#' Smallest unique protein groups
#' @description For a given vector of protein group names, outputs the names of those protein groups for which none of its member proteins is present in a smaller protein group.
#' @param proteins A vector of characters or factors containing single proteins and/or protein groups (i.e. proteins separated by a separator symbol).
#' @param split The character string that is used to separate the indivudual protein names in each protein group.
#' @return A character vector containing the names of the protein groups for which none of its proteins is present in a smaller protein group.
#' @examples
#' data(pe)
#' smallestUniqueGroups(rowData(pe[["peptide"]])$Proteins)
#' @export
smallestUniqueGroups <- function(proteins,
split = ";") {
b <- strsplit(x = as.character(unique(proteins)), split = split, fixed = TRUE)
included <- vector()
j <- 1
while (length(b) != 0) {
included <- c(
b[vapply(b, length, integer(1)) == j],
function(x) paste(x, collapse = split),
a <- unlist(b[vapply(b, length, integer(1)) == j])
b <- b[vapply(b, length, integer(1)) > j]
if (length(b) != 0) {
sel <- vector()
for (i in seq_len(length(b))) {
sel[i] <- !any(b[[i]] %in% a)
b <- b[sel]
j <- j + 1
included <- unlist(included)
#' Make contrast matrix
#' @description Construct the contrast matrix corresponding to specified contrasts
#' of a set of parameters.
#' @param contrasts character vector specifying contrasts, i.e. the linear combination of the modelparameters that equals to zero.
#' @param parameterNames character vector specifying the model parameters that are involved in the contrasts, e.g if we model data of
#' three conditions using a factor condition with three levels a, b and c then our model will have 3 mean parameters named (Intercept),
#' conditionb and conditionc. Hence the log2 fold change between b and a is conditionb. Under the null hypothesis the log2 fold change
#' equals 0. Which is to be encoded as "conditionb=0". If we would like to test for log2 fold change between condition c and b we assess if
#' the log2 fold change conditionc-conditionb equals 0, encoded as "condtionb-conditionc=0".
#' @examples
#' makeContrast(c("conditionb = 0"),
#' parameterNames = c(
#' "(Intercept)",
#' "conditionb",
#' "conditionc"
#' )
#' )
#' makeContrast(c("conditionc=0"),
#' parameterNames = c("conditionc")
#' )
#' makeContrast(c(
#' "conditionb=0",
#' "conditionc=0",
#' "conditionc-conditionb=0"
#' ),
#' parameterNames = c(
#' "conditionb",
#' "conditionc"
#' )
#' )
#' @return A numeric contrast matrix with rownames that equal the model parameters that are involved in the contrasts
#' @rdname makeContrast
#' @export
makeContrast <- function(contrasts, parameterNames) {
return(t(.chrlinfct2matrix(contrasts, parameterNames)$K))
##### None exported functions from multcomp package is included here to
##### During R and Bioc checks
.chrlinfct2matrix <- function(ex, var) {
if (!is.character(ex)) {
stop("msqrob2:::.chrlinfct2matrix: argument ", sQuote(ex),
" is not of type character",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.character(var)) {
stop("msqrob2:::.chrlinfct2matrix: argument ", sQuote(var),
" is not of type character",
call. = FALSE
K <- matrix(0, nrow = length(ex), ncol = length(var))
colnames(K) <- var
rownames(K) <- seq_along(ex)
m <- rep(0, length(ex))
for (i in seq_len(length(ex))) {
expr <- parse(text = ex[i])
if (length(expr[[1]]) != 3) {
stop("msqrob2:::.chrlinfct2matrix: argument ", sQuote(ex[i]),
" cannot be interpreted as expression",
call. = FALSE
tmp <- .expression2coef(expr, vars = var)
if ("(Intercept)" %in% var) {
tmp$names[tmp$names == "Intercept"] <- "(Intercept)"
if (!all(tmp$names %in% var)) {
stop("msqrob2:::.chrlinfct2matrix: variable(s) ",
paste(sQuote(tmp$names[!tmp$names %in% var]),
collapse = ", "
), " not found",
call. = FALSE
for (n in tmp$names) {
K[i, var == n] <- tmp$coef[tmp$names ==
m[i] <- tmp$m
if (i == 1) {
alternative <- tmp$alternative
else {
if (tmp$alternative != alternative) {
stop("msqrob2:::.chrlinfct2matrix: mix of alternatives currently not implemented",
call. = FALSE
rownames(K)[i] <- paste0(tmp$lhs, collapse = "")
list(K = K, m = m, alternative = alternative)
#' @importFrom codetools walkCode makeCodeWalker
#' @importFrom methods is
.expression2coef <- function(ex, vars, debug = FALSE) {
m.rhs <- .rhs(ex)
m.lhs <- .lhs(ex)
symcoef <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
get_coef_attr <- function(x) {
if (is.symbol(x)) {
get0(as.character(x), envir = symcoef, ifnotfound = NULL)
} else {
attr(x, "coef")
set_coef_attr <- function(x, val) {
if (is.symbol(x)) {
if (is.null(x)) {
rm(as.character(x), envir = symcoef)
} else {
assign(as.character(x), val, envir = symcoef)
else {
attr(x, "coef") <- val
set_coef_attr(m.lhs, 1)
if (debug) {
message(".expression2coef", ": lhs is ", sQuote(paste0(deparse(m.lhs),
collapse = ""
message(".expression2coef", ": rhs is ", sQuote(paste0(deparse(m.rhs),
collapse = ""
effects <- walkCode(m.lhs, makeCodeWalker(handler = function(v,
w) {
if (debug) {
w$trace("handler", v, w)
`-` = w$sub,
`+` = w$add,
`*` = w$mul,
`/` = w$div,
`(` = w$exp,
`:` = w$ita,
}, is.effect <- function(x) {
as.character(x) %in% vars
}, eval = function(v, w) {
if (debug) {
w$trace("eval", v, w)
parms <- c()
for (e in as.list(v)[-1]) {
coef <- 1
if (debug) {
"eval", ": walking ", sQuote(e), " with coef = ",
parms <- c(parms, p <- walkCode(
w$setCoef(e, coef),
if (is.effect(p)) {
"eval", "within ", sQuote(deparse(v)),
", the term ", sQuote(p), " ", "must not denote an effect. Apart from that, ",
"the term must evaluate to a real valued constant"
cparms <- c()
for (e in parms) {
cparms <- c(cparms, parse(text = paste(e, "*", w$getCoef(e))))
if (debug) {
dumped <- lapply(cparms, function(x, w) {
"with coef =", w$getCoef(x)
}, w)
message("eval", ": cparms = ", w$enum(dumped))
res <- try(do.call(as.character(v[[1]]), as.list(cparms)),
silent = TRUE
if (is(res, "try-error")) {
"eval", "the evaluation of the expression ",
sQuote(deparse(v)), " ", "failed with ", dQuote(attr(
if (length(res) != 1 || !is.numeric(res) || !is.finite(res)) {
"eval", "the expression ", sQuote(deparse(v)),
" ", "did not evaluate to a real valued constant. ",
"Result is ", sQuote(res)
res <- w$setCoef(res * w$getCoef(v), 1)
if (debug) {
dumped <- lapply(res, function(x, w) {
x, "with coef =",
}, w)
message("eval", ": res = ", w$enum(dumped))
}, call = function(v, w) {
if (debug) {
w$trace("call", v, w)
"call", "there is probably a syntax error within subexpression",
}, sub = function(v, w) {
if (debug) {
w$trace("sub", v, w)
uminus <- length(as.list(v)) == 2
minuend <- as.list(v)[2]
subtrahend <- as.list(v)[3]
if (debug) {
"sub", ": minuend is ", sQuote(minuend),
", coef = ", w$getCoef(minuend)
"sub", ": subtrahend is ", sQuote(subtrahend),
", coef = ", w$getCoef(subtrahend)
message("sub", ": uminus is ", uminus)
exp.coef <- ifelse(uminus, -w$getCoef(v), w$getCoef(v))
res <- c()
for (e in minuend) {
if (debug) {
"sub", ": walking minuend ", sQuote(e),
", coef = ", exp.coef
res <- c(res, walkCode(w$setCoef(e, exp.coef), w))
if (!uminus) {
for (e in subtrahend) {
if (debug) {
"sub", ": walking subtrahend ", sQuote(e),
", coef = ", -exp.coef
res <- c(res, walkCode(
w$setCoef(e, -exp.coef),
sum <- 0
symbols <- c()
for (e in res) {
if (is.numeric(e)) {
sum <- sum + e
} else {
symbols <- c(symbols, e)
if (length(dups <- symbols[duplicated(symbols)])) {
"sub", "multiple occurence of ", w$enum(dups),
" ", "found within expression ", sQuote(deparse(v))
if (length(symbols) == 0) {
return(w$setCoef(sum, 1))
if (sum) {
"sub", "forming a difference between a constant and ",
"an effect as in ", sQuote(deparse(v)), " ",
"is not supported"
}, ita = function(v, w) {
if (debug) {
w$trace("ita", v, w)
tmp <- deparse(v)
prefix <- gsub("^([+-]*)(.*)", "\\1", tmp)
name <- gsub("^([+-]*)(.*)", "\\2", tmp)
sign <- 1
if (prefix != "") {
for (x in base::unlist(base::strsplit(prefix, ""))) {
sign <- sign * switch(x,
`-` = -1,
`+` = 1,
"strange character ", sQuote(x), " seen in ",
res <- w$setCoef(as.name(name), sign * w$getCoef(v))
if (debug) {
dumped <- lapply(res, function(x, w) {
x, "with coef =",
}, w)
message("ita", ": res = ", w$enum(dumped))
}, exp = function(v, w) {
if (debug) {
w$trace("exp", v, w)
res <- c()
for (e in as.list(v)[-1]) {
res <- c(res, walkCode(w$setCoef(e, 1), w))
symbols <- c()
for (e in res) {
symbols <- c(symbols, w$setCoef(e, w$getCoef(e) *
if (debug) {
dumped <- lapply(symbols, function(x, w) {
"with coef =", w$getCoef(x)
}, w)
message("exp", ": res = ", w$enum(dumped))
}, add = function(v, w) {
if (debug) {
w$trace("add", v, w)
res <- c()
for (e in as.list(v)[-1]) {
res <- c(res, walkCode(w$setCoef(e, 1), w))
symbols <- c()
sum <- 0
for (e in res) {
if (is.numeric(e)) {
sum <- sum + e
} else {
symbols <- c(symbols, e)
if (length(symbols) == 0) {
return(w$setCoef(sum * w$getCoef(v), 1))
if (length(dups <- symbols[duplicated(symbols)]) != 0) {
"add", "multiple occurence of ", w$enum(dups),
" ", "within subexpression ", sQuote(deparse(v))
if (sum) {
"add", "adding up a constant and an effect ",
"as in ", sQuote(deparse(v)), " is not supported"
res <- c()
for (e in symbols) {
res <- c(res, w$setCoef(e, w$getCoef(e) * w$getCoef(v)))
}, mul = function(v, w) {
if (debug) {
w$trace("mul", v, w)
res <- c()
for (e in as.list(v)[-1]) {
res <- c(res, walkCode(w$setCoef(e, 1), w))
product <- 1
symbols <- c()
for (r in res) {
if (is.numeric(r)) {
product <- product * r
} else {
symbols <- c(symbols, r)
if (product == 0 && length(symbols)) {
"mul", "The constant part of the expression ",
sQuote(deparse(v)), " ", "evaluates to zero. This would zero out the effect(s) ",
product <- product * w$getCoef(v)
if (length(symbols) == 0) {
return(w$setCoef(product, 1))
if (length(symbols) > 1 && all(unlist(lapply(res, is.symbol)))) {
"mul", "the multiplication of effects ",
w$enum(symbols), " ", "as in ", sQuote(deparse(v)),
" is not supported"
res <- c()
for (s in symbols) {
res <- c(res, w$setCoef(s, w$getCoef(s) * product))
if (debug) {
dumped <- lapply(res, function(x, w) {
x, "with coef =",
}, w)
message("mul", ": res = ", w$enum(dumped))
}, div = function(v, w) {
if (debug) {
w$trace("div", v, w)
if ((lv <- length(v)) != 3) {
"div", "internal error: length of language object ",
sQuote(v), " ", "is not 3, but ", lv, ". Please file a bug report"
dividend <- c()
for (e in as.list(v)[2]) {
dividend <- c(dividend, walkCode(
w$setCoef(e, 1),
divisor <- c()
for (e in as.list(v)[3]) {
divisor <- c(divisor, walkCode(w$setCoef(e, 1), w))
if (length(divisor) != 1) {
"div", "can't divide by ", sQuote(divisor),
" in ", sQuote(deparse(v))
if (any(unlist(lapply(divisor, is.effect)))) {
"div", "cant't divide by effect ", sQuote(divisor),
" in ", sQuote(deparse(v))
if (any(unlist(lapply(divisor, is.symbol)))) {
"div", "cant't divide by symbol ", sQuote(divisor),
" in ", sQuote(deparse(v))
divisor <- as.numeric(divisor)
if (!is.finite(divisor) || divisor == 0) {
"div", "can't divide by ", sQuote(divisor),
" in ", sQuote(deparse(v))
res <- c()
for (s in dividend) {
if (is.numeric(s)) {
res <- c(res, s * w$getCoef(v) / divisor)
else {
res <- c(res, w$setCoef(s, w$getCoef(s) * w$getCoef(v) / divisor))
if (debug) {
message("div", ": dividend = ", w$enum(dividend))
message("div", ": divisor = ", w$enum(divisor))
message("div", ": res = ", w$enum(res))
}, leaf = function(e, w) {
if (debug) {
w$trace("leaf", e, w)
if (is.numeric(e)) {
return(w$setCoef(e * w$getCoef(e), 1))
}, getCoef = function(e) {
a <- get_coef_attr(e)
ifelse(is.null(a), 1, a)
}, setCoef = function(e, coef) {
set_coef_attr(e, coef)
}, enum = function(x) {
paste0("'", x, "'", collapse = ", ")
}, fatal = function(name, ...) {
name, ": ", ...,
call. = FALSE
}, trace = function(fn, v, w) {
fn, ": v = ", sQuote(v), ", mode = ", mode(v),
", typeof = ", typeof(v), ", length = ", length(v),
", coef = ", w$getCoef(v)
if (any(idx <- is.numeric(effects))) {
stop("msqrob2:::.expression2coef: The lhs expression ",
sQuote(deparse(m.lhs)), " ", "contains a numeric offset term evaluating to ",
paste0(effects[idx], collapse = ", "), ". ", "This is either an internal flaw or a misspecification from your part. ",
"If so, please pull these offsets to the right-hand side of the equation",
call. = FALSE
effect.names <- c()
effect.coefs <- c()
for (effect in c(effects)) {
effect.names <- c(effect.names, as.character(effect))
effect.coefs <- c(effect.coefs, get_coef_attr(effect))
coef = effect.coefs, names = effect.names, m = m.rhs,
alternative = .side(ex), lhs = deparse(m.lhs, width.cutoff = 500)
.rhs <- function(ex) {
if (length(ex) != 1) {
stop("msqrob2:::.rhs: expression is not of length 1",
call. = FALSE
if (length(ex[[1]][[3]]) == 2) {
rhs <- ex[[1]][[3]]
if (!.is_num(rhs) || length(rhs) > 1) {
stop("msqrob2:::.rhs: right hand side of expression ",
sQuote(ex), " is not a scalar numeric",
call. = FALSE
.lhs <- function(ex) {
if (length(ex) != 1) {
stop("msqrob2:::.lhs: expression is not of length 1",
call. = FALSE
if (length(ex[[1]]) != 3) {
stop("msqrob2:::.lhs: expression ", sQuote(ex), " does not contain a left and right hand side",
call. = FALSE
.is_num <- function(x) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
if (length(x) == 2) {
return(is.name(x[[1]]) && is.numeric(x[[2]]))
.side <- function(ex) {
side <- .as.char(ex[[1]][[1]])
if (!(side %in% c("<=", ">=", "==", "="))) {
stop("msqrob2:::side: does not contain ", sQuote("<=, >=, =="),
call. = FALSE
alternative <- switch(side,
`<=` = "greater",
`>=` = "less",
`==` = "two.sided",
`=` = "two.sided"
.as.char <- function(ex) {
if (length(ex) == 1) {
if (length(ex) == 3 && ex[[1]] == ":") {
return(paste(.as.char(ex[[2]]), ":", .as.char(ex[[3]]),
sep = ""
"msqrob2:::.as.char: Failed to convert expression ",
ex, " to character"
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