#' Search Anywhere within SRA and GEO databases
#' @param query_all Search term for both SRA and GEO (gse and gsm tables)
#' @param acc_levels Accession levels at which the search is conducted.
#' Possible options include run, sample, experiment, study, gsm, gse.
#' Defaults to c("run", "experiment", "sample", "gsm")
#' @param category_both A character with category
#' for SRA library strategy and GEO type
#' @param SRA_library_strategy A character with SRA library strategy
#' @param SRA_other_library_strategy A logical whether to include
#' unclassified entries
#' @param GEO_type A character with GEO type
#' @param SRA_query Search term for SRA only
#' @param GEO_query Search term for GEO only
#' @param GSM_query Search term for gsm table only (GEO)
#' @param GSE_query Search term for gse table only (GEO)
#' @param call_output A logical indicating whether to produce a call record
#' @return A data frame with results of the search
#' @examples
#' startSpiderSeqRDemo()
#' searchAnywhere("*sir3*") # The broadest search
#' searchAnywhere("sir3") # omits entries with characters before/after sir3
#' searchAnywhere("sir3 OR sir3p") # Can list synonyms
#' ## Only search for matches in SRA
#' searchAnywhere ("sir3", acc_levels = c("run",
#' "sample", "experiment", "study"))
#' ## Only search for matches in GEO
#' searchAnywhere ("sir3", acc_levels = c("gsm", "gse"))
#' @section Argument requirements:
#' Either query_all or \strong{both} SRA_query and GEO_query
#' need to be provided (this is to facilitate column-specific search
#' in the databases; if you wish to search within specific columns,
#' provide SRA_query and GEO_query with appropriate column names)
#' @section Query arguments:
#' Query arguments include query_both, SRA_query, GEO_query,
#' GSM_query and GSE_query.
#' In the simplest case, it is recommended to just use query_both,
#' which will apply to all the searches across databases.
#' However, for user in need of more fine-tuning, other query arguements
#' can be used (e.g. when you wish to search within specific columns
#' of each database table; this is mostly appropriate for use in fts search).
#' Only the highest level query arguments will be considered.
#' Hence the following combinations of arguments are accepted
#' (any extra query arguments will be ignored):
#' \itemize{
#' \item query_both
#' \item SRA_query and GEO_query
#' \item SRA_query and GSM_query and GSE_query
#' }
#' @section Accession levels:
#' Each accession level is associated with its own set of information.
#' Sometimes the information is replicated across levels,
#' sometimes it is unique to the level.
#' Only information associated with the specified accession levels
#' will be subject of the search.
#' For example, it is common for study abstracts to mention a lot
#' of gene names or proteins that were not a direct object of the study;
#' by searching everywhere studies with a mere mention
#' of a gene will be included.
#' Restricting accession levels, e.g.
#' \code{searchAnywhere(query_all = "p53",
#' acc_levels = c("run", "experiment", "sample", "gsm"))}
#' will help avoid including these cases.
#' However, always consider using a broader search
#' and comparing the results to the more refined one.
#' Another use of accession levels is to restrict search to only one database.
#' To do so, only list accession levels specific to one database:
#' SRA (run, experiment, sample, study) or GEO (gsm, gse).
#' @section Category_both, SRA_library_strategy and GEO_type:
#' SRA and GEO have distinct ways of specifying the type of their data
#' (such as e.g. RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq or microarray expression experiments).
#' SRA stores that information as *library_strategy*, GEO records *types*.
#' For users' convenience, a data frame with the conversion
#' between the commmonest *library_strategies* and *types* is provided
#' in \code{SRA_GEO_Category_Conversion} (for more details, please examine
#' \code{SRA_GEO_Category_Conversion} or its documentation,
#' \code{?SRA_GEO_Category_Conversion}).
#' Hence, it is possible to specify *category*, which refers to either
#' one or both SRA and GEO (some categories exist within both SRA and GEO,
#' some only in one of the databases; e.g. only GEO stores microarray data).
#' Similarly to query arguments, the highest level argument
#' will be taken into account and if lower-level arguments exist,
#' they will be ignored.
#' Hence, the user can provide the following combinations of arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item NONE of category_both, SRA_library_strategy and GEO_type
#' \item category_both ONLY
#' \item SRA_library_strategy AND GEO_type
#' \item SRA_library_strategy ONLY*
#' \item GEO_type ONLY*
#' }
#' * If only one of the SRA_library_strategy and GEO_type is provided,
#' no search will be undertaken in the database corresponding
#' to the missing argument.
#' The same is the case if the supplied category_both refers only
#' to one of the databases
#' (e.g. search in SRA only if category_both = "DNA NGS" (DNA sequencing))
#' @export
searchAnywhere <- function(query_all,
acc_levels = c("run", "experiment", "sample", "gsm"),
SRA_other_library_strategy = c("OTHER", "NA", "NULL"),
call_output = FALSE){
## Query arguments ####
## Checking arguments (either query_all or SRA_query AND GEO_query
## (OR GSM_query AND GSE_query))
if (!missing(query_all)){ # QUERY_ALL PRESENT
if (!missing(SRA_query) |
!missing(GEO_query) |
!missing(GSM_query) |
warning(paste0("query_all already provided; ",
"sra/geo/gsm/GSE_query will be ignored"))
SRA_query <- query_all
GSM_query <- query_all
GSE_query <- query_all
## SRA_query as provided (SRA_query <- SRA_query)
if (missing(SRA_query)){
stop("SRA_query is required")
if (!missing(GEO_query)){ ## QUERY_ALL ABSENT; GEO_query PRESENT
if( !missing(GSM_query) | !missing(GSE_query)){
warning(paste0("GEO_query already provided; ",
"gsm/GSE_query will be ignored"))
GSM_query <- GEO_query
GSE_query <- GEO_query
} else { ## QUERY_ALL ABSENT; GEO_query ABSENT
# GSM_query, GSE_query as provided (GSM_query <-
# GSM_query; GSE_query <- GSE_query)
if ( missing(GSM_query) | missing(GSE_query)){
stop(paste0("GSM_query and GSE_query are both required ",
"in the absence of query_all or GEO_query"))
# category_both, SRA_library_strategy and GEO_type ####
# Convert SRA_library_strategy from a list of synonyms
# to a canonical form (will be disregarded if category_both is provided)
if (!is.null(SRA_library_strategy)){
x <- character()
for (s in seq_along(SRA_library_strategy)){
x[s] <- .manageLibraryStrategy(SRA_library_strategy[s],
input = "syn", output = "can")
SRA_library_strategy <- x
# category_both PRESENT ####
# Populate SRA_library_strategy and GEO_type with converted categories
if (!is.null(category_both)){
if ( !is.null(SRA_library_strategy) | !is.null(GEO_type)){
#warning("category_both already provided;
#SRA_library_strategy/GEO_type will be ignored")
message(paste0("category_both already provided; ",
"SRA_library_strategy/GEO_type will be ignored"))
SRA_library_strategy <-
GEO_type <-
# If catagory_both has no corresponding library_strategy in SRA,
# don't search there
if (is.null(SRA_library_strategy)){
length_pre <- length(acc_levels)
acc_levels <- acc_levels[!acc_levels %in% c("run",
if (length(acc_levels) < length_pre){
#warning("Category_both does not exist in SRA
#- will not search there")
message(paste0("Category_both does not exist in SRA ",
"- will not search there"))
# If catagory_both has no corresponding type in GEO, don't search there
if (is.null(GEO_type)){
length_pre <- length(acc_levels)
acc_levels <- acc_levels[!acc_levels %in% c("gsm", "gse")]
if (length(acc_levels) < length_pre){
#warning("Category_both does not exist in GEO
# - will not search there")
message(paste0("Category_both does not exist in GEO ",
"- will not search there"))
} else {
# category_both ABSENT ####
# Omit search within SRA if GEO_type exists,
# but SRA_library_strategy is null
if (!is.null(GEO_type) & is.null(SRA_library_strategy)){
length_pre <- length(acc_levels)
acc_levels <- acc_levels[!acc_levels %in% c("run",
if (length(acc_levels) < length_pre){
#warning("SRA library strategy not provided.
# Will only search in GEO")
message(paste0("SRA library strategy not provided. ",
"Will only search in GEO"))
# Omit search within GEO if SRA_library_strategy exists,
#but GEO_type is null
if (is.null(GEO_type) & !is.null(SRA_library_strategy)){
length_pre <- length(acc_levels)
acc_levels <- acc_levels[!acc_levels %in% c("gsm", "gse")]
if (length(acc_levels) < length_pre){
#warning("GEO type not provided. Will onlly search in SRA")
message("GEO type not provided. Will onlly search in SRA")
.mm(cli::rule(), "search")
.mm(cli::rule(left = "SEARCH DETAILS:"), "search")
#.mm(cli::rule(), "search")
.mm(cli::rule(left = "QUERY"), "search")
#.mm(cli::rule(), "search")
.mm(paste0("SRA_query: ", SRA_query), "search")
.mm(paste0("GSM_query: ", GSM_query), "search")
.mm(paste0("GSE_query: ", GSE_query), "search")
.mm(cli::rule(left = "LIBRARY_STRATEGY/TYPE"), "search")
.mm(paste0("SRA_library_strategy: ", SRA_library_strategy), "search")
.mm(paste0("GEO_type: ", GEO_type), "search")
.mm(cli::rule(left = "ACCESSION LEVELS FOR SEARCHING"),
.mm(paste0("acc_levels: ", paste0(acc_levels, collapse = ", ")), "search")
.mm(cli::rule(), "search")
#message("===SEARCH DETAILS=======================================")
#message("SRA_query: ", SRA_query)
#message("GSM_query: ", GSM_query)
#message("GSE_query: ", GSE_query)
#message("SRA_library_strategy: ", SRA_library_strategy)
#message("GEO_type: ", GEO_type)
#message("---ACCESSION LEVELS FOR SEARCHING-----------------------")
#message("acc_levels: ", paste0(acc_levels, collapse = ", "))
if (call_output){
sa_argument_list <- list(SRA_query=SRA_query,
sa_file <- .generateFileName_CALL_SA(sa_argument_list)
.generateCallRecord(file = sa_file)
# Developer check ===*===
#sra_arg_check <- list(...)$sra_arg_check
#if (!is.null(sra_arg_check)){
# .searchAnywhereSRA(SRA_query, SRA_library_strategy,
#SRA_other_library_strategy, acc_levels = acc_levels, sra_arg_check)
# Search within SRA ####
if (sum(acc_levels %in% c("run", "experiment", "sample", "study"))>0){
.mm("Searching for matches in SRA...", "prog")
sra_df <- .searchAnywhereSRA(SRA_query = SRA_query,
acc_levels = acc_levels,
SRA_library_strategy = SRA_library_strategy,
SRA_other_library_strategy = SRA_other_library_strategy)
.vex("temp_anywhere_sra_df", sra_df)
if (dim(sra_df)[1]!=0){
sra_out <- .searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF(sra_df$run_accession,
"*", "*", "*", sra_df)
} else {
sra_out <- .generateEmptyDF() # Warning already generated by SRA
.vex("temp_anywhere_sra_out_sfa", sra_out)
sra_out <- .unifyDFFormat(sra_out)
.vex("temp_anywhere_sra_out_udf", sra_out)
} else {
sra_out <- data.frame() # Create an empty data frame for rbind
# Search within GEO ####
if (sum(acc_levels %in% c("gse", "gsm"))>0){
.mm("Searching for matches in GEO...", "prog")
geo_df <- .searchAnywhereGEO(GSM_query = GSM_query,
GSE_query = GSE_query,
acc_levels = acc_levels,
GEO_type = GEO_type)
.vex("temp_anywhere_geo_df", geo_df)
if (dim(geo_df)[1]!=0){
geo_out <- .searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF(geo_df$gsm,
"*", "*", "*", geo_df)
} else {
# Warning already generated by GSM, GSE
geo_out <- .generateEmptyDF()
.vex("temp_anywhere_geo_out_sfa", geo_out)
geo_out <- .unifyDFFormat(geo_out)
.vex("temp_anywhere_geo_out_udf", geo_out)
} else {
geo_out <- data.frame() # Create an empty data frame for rbind
.vex("temp_anywhere_sra_out", sra_out)
.vex("temp_anywhere_geo_out", geo_out)
# Combine results from GEO and SRA ####
df_out <- rbind(sra_out, geo_out)
#df_out <- .unifyDFFormat(df_out)
# TBD ####
# Search in SRA if any of the acc_levels are from SRA
# ===*===
if (sum(acc_levels %in% c("run", "experiment", "sample", "study"))>0){
# Don't search if category_both doesn't include SRA
if (!(!is.null(category_both) & length(SRA_library_strategy)==0)){
#print("Search SRA")
#sra_df <- .searchAnywhereSRA(SRA_query,
#acc_levels = acc_levels,
#SRA_library_strategy = SRA_library_strategy,
#SRA_other_library_strategy = SRA_other_library_strategy)
if (sum(acc_levels %in% c("gse", "gsm"))>0){
# Don't search if category_both doesn't include GEO
if (!(!is.null(category_both) & length(GEO_type)==0)){
#print("Search GEO")
#geo_df <- .searchAnywhereGEO(GSM_query = GSM_query,
#GSE_query = GSE_query, acc_levels = acc_levels,
#GEO_type = GEO_type)
# Process results and add unifying columns ####
#Don't create sample column
df_out <- .extractGSM(df_out, sampleColumn = FALSE)
df_out <- .saExtractor(df_out)
.vex("temp_TEN_df_out", df_out)
df_out <- .chExtractor(df_out)
# No .detectInputs/Controls used
df_out <- createEmptyColumns(df_out, c("input", "control"))
df_out <- .detectMerges(df_out, do_nothing = TRUE)
#No .verifyMissingRuns used
df_out <- .convertPairedEnds(df_out)
if (dim(df_out)[1]!=0){
df_out <- .unifyNAs(df_out)
df_out <- .renameOTHColumns(df_out)
.vex("temp_df_out", df_out)
df_out <- .unifyDFFormat(df_out)
df_dim <- dim(df_out)[1]
if (df_dim == 1){
.mm(paste0("Found ", df_dim, " entry matching search terms"),
} else {
.mm(paste0("Found ", df_dim, " entries matching search terms"),
#' Search anywhere within gse and gsm tables of GEO database
#' @param GSM_query String to search for within gsm table
#' @param GSE_query String to search for within gse table
#' @param acc_levels Character vector indicating where to conduct the search
#' (only "gse" and "gsm" are considered)
#' @param GEO_type Study type for filtering results (optional)
#' @return Data frame with result data from whole GEO (gsm and gse tables)
#' @keywords internal
.searchAnywhereGEO <- function(GSM_query,
acc_levels = c("gse", "gsm"),
if ("gsm" %in% acc_levels){
df_gsm <- .searchAnywhereGSM(GSM_query, GEO_type)
df_out <- df_gsm
if ("gse" %in% acc_levels){
df_gse <- .searchAnywhereGSE(GSE_query, GEO_type)
df_out <- df_gse
if (sum(c("gsm", "gse") %in% acc_levels)==2){
df_out <- unique((rbind(df_gsm, df_gse)))
#' Search anywhere within gsm table of GEO database
#' @param GSM_query String to search for
#' @param GEO_type Study type for filtering results (optional)
#' @return Data frame with result data from whole GEO (gsm and gse tables)
#' @keywords internal
.searchAnywhereGSM <- function(GSM_query, GEO_type){
# No acc_levels needed in this case
database_name <- "geo_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
# List all tables within geo_con
geo_tables <- DBI::dbListTables(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)))
# Construct a query within gsm ####
if (!("gsm_ft" %in% geo_tables)){
# Standard search ####
gsm_columns <- DBI::dbListFields(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), "gsm")
full_query <- "SELECT * FROM gsm WHERE ( " # initial bracket
for (g in gsm_columns){
chunk <- paste0("( ", g, " LIKE '%", GSM_query, "%') OR ")
full_query <- paste0(full_query, chunk)
full_query <- substr(full_query, 1, nchar(full_query)-4)
full_query <- paste0(full_query, " )") # final bracket
.mm(full_query, "query")
df <- DBI::dbGetQuery(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), full_query)
} else {
# Fts search ####
stop("No fts support yet")
#df <- 1 # To be added ===*===
if (dim(df)[1]==0){
warning(paste0("No results found in GSM. ",
"Try refining your search terms or acc_levels"), call. = FALSE)
df <- .renameGSMColumns(df)
.vex("temp_df_diag", df)
# Append gse columns ####
df <- .appendGSEColumns(df, "*")
# Filter by GEO_type if provided ####
if (!is.null(GEO_type)){
filt_ind <- grepl(GEO_type, df$GSE_type)
df <- df[filt_ind,]
#' Search anywhere within gse table of GEO database
#' @param GSE_query String to search for
#' @param GEO_type Study type for filtering results (optional)
#' @return Data frame with result data from whole GEO (gsm and gse tables)
#' @keywords internal
.searchAnywhereGSE <- function(GSE_query, GEO_type){
database_name <- "geo_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
# List all tables within geo_con
geo_tables <- DBI::dbListTables(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)))
# Construct a query within gse ####
if (!("gse_ft" %in% geo_tables)){
# Standard search ####
gse_columns <- DBI::dbListFields(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), "gse")
full_query <- "SELECT * FROM gse WHERE ( " # initial bracket
for (g in gse_columns){
chunk <- paste0("( ", g, " LIKE '%", GSE_query, "%') OR ")
full_query <- paste0(full_query, chunk)
full_query <- substr(full_query, 1, nchar(full_query)-4)
full_query <- paste0(full_query, " )") # final bracket
.mm(full_query, "query")
df <- DBI::dbGetQuery(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), full_query)
} else {
# Fts search ####
stop("No fts support yet")
#df <- 1 # To be added ===*===
# Filter by GEO_type if provided ####
if (!is.null(GEO_type)){
filt_ind <- rep(FALSE, dim(df)[1])
for (t in GEO_type){
# Note that column name here is type, not GSE_type
filt_ind <- filt_ind | grepl(GEO_type, df$type)
df <- df[filt_ind,]
# Search across GEO for GSEs ####
if (dim(df)[1]!=0){
df <- .searchGEOForGSE(df$gse, "*", "*")
} else {
warning(paste0("No results found in GSE. ",
"Try refining your search terms or acc_levels"), call. = FALSE)
df <- .generateEmptyDF(c("gsm", "gse"))
# ------------------DONE-------------------
#' Fulltext search in SRA
#' @param SRA_query Query passed to fts MATCH operator (cannot be a vector)
#' @param SRA_library_strategy Character vector denoting
#' library_strategy/ies of choice (OPTIONAL)
#' @param SRA_other_library_strategy A character vector indicating whether
#' (and which) uncategorised library strategies are accepted
#' (choose between one and all elements of c("OTHER", "NA", "NULL"));
#' if not desired, set equal to FALSE.
#' NOTE: only evaluated if library strategy is provided
#' @param acc_levels Character vector denoting which accession levels
#' will be searched.
#' Choose from some/all of c("run", "experiment", "sample", "study")
#' @param ... Other options
#' @return Data frame with results
#' @examples
#' ## stat3
#' # .searchAnywhereSRA("stat3")
#' ## stat3 in human samples
#' # .searchAnywhereSRA("stat3 taxon_id: 9606")
#' ## stat3 chip-seq (including unclassified library strategies)
#' # .searchAnywhereSRA("stat3", library_strategy = "ChIP-Seq")
#' ## stat3 chip-seq not including unclassified library strategies
#' # .searchAnywhereSRA("stat3",
#' # library_strategy = "ChIP-Seq",
#' # SRA_other_library_strategy = FALSE)
#' ## stat3 ignoring matches at study level
#' #.searchAnywhereSRA("stat3", acc_levels = c("run", "experiment", "sample"))
#' @keywords internal
.searchAnywhereSRA <- function(SRA_query,
acc_levels = c("run", "experiment", "sample", "study"),
SRA_other_library_strategy = c("OTHER", "NA", "NULL"),
sra_arg_check <- list(...)$sra_arg_check
# call = sys.call(-1))))
# Previously
#print(as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)))
print(as.list(match.call(definition = sys.function(-1),
call = sys.call(-1))))
l <- list()
l$SRA_query <- SRA_query
l$SRA_library_strategy <- SRA_library_strategy
l$SRA_other_library_strategy <- SRA_other_library_strategy
l$acc_levels <- acc_levels
l$dots <- list(...)
.mm(paste0("SRA_query: ", SRA_query), "search")
.mm(paste0("SRA_library_strategy: ", SRA_library_strategy),"search")
.mm(paste0("SRA_other_library_strategy: ",
SRA_other_library_strategy), "search")
.mm(paste0("acc_levels: ", acc_levels), "search")
.mm(paste0("other: ", unlist(list(...))), "search")
#return(as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)))
#argg <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
#l <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
#Didn't work
# as.character(unlist((match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)))))))
database_name <- "sra_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
query_full <- paste0("SELECT * FROM sra_ft WHERE sra_ft MATCH '",
SRA_query, "'")
if (!is.null(SRA_library_strategy)){
# other library strategy clause
ls_query <- paste0("library_strategy = '",
SRA_library_strategy, sep = "' OR ", collapse = "")
if(sum(c("OTHER", "NA", "NULL") %in% SRA_other_library_strategy) > 0 ){
ols_clause <- character()
ols_clause[1] <- "library_strategy = 'OTHER'"
ols_clause[2] <- "library_strategy = 'NA'"
ols_clause[3] <- "library_strategy IS NULL"
ols_check <- logical()
ols_check[1] <- "OTHER" %in% SRA_other_library_strategy
ols_check[2] <- "NA" %in% SRA_other_library_strategy
ols_check[3] <- "NULL" %in% SRA_other_library_strategy
# SRA_other_library_strategy clause
ols_query <-
paste0(ols_clause[ols_check], sep = " OR ", collapse = "")
ls_query <- paste0(ls_query, ols_query)
.mm(ls_query, "query")
ls_query <- substr(ls_query, 1, nchar(ls_query)-4)
query_full <- paste0(query_full, " AND ( ", ls_query, ")")
.mm(query_full, "query")
query_check <- list(...)$query_check
if (isTRUE(query_check)){
df <- DBI::dbGetQuery(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), query_full)
.vex("temp_searchAnywhereSRA", df)
if (dim(df)[1]!=0){
.mm("Filtering results according to accession levels...", "prog")
df <- .filterSRAByTermByAccessionLevel(SRA_query, df, acc_levels)
# Must come after filtering, otherwise it would not work
df <- .renameSRAColumns(df)
if (dim(df)[1]==0){
warning(paste0("No results found in SRA. ",
"Try refining your search terms or acc_levels"), call. = FALSE)
# ===*===
#' Filter df according to query matches
#' only within accession levels of interest
#' Performs fts search on the data frame according to the query, only searching
#' in the columns corresponding to specified accession levels of interest
#' @param query Query to be passed to MATCH operator (for fts)
#' @param df Data frame to be filtered
#' @param acc_levels Accession levels to search within
#' (choose from: run, experiment, sample, study;
#' defaults to c("run", "experiment", "sample"))
#' @return Filtered df (containing only rows matching query
#' within specified accession levels)
#' @keywords internal
.filterSRAByTermByAccessionLevel <- function(query,
acc_levels = c("run", "experiment", "sample")){
# =====================================================================
#warning("Only works for SRA") # ===*===
# =====================================================================
acc_possible <- c("run", "experiment", "sample", "study")
acc_levels <- match.arg(acc_levels, acc_possible, several.ok = TRUE)
.mm(paste0("Filtering for the following acc_levels: ",
paste0(acc_levels, collapse = ", ")), "search")
if (sum(unique(acc_levels) %in% c("study",
.mm("Nothing to filter - returning original df", "adverse")
df_out <-
filterByTerm(df = df,
query = query,
filter_columns =
.findSRAAccessionLevelColumnNames(acc_levels =
#' Filter df according to query matches
#' only within accession levels of interest
#' Performs fts search on the data frame according to the query, only searching
#' in the columns corresponding to specified accession levels of interest
#' @param query Query to be passed to MATCH operator (for fts)
#' @param df Data frame to be filtered
#' @param acc_levels Accession levels to search within
#' (choose from: run, experiment, sample, study, gsm, gse);
#' defaults to c("run", "experiment", "sample", "gsm")
#' @return Filtered df (containing only rows matching query
#' within specified accession levels)
#' @family Workflow functions
#' @family Manipulation functions
#' @export
filterByTermByAccessionLevel <- function(
acc_levels = c("run", "experiment", "sample", "gsm")){
# =====================================================================
# warning("Only works for SRA") # ===*===
# =====================================================================
acc_possible <- c("run", "experiment", "sample", "study", "gsm", "gse")
acc_levels <- match.arg(acc_levels, acc_possible, several.ok = TRUE)
.mm(paste0("Filtering for the following acc_levels: ",
paste0(acc_levels, collapse = ", ")), "search")
if (sum(unique(acc_levels) %in% c("study",
"run", "gsm", "gse"))==6){
.mm("Nothing to filter - returning original df", "adverse")
acc_columns <- .findAccessionLevelColumnNames(acc_levels = acc_levels)
df_out <- filterByTerm(df = df,query = query, filter_columns = acc_columns)
#' Convert from SRA-GEO Categories
#' Converts from SRA-GEO Categories to corresponding SRA library_strategy
#' and GEO (study) type.
#' For further details regarding available categories (and their
#' corresponding elements), inspect the \code{SRA_GEO_Category_Conversion}
#' object or see its documentation page: \code{?SRA_GEO_Category_Conversion}.
#' @param x Character with a category (can be a vector).
#' NOTE: must match exactly (but matching is case insensitive)
#' @return A list with a vector each for SRA_library_strategy and GEO_type
#' @examples
#' convertCategoriesToLibraryStrategyType("Transcriptome MA")
#' convertCategoriesToLibraryStrategyType("ChIP-Seq")
#' @export
convertCategoriesToLibraryStrategyType <- function(x){
# devtools::check()
#utils::data("SRA_GEO_Category_Conversion", envir = environment())
# Retrieve category conversion data frame
df <- SpiderSeqR::SRA_GEO_Category_Conversion
# Make matching case insensitive
x <- tolower(x)
df_lower <- df
df_lower$Category <- tolower(df_lower$Category)
if (sum(df_lower$Category %in% x)==0) stop("Provide a valid category")
df <- df[df_lower$Category %in% x,] #Filter by matching category/categories
y <- list()
#.vex("temp_convertCat_y_ori", df)
y$SRA_library_strategy <- dplyr::filter(df, DB == "SRA")$Name
y$GEO_type <- dplyr::filter(df, DB == "GEO")$Name
if (length(y$SRA_library_strategy)==0){
# This is a slight trick to avoid losing that list element altogether
y[1] <- list(NULL)
if (length(y$GEO_type)==0){
# This is a slight trick to avoid losing that list element altogether
y[2] <- list(NULL)
#.vex("temp_convertCat_y_later", y)
#if (length(y$SRA_library_strategy)==0){
# y$SRA_library_strategy <- NULL
#if (length(y$GEO_type)==0){
# y$GEO_type <- NULL
#y$SRA_library_strategy <- df$Name[df$DB=="SRA"]
#y$GEO_type <- df$Name <- df$Name[df$DB=="GEO"]
#' Find SRA column names corresponding to accession levels (ORI)
#' @param acc_levels Accession levels
#' @param add_run_accession Logical indicating whether to add
#' run_accession column name
#' @param table_name A character with table name
#' @return Vector with column names
#' NOTE: works on the original column names (from the database)
#' @examples
#' # .findSRAAccessionLevelColumnNames("run")
#' @keywords internal
.findSRAAccessionLevelColumnNames <-
function(acc_levels = c("run", "experiment", "sample", "study"),
add_run_accession = TRUE, table_name = "sra_ft"){
database_name <- "sra_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
col_list <- DBI::dbListFields(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), table_name)
# Store index of first column relevant for an accession level
run_beg <- grep("^run_ID$", col_list)
exp_beg <- grep("^experiment_ID$", col_list)
sample_beg <- grep("^sample_ID$", col_list)
study_beg <- grep("^study_ID$", col_list)
run_cols <- col_list[run_beg:(exp_beg-1)]
exp_cols <- col_list[exp_beg:(sample_beg-1)]
sample_cols <- col_list[sample_beg:(study_beg-1)]
study_cols <- col_list[study_beg:length(col_list)]
all_levels <- c("run", "experiment", "sample", "study", "gsm", "gse")
sra_levels <- c("run", "experiment", "sample", "study")
# Check that there is at least one valid SRA level provided
if (sum(acc_levels %in% sra_levels)==0){
stop("Provide at least one valid SRA accession level")
# Check that all accession levels belong to the set of acceptable levels
if (sum(acc_levels %in% all_levels)!=length(acc_levels)){
warning("Some accession levels do not belong to SRA/GEO type")
# Create a vector with column names of interest
sel_cols <- NULL
# Add run_accession if run is not one of the levels
if (add_run_accession & !("run" %in% acc_levels)){
sel_cols <- c(sel_cols, "run_accession")
if ("run" %in% acc_levels){
sel_cols <- c(sel_cols, run_cols)
if ("experiment" %in% acc_levels){
sel_cols <- c(sel_cols, exp_cols)
if ("sample" %in% acc_levels){
sel_cols <- c(sel_cols, sample_cols)
if ("study" %in% acc_levels){
sel_cols <- c(sel_cols, study_cols)
if (is.null(sel_cols)){
stop("Provide at least one accession level to search within")
#' Find column names corresponding to accession levels in SRA and GEO (SP)
#' @param acc_levels Accession levels
#' @return Vector with column names
#' NOTE: works on the SpiderSeqR column names (i.e. with prefixes)
#' @examples
#' # .findAccessionLevelColumnNames("run")
#' @keywords internal
.findAccessionLevelColumnNames <-
function(acc_levels = c("run", "experiment", "sample", "gsm")){
sra_accessions <- c("run", "experiment", "sample", "study")
acc_possible <- c(sra_accessions, "gsm", "gse")
acc_levels <- match.arg(acc_levels, acc_possible, several.ok = TRUE)
acc_columns <- character()
if (sum(acc_levels %in% sra_accessions)>0){
sra_columns <-
.findSRAAccessionLevelColumnNames(acc_levels =
acc_levels[acc_levels %in% sra_accessions])
df <- stats::setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(sra_columns),
nrow = 0)), sra_columns)
df <- .renameSRAColumns(df)
sra_columns <- colnames(df)
acc_columns <- c(acc_columns, sra_columns)
if ("gsm" %in% acc_levels){
acc_columns <- c(acc_columns, listValidColumns()$GSM)
if ("gse" %in% acc_levels){
acc_columns <- c(acc_columns, listValidColumns()$GSE)
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