
#' @name mds
#' @aliases mds,BioData-method
#' @rdname mds-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @description Calculates the MDS for a given MDS type and stores the 3 dimensions 
#' in the object for later use. All projections use a n=100 PCA projection as starting material instead of the raw data.
#' @param dataObj the BioData object
#' @param mds.type Which MDS function should be called default="PCA"
#' @param onwhat condense which dataset at the moment only Expression is supported default='expression'
#' @param genes do it on genes not on samples (default = F)
#' @param LLEK the neighbours in the LLE algorithm (default=2)
#' @param useRaw base the projection on the raw data and not the n=100 PCA data (default FALSE)
#' @param pythonEnv if needed the virtual environment for the MulticoreTSNE call set to something like
#'  'source <myPrivateEnvPath>/bin/activate'  (default = NULL)
#' @param dim the number of dimensions to return ( default 3)
#' @title Calculate MDS projections for the 3D Make3Dobj function
#' @export 
if ( ! isGeneric('mds') ){ methods::setGeneric('mds', ## Name
			function ( dataObj, ..., mds.type="PCA" , onwhat ='Expression', genes=F,  LLEK=2, useRaw=F, pythonEnv=NULL, dim=3) { 
}else {
	print ("Onload warn generic function 'mds' already defined - no overloading here!")

setMethod('mds', signature = c ('BioData'),
		definition = function ( dataObj, ..., mds.type="PCA", onwhat ='Expression', genes=F, LLEK=2, useRaw=F, pythonEnv=NULL, dim=3 ) {
			## the code is crap re-code!!
			mds_store = NULL
			mds.proj = NULL
			if ( mds.type=="PCA" ) {
			if ( !genes )
				cmpTo = colnames(dataObj$dat)
				cmpTo = rownames(dataObj$dat)
			## fist fix the initial matrix
			if ( length( grep('Expression', onwhat )) ==  1){
			} else {
				stop( paste("Sorry, the option onwhat",onwhat,"is not supported") )
			if ( useRaw ) {
				mds_store <- 'MDS'
				if ( genes )
					mds_store <- 'MDSgenes'
			}else {
				mds_store <- 'MDS_PCA100'
				if ( genes )
					mds_store <- 'MDSgenes_PCA100'
			if ( dim != 3){
				mds_store = paste( mds_store, 'dim',dim, sep="_")
			## define mds storage position
			if ( is.null( dataObj$usedObj[[mds_store]]) ) {
				dataObj$usedObj[[mds_store]] = list()
			this.k <- paste(onwhat,mds.type)
			if ( useRaw )
				this.k = paste( 'Raw', this.k)
			if ( dim != 3){
				this.k = paste( sep="_" ,this.k, dim,'dims')
			getData = function() {
				if ( useRaw ) {
					if ( genes) {
						tab = t(tab)
				}else {
					PCA_name = DimReduction(dataObj, n=100, genes = genes, method='auto', force = FALSE)
					if ( ! isS4(dataObj$usedObj[[PCA_name]])  ){
						tab <- dataObj$usedObj[[PCA_name]]$x
					}else {
						tab <- dataObj$usedObj[[PCA_name]]@scores
			## MDS code
			if ( (is.null(dataObj$usedObj[[mds_store]][[this.k]])) ||  all.equal( rownames(dataObj$usedObj[[mds_store]][[this.k]]), colnames(dataObj$dat) )==F ) {
				mds.proj <- NULL
				pr <- NULL
				#system ( 'rm loadings.png' )
				if(mds.type == "PCA"){
					tmp = dataObj$clone()
					n = DimReduction(tmp, n=3, genes = genes, method='auto', force = FALSE)
					if ( ! isS4(tmp$usedObj[[n]])  ){
						mds.proj <- tmp$usedObj[[n]]$x
					}else {
						mds.proj <- tmp$usedObj[[n]]@scores
					rm( tmp) 

				}else if ( mds.type == 'Phate') {
					if (!requireNamespace("phateR", quietly = TRUE ) == T ) {
						stop("package 'phateR' needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
								call. = FALSE)
					phateR::Phate = phate( tab , ndim=3)
					mds.proj <- phateR::Phate$embedding

				}else if ( mds.type == "TSNE"){
					## there is an extremely efficient python implementation of that available.
					## lets try to use that:
					## first export the '\t' separated file
					if ( file.exists( 'runTSNE.py' ) & ! file.exists( 'tSNE_dim3_coods.csv') ){
						print ( "The pyton process should be started and processing the data - please check manually")
						return (invisible(dataObj))
					}else if ( ! file.exists( 'tSNE_dim3_coods.csv' ) )  {
						utils::write.table( t(tab), sep=",", file="TSNE_data.csv", quote=F )
						fileConn<-file( 'runTSNE.py' )
										"from MulticoreTSNE import MulticoreTSNE as TSNE",
										"import pandas as pd",
										"import numpy as np",
										paste( sep="","tsne = TSNE(n_jobs=4,n_components=",dim,")"),
										"X = pd.io.parsers.read_csv('TSNE_data.csv',sep=',',index_col=0)",
										"Y = tsne.fit_transform(np.transpose(X))",
								), fileConn )
						if (! is.null(pythonEnv)) {
							system( paste( pythonEnv ,"&&", 'python' , 'runTSNE.py' ) )					
						}else {
							system( paste(Sys.which('python'), 'runTSNE.py' ) )
						print ("the external python script has been run - rerun this function to check if it is finished.")
						print ( "in case the python script does not produce output (1) try to install MulticoreTSNE grom its git resource or (2) use mds.type='TSNE_R'")
						return (invisible(dataObj))
					} else {
						## OK the output file has been produced
						mds.proj <- utils::read.delim( 'tSNE_dim3_coods.csv', sep="," );
						rownames(mds.proj) <- rownames(tab)
				}else if ( mds.type == "TSNE_R"){
					if (!requireNamespace("Rtsne", quietly = TRUE ) == T ) {
						stop("package 'Rtsne' needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
								call. = FALSE)
					tab = getData()
					if ( useRaw ){
						mds.proj <- Rtsne::Rtsne( tab, dims=dim , check_duplicates =F, pca_center=F, verbose=T, pca=T )$Y
					}else {
						## The data is already PCAed
						mds.proj <- Rtsne::Rtsne( tab, dims=dim , check_duplicates =F,  verbose=T, pca=F )$Y
					rownames(mds.proj) <- rownames(tab)
				}else if ( mds.type == 'UMAP' ) {
					if (!requireNamespace("umap", quietly = TRUE,logical.return=TRUE )) {
						stop("package 'umap' needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
								call. = FALSE)
					tab = getData()
					umap_config = umap::umap.defaults
					umap_config$n_components = dim
					uMap = umap::umap( as.matrix(tab), umap_config)
					mds.proj <- uMap$layout
				else if ( mds.type == "LLE"){
					tab = getData()
					mds.proj <- RDRToolbox::LLE( tab, dim = dim, k = as.numeric(LLEK) )
					#	mds.trans <- LLE( t(tab), dim = 3, k = as.numeric(LLEK) )
				}else if ( mds.type == "ISOMAP"){
					tab = getData()
					mds.proj <- RDRToolbox::Isomap( tab, dim = dim, k = as.numeric(LLEK) )$dim3
					#	mds.trans <- Isomap( t(tab), dim = 3, k = as.numeric(LLEK) )$dim3
				}else if ( mds.type == "ZIFA" ) {
					#stop( "Sorry ZIFA has to be double checked - are you working on normalized data - than ZIFA can not be applied!")
					print ( "Running external python script to apply ZIFA dimensional reduction (Expression data only)" )
					if ( genes ) {
						utils::write.table( dataObj$dat, file="ZIFA_input.dat", sep=" ", col.names=F, row.names=F , quote=F)
					}else {
						utils::write.table( t(dataObj$dat), file="ZIFA_input.dat", sep=" ", col.names=F, row.names=F , quote=F)
					write( c("from ZIFA import ZIFA","from ZIFA import block_ZIFA", "import numpy as np",
									"Y = np.loadtxt('ZIFA_input.dat')", "Z, model_params = ZIFA.fitModel( Y, 3 )", 
									"np.savetxt('TheMDS_ZIFA.xls', Z )" ), 
							file= 'ZIFA_calc.py' )
					system( "python ZIFA_calc.py" )
					mds.proj <- utils::read.delim( "TheMDS_ZIFA.xls", sep=' ', header=F)
					if ( genes ) {
						rownames(mds.proj) <- rownames(dataObj$dat)
					}else {
						rownames(mds.proj) <- colnames(dataObj$dat)
					colnames(mds.proj) <- c( 'x','y','z')
				} else if ( mds.type == "DDRTree" ) {
					## requires the DDRTree libraray to be linked
					if (!requireNamespace("DDRTree", quietly = TRUE,logical.return=TRUE )) {
						stop("package 'DDRTree' needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
								call. = FALSE)
					}else {
						attachNamespace( 'DDRTree' )
					tab = getData()
					DDRTree_res <- DDRTree::DDRTree( t(tab), dimensions=100)
					mds.proj <- t(DDRTree_res$Z)
					rownames(mds.proj) <- rownames(tab)
					dataObj$usedObj$DRRTree.genes <- DDRTree_res
				else {
					print( paste("Sory I can not work on the mds.type option",mds.type) )
				if ( is.null(mds.proj) ) {
					print ("An error has occured - mds.proj == NULL\n")
				rownames(mds.proj) <- make.names(cmpTo)
				dataObj$usedObj[[mds_store]][[this.k]]<- mds.proj
			message( paste("Finished with MDS", this.k) )
stela2502/BioData documentation built on Feb. 23, 2022, 5:47 a.m.