fitFDist_LG <- function(x, df1, covariate=NULL, min_df=1)
# Moment estimation of the parameters of a scaled F-distribution.
# The numerator degrees of freedom are given, the denominator is to be estimated.
# Gordon Smyth and Belinda Phipson
# 8 Sept 2002. Last revised 25 Jan 2017.
# Check x
n <- length(x)
if(n <= 1L) return(list(scale=NA,df2=NA))
# Check df1
ok <- is.finite(df1) & df1 > min_df #1e-15
if(length(df1)==1L) {
if(!ok) {
} else {
ok <- rep_len(TRUE,n)
} else {
if(length(df1) != n) stop("x and df1 have different lengths")
# Check covariate
if(is.null(covariate)) {
splinedf <- 1L
} else {
if(length(covariate) != n) stop("x and covariate must be of same length")
if(anyNA(covariate)) stop("NA covariate values not allowed")
isfin <- is.finite(covariate)
if(!all(isfin)) {
if(any(isfin)) {
r <- range(covariate[isfin])
covariate[covariate == -Inf] <- r[1]-1
covariate[covariate == Inf] <- r[2]+1
} else {
covariate <- sign(covariate)
splinedf <- min(4L,length(unique(covariate)))
# If covariate takes only one value, recall with NULL covariate
if(splinedf < 2L) {
out <- Recall(x=x,df1=df1)
out$scale <- rep_len(out$scale,n)
# Remove missing or infinite values and zero degrees of freedom
ok <- ok & is.finite(x) & (x > -1e-15)
nok <- sum(ok)
notallok <- !all(ok)
if(notallok) {
x <- x[ok]
if(length(df1)>1L) df1 <- df1[ok]
if(!is.null(covariate)) {
covariate.notok <- covariate[!ok]
covariate <- covariate[ok]
# Check whether enough observations to estimate variance around trend
if(nok <= splinedf) {
s20 <- NA
if(!is.null(covariate)) s20 <- rep_len(s20,n)
# Avoid exactly zero values
x <- pmax(x,0)
m <- median(x)
if(m==0) {
warning("More than half of residual variances are exactly zero: eBayes unreliable")
m <- 1
} else {
if(any(x==0)) warning("Zero sample variances detected, have been offset",call.=FALSE)
x <- pmax(x, 1e-5 * m)
# Better to work on with log(F)
z <- log(x)
e <- z-digamma(df1/2)+log(df1/2)
if(is.null(covariate)) {
emean <- mean(e)
evar <- sum((e-emean)^2)/(nok-1L) # equals evar <- var(e) if emean=mean(e)
} else {
if(!requireNamespace("splines",quietly=TRUE)) stop("splines package required but is not available")
design <- try(splines::ns(covariate,df=splinedf,intercept=TRUE),silent=TRUE)
if(is(design,"try-error")) stop("Problem with covariate")
fit <-,e)
if(notallok) {
design2 <- predict(design,newx=covariate.notok)
emean <- rep_len(0,n)
emean[ok] <- fit$fitted
emean[!ok] <- design2 %*% fit$coefficients
} else {
emean <- fit$fitted
evar <- mean(fit$effects[-(1:fit$rank)]^2)
#MSqRob added: avoid NaN in evar
if(n==1) evar <- 0
evar <- evar - mean(trigamma(df1/2))
if(evar > 0) {
df2 <- 2*limma::trigammaInverse(evar)
s20 <- exp(emean+digamma(df2/2)-log(df2/2))
} else {
df2 <- Inf
# Use simple pooled variance, which is MLE of the scale in this case.
# Versions of limma before Jan 2017 returned the limiting value of the evar>0 estimate, which is larger.
s20 <- mean(x)
s20 <- exp(emean)
#Just adapted to use fitFDist_LG internally instead of fitFDist
fitFDistRobustly_LG <- function(x, df1, covariate=NULL, winsor.tail.p=c(0.05,0.1), trace=FALSE, min_df=1)
# Robust estimation of the parameters of a scaled F-distribution,
# given the first degrees of freedom, using first and second
# moments of Winsorized z-values
# Gordon Smyth and Belinda Phipson
# Created 7 Oct 2012. Last revised 25 November 2016.
# Check x
n <- length(x)
# Eliminate cases of no useful data
if(n<2) return(list(scale=NA,df2=NA,df2.shrunk=NA))
if(n==2) return(fitFDist_LG(x=x,df1=df1,covariate=covariate,min_df=min_df)) #fitFDist_LG instead of fitFDist
# Check df1
if(all(length(df1) != c(1,n))) stop("x and df1 are different lengths")
# Check covariate
if(!is.null(covariate)) {
if(length(covariate) != n) stop("x and covariate are different lengths")
if(!all(is.finite(covariate))) stop("covariate contains NA or infinite values")
# Treat zero df1 values as non-informative cases
# Similarly for missing values or x or df1
ok <- ! & is.finite(df1) & (df1 > min_df) #min_df instead of 1e-6
notallok <- !all(ok)
if(notallok) {
df2.shrunk <- x
x <- x[ok]
if(length(df1)>1) df1 <- df1[ok]
if(!is.null(covariate)) {
covariate2 <- covariate[!ok]
covariate <- covariate[ok]
fit <- Recall(x=x,df1=df1,covariate=covariate,winsor.tail.p=winsor.tail.p,trace=trace)
df2.shrunk[ok] <- fit$df2.shrunk
df2.shrunk[!ok] <- fit$df2
scale <- fit$scale
else {
scale <- x
scale[ok] <- fit$scale
scale[!ok] <- exp(approx(covariate,log(fit$scale),xout=covariate2,rule=2)$y)
# Avoid zero or negative x values
m <- median(x)
if(m<=0) stop("x values are mostly <= 0")
i <- (x < m*1e-12)
if(any(i)) {
nzero <- sum(i)
warning("One very small variance detected, has been offset away from zero", call.=FALSE)
warning(nzero," very small variances detected, have been offset away from zero", call.=FALSE)
x[i] <- m*1e-12
# Store non-robust estimates
NonRobust <- fitFDist_LG(x=x,df1=df1,covariate=covariate,min_df=min_df) #fitFDist_LG instead of fitFDist
# Check winsor.tail.p
prob <- winsor.tail.p <- rep(winsor.tail.p,length=2)
prob[2] <- 1-winsor.tail.p[2]
if(all(winsor.tail.p < 1/n)) {
NonRobust$df2.shrunk <-$df2,n)
# Transform x to constant df1
if(length(df1)>1) {
df1max <- max(df1)
i <- (df1 < (df1max - 1e-14))
if(any(i)) {
if(is.null(covariate)) s <- NonRobust$scale else s <- NonRobust$scale[i]
f <- x[i]/s
df2 <- NonRobust$df2
pupper <- pf(f,df1=df1[i],df2=df2,lower.tail=FALSE,log.p=TRUE)
plower <- pf(f,df1=df1[i],df2=df2,lower.tail=TRUE,log.p=TRUE)
up <- pupper<plower
if(any(up)) f[up] <- qf(pupper[up],df1=df1max,df2=df2,lower.tail=FALSE,log.p=TRUE)
if(any(!up)) f[!up] <- qf(plower[!up],df1=df1max,df2=df2,lower.tail=TRUE,log.p=TRUE)
x[i] <- f*s
df1 <- df1max
} else {
df1 <- df1[1]
# Better to work with log(F)
z <- log(x)
# Demean or Detrend
if(is.null(covariate)) {
ztrend <- mean(z,trim=winsor.tail.p[2])
zresid <- z-ztrend
} else {
lo <- loessFit(z,covariate,span=0.4)
ztrend <- lo$fitted
zresid <- lo$residual
# Moments of Winsorized residuals
zrq <- quantile(zresid,prob=prob)
zwins <- pmin(pmax(zresid,zrq[1]),zrq[2])
# !!! Changed to make it more robust (mainly variance was a problem!)
#zwmean <- mean(zwins) #median(zwins)==median(zresid)
zwmean <- median(zwins)
#zwvar <- mean((zwins-zwmean)^2)*n/(n-1) #mad(zwins)==mad(zresid)
zwvar <- mad(zwins)
if(trace) cat("Variance of Winsorized Fisher-z",zwvar,"\n")
# Theoretical Winsorized moments
if(!requireNamespace("statmod",quietly=TRUE)) stop("statmod package required but is not installed")
g <- statmod::gauss.quad.prob(128,dist="uniform")
linkfun <- function(x) x/(1+x)
linkinv <- function(x) x/(1-x)
winsorizedMoments <- function(df1=df1,df2=df2,winsor.tail.p=winsor.tail.p) {
fq <- qf(p=c(winsor.tail.p[1],1-winsor.tail.p[2]),df1=df1,df2=df2)
zq <- log(fq)
q <- linkfun(fq)
nodes <- q[1] + (q[2]-q[1]) * g$nodes
fnodes <- linkinv(nodes)
znodes <- log(fnodes)
f <- df(fnodes,df1=df1,df2=df2)/(1-nodes)^2
q21 <- q[2]-q[1]
m <- q21*sum(g$weights*f*znodes) + sum(zq * winsor.tail.p)
v <- q21*sum(g$weights*f*(znodes-m)^2) + sum((zq-m)^2 * winsor.tail.p)
# Try df2==Inf
mom <- winsorizedMoments(df1=df1,df2=Inf,winsor.tail.p=winsor.tail.p)
funvalInf <- log(zwvar/mom$var)
if(funvalInf <= 0) {
df2 <- Inf
# Correct trend for bias
ztrendcorrected <- ztrend+zwmean-mom$mean
s20 <- exp(ztrendcorrected)
# Posterior df for outliers
Fstat <- exp(z-ztrendcorrected)
TailP <- pchisq(Fstat*df1,df=df1,lower.tail=FALSE)
r <- rank(Fstat)
EmpiricalTailProb <- (n-r+0.5)/n
ProbNotOutlier <- pmin(TailP/EmpiricalTailProb,1)
df.pooled <- n*df1
df2.shrunk <-,n)
O <- ProbNotOutlier < 1
if(any(O)) {
df2.shrunk[O] <- ProbNotOutlier[O]*df.pooled
o <- order(TailP)
df2.shrunk[o] <- cummax(df2.shrunk[o])
# Estimate df2 by matching variance of zwins
# Use beta distribution Gaussian quadrature to find mean and variance
# of Winsorized F-distribution
fun <- function(x) {
df2 <- linkinv(x)
mom <- winsorizedMoments(df1=df1,df2=df2,winsor.tail.p=winsor.tail.p)
if(trace) cat("df2=",df2,", Working Var=",mom$var,"\n")
# Use non-robust estimate as lower bound for df2
if(NonRobust$df2==Inf) {
NonRobust$df2.shrunk <-$df2,n)
rbx <- linkfun(NonRobust$df2)
funvalLow <- fun(rbx)
if(funvalLow >= 0) {
df2 <- NonRobust$df2
} else {
u <- uniroot(fun,interval=c(rbx,1),tol=1e-8,f.lower=funvalLow,f.upper=funvalInf)
df2 <- linkinv(u$root)
# Correct ztrend for bias
mom <- winsorizedMoments(df1=df1,df2=df2,winsor.tail.p=winsor.tail.p)
ztrendcorrected <- ztrend+zwmean-mom$mean
s20 <- exp(ztrendcorrected)
# Posterior df for outliers
zresid <- z-ztrendcorrected
Fstat <- exp(zresid)
LogTailP <- pf(Fstat,df1=df1,df2=df2,lower.tail=FALSE,log.p=TRUE)
TailP <- exp(LogTailP)
r <- rank(Fstat)
LogEmpiricalTailProb <- log(n-r+0.5)-log(n)
LogProbNotOutlier <- pmin(LogTailP-LogEmpiricalTailProb,0)
ProbNotOutlier <- exp(LogProbNotOutlier)
ProbOutlier <- -expm1(LogProbNotOutlier)
if(any(ProbNotOutlier<1)) {
o <- order(TailP)
# Old calculation for df2.outlier
# VarOutlier <- max(zresid)^2
# VarOutlier <- VarOutlier-trigamma(df1/2)
# if(trace) cat("VarOutlier",VarOutlier,"\n")
# if(VarOutlier > 0) {
# df2.outlier.old <- 2*trigammaInverse(VarOutlier)
# if(trace) cat("df2.outlier.old",df2.outlier.old,"\n")
# if(df2.outlier.old < df2) {
# df2.shrunk.old <- ProbNotOutlier*df2+ProbOutlier*df2.outlier.old
# Make df2.shrunk.old monotonic in TailP
# df2.ordered <- df2.shrunk.old[o]
# df2.ordered[1] <- min(df2.ordered[1],NonRobust$df2)
# m <- cumsum(df2.ordered)
# m <- m/(1:n)
# imin <- which.min(m)
# df2.ordered[1:imin] <- m[imin]
# df2.shrunk.old[o] <- cummax(df2.ordered)
# }
# }
# New calculation for df2.outlier
# Find df2.outlier to make maxFstat the median of the distribution
# Exploit fact that log(TailP) is nearly linearly with positive 2nd deriv as a function of df2
# Note that minTailP and NewTailP are always less than 0.5
minLogTailP <- min(LogTailP)
if(minLogTailP == -Inf) {
df2.outlier <- 0
df2.shrunk <- ProbNotOutlier*df2
} else {
df2.outlier <- log(0.5)/minLogTailP*df2
# Iterate for accuracy
NewLogTailP <- pf(max(Fstat),df1=df1,df2=df2.outlier,lower.tail=FALSE,log.p=TRUE)
df2.outlier <- log(0.5)/NewLogTailP*df2.outlier
df2.shrunk <- ProbNotOutlier*df2+ProbOutlier*df2.outlier
# Force df2.shrunk to be monotonic in TailP
o <- order(LogTailP)
df2.ordered <- df2.shrunk[o]
m <- cumsum(df2.ordered)
m <- m/(1:n)
imin <- which.min(m)
df2.ordered[1:imin] <- m[imin]
df2.shrunk[o] <- cummax(df2.ordered)
# Use isoreg() instead. This gives similar results.
# df2.shrunk.iso <-,n)
# o <- o[1:(n/2)]
# df2.shrunk.iso[o] <- ProbNotOutlier[o]*df2+ProbOutlier[o]*df2.outlier
# df2.shrunk.iso[o] <- isoreg(TailP[o],df2.shrunk.iso[o])$yf
} else {
df2.outlier <- df2.outlier2 <- df2
df2.shrunk2 <- df2.shrunk <-,n)
.squeezeVarRob <- function(var, df, var.prior, df.prior){
# Squeeze posterior variances given hyperparameters
# NAs not allowed in df.prior
# Gordon Smyth
# Created 5 May 2016
n <- length(var)
isfin <- is.finite(df.prior)
if(all(isfin)) return( (df*var + df.prior*var.prior) / (df+df.prior) )
# From here, at least some df.prior are infinite
# For infinite df.prior, return var.prior
if(length(var.prior) == n) { <- var.prior
} else { <- rep_len(var.prior, length.out=n)
# Maybe some df.prior are finite
if(any(isfin)) {
i <- which(isfin)
if(length(df)>1) df <- df[i]
df.prior <- df.prior[i][i] <- (df*var[i] + df.prior*[i]) / (df+df.prior)
#' Robustly Squeeze Sample Variances
#' @description This function squeezes a set of sample variances together by computing empirical Bayes posterior means in a way that is robust against the presence of very small non-integer degrees of freedom values.
#' @param var A numeric vector of independent sample variances.
#' @param df A numeric vector of degrees of freedom for the sample variances.
#' @param covariate If \code{non-NULL}, \code{var.prior} will depend on this numeric covariate. Otherwise, \code{var.prior} is constant.
#' @param robust A logical indicating wheter the estimation of \code{df.prior} and \code{var.prior} should be robustified against outlier sample variances. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param winsor.tail.p A numeric vector of length 1 or 2, giving left and right tail proportions of \code{x} to Winsorize. Used only when \code{robust=TRUE}.
#' @param k A numeric value indicating that the calculation of the robust squeezed variances should Winsorize at \code{k} standard deviations.
#' @param min_df A numeric value indicating the minimal degrees of freedom that will be taken into account for calculating the prior degrees of freedom and prior variance.
#' @return A list with components:
#' \code{} A numeric vector of posterior variances.
#' \code{var.prior} The location of prior distribution. A vector if \code{covariate} is non-\code{NULL}, otherwise a scalar.
#' \code{df.prior} The degrees of freedom of prior distribution. A vector if \code{robust=TRUE}, otherwise a scalar.
#' @export
squeezeVarRob <- function(var, df, covariate=NULL, robust=FALSE, winsor.tail.p=c(0.05,0.1), min_df=1)
# Empirical Bayes posterior variances
# Adapted from Gordon Smyth
# Based on version created 2 March 2004. Last modified 5 May 2016.
n <- length(var)
# Degenerate special case
if(n == 0) stop("var is empty")
#if(n == 1) return(list(,var.prior=var,df.prior=0)) -> removed by MSqRob!!!, we want the same results if we have only one observation!
#If there is only one variance that is not NA: we want the same results if we have only one observation!
if(sum(! == 1){
#df[!] <- 0
# Removed: "when df==0, guard against missing or infinite values in var": we want to keep NA at NA and Inf at Inf!
# if(length(df)>1) var[df==0] <- 0
#Addition: if only one df is given, repeat it!
if(length(df)==1) {
df <-,n)
} else {
if(length(df) != n) stop("lengths differ")
# Estimate prior var and df
if(robust) {
fit <- fitFDistRobustly_LG(var, df1=df, covariate=covariate, winsor.tail.p=winsor.tail.p, min_df=min_df)
df.prior <- fit$df2.shrunk
} else {
fit <- fitFDist_LG(var, df1=df, covariate=covariate, min_df=min_df)
df.prior <- fit$df2
# if(anyNA(df.prior)) stop("Could not estimate prior df") -> we want NA's to stay where they are!
# Posterior variances <- .squeezeVarRob(var=var, df=df, var.prior=fit$scale, df.prior=df.prior)
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