

#  #' Cast a loom object to a cellexalvrR object
#  setMethod('as_cellexalvrR', signature = c ('loom'),
#  	definition = function ( x, meta.cell.groups=NULL, meta.genes.groups = NULL, userGroups=NULL, outpath=getwd(), specie ) {
#  		## code adapted from Seurat::ReadH5AD.H5File() 2019/08/22
#  	require( 'hdf5r' )
#  	ret = methods::new('cellexalvrR')
#  	ret@specie = specie
#  	as.sparse <- function(x, ...) {
#    for (i in c('data', 'indices', 'indptr')) {
#      if (!x$exists(name = i) || !is(object = x[[i]], class2 = 'H5D')) {
#        stop("Invalid H5Group specification for a sparse matrix, missing dataset ", i)
#      }
#    }
#    if ('h5sparse_shape' %in% hdf5r::h5attr_names(x = x)) {
#      return(Matrix::sparseMatrix(
#        i = x[['indices']][] + 1,
#        p = x[['indptr']][],
#        x = x[['data']][],
#        dims = rev(x = hdf5r::h5attr(x = x, which = 'h5sparse_shape'))
#      ))
#    }
#    return(Matrix::sparseMatrix(
#      i = x[['indices']][] + 1,
#      p = x[['indptr']][],
#      x = x[['data']][],
#      sparse=T
#    ))
#  	}
#  	print ( "reading cell information" )
#  	ret@usedObj$original_meta.cell = obs = H5Anno2df(x,'col_attrs', 'cell_names', onlyStrings=TRUE ) #function definition in file 'as_cellexalvrR.R'
#    	## now we check which ones the user wanted and throw an error if we did not get anything
#    	if ( is.null(meta.cell.groups)){
#    		cat( paste(
#    			"meta.cell.groups is missing", 
#    			"Please select some from the list:", 
#    			paste( sep="","c('", paste(colnames(obs), collapse="', '" ),"')"),sep='\n','' ) )
#    		stop("Please give me a meta.cell.groups vector!")
#    	}else {
#    		if ( length( which(is.na( match(meta.cell.groups, colnames(obs)) )) ) > 0 ){
#    			bad = which(is.na( match(meta.cell.groups, colnames(obs) )))
#    			cat( paste( sep="\n", 
#    				"I could not find the sample columns", 
#    				paste(collapse=", ",meta.cell.groups[bad]),
#    				"But I have these:",
#    				 paste( sep="", "c('",paste( colnames(obs), collapse="', '" ),"')")
#    				,''))
#    			stop("please select existsing cell annotation columns!")
#    		}
#    		if ( length(meta.cell.groups) == 1){
#    			obs = matrix(obs[, meta.cell.groups], ncol=length(meta.cell.groups))
#    		} else {
#    			obs =obs[, meta.cell.groups]
#    		}
#    	}
#    	# col_complexity = apply( obs, 2, function(x) { length( unique( as.vector(x) ) ) })
#    	# names( col_complexity) = colnames(obs)
#    	# obs = matrix(obs)
#    	# ## Get rid of all columns that are too complex for cellexalVR
#    	# names( col_complexity) = colnames( obs )
#    	# if ( length(which( col_complexity > 50)) > 0 ){
#    	# 	if ( length(which( col_complexity < 51)) <2 ) {
#    	# 		## problems with the matrix reduced to a vector/list
#    	# 		tmp = obs
#    	# 		obs = matrix(obs[, - which( col_complexity > 50)])
#    	# 		rownames( obs) = rownames(obs)
#    	# 	}else {
#    	# 		obs = obs[, - which( col_complexity > 50)]
#    	# 	}
#    	# }
#    	# for ( i in length(col_complexity):1){
#    	# 	if (col_complexity[i] > 50 ){
#    	# 		obs = obs[ ,-i]
#   		# }
#    	# }
#    	print ( "reading data" )
#    	if (is(object = x[['matrix']], class2 = 'H5Group')) {
#      	dat <- as.sparse(x = x[['matrix']])
#    	} else {
#     		dat <- x[['matrix']][, ]
#    	}
#    	# x will be an S3 matrix if X was scaled, otherwise will be a dgCMatrix
#    	if (is.matrix(x = dat)) {
#    		## the loom files seam to store all data as matrix and not as sparse matrix?!
#    		dat = Matrix::Matrix(dat, sparse=T)
#    	}
#    	print ( "reading feature data")
#    	ret@usedObj$original_meta.features = meta.features = H5Anno2df(x, 'row_attrs', 'gene_names', onlyStrings=TRUE ) #function definition in file 'as_cellexalvrR.R'
#    	dat = Matrix::t(dat)
#    	rownames(dat) = rownames( meta.features)
#    	colnames(dat) = rownames(obs)
#  	ret@data = dat
#  	ret = addCellMeta2cellexalvr(ret, makeCellMetaFromDataframe(obs, rq.fields= colnames(obs))) #function definition in file 'addElements.R'
#  	ret@meta.gene = as.matrix(meta.features[match( rownames(ret@data), rownames(meta.features) ),])
#  	rm( dat)
#  	rm( meta.features)
#  	rm(obs)
#  	## The drc's are hidden in the obj
#  	interest <- list( 
#  		'unknown' = c('_X', '_Y', '_Z'), 
#  		'tSNE' = c('_tSNE1', '_tSNE2', '_tSNE3'), 
#  		'PCA' = c('_PC1', '_PC2', '_PC3') 
#  	)
#  	print ("reading drc data")
#  	dr = lapply( interest, function(a) { 
#  		d=NULL
#  		if ( var(ret@usedObj$original_meta.cell[,a[1]]) + var (ret@usedObj$original_meta.cell[,a[2]]) != 0 ){
#  			## the third column is not defined in the loom structures. Hence I simply do not check for it here
#  			d= cbind(as.numeric(as.vector(ret@usedObj$original_meta.cell[,a[1]])), as.numeric(as.vector(ret@usedObj$original_meta.cell[,a[2]])), rep(0,nrow(ret@meta.cell)) )
#  			colnames(d) = a
#  			rownames(d) = rownames(ret@meta.cell)
#  		}
#  		d
#  		} )
#  	for( n in names(dr) ) {
#  		if ( ! is.null(dr[[n]])) {
#  			ret@drc[[n]] = dr[[n]]
#  		}
#  	}
#      if ( length(names(ret@drc)) == 0) {
#      	stop( "No usable drc's found in the loomR object")
#      }
#      ret@specie = specie
#      ret@outpath = outpath
#      #print ( "Please take care colnames and rownames have not been set!" )
#      invisible(ret)
#  } )
#  #' Cast an AnnData object to a cellexalvrR object
#  setMethod('as_cellexalvrR', signature = c ('H5File'),
#  	definition = function ( x, meta.cell.groups=NULL, meta.genes.groups = NULL, userGroups=NULL, outpath=getwd(), specie ) {
#  		## code adapted from Seurat::ReadH5AD.H5File() 2019/08/22
#  	require( 'hdf5r' )
#  	ret = methods::new('cellexalvrR')
#  	ret@specie = specie
#  	as.sparse <- function(x, ...) {
#    for (i in c('data', 'indices', 'indptr')) {
#      if (!x$exists(name = i) || !is(object = x[[i]], class2 = 'H5D')) {
#        stop("Invalid H5Group specification for a sparse matrix, missing dataset ", i)
#      }
#    }
#    if ('h5sparse_shape' %in% hdf5r::h5attr_names(x = x)) {
#      return(sparseMatrix(
#        i = x[['indices']][] + 1,
#        p = x[['indptr']][],
#        x = x[['data']][],
#        dims = rev(x = hdf5r::h5attr(x = x, which = 'h5sparse_shape'))
#      ))
#    }
#    return(sparseMatrix(
#      i = x[['indices']][] + 1,
#      p = x[['indptr']][],
#      x = x[['data']][]
#    ))
#  	}
#    	if (is(object = x[['X']], class2 = 'H5Group')) {
#      	dat <- as.sparse(x = x[['X']])
#    	} else {
#     		dat <- x[['X']][, ]
#    	}
#    	# x will be an S3 matrix if X was scaled, otherwise will be a dgCMatrix
#    	print ( "accessing expression data")
#    	scaled <- is.matrix(x = dat)
#    	print ( "accessing cell data")
#  	ret@usedObj$original_meta.cell <- obs <- x[['obs']][]
#  	print ( "accessing feature data")
#    	dat.var <- x[['var']][]
#    	#browser()
#    	rownames(x = dat) = rownames(x = dat.var) = dat.var$index
#    	colnames(x = dat) = rownames(x = obs) = obs$index
#    	## col_complexity - we can not handle really complex information bits
#    	## some 50 colors is the maximum na dwould blow up the data table quite significantly.
#    	## hen ce we remove all columns with too complex information - if asked for
#    	if ( is.null(meta.cell.groups)){
#    		cat( paste(
#    			"meta.cell.groups is missing", 
#    			"Please select some from the list:", 
#    			paste( sep="","c('", paste(colnames(obs), collapse="', '" ),"')"),sep='\n','' ) )
#    		stop("Please give me a meta.cell.groups vector!")
#    	}else {
#    		if ( length( which(is.na( match(meta.cell.groups, colnames(obs)) )) ) > 0 ){
#    			bad = which(is.na( match(meta.cell.groups, colnames(obs) )))
#    			cat( paste( sep="\n", 
#    				"I could not find the sample columns", 
#    				paste(collapse=", ",meta.cell.groups[bad]),
#    				"But I have these:",
#    				 paste( sep="", "c('",paste( colnames(obs), collapse="', '" ),"')")
#    				,''))
#    			stop("please select existsing cell annotation columns!")
#    		}
#    		if ( length(meta.cell.groups) == 1){
#    			obs = data.frame(obs[, meta.cell.groups])
#    			colnames(obs) = meta.cell.groups
#    		} else {
#    			obs =obs[, meta.cell.groups]
#    		}
#    	}
#    	x.slot = FALSE
#    	meta.features <- NULL
#    	## here we do not handle anything in cellexalVR and hence can keep everything.
#    	if ( scaled ){
#    		if (x$exists(name = 'raw.X')) {
#    			dat <- as.sparse(x = x[['raw.X']])
#      		add.var <- x[['raw.var']][]
#      		slot(object = dat, name = 'Dim') <- c(nrow(x = add.var), nrow(x = obs))
#      		rownames(x = dat) <- rownames(x = add.var) <- add.var$index
#      		colnames(x = dat) <- rownames(obs)
#      		add.var <- add.var[, -which(x = colnames(x = add.var) == 'index'), drop = FALSE]
#      		#Merging feature-level metadata dataframes
#      		dat.var <- dat.var[, -which(x = colnames(x = dat.var) %in% colnames(x = add.var))]
#     			meta.features <- merge(x = add.var, y = dat.var, by = 0, all = TRUE)
#      		rownames(x = meta.features) <- meta.features$Row.names
#      		meta.features <- meta.features[, -which(x = colnames(x = meta.features) == 'Row.names'), drop = FALSE]
#      		rm(add.var)
#      		rm ( dat.var)
#    		}else {
#    			stop( "The AnnData object does not contain unscaled data!")
#    		}
#    	}else {
#    		meta.features <- dat.var
#    		rm ( dat.var )
#    	}
#  	## obtain the data slot information
#  	ret@data = dat
#  #	browser()
#  	ret = addCellMeta2cellexalvr(ret, make.cell.meta.from.df(data.frame(obs), rq.fields= colnames(obs))) #function definition in file 'addElements.R'
#  	ret@meta.gene = as.matrix(meta.features[match( rownames(ret@data), rownames(meta.features) ),])
#  	rm( dat )
#  	rm( meta.features)
#  	rm(obs)
#  	if ( ! x$exists(name = 'obsm') ) {
#  		stop( "The AnnData does not contain any dimension reduction datasets needed for cellexalVR" )
#  	}
#  	# Pull cell embeddings
#  	embed.reduc <- x[['obsm']]$get_type()$get_cpd_labels()
#  	embed.n <- sapply(
#        X = x[['obsm']]$get_type()$describe()$cpd_types,
#        FUN = '[[',
#        'array_dims'
#      )
#      names(x = embed.n) <- embed.reduc
#      ncells <- x[['obsm']]$dims
#      embeddings <- lapply(
#        X = embed.reduc,
#        FUN = function(r) {
#          return(t(x = vapply(
#            X = 1:ncells,
#            FUN = function(i) {
#              return(x[['obsm']][i][[r]])
#            },
#            FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = embed.n[[r]])
#          )))
#        }
#      )
#      names(x = embeddings) <- embed.reduc
#      for (i in 1:length(x = embeddings)) {
#        rownames(x = embeddings[[i]]) <- colnames(x = ret@data )
#      }
#      ## now add all >= 3D MDS objects to ret
#      for ( name in names(embeddings)) {
#      	if ( ncol(embeddings[[name]] ) >= 3 ){
#      		## get rid of all dimensions > 3
#      		ret@drc[[name]] = embeddings[[name]][,1:3] 
#      	}else {
#      		ret@drc[[name]] = cbind( embeddings[[name]], z= rep(0,nrow(embeddings[[name]])) )
#      	}
#      }
#      if ( length(names(ret@drc)) == 0) {
#      	stop( "No usable drc's found in the AnnData object")
#      }
#      ret@specie = specie
#      ret@outpath = outpath
#      invisible(ret)
#  } )

# #' @name forceAbsoluteUniqueSample
# #' @aliases forceAbsoluteUniqueSample,cellexalvrR-method
# #' @rdname forceAbsoluteUniqueSample-methods
# #' @docType methods
# #' @description  This function adds _<id> to all duplicate values thereby enforcing uniques.
# #' @param x the string vector you want to force into uniques
# #' @param separator the separator between orig str and id ( default '_')
# #' @title description of function forceAbsoluteUniqueSample
# #' @export 
# setGeneric('forceAbsoluteUniqueSample', ## Name
# 		function ( x ,separator='_') { ## Argumente der generischen Funktion
# 			standardGeneric('forceAbsoluteUniqueSample') ## der Aufruf von standardGeneric sorgt für das Dispatching
# 		}
# )

# setMethod('forceAbsoluteUniqueSample', signature = c ('cellexalvrR'),
# 		definition = function ( x ,separator='_') {
# 			ret <- vector(length=length(x))
# 			last = x[1]
# 			ret[1] <- last
# 			for ( i in 2:length(x) ){
# 				last = x[i]
# 				if ( ! is.na(match( last, ret )) ){
# 					last <- paste(last,separator,sum( ! is.na(match( x[1:i], last )))-1, sep = '')
# 				}
# 				ret[i] <- last
# 			}
# 			ret
# 		} )

#' @name H5Anno2df
#' @aliases H5Anno2df,BioData-method
#' @rdname H5Anno2df-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @description  convert a H5 annotation (any name) table to a data table
#' @param x the H5 object
#' @param slotName the H5 entity tro convert to a data.frame
#' @param namecol the (optional) rownames column for the data
#' @param onlyStrings return only columns that not only contain numbers (default FALSE)
#' @title description of function H5Anno2df
#' @export 
setGeneric('H5Anno2df', ## Name
		function (x, slotName, namecol=NULL, onlyStrings=FALSE ) { ## Argumente der generischen Funktion
			standardGeneric('H5Anno2df') ## der Aufruf von standardGeneric sorgt für das Dispatching

setMethod('H5Anno2df', signature = c ('H5File'),
		definition = function (x, slotName, namecol=NULL, onlyStrings=FALSE ) {
			obs = data.frame(lapply(names(x[[slotName]]), function(n) { x[[paste(sep="/",slotName,n)]][] } ))
			colnames( obs ) = names(x[[slotName]])
			col_uniq= NULL
			for( n in colnames(obs) ) {
				if ( all(obs[,n] =="") ){
					obs[,n] = NULL
				}else {
					col_uniq = c( col_uniq, length(unique(obs[,n]))) 
			names(col_uniq) = colnames( obs )
			## most likely cell names column
			if ( ! is.na(match(namecol, colnames(obs)) )) {
				rownames(obs) =  forceAbsoluteUniqueSample ( #function definition in file 'as_cellexalvrR.R'
						as.vector(obs[, namecol]) )
			}else {
				## now I need to check for strings...
				OK = unlist(lapply( colnames(obs) , function(id) {
									a= which( is.na(as.numeric(as.vector(obs[,id])))==T) ## Strings only
									if ( length(a) > 0) {
										length(unique(as.vector(obs[a, id])))
									}else {
				names(OK) = colnames(obs)
				# if ( slotName == 'row_attrs'){
				# 	browser()
				# }
				rownames(obs) =  makeNames ( #function definition in file 'as_cellexalvrR.R'
						as.vector(obs[, names(OK)[which(OK == max(OK))[1]]]), unique=T )
			if ( onlyStrings ) {
				for( i in 1:length(col_uniq) ) {
					if ( col_uniq[i] == 0 ){ # all entries convertable to numeric
						obs[,i] = NULL
		} )
stela2502/BioData documentation built on Feb. 23, 2022, 5:47 a.m.