#' Functions:
#' - .findDBFiles
#' - .missingFileCheck
#' - .setExpiryParameters
#' - .DBNames
#' - .checkDBNames
#' - .checkDBFile
#' - .noDBFile
#' - .oldDBFile
#' - .DBFileExists
#' - .getDBFile
#' - .createCustomDBFile
#' - .getFurtherDBInfo
#' Find database files
#' @param path Path to search within
#' @return A list with paths to database files
#' @keywords internal
.findDBFiles <- function(path){
sra_file <- .DBNames()[1]
sra_file <- "SRAmetadb.sqlite"
geo_file <- .DBNames()[2]
srr_gsm_file <- .DBNames()[3]
sra_file_name <- sra_file
geo_file_name <- geo_file
srr_gsm_file_name <- srr_gsm_file
# Checking files and searching within the directory####
# NOTE: will be re-checked again later, this is for expanding search
# and communicating to the user
.mm(paste0("Searching for database files within: "), "comm")
.mm(path, "qn")
var_list <- c("sra_file", "geo_file", "srr_gsm_file")
for (i in seq_along(var_list)){
match_files <- .findFiles(path, paste0("(^|*)", get(var_list[i])))
# If length = 0, do nothing
if (length(match_files) == 1){
# Normalize path before saving, (only when matched)
match_files <- normalizePath(match_files)
.mm(paste0("Found ", get(paste0(var_list[i], "_name")),
" file:\n", match_files), "comm")
assign(var_list[i], match_files) # Substitute the path
} else if (length(match_files > 1)){
for (k in seq_along(match_files)){
match_files[k] <- normalizePath(match_files[k])
.mm(paste0("Found multiple matching files. ",
"Which one would you like to use?"), "qn")
# Let the user choose the file
file_choice <- utils::menu(match_files)
assign(var_list[i], match_files[file_choice])
file_paths <- list(sra_file=sra_file,
#file_paths <- c(sra_file, geo_file, srr_gsm_file)
#' Find database files
#' @param path Path to search within
#' @return A vector with paths to database files
#' @keywords internal
.findDBFiles_Ori <- function(path){
ori_wd <- getwd()
sra_file <- "SRAmetadb.sqlite"
geo_file <- "GEOmetadb.sqlite"
srr_gsm_file <- "SRR_GSM.sqlite"
sra_file_name <- sra_file
geo_file_name <- geo_file
srr_gsm_file_name <- srr_gsm_file
# Checking files and searching within the directory####
# NOTE: will be re-checked again later, this is for expanding search
# and communicating to the user
.mm(paste0("Searching for database files within: "), "comm")
.mm(getwd(), "qn")
var_list <- c("sra_file", "geo_file", "srr_gsm_file")
for (i in seq_along(var_list)){
match_files <- .findFiles(paste0("(^|*)", get(var_list[i])))
# If length = 0, do nothing
if (length(match_files) == 1){
.mm(paste0("Found ", get(paste0(var_list[i], "_name")),
" file:\n", match_files), "comm")
assign(var_list[i], match_files) # Substitute the path
} else if (length(match_files > 1)){
.mm(paste0("Found multiple matching files. ",
"Which one would you like to use?"), "qn")
# Let the user choose the file
file_choice <- utils::menu(match_files)
assign(var_list[i], match_files[file_choice])
file_list <- list(sra_file=sra_file,
#' Check for missing files
#' @param sra_file Path to SRA file
#' @param geo_file Path to GEO file
#' @param srr_gsm_file Path to SRR_GSM file
#' @return A logical vector length 3 indicating whether the respective
#' files are present (in order as above). Also prints a relevant message
#' to the user
#' @keywords internal
.missingFileCheck <- function(file_paths){
# Repeat missing check after extended search done
#missing_logical <- !file.exists(file_paths)
missing_logical <- c(!file.exists(file_paths[1]),
# Get a vector with names of missing files (in *.sqlite format)
missing_files <- .DBNames()
missing_files <- missing_files[missing_logical]
if (sum(missing_logical)==3){
# ALL missing
.mm(paste0("The required files could not be found (",
paste0(missing_files, collapse = ", "), ")"), "comm")
} else if (sum(missing_logical) > 0){
# SOME missing
.mm(paste0("Some of the required files could not be found (",
paste0(missing_files, collapse = ", "), ")"), "comm")
} else if (sum(missing_logical) == 0){
# NONE missing
.mm("Successfully found all database files", "comm")
# General message for (any number of) missing files
.mm(paste0("You will shortly be prompted to download/generate ",
"the missing files"), "comm")
.mm(cli::rule(), "comm")
#.mm("NOTE:", "qn")
.mm(paste0("NOTE: The total size of all the files ",
"is on the order of a few GB (compressed)\n",
"requiring a few dozen GBs disc space after extraction \n",
"(these numbers may change as the databases ",
"keep growing)"), "comm")
#.mm(cli::rule(), "comm")
#' Set expiry parameters
#' @param general_expiry Maximum number of days since database
#' file modification
#' @param sra_expiry,geo_expiry,srr_gsm_expiry Maximum number of days since
#' modification of respective database files
#' @param missing_file_number Number of missing files
#' @return Expiry parameters
#' Sets expiry parameters for three respective databases, according to the
#' logic that specific parameters should be used where possible and for missing
#' parameters general_expiry will be used (i.e. if all arguments are provided,
#' general_expiry will be ignored).
#' Also checks whether the expiry parameters are numeric and returns
#' appropriate errors or warnings.
#' @keywords internal
.setExpiryParameters <- function(general_expiry,
# Logic:
# Use specific parameters (sra, geo, srr_gsm) if available.
# If not, use the expiry date from general_expiry
if ((!is.null(general_expiry))&
warning(paste0("general_expiry argument will be ignored, since all ",
"the individual expiry dates have been provided"))
if (is.null(sra_expiry)){
sra_expiry <- general_expiry
if (is.null(geo_expiry)){
geo_expiry <- general_expiry
if (is.null(srr_gsm_expiry)){
srr_gsm_expiry <- general_expiry
if ( !(is.numeric(general_expiry)) |
!(is.numeric(sra_expiry)) |
!(is.numeric(geo_expiry)) |
!(is.numeric(srr_gsm_expiry)) ){
stop("Expiry parameters must be numeric")
# Only communicate the expiry dates if there are some files present
if (missing_file_number<3){
.mm(cli::rule(), "comm")
.mm(paste0("Reminders for outdated database files will occur ",
"once files are older than XX days:"), "comm")
#.mm(paste0("Using the following expiry dates for databases \n",
# "(max. number of days since file creation date):"), "comm")
.mm(paste0("SRA: ", sra_expiry, " days"), "qn")
.mm(paste0("GEO: ", geo_expiry, " days"), "qn")
.mm(paste0("SRR_GSM: ", srr_gsm_expiry, " days"), "qn")
expiry_parameters <- list(sra_expiry=sra_expiry,
.DBNames <- function(){
.checkDBNames <- function(db_file_name){
db_file_name <- match.arg(db_file_name, .DBNames())
#' Check and ensure that the DB file is in place
#' @param path Path for storing database files (as passed to startSpiderSeqR())
#' @param db_file Path to the database file
#' @param db_file_name File name (without the path)
#' @param db_expiry Maximum number of days since file was modified
#' @return Nothing. If the file doesn't exist or is out of date, offer to
#' download/create it. Otherwise, print information about the file.
.checkDBFile <- function(path, db_file, db_file_name, db_expiry){
if(!file.exists(db_file)){ # NO FILE
.noDBFile(path, db_file_name)
if(file.exists(db_file) &
file.info(db_file)$mtime, units = "days") > db_expiry) ){
.oldDBFile(path, db_file_name, db_file)
} else if(file.exists(db_file)) {
.DBFileExists(db_file_name, db_file)
#' Course of action to follow if a db file is missing
#' @param path Path for storing database files
#' @param db_file_name A character with the db_file_name (SRAmetadb.sqlite,
#' GEOmetadb.sqlite or SRR_GSM.sqlite)
#' @return Nothing. Offer to download/create the file, otherwise return error.
#' @keywords internal
.noDBFile <- function(path, db_file_name){
db_file_name <- .checkDBNames(db_file_name)
.mm(paste0("The file ",
" was not found in the specified directories"),
if (db_file_name %in% .DBNames()[1:2]){
.mm("Would you like to download the file now?", "qn")
} else {
.mm(paste0("Would you like to create a cutstom database for ",
"converting between GEO and SRA? "), "qn")
.mm(paste0("This might take a little while, but it is ",
"necessary for the correct functioning \nof the package."), "comm")
file_menu <- .tmenu(c("yes", "no"), menu_name = "download_file")
if (file_menu == 1){
.mm("Downloading the file", "comm")
.getDBFile(path=path, db_file_name=db_file_name)
} else {
" file is necessary for the functioning of the package"))
.oldDBFile <- function(path, db_file_name, db_file){
db_file_name <- .checkDBNames(db_file_name)
.mm(paste0("The file ", db_file_name, " is out of date"), "qn")
.mm(paste0("Last modified: ", file.info(db_file)$mtime), "comm")
.mm(paste0("Would you like to download a new version of the file ",
"right now?\n(this is recommended, though not necessary)"), "qn")
db_menu <- .tmenu(c("yes", "no"), menu_name = "download_file")
if (db_menu == 1){
.mm("Downloading the file", "comm")
.getDBFile(path=path, db_file_name=db_file_name)
} else {
if (db_file_name %in% .DBNames()[1:2]){
"Next time please consider downloading a new version of ",
db_file_name, " file"), "adverse")
} else {
.mm(paste0("Next time please consider re-creating the ",
srr_gsm_file, " file"), "adverse")
.DBFileExists <- function(db_file_name, db_file){
db_file_name <- .checkDBNames(db_file_name)
.mm(paste0("The file ", db_file_name, " is up to date"), "comm")
.mm(paste0("Last modified: ", file.info(db_file)$mtime), "comm")
.getDBFile <- function(path, db_file_name){
db_file_name <- .checkDBNames(db_file_name)
ori_path <- getwd()
if (isTRUE(getSpiderSeqROption("testing"))){
# MOCK FILES (for testing)
if (db_file_name == .DBNames()[1]){
if (db_file_name == .DBNames()[2]){
if (db_file_name == .DBNames()[3]){
} else {
if (db_file_name == .DBNames()[1]){
sra_file <- try(SRAdb::getSRAdbFile(), silent=TRUE)
if (db_file_name == .DBNames()[2]){
geo_gz_file <- GEOmetadb::getSQLiteFile(destfile =
if (db_file_name == .DBNames()[3]){
stop("Not working yet")
.createCustomDBFile(sra_file, geo_file)
db_file <- list.files(path=getwd(),
pattern=paste0("^", db_file_name, "$"),
full.names = TRUE)
#===*=== Display message here:
.mm(paste0("New file created: ", db_file), "comm")
#' -------------------------------------------------------
#' ===*====
#' Suggested names:
#' createMockSRA
#' createMOckGEO
#' createMockCustomDB
#' Course of action
#' - fetch the tables from the environment
#' - set up the database connection into the relevant file (?path)
#' - write the tables into the database
#' - close the connection
#' - make sure that the directory is changed back to original
#' Options:
#' - everything in one function per DB
#' - split into db specific part and writing dfs into the database
#' .createDBFile
#' - df
#' - name
#' - database file name
#' - path to database file name
#' - path to file
#' - (file known)
#' - (tables known)
#' Create a mock SRA database file (for use in testing)
#' @param path A character with the path to the directory for the database file
#' @return Nothing. Creates the database file (unless already present)
#' and writes relevant tables.
#' @keywords internal
.createMockSRA <- function(path){
.writeTableToFile(df=sra_demo, table_name="sra", path=path,
.writeTableToFile(df=sra_metadata, table_name="metaInfo", path=path,
#' Create a mock GEO database file (for use in testing)
#' @param path A character with the path to the directory for the database file
#' @return Nothing. Creates the database file (unless already present)
#' and writes relevant tables.
#' @keywords internal
.createMockGEO <- function(path){
.writeTableToFile(df=gsm_demo, table_name="gsm", path=path,
.writeTableToFile(df=gse_demo, table_name="gse", path=path,
.writeTableToFile(df=geo_metadata, table_name="metaInfo", path=path,
#' Create a mock custom database file (for use in testing)
#' @param path A character with the path to the directory for the database file
#' @return Nothing. Creates the database file (unless already present)
#' and writes relevant tables.
#' @keywords internal
.createMockCustomDB <- function(path){
.writeTableToFile(df=srr_demo, table_name="srr_gsm", path=path,
.writeTableToFile(df=srr_gsm_metadata, table_name="metaInfo", path=path,
#' Write table to database file
#' @param df Data frame to be written as a table in the database
#' @param table_name A character with the name for the table
#' @param database_file A character with the name of the database file
#' (without the path)
#' @param overwrite A logical indicating whether to overwrite an existing
#' table with the same name. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return Nothing. Write the dataframe into the specified database
#' @keywords internal
.writeTableToFile <- function(df, table_name, path, database_file,
path <- normalizePath(path) # Needed as used for test setup
database_file <- file.path(path, database_file)
conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(),
database_file, overwrite=overwrite)
on.exit(DBI::dbDisconnect(conn), add=TRUE)
#on.exit(print("done done"), add=TRUE)
DBI::dbWriteTable(conn=conn, name=table_name, value = df)
#' Write table to database file
#' @param df Data frame to be written as a table in the database
#' @param table_name A character with the name for the table
#' @param database_file A character with the name of the database file
#' (without the path)
#' @param overwrite A logical indicating whether to overwrite an existing
#' table with the same name. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return Nothing. Write the dataframe into the specified database
#' @keywords internal
.writeTableToFile_Ori <- function(df, table_name, path, database_file,
ori_path <- getwd()
on.exit(setwd(ori_path), add=TRUE)
conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(),
database_file, overwrite=overwrite)
on.exit(DBI::dbDisconnect(conn), add=TRUE)
on.exit(print("done done"), add=TRUE)
DBI::dbWriteTable(conn=conn, name=table_name, value = df)
#' ===*===
#' -------------------------------------------------------
#' Create custom database file
#' @param sra_file A character with the path to SRA database file
#' @param geo_file A character with the path to GEO database file
#' @return Nothing. Create a file with a conversion database
#' between SRA and GEO
#' @keywords internal
.createCustomDBFile <- function(sra_file, geo_file){
.mm("Please wait, creating the custom database...", "comm")
db_df <- .createSRR_GSM(sra_file, geo_file)
metainfo <- .createSpiderMetaInfo(sra_file, geo_file)
#Save df as an sqlite object
srr_gsm <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "SRR_GSM.sqlite")
DBI::dbWriteTable(conn = srr_gsm,
name = "srr_gsm", value = db_df, overwrite = TRUE)
DBI::dbWriteTable(conn = srr_gsm,
name = "metaInfo", value = metainfo, overwrite = TRUE)
.vex("db_df", db_df)
.createSRR_GSM <- function(sra_file, geo_file){
# Creating a new database for SRA runs:
# find entries which contain GSM in run alias
# or in experiment_attribute (GEO Accession: GSM)
#Select: SRR, SRX, SRS, SRP, run_alias, experiment_attribute
#create two new columns: run_gsm, exp_gsm
#do grepl(gsm) on run_alias and experiment_attribute
#for grepled rows, extract run_gsm and exp_gsm respectively
#check two columns are identical - if not, have a false in a new column
sra_con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = sra_file)
geo_con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = geo_file)
db_df <- data.frame()
#tt <- 1
#Not searching for the total number of entries; it adds a huge overhead
#tot_query <- paste0("SELECT count(*) FROM sra WHERE run_alias ",
# "LIKE 'GSM%' OR experiment_attribute LIKE '%GSM%'")
#tot_n <- DBI::dbGetQuery(sra_con, tot_query)
#tot_n <- as.integer(tot_n)
# Last found total (1618978) + ~100 000
i <- 80000
tot_n <- 1700000
#.progressBar(i, tot_n)
rs <- DBI::dbSendQuery(sra_con, "SELECT
run_alias, --For GSM
experiment_attribute --For GSM
FROM sra WHERE run_alias
LIKE 'GSM%' OR experiment_attribute LIKE '%GSM%'")
i <- i + 20000
#.progressBar(i, tot_n)
while (!DBI::dbHasCompleted(rs)){
#if (tt %% 80 ==0) cat("\n")
#tt <- tt + 1
#.progressBar(i, tot_n)
chunk <- DBI::dbFetch(rs, 1000)
#Create intermediate columns for extracting GSM information
chunk$run_gsm <- NA #from run_alias
chunk$exp_gsm <- NA #from experiment_attribute
#Find indices where GSM is present
run_gsm_indices <- grepl("GSM\\d\\d\\d+", chunk$run_alias)
#exp_gsm_indices <- grepl("GSM\\d\\d\\d+",
# chunk$experiment_attribute)
exp_gsm_indices <- grepl("GEO Accession: GSM\\d\\d\\d+",
chunk$experiment_attribute, ignore.case = TRUE)
#Extract GSM information
chunk$run_gsm[run_gsm_indices] <-
gsub(".*?(GSM\\d\\d\\d+).*", "\\1",
chunk$exp_gsm[exp_gsm_indices] <-
gsub(".*?GEO Accession: (GSM\\d\\d\\d+).*", "\\1",
ignore.case = TRUE)
#Create a column to indicate whether GSMs agree between two columns
chunk$gsm_check <- NA
#Fill in check column
#Get indices where run_alias and experiment_attribute
# are both present
both_indices <- !(is.na(chunk$run_gsm) | is.na(chunk$exp_gsm))
#Check those indices for equality
chunk$gsm_check[both_indices] <-
chunk$run_gsm[both_indices] == chunk$exp_gsm[both_indices]
#GSM_CHECK: NA - either one or both missing
# F - run_gsm and exp_gsm NOT the same
# T - run_gsm and exp_gsm the same
#Create a new column for storing GSMs
chunk$gsm <- NA
#Extract information from exp_gsm and run_gsm columns
#Non-NA entries from experiment_attribute
chunk$gsm[!is.na(chunk$exp_gsm)] <-
#Non-NA entries from run_alias
chunk$gsm[!is.na(chunk$run_gsm)] <-
#NOTE: if both exp_gsm and run_gsm are present,
# the GSM obtained from run_alias will be retained
#Chunk columns at present: "run_accession", "experiment_accession",
#"sample_accession", "study_accession", "run_alias",
#"experiment_attribute", "run_gsm", "exp_gsm", "gsm_check"
#Select columns
chunk <- chunk[,c("run_accession",
#Get the number of entries with GSM content
.mm(sum(run_gsm_indices | exp_gsm_indices), "dev")
db_df <- rbind(db_df, chunk)
i <- i+1000
#.progressBar(tot_n, tot_n)
#Remove duplicates
db_df <- unique(db_df)
#Remove entries without successfully extracted GSMs
db_df <- db_df[!is.na(db_df$gsm),]
#Order (will not be used - this will keep the same order as in the db)
#order_columns <- list(db_df$study_accession,
# db_df$sample_accession,
# db_df$experiment_accession,
# db_df$run_accession,
# db_df$gsm)
#db_df <- db_df[orderAccessions(order_columns),]
#' Create metaInfo table for SpiderSeqR database
#' @param sra_file A character to the path with SRA file
#' @param geo_file A character to the path with GEO file
#' @return A dataframe with metaInfo
#' @keywords internal
.createSpiderMetaInfo <- function(sra_file, geo_file){
sra_con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = sra_file)
geo_con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = geo_file)
sra_metainfo <- DBI::dbGetQuery(sra_con, "SELECT * FROM metaInfo")
geo_metainfo <- DBI::dbGetQuery(geo_con, "SELECT * FROM metaInfo")
sra_metainfo$name <- paste("SRA", sra_metainfo$name)
geo_metainfo$name <- paste("GEO", geo_metainfo$name)
metainfo <- rbind(sra_metainfo, geo_metainfo)
metainfo <- rbind(metainfo, c("SpiderSeqR schema version", "1.0"))
metainfo <- rbind(metainfo, c("SpiderSeqR creation timestamp",
format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
#' Get futher database information (metaInfo)
#' @param db_file_name A character with the name of the database file
#' @param database_name A character with the database (connection) name
#' @return Nothing. Display messages with information in the console
#' @keywords internal
.getFurtherDBInfo <- function(db_file_name, database_name){
.mm(paste0("Further information on ", db_file_name, " database:"), "comm")
#.mm(cli::rule(), "comm")
df <- DBI::dbGetQuery(get(database_name, envir = get(".GlobalEnv")),
"SELECT * FROM metaInfo")
#.mm(df, "comm")
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