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .sample A character name of the sample column
#' @param .transcript A character name of the transcript/gene column
#' @return A list of column enquo or error
get_sample_transcript = function(.data, .sample, .transcript){
my_stop = function() {
tidyHeatmap says: The function does not know what your sample, transcript and counts columns are.\n
You have to either enter those as symbols (e.g., `sample`), \n
or use the funtion create_tt_from_tibble() to pass your column names that will be remembered.
if( .sample %>% quo_is_symbol() ) .sample = .sample
else if(".sample" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.sample = attr(.data, "parameters")$.sample
else my_stop()
if( .transcript %>% quo_is_symbol() ) .transcript = .transcript
else if(".transcript" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.transcript = attr(.data, "parameters")$.transcript
else my_stop()
list(.sample = .sample, .transcript = .transcript)
#' Get column names either from user or from attributes
#' @importFrom rlang quo_is_symbol
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .element A character name of the sample column
#' @param .feature A character name of the transcript/gene column
#' @param of_samples A boolean
#' @return A list of column enquo or error
get_elements_features = function(.data, .element, .feature, of_samples = TRUE){
# If setted by the user, enquo those
.element %>% quo_is_symbol() &
.feature %>% quo_is_symbol()
.element = .element,
.feature = .feature
# Otherwise check if attribute exists
else {
# If so, take them from the attribute
if(.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% is.null %>% not)
.element = switch(
of_samples %>% not %>% sum(1),
attr(.data, "parameters")$.sample,
attr(.data, "parameters")$.transcript
.feature = switch(
of_samples %>% not %>% sum(1),
attr(.data, "parameters")$.transcript,
attr(.data, "parameters")$.sample
# Else through error
tidyHeatmap says: The function does not know what your elements (e.g., sample) and features (e.g., transcripts) are.\n
You have to either enter those as symbols (e.g., `sample`), \n
or use the funtion create_tt_from_tibble() to pass your column names that will be remembered.
#' Get column names either from user or from attributes
#' @importFrom rlang quo_is_symbol
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .element A character name of the sample column
#' @param .feature A character name of the transcript/gene column
#' @param .abundance A character name of the read count column
#' @param of_samples A boolean
#' @return A list of column enquo or error
get_elements_features_abundance = function(.data, .element, .feature, .abundance, of_samples = TRUE){
my_stop = function() {
tidyHeatmap says: The function does not know what your elements (e.g., sample) and features (e.g., transcripts) are.\n
You have to either enter those as symbols (e.g., `sample`), \n
or use the funtion create_tt_from_tibble() to pass your column names that will be remembered.
if( .element %>% quo_is_symbol() ) .element = .element
else if(of_samples & ".sample" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.element = attr(.data, "parameters")$.sample
else if((!of_samples) & ".transcript" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.element = attr(.data, "parameters")$.transcript
else my_stop()
if( .feature %>% quo_is_symbol() ) .feature = .feature
else if(of_samples & ".transcript" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.feature = attr(.data, "parameters")$.transcript
else if((!of_samples) & ".sample" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.feature = attr(.data, "parameters")$.sample
else my_stop()
if( .abundance %>% quo_is_symbol() ) .abundance = .abundance
else if(".abundance" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names))
.abundance = attr(.data, "parameters")$.abundance
else my_stop()
list(.element = .element, .feature = .feature, .abundance = .abundance)
#' Get column names either from user or from attributes
#' @importFrom rlang quo_is_symbol
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .element A character name of the sample column
#' @param of_samples A boolean
#' @return A list of column enquo or error
get_elements = function(.data, .element, of_samples = TRUE){
# If setted by the user, enquo those
.element %>% quo_is_symbol()
.element = .element
# Otherwise check if attribute exists
else {
# If so, take them from the attribute
if(.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% is.null %>% not)
.element = switch(
of_samples %>% not %>% sum(1),
attr(.data, "parameters")$.sample,
attr(.data, "parameters")$.transcript
# Else through error
tidyHeatmap says: The function does not know what your elements (e.g., sample) are.\n
You have to either enter those as symbols (e.g., `sample`), \n
or use the funtion create_tt_from_tibble() to pass your column names that will be remembered.
#' Get column names either from user or from attributes
#' @importFrom rlang quo_is_symbol
#' @importFrom magrittr %$%
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .abundance A character name of the abundance column
#' @return A list of column enquo or error
get_abundance_norm_if_exists = function(.data, .abundance){
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
.abundance_norm = NULL
# If setted by the user, enquo those
.abundance %>% quo_is_symbol()
.abundance = .abundance
# Otherwise check if attribute exists
else {
# If so, take them from the attribute
if(.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% is.null %>% not)
.abundance = switch(
(".abundance_norm" %in% (.data %>% attr("parameters") %>% names) &
quo_name(.data %>% attr("parameters") %$% .abundance_norm) %in% (.data %>% colnames)
) %>% not %>% sum(1),
attr(.data, "parameters")$.abundance_norm,
attr(.data, "parameters")$.abundance
# Else through error
tidyHeatmap says: The function does not know what your elements (e.g., sample) are.\n
You have to either enter those as symbols (e.g., `sample`), \n
or use the funtion create_tt_from_tibble() to pass your column names that will be remembered.
#' Sub function of remove_redundancy_elements_though_reduced_dimensions
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @param df A tibble
#' @return A tibble with pairs to drop
select_closest_pairs = function(df) {
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
`sample 1` = `sample 2` = NULL
couples <- df %>% head(n = 0)
while (df %>% nrow() > 0) {
pair <- df %>%
arrange(dist) %>%
head(n = 1)
couples <- couples %>% bind_rows(pair)
df <- df %>%
!`sample 1` %in% (pair %>% select(1:2) %>% as.character()) &
!`sample 2` %in% (pair %>% select(1:2) %>% as.character())
#' get_x_y_annotation_columns
#' @importFrom magrittr equals
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
#' @param .data A `tbl` formatted as | <SAMPLE> | <TRANSCRIPT> | <COUNT> | <...> |
#' @param .column The name of the column horizontally presented in the heatmap
#' @param .row The name of the column vertically presented in the heatmap
#' @param .abundance The name of the transcript/gene abundance column
#' @return A list
get_x_y_annotation_columns = function(.data, .column, .row, .abundance){
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
. = NULL
value = NULL
orientation = NULL
col_name = NULL
# Make col names
.column = enquo(.column)
.row = enquo(.row)
.abundance = enquo(.abundance)
.data %>%
select_if(negate(is.list)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Rows
(.) %>% subset(!!.column) %>% colnames %>% as_tibble %>% rename(column = value) %>% gather(orientation, col_name),
(.) %>% subset(!!.row) %>% colnames %>% as_tibble %>% rename(row = value) %>% gather(orientation, col_name)
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr
ct_colors = function(ct)
ct %>%
as.character() %>%
~ switch(
"E" = "#199E78",
"F" = "#D96013",
"M" = "#7571B3",
"T" = "#E52E89"
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap anno_points
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap anno_barplot
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap anno_lines
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap anno_numeric
type_to_annot_function = list(
"tile" = NULL, #anno_simple,
"point" = anno_points,
"bar" = anno_barplot,
"line" = anno_lines,
"numeric" = anno_numeric
get_top_left_annotation = function(.data_, .column, .row, .abundance, annotation, palette_annotation, type, x_y_annot_cols, size, ...){
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
data = NULL
fx = NULL
annot = NULL
annot_type = NULL
idx = NULL
value = NULL
orientation = NULL
col_name = NULL
col_orientation = NULL
my_function = NULL
.column = enquo(.column)
.row = enquo(.row)
.abundance = enquo(.abundance)
annotation = enquo(annotation)
dots_args = rlang::dots_list(...)
annotation_function = type_to_annot_function[type]
# Create dataset
df =
quo_names(annotation) %>%
as_tibble %>%
rename(col_name = value) %>%
# delete if annotation is NULL
when(quo_is_null(annotation) ~ slice(., 0), ~ (.)) %>%
# Add orientation
left_join(x_y_annot_cols, by = "col_name") %>%
mutate(col_orientation = map_chr(orientation, ~ .x %>% when((.) == "column" ~ quo_name(.column), (.) == "row" ~ quo_name(.row))))
df = df %>%
# Add data
data = map2(
~ .data_ %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(all_of(c(.y, .x))) %>%
distinct() %>%
arrange(all_of((.y))) %>%
select(all_of(.x)) |>
df = df %>%
# Add function
mutate(my_function = annotation_function) %>%
mutate(type = !!type) |>
# Apply annot function if not NULL otherwise pass original annotation
# This because no function for ComplexHeatmap = to tile
mutate(annot = pmap(list(data, type, orientation), ~ {
# Suppose ..1 = data, ..2 = type, ..3 = orientation
# dots_args is your captured ellipsis list, e.g. dots_args <- list(border=TRUE, gp=gpar(...))
if(..2 == "tile") {
# "tile" just returns the original data (..1)
} else {
# Match annotation "type" to the correct ComplexHeatmap function
ann_fun <- switch(
"point" = anno_points,
"bar" = anno_barplot,
"line" = anno_lines,
"numeric" = anno_numeric,
stop("Unsupported annotation type: ", ..2)
# Build the argument list for do.call
# If you truly need different dimension args for row vs column
# (e.g. width= vs. height=), handle that logic here.
call_args <- list(x = ..1, which = ..3)
# anno_numeric does not have height argument
if(..2 %in% c("point","bar","line")) call_args = call_args |> c(list(height = size))
else if(..2 %in% c("numeric")) call_args = call_args |> c(list(width = size))
if(..2 %in% c("numeric") & !"bg_gp" %in% names(dots_args))
call_args = call_args |> c(list(bg_gp = gpar(fill = "grey70", col = NA)))
call_args = call_args |> c(dots_args |> filter_args(ann_fun))
# Invoke the correct anno_* function with do.call
return(do.call(ann_fun, call_args))
# Pass dots here so they're available inside the inner function
df = df %>%
# # Check if NA in annotations
# mutate_at(vars(!!annotation), function(x) {
# if(any(is.na(x))) { warning("tidyHeatmap says: You have NAs into your annotation column"); replace_na(x, "NA"); }
# else { x }
# } ) %>%
# Add color indexes separately for each orientation
mutate(annot_type = map_chr(annot, ~ .x %>% when(class(.) %in% c("factor", "character", "logical") ~ "discrete",
class(.) %in% c("integer", "numerical", "numeric", "double") ~ "continuous",
~ "other"
) )) %>%
group_by(annot_type) %>%
mutate(idx = row_number()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(color = map2(annot, idx, ~ {
if(.x %>% class %in% c("factor", "character", "logical")){
# If is colorRamp
if(is(palette_annotation$discrete[[.y]], "function"))
# If it is a list of colors
if (is(.x, "factor")) {
palette_annotation$discrete[[.y]] |> _[seq_len(length(levels(.x)))] %>% set_names(levels(.x))
} else {
colorRampPalette(palette_annotation$discrete[[.y]])(length(unique(.x))) %>% set_names(unique(.x))
} else if (.x %>% class %in% c("integer", "numerical", "numeric", "double")){
# If is colorRamp
if(is(palette_annotation$continuous[[.y]], "function"))
# If it is a list of colors
colorRampPalette(palette_annotation$continuous[[.y]])(length(.x)) %>% colorRamp2(seq(min(.x), max(.x), length.out = length(.x)), .)
else NULL
df = df %>%
mutate(further_arguments = map2(
col_name, my_function,
~ dots_args %>%
# If tile add size as further argument
when(!is_function(.y) ~ c(., list(simple_anno_size = size)), ~ (.))
)) %>%
# Stop if annotations discrete bigger than palette
(.) %>% pull(data) %>% map_chr(~ .x %>% class) %in%
c("factor", "character") %>% which %>% length %>%
gt(palette_annotation$discrete %>% length) ~
stop("tidyHeatmap says: Your discrete annotaton columns are bigger than the palette available"),
~ (.)
) %>%
# Stop if annotations continuous bigger than palette
(.) %>% pull(data) %>% map_chr(~ .x %>% class) %in%
c("int", "dbl", "numeric") %>% which %>% length %>%
gt( palette_annotation$continuous %>% length) ~
stop("tidyHeatmap says: Your continuous annotaton columns are bigger than the palette available"),
~ (.)
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap anno_block
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
get_group_annotation = function(.data, .column, .row, .abundance, palette_annotation){
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
data = NULL
. = NULL
orientation = NULL
# Make col names
.column = enquo(.column)
.row = enquo(.row)
.abundance = enquo(.abundance)
# Setup default NULL
top_annotation = list()
left_annotation = list()
row_split = NULL
col_split = NULL
# Column groups
col_group = get_grouping_columns(.data)
# Data frame of column orientation
x_y_annot_cols = .data %>% get_x_y_annotation_columns(!!.column,!!.row,!!.abundance)
x_y_annotation_cols =
x_y_annot_cols %>%
nest(data = -orientation) %>%
mutate(data = map(data, ~ .x %>% pull(1))) %>%
df = (.)
pull(df, data) %>% set_names(pull(df, orientation))
} %>%
~ .x %>% intersect(col_group)
# Check if you have more than one grouping, at the moment just one is accepted
if(x_y_annotation_cols %>% lapply(length) %>% unlist %>% max %>% gt(1))
stop("tidyHeatmap says: At the moment just one grouping per dimension (max 1 row and 1 column) is supported.")
# Check if annotation not specific to row or columns
if(x_y_annotation_cols %>% unlist() %>% duplicated() %>% any())
stop(sprintf("tidyHeatmap says: the grouping %s is not specific to row or columns. Maybe you just have one grouping.", x_y_annotation_cols %>% unlist() %>% .[x_y_annotation_cols %>% unlist() %>% duplicated()]))
if(length(x_y_annotation_cols$row) > 0){
# Row split
row_split =
.data %>%
ungroup() %>%
distinct(!!.row, !!as.symbol(x_y_annotation_cols$row)) %>%
arrange(!!.row) %>%
# Create array of colours
palette_fill_row =
# If too long get the max length of palette
1:min(length(unique(row_split)), length(palette_annotation[[1]]))
# Extend colours arbitrarily
) %>%
# Old simple method
#palette_annotation[[1]][1:length(unique(row_split))] %>% set_names(unique(row_split))
palette_text_row = if_else(palette_fill_row %in% c("#FFFFFF", "white"), "#161616", "#ffffff")
left_annotation_args =
ct = anno_block(
gp = gpar(fill = palette_fill_row ),
labels = row_split %>% unique %>% sort,
labels_gp = gpar(col = palette_text_row, fontsize = 8),
which = "row",
width = unit(9, "pt")
left_annotation = as.list(left_annotation_args)
# Eliminate palette
palette_annotation = palette_annotation[-1]
if(length(x_y_annotation_cols$column) > 0){
# Col split
col_split =
.data %>%
ungroup() %>%
distinct(!!.column, !!as.symbol(x_y_annotation_cols$column)) %>%
arrange(!!.column) %>%
# Create array of colours
palette_fill_column =
# If too long get the max length of palette
1:min(length(unique(col_split)), length(palette_annotation[[1]]))
# Extend colours arbitrarily
) %>%
# Old simple method
#palette_annotation[[1]][1:length(unique(col_split))] %>% set_names(unique(col_split))
palette_text_column = if_else(palette_fill_column %in% c("#FFFFFF", "white"), "#161616", "#ffffff")
top_annotation_args =
ct = anno_block(
gp = gpar(fill = palette_fill_column ),
labels = col_split %>% unique %>% sort,
labels_gp = gpar(col = palette_text_column, fontsize = 8),
which = "column",
height = unit(9, "pt")
top_annotation = as.list(top_annotation_args)
# Return
list( left_annotation = left_annotation, row_split = row_split, top_annotation = top_annotation, col_split = col_split )
# get_group_annotation_OPTIMISED_NOT_FINISHED = function(.data, .column, .row, .abundance, palette_annotation){
# # Fix CRAN notes
# value = NULL
# col_name = NULL
# col_orientation = NULL
# annotation_function = NULL
# # Comply with CRAN NOTES
# data = NULL
# . = NULL
# orientation = NULL
# # Make col names
# .column = enquo(.column)
# .row = enquo(.row)
# .abundance = enquo(.abundance)
# # Setup default NULL
# top_annotation = NULL
# left_annotation = NULL
# row_split = NULL
# col_split = NULL
# # Column groups
# col_group = get_grouping_columns(.data)
# # Dataframe of column orientation
# x_y_annot_cols = .data %>% get_x_y_annotation_columns(!!.column,!!.row,!!.abundance)
# x_y_annotation_cols =
# x_y_annot_cols %>%
# nest(data = -orientation) %>%
# mutate(data = map(data, ~ .x %>% pull(1))) %>%
# {
# df = (.)
# pull(df, data) %>% set_names(pull(df, orientation))
# } %>%
# map(
# ~ .x %>% intersect(col_group)
# )
# # Check if you have more than one grouping, at the moment just one is accepted
# if(x_y_annotation_cols %>% lapply(length) %>% unlist %>% max %>% gt(1))
# stop("tidyHeatmap says: At the moment just one grouping per dimension (max 1 row and 1 column) is supported.")
# # Create dataset
# col_group %>%
# as_tibble %>%
# rename(col_name = value) %>%
# # delete if annotation is NULL
# when(length(col_group)==0 ~ slice(., 0), ~ (.)) %>%
# # Add orientation
# left_join(x_y_annot_cols, by = "col_name") %>%
# mutate(col_orientation = map_chr(orientation, ~ .x %>% when((.) == "column" ~ quo_name(.column), (.) == "row" ~ quo_name(.row)))) %>%
# # Add data
# mutate(
# data = map2(
# col_name,
# col_orientation,
# ~
# .data_ %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# select(all_of(c(.y, .x))) %>%
# distinct() %>%
# arrange_at(vars(.y)) %>%
# pull(.x)
# )
# ) %>%
# # Add function
# mutate(fx = annotation_function)
# if(length(x_y_annotation_cols$row) > 0){
# # Row split
# row_split =
# .data %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# distinct(!!.row, !!as.symbol(x_y_annotation_cols$row)) %>%
# arrange(!!.row) %>%
# pull(!!as.symbol(x_y_annotation_cols$row))
# # Create array of colors
# palette_fill_row = palette_annotation[[1]][1:length(unique(row_split))] %>% set_names(unique(row_split))
# left_annotation_args =
# list(
# ct = anno_block(
# gp = gpar(fill = palette_fill_row ),
# labels = row_split %>% unique %>% sort,
# labels_gp = gpar(col = "white"),
# which = "row"
# )
# )
# left_annotation = as.list(left_annotation_args)
# # Eliminate palette
# palette_annotation = palette_annotation[-1]
# }
# if(length(x_y_annotation_cols$column) > 0){
# # Col split
# col_split =
# .data %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# distinct(!!.column, !!as.symbol(x_y_annotation_cols$column)) %>%
# arrange(!!.column) %>%
# pull(!!as.symbol(x_y_annotation_cols$column))
# # Create array of colors
# palette_fill_column = palette_annotation[[1]][1:length(unique(col_split))] %>% set_names(unique(col_split))
# top_annotation_args =
# list(
# ct = anno_block(
# gp = gpar(fill = palette_fill_column ),
# labels = col_split %>% unique %>% sort,
# labels_gp = gpar(col = "white"),
# which = "column"
# )
# )
# top_annotation = as.list(top_annotation_args)
# }
# # Return
# list( left_annotation = left_annotation, row_split = row_split, top_annotation = top_annotation, col_split = col_split )
# }
get_grouping_columns = function(.data){
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
.rows = NULL
if("groups" %in% (.data %>% attributes %>% names))
.data %>% attr("groups") %>% select(-.rows) %>% colnames()
else c()
list_drop_null = function(.data){
.data[!sapply(.data, is.null)]
#' Scale counts in a robust way against sd == 0
#' @param y A numerical array
#' @return A scaled and centred numerical array
#' @export
#' @references Mangiola, S. and Papenfuss, A.T., 2020. "tidyHeatmap: an R package for
#' modular heatmap production based on tidy principles." Journal of Open Source Software.
#' doi:10.21105/joss.02472.
#' @source [Mangiola and Papenfuss., 2020](https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.02472)
scale_robust = function(y){
do_consider_df = !is.na(sd(y, na.rm=T)) && as.logical(sd(y, na.rm=T) )
(y - mean(y, na.rm=T)) / ( sd(y, na.rm=T) ^ do_consider_df )
#' Convert array of quosure (e.g. c(col_a, col_b)) into character vector
#' @importFrom rlang quo_name
#' @importFrom rlang quo_squash
#' @param v A array of quosures (e.g. c(col_a, col_b))
#' @return A character vector
quo_names <- function(v) {
v = quo_name(quo_squash(v))
gsub('^c\\(|`|\\)$', '', v) %>%
strsplit(', ') %>%
#' annot_to_list
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @param .data A data frame
#' @return A list
annot_to_list = function(.data){
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
col_name = NULL
annot = NULL
value = NULL
my_cells = NULL
name = NULL
data = NULL
.data %>%
pull(annot) %>%
set_names(.data %>% pull(col_name)) %>%
# If list is populated
when(length(.) > 0 ~ (.) %>% c(
col = list(.data %>%
filter(map_lgl(color, ~ .x %>% is.null %>% not)) %>%
{ set_names( pull(., color), pull(., col_name)) })
) %>%
# Add additional arguments
.data %>%
pull(further_arguments) %>%
~ (.))
list_append = function(.list1, .list2){ .list1 %>% c(.list2) }
reduce_to_tbl_if_in_class_chain = function(.obj){
.obj %>%
# Eliminate all classes until tbl
"tbl" %in% class(.) ~ drop_class(., class(.)[1:which(class(.) == "tbl")-1] ),
~ (.)
# Greater than
gt = function(a, b){ a > b }
# Smaller than
st = function(a, b){ a < b }
# Negation
not = function(is){ !is }
# Raise to the power
pow = function(a,b){ a^b }
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom purrr reduce
#' @importFrom tibble enframe
#' @importFrom grid unit.c
combine_elements_with_the_same_name = function(x){
# Fix CRAN notes
my_class = NULL
value = NULL
name = NULL
data = NULL
if(length(unlist(x))==0) return(unlist(x))
else {
list_df =
map_dfr(x, ~ enframe(.x)) %>%
mutate(my_class = map_chr(value, ~class(.x)[[1]]))
# The current backend does not allow multiple tails sizes
list_df %>%
filter(my_class == "simpleUnit") %>%
nrow() %>%
gt(1) &&
list_df %>%
filter(my_class == "simpleUnit") %>%
pull(value) %>%
reduce(identical) %>%
warning("tidyHeatmap says: the current backend only allows for one tail annotation size. The latter one will be selected.")
# Select one size
list_df =
list_df %>%
filter(my_class == "simpleUnit") %>%
list_df %>%
filter(my_class != "simpleUnit")
) %>%
nest(data = -c(name, my_class)) %>%
mutate(vector = map2(
data, my_class,
~ {
if(.y == "simpleUnit") reduce(.x$value, unit.c)
else if(.y == "gpar") combine_lists_with_the_same_name(.x$value) %>% as.list() %>% do.call(gpar, .)
else reduce(.x$value, c)
list_df %>%
pull(vector) %>%
# x = unlist(x)
# tapply(unlist(x, use.names = FALSE), rep(names(x), lengths(x)), FUN = c)
combine_lists_with_the_same_name = function(x){
if(length(unlist(x))==0) return(unlist(x))
else {
x = unlist(x)
tapply(unlist(x, use.names = FALSE), rep(names(x), lengths(x)), FUN = c)
# Helper function to filter arguments for a specific function
filter_args <- function(all_args, target_func, force_keep = NULL, invert = FALSE) {
# Get the names of the formal arguments of the target function
valid_args <- names(formals(target_func))
# Check if force_keep is numeric
if (is.numeric(force_keep)) {
# Get the names of arguments at the specified positions
positional_args <- names(all_args)[force_keep]
# Combine with the valid arguments
valid_args <- unique(c(valid_args, positional_args))
} else if (!is.null(force_keep)) {
# Combine with force_keep if it is not numeric
valid_args <- unique(c(valid_args, force_keep))
# Filter or exclude arguments based on the invert parameter
if (invert) {
all_args[!names(all_args) %in% valid_args]
} else {
all_args[names(all_args) %in% valid_args]
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