#' @importFrom tidyr complete
#' @importFrom tidyr nesting
#' @importFrom tidyr replace_na
sccomp_glm_data_frame_raw = function(.data,
formula_composition = ~ 1 ,
formula_variability = ~ 1,
.count = NULL,
# Secondary arguments
contrasts = NULL,
prior_mean = list(intercept = c(0,1), coefficients = c(0,1)),
prior_overdispersion_mean_association = list(intercept = c(5, 2), slope = c(0, 0.6), standard_deviation = c(20, 40)),
percent_false_positive = 5,
check_outliers = TRUE,
variational_inference = NULL,
inference_method = "variational",
test_composition_above_logit_fold_change = 0.1, .sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude = NULL,
output_directory = "sccomp_draws_files",
verbose = FALSE,
exclude_priors = FALSE,
bimodal_mean_variability_association = FALSE,
enable_loo = FALSE,
use_data = TRUE,
cores = 4,
mcmc_seed = sample(1e5, 1),
max_sampling_iterations = 20000,
pass_fit = TRUE , ...) {
# See https://community.rstudio.com/t/how-to-make-complete-nesting-work-with-quosures-and-tidyeval/16473
# See https://github.com/tidyverse/tidyr/issues/506
# Prepare column same enquo
.sample = enquo(.sample)
.cell_group = enquo(.cell_group)
.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude = enquo(.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude)
# Check if columns exist
check_columns_exist(.data, c(
# Check if any column is NA or null
check_if_any_NA(.data, c(
.grouping_for_random_effect = parse_formula_random_effect(formula_composition) |> pull(grouping) |> unique()
# Make counts
.data %>%
class_list_to_counts(!!.sample, !!.cell_group) %>%
# Add formula_composition information
add_formula_columns(.data, !!.sample,formula_composition) |>
# Attach possible exclusion of data points
left_join(.data %>%
as_tibble() |>
!!.sample, !!.cell_group, any_of(quo_name(.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude))
) %>%
by = c(quo_name(.sample), quo_name(.cell_group))
) |>
across(!!.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude, ~replace_na(.x, 0))
) |>
# Return
formula_composition = formula_composition,
formula_variability = formula_variability,
.sample = !!.sample,
.cell_group = !!.cell_group,
.count = count,
contrasts = contrasts,
#.grouping_for_random_effect = !! .grouping_for_random_effect,
prior_mean = prior_mean,
prior_overdispersion_mean_association = prior_overdispersion_mean_association,
percent_false_positive = percent_false_positive,
check_outliers = check_outliers,
inference_method = inference_method,
exclude_priors = exclude_priors,
bimodal_mean_variability_association = bimodal_mean_variability_association,
enable_loo = enable_loo,
use_data = use_data,
cores = cores,
test_composition_above_logit_fold_change = test_composition_above_logit_fold_change, .sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude = !!.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude,
verbose = verbose,
output_directory = output_directory,
mcmc_seed = mcmc_seed,
max_sampling_iterations = max_sampling_iterations,
pass_fit = pass_fit, ...
sccomp_glm_data_frame_counts = function(.data,
formula_composition = ~ 1 ,
formula_variability = ~ 1,
.count = NULL,
# Secondary arguments
contrasts = NULL,
#.grouping_for_random_effect = NULL,
prior_mean = list(intercept = c(0,1), coefficients = c(0,1)),
prior_overdispersion_mean_association = list(intercept = c(5, 2), slope = c(0, 0.6), standard_deviation = c(20, 40)),
percent_false_positive = 5,
check_outliers = TRUE,
variational_inference = NULL,
inference_method = "variational",
test_composition_above_logit_fold_change = 0.1, .sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude = NULL,
output_directory = "sccomp_draws_files",
verbose = FALSE,
exclude_priors = FALSE,
bimodal_mean_variability_association = FALSE,
enable_loo = FALSE,
use_data = TRUE,
cores = 4,
mcmc_seed = sample(1e5, 1),
max_sampling_iterations = 20000,
pass_fit = TRUE,
...) {
# Prepare column same enquo
.sample = enquo(.sample)
.cell_group = enquo(.cell_group)
.count = enquo(.count)
.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude = enquo(.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude)
#.grouping_for_random_effect = enquo(.grouping_for_random_effect)
#Check column class
check_if_columns_right_class(.data, !!.sample, !!.cell_group)
# Check that count is integer
if(.data %>% pull(!!.count) %>% is("integer")) message(sprintf("sccomp says: %s column is an integer. The sum-constrained beta binomial model will be used", quo_name(.count)))
else if(.data %>% pull(!!.count) %>% is("integer") |> not() & .data %>% pull(!!.count) |> dplyr::between(0, 1) |> all()) message(sprintf("sccomp says: %s column is a proportion. The sum-constrained beta model will be used. When possible using counts is preferred as the binomial noise component is often dominating for rare groups (e.g. rare cell types).", quo_name(.count)))
else stop(sprintf("sccomp: %s column must be an integer or a proportion", quo_name(.count)))
# Check if columns exist
check_columns_exist(.data, c(
# Check that I have rectangular data frame
.data |> count(!!.sample) |> distinct(n) |> nrow() > 1 ||
.data |> count(!!.cell_group) |> distinct(n) |> nrow() > 1
warning(sprintf("sccomp says: the input data frame does not have the same number of `%s`, for all `%s`. We have made it so, adding 0s for the missing sample/feature pairs.", quo_name(.cell_group), quo_name(.sample)))
.data = .data |>
# I need renaming trick because complete list(...) cannot accept quosures
select(!!.sample, !!.cell_group, count := !!.count) |>
distinct() |>
complete( !!.sample, !!.cell_group, fill = list(count = 0) ) %>%
rename(!!.count := count) |>
mutate(!!.count := as.integer(!!.count)) |>
# Add formula_composition information
add_formula_columns(.data, !!.sample, formula_composition)
# Check if test_composition_above_logit_fold_change is 0, as the Bayesian FDR does not allow it
if(test_composition_above_logit_fold_change <= 0)
stop("sccomp says: test_composition_above_logit_fold_change should be > 0 for the FDR to be calculated in the Bayesian context (doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxw041). Also, testing for > 0 differences avoids significant but meaningless (because of the small magnitude) estimates.")
# Check if any column is NA or null
check_if_any_NA(.data, c(
# Return
# Credible interval
CI = 1 - (percent_false_positive/100)
# Produce data list
factor_names = parse_formula(formula_composition)
# Random intercept
random_effect_elements = parse_formula_random_effect(formula_composition)
# Variational only if no random intercept
if(inference_method=="variational" & random_effect_elements |> filter(factor != "(Intercept)") |> nrow() > 0)
stop("sccomp says: for random effect modelling plese use `inference_method` = \"hmc\", for the full Bayes HMC inference.")
# If no random intercept fake it
.grouping_for_random_effect = random_effect_elements |> pull(grouping) |> unique() |> map(~ quo(!! sym(.x)))
} else{
.grouping_for_random_effect = list(quo(!! sym("random_effect")))
.data = .data |> mutate(!!.grouping_for_random_effect[[1]] := "1")
# If .sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude
# Error if not logical
if(.data |> pull(!!.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude) |> is("logical") |> not())
stop(glue("sccomp says: {quo_name(.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude)} must be logical"))
# Error if not consistent to sample/cell group
if(.data |> count(!!.sample, !!.cell_group, name = "n") |> filter(n>1) |> nrow() |> gt(0))
stop(glue("sccomp says: {quo_name(.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude)} must be unique with .sample/.cell_group pairs. You might have a .sample/.cell_group pair with both TRUE and FALSE {quo_name(.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude)}."))
} else {
# If no .sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude fake it
.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude = quo(!! sym(".sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude"))
.data = .data |> mutate(!!.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude := FALSE)
# Original - old
# prec_sd ~ normal(0,2);
# prec_coeff ~ normal(0,5);
message("sccomp says: estimation")
data_for_model =
.data %>%
data_to_spread ( formula_composition, !!.sample, !!.cell_group, !!.count, .grouping_for_random_effect) %>%
formula_composition, !!.sample, !!.cell_group, !!.count,
truncation_ajustment = 1.1,
approximate_posterior_inference = inference_method %in% c("variational", "pathfinder"),
formula_variability = formula_variability,
contrasts = contrasts,
bimodal_mean_variability_association = bimodal_mean_variability_association,
use_data = use_data,
# Print design matrix
message(sprintf("sccomp says: the composition design matrix has columns: %s", data_for_model$X %>% colnames %>% paste(collapse=", ")))
message(sprintf("sccomp says: the variability design matrix has columns: %s", data_for_model$Xa %>% colnames %>% paste(collapse=", ")))
# Force outliers, Get the truncation index
data_for_model$user_forced_truncation_not_idx =
.data |>
select(!!.sample, !!.cell_group, !!.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude) |>
left_join( data_for_model$X |> rownames() |> enframe(name="N", value=quo_name(.sample)), by = join_by(!!.sample) ) |>
left_join( data_for_model$y |> colnames() |> enframe(name="M", value=quo_name(.cell_group)), by = join_by(!!.cell_group) ) |>
select(!!.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude, N, M) |>
arrange(N, M) |>
pull(!!.sample_cell_group_pairs_to_exclude) |>
not() |>
data_for_model$truncation_not_idx = data_for_model$user_forced_truncation_not_idx
data_for_model$TNS = length(data_for_model$truncation_not_idx)
# Prior
data_for_model$prior_prec_intercept = prior_overdispersion_mean_association$intercept
data_for_model$prior_prec_slope = prior_overdispersion_mean_association$slope
data_for_model$prior_prec_sd = prior_overdispersion_mean_association$standard_deviation
data_for_model$prior_mean_intercept = prior_mean$intercept
data_for_model$prior_mean_coefficients = prior_mean$coefficients
data_for_model$exclude_priors = exclude_priors
data_for_model$enable_loo = enable_loo
# # Check that design matrix is not too big
# if(ncol(data_for_model$X)>20)
# message("sccomp says: the design matrix has more than 20 columns. Possibly some numerical factors are erroneously of type character/factor.")
fit =
data_for_model %>%
# Run the first discovery phase with permissive false discovery rate
cores= cores,
quantile = CI,
inference_method = inference_method,
verbose = verbose,
output_directory = output_directory,
seed = mcmc_seed,
max_sampling_iterations = max_sampling_iterations,
pars = c("beta", "alpha", "prec_coeff","prec_sd", "alpha_normalised", "random_effect", "random_effect_2", "log_lik"),
# # Make the fit standalone
# temp_rds_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds")
# fit$save_object(file = temp_rds_file)
# fit = readRDS(temp_rds_file)
# file.remove(temp_rds_file)
estimate_tibble =
# Create a dummy tibble
tibble() |>
# Attach association mean concentration
add_attr(fit, "fit") %>%
add_attr(data_for_model, "model_input") |>
add_attr(.data, "truncation_df2") |>
add_attr(.sample |> drop_environment(), ".sample") |>
add_attr(.cell_group |> drop_environment(), ".cell_group") |>
add_attr(.count |> drop_environment(), ".count") |>
add_attr(check_outliers, "check_outliers") |>
add_attr(formula_composition |> drop_environment(), "formula_composition") |>
add_attr(formula_variability |> drop_environment(), "formula_variability") |>
add_attr(parse_formula(formula_composition), "factors" ) |>
# Add class to the tbl
add_class("sccomp_tbl") |>
# Print estimates
sccomp_test() |>
# drop hypothesis testing as the estimation exists without probabilities.
# For hypothesis testing use sccomp_test
select(-contains("_FDR"), -contains("_pH0"))
if(inference_method %in% c("variational") && max(na.omit(estimate_tibble$c_R_k_hat)) > 4)
warning("sccomp says: using variational inference, c_R_k_hat resulted too high for some parameters, indicating lack of convergence of the model. We reccomend using inference_method = \"hmc\" to use the state-of-the-art (although slower) HMC sampler.")
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
get_mean_precision = function(fit, data_for_model){
# Define the variables as NULL to avoid CRAN NOTES
`2.5%` <- NULL
`97.5%` <- NULL
fit %>%
summary_to_tibble("alpha", "C", "M") %>%
# Just grub intercept of alpha
filter(C==1) %>%
select( M, mean, `2.5%` , `97.5%`) %>%
nest(concentration = -M)
# fit %>%
# draws_to_tibble_x_y("alpha", "C", "M") %>%
# nest(data = -c(M)) %>%
# # Add Design matrix
# left_join(
# as_tibble(data_for_model$X, rownames="M") %>%
# nest(X = -M) %>%
# mutate(M = as.integer(M)),
# by="M"
# ) %>%
# mutate(concentration = map2(
# data, X,
# ~ .x %>%
# select(.draw, C, .value) %>%
# spread(C, .value) %>%
# as_matrix(rownames=".draw") %*%
# ( .y %>% as_matrix() %>% t() ) %>%
# quantile(c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)) %>%
# enframe() %>%
# spread(name, value) %>%
# rename(mean = `50%`)
# )) %>%
# select(-data, -X)
get_mean_precision_association = function(fit){
# fit$summary(variables = "prec_coeff", "mean", ~quantile(.x, probs = c(0.05, 0.95), na.rm=TRUE))
fit$summary("prec_coeff")[,2] |> set_names("prec_coeff") ,
fit$summary("prec_sd")[,2] |> set_names("prec_sd")
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