#Functions used by searchForTerm()
#(and which will eventually be used by searchForAccession as well)
#Search_Functions.R (searchForTerm)
#Functions for output generation (outputGenerator and all associated functions)
#THINGS PREVIOUSLY TO BE CONNECTED (which will not be used):
#Functions (in the order of being called)
#===*=== Make sure this is actually the case
#Developed in searchForTerm5.R
#' An internal function for searchForTerm
#' @param SRA_library_strategy Character vector specifying experiment approach
#' @param gene ...and...
#' @param antibody ...and...
#' @param cell_type ...and...
#' @param treatment ...and...
#' @param species ...and...
#' @param platform Character vectors
#' with information to search within SRA
#' @return A data frame with results
#' @keywords internal
.searchSRA <- function(SRA_library_strategy, gene, antibody,
cell_type, treatment, species, platform){
.mm("Running .searchSRA", "fn")
.mm("Searching in SRA...", "prog")
database_name <- "sra_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
sra_table <- "sra"
# sra_columns <- c("experiment_name", "run_attribute",
# "experiment_accession", "experiment_url_link",
# "experiment_title", "library_strategy", "library_layout",
# "sample_alias", "taxon_id",
# "library_construction_protocol", "run_accession",
# "study_accession", "run_alias", "experiment_alias",
# "sample_name", "sample_attribute", "experiment_attribute")
#sra_columns <- c("experiment_title")
sra_columns <- "*"
library_strategy <- SRA_library_strategy
# (usually contain informative text about the sample)
informative_fields <- c("run_alias", "experiment_name",
"experiment_alias", "experiment_title",
"sample_name", "library_name",
"experiment_attribute", "sample_alias",
#RESEARCHED (based on p53 and STAT1, doxorubicin)
# ===*=== Consider making more investigations
# ===*=== Be careful with sample_attribute
# (exclude from df verification step)
##OPTION 1: Simple search
#gene_fields <- c("run_accession", "sample_attribute")
#gene_prefixes <- list("[^a-z]*", c("antibody:([^\\|]*[^\\|a-z]+|\\s*)",
# "genotype:([^\\|]*[^\\|a-z]+|\\s*)"))
#gene_suffixes <- c("", "")
#OPTION 2: Conditional search
cat_gene <- c("genotype", "ArrayExpress.Genotype",
"genotype/variation", "target.gene",
"genetic.background", "host.genotype", "Plant.genotype",
"genetic.modification", "transgene", "gene.id",
"myd88.genotype", "gene.perturbation.type",
"genetic.condition", "cytogenetics",
"concise.genotype.name", "genspecies.abbr",
"melanoma.genetic.conditions", "marker.gene", "gene",
"strain/genotype", "genotype/variation",
"knockout", "knockdown", "hgn")
#RESEARCHED (based on sa_categories)
gene_fields <- informative_fields
#RESEARCHED (based on p53 and STAT1)
# ===*=== Consider making more investigations
# ===*=== Be careful with sample_attribute
# (exclude from df verification step)
# When using conditional search, sample_attribute will be included anyway,
# so unless want to search throughout non-specific categories,
# don't include it in antibody_fields
cat_antibody <- c("chip.antibody", "antibody",
"ArrayExpress.Immunoprecipitate", "ip.antibody",
"rip.antibody", "medip.antibody", "clip.antibody",
"frip.antibody", "chip-seq.antibody") #RESEARCHED WELL
antibody_fields <- informative_fields
# RESEARCHED (based on p53 and STAT1)
# ===*=== Consider making more investigations
# ===*=== Be careful with sample_attribute
# (exclude from df verification step)
# Not in use if conditional search employed
# Amended to include capital letters as well
# antibody_prefixes <- rep("[^A-Za-z]*", length(antibody_fields))
# antibody_prefixes <-
# list("[^a-z]", c("antibody:([^\\|]*[^\\|a-z]+|\\s*)",
# "immunoprecipitate:([^\\|]*[^\\|a-z]+|\\s*)"))
# antibody_suffixes <- rep("", length(antibody_fields))
cell_type_fields <- informative_fields #RESEARCHED
cat_treatment <- c("treatment", "ArrayExpress.Treatment",
"treated.with", "treatment.description",
"drug.treatment", "treatment.protocol",
"Vaccine.Treatment", "experimental.treatment",
"diet.treatment", "treatment.group") #RESEARCHED
treatment_fields <- informative_fields
#RESEARCHED (so far based on doxorubicin only) ===*===
.mm("Creating an SQL query", "fn")
sra_columns <- paste(sra_columns, collapse = ", ")
search <- list(gene, antibody, cell_type, treatment,
species, library_strategy, platform)
fields <- list(gene_fields, antibody_fields, cell_type_fields,
treatment_fields, "taxon_id",
"library_strategy", "platform")
if (length(search)!=length(fields)){
warning("Search terms and search fields differ in number")
query <- paste0("SELECT ", sra_columns, " FROM ",
sra_table, " WHERE ", sep=" ")
for (s in seq_along(search)){
if (length(search[[s]]!=0)){ #Only include non-empty search term types
query <- paste0(query, "(",
.writeQuery(search[[s]], fields[[s]]), " ) AND ")
query <-substr(query, 1, (nchar(query)-4)) #Remove the final "AND "
query <- paste0(query, "") #Can add a parenthesis here if necessary
.mm(query, "query")
output_list <- DBI::dbGetQuery(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)), query)
if ( (dim(output_list)[1]) == 0 ) {
stop(paste0("No results found for input symbols, check ",
"symbols/synonyms entered or whether such entries exist on ncbi."))
.mm("Search in SRA completed!", "prog")
.mm("SQL query completed", "fn")
.mm(paste0("Found ", dim(output_list)[1], " results"), "res")
.vex("spider_output_list_sra_unfiltered", output_list)
.mm("Begining verification of the data frame...", "prog")
#Something along the lines of:
#grepl("antibody:[^|]+STAT1", i_gen2$sample_attribute)
#INITIAL ATTEMPT (not very good!)
#template of regexp for space between title and keyword:
# ([^\\|]*[^\\|a-z]+|\\s*)
#grep("(^|\\|\\| )chip.antibody:(|[^\\|:]*?[^A-Za-z])p53",
# "chip antibody: sth p53")
#Features: matches empty string or any string
#(as long, as it does not contain letters as the last element)
#E.g. MATCHES: chip_antibody:p53, chip_antibody: something, something-p53
# DOESN'T MATCH: chip_antibody:ap53, chip_antibody: somethingp53
#grep("(^|\\|\\| )chip.antibody:(|[^\\|:]*?[^A-Za-z\\|:])p53",
#"chip_antibody: :p53")
#Features: prevents | and : from immediately preceding p53
#grep("(^|\\|\\| )chip.antibody:(|[^\\|]*?[^A-Za-z\\|])p53",
#"chip_antibody: p53")
#Features: removed : from prohibited characters
#(only | is prohibited and letters immediately preceding p53)
#Consider using a generic prefix where appropriate: [^a-z] ===*===
#simple search:
#gene_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list, gene,
#gene_fields, gene_prefixes, gene_suffixes)
#Conditional search (based on antibody)
#- if any of the gene categories exist within sample_attribute field,
# search within those
#- if none of the gene categories exist within sample_attribute field,
#search within gene_fields (except sample_attribute)
#NOTE: gene cannot be preceded by a letter (lowercase or uppercase)
if (length(gene)!=0){
#Find rows which contain categories in sample_attribute field
cat_gene_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list, cat_gene,
"(^|\\|\\| )", ":" )
#Initialise vector for rows with matches to gene query
gene_indices <- rep(NA, nrow(output_list))
#Wrap regular expression around categories
cat_gene_prefixes <- paste0("(^|\\|\\| )", cat_gene,
#Use a non-greedy quantifier and alternation
#Search within sample_attribute field
#(when matches to categories occur)
gene_indices[cat_gene_indices] <-
.verifyConditions(output_list[cat_gene_indices, ], gene,
"sample_attribute", list(cat_gene_prefixes))
#Search within other fields (if there were no matches to categories)
gene_indices[!cat_gene_indices] <-
.verifyConditions(output_list[!cat_gene_indices, ],
gene, .withOut("sample_attribute", gene_fields),
#Noletter prefix as a separate input
.mm(paste0(sum(gene_indices), " out of ", dim(output_list)[1],
" initial entries comply with the gene criteria"), "res")
} else {
gene_indices <- rep(TRUE, nrow(output_list))
.mm("No genes specified. Returned all TRUE", "diag")
##'Test' to visualise the effects:
#testg <- data.frame(output_list$sample_attribute,
#output_list$run_alias, output_list$experiment_title,
#output_list$experiment_alias, gene_indices)
#testg$extract <- NA
#gen_ind <- grep("(^|\\|\\| )genotype:", output_list$sample_attribute)
#testg$extract[gen_ind] <- gsub("(^|^.*\\|\\| )(genotype:[^\\|:]+).*$",
#"\\2", output_list$sample_attribute[gen_ind])
#h_gen_ind <- grep("(^|\\|\\| )host.genotype:",
#testg$extract[h_gen_ind] <-
#gsub("(^|^.*\\|\\| )(host.genotype:[^\\|:]+).*$",
#"\\2", output_list$sample_attribute[h_gen_ind])
#simple search:
#antibody_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list, antibody,
#antibody_fields, antibody_prefixes, antibody_suffixes)
#Conditional search
#(if any of the category synonyms exist, only search within them)
##cat_antibody_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list, list("antibody"),
#"sample_attribute", list(rep("(^|\\|\\| )", nrow(output_list))),
#list(rep(":", nrow(output_list))) )
#the size of prefixes/suffixes is unnecessary
##Find rows which contain categories in sample_attribute field
##cat_antibody_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list,
#list("antibody", "chip antibody"), "sample_attribute",
#"(^|\\|\\| )", ":" ) #worked
##cat_antibody_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list,
#c("antibody", "chip antibody"), "sample_attribute", "(^|\\|\\| )", ":" )
#also worked
#cat_antibody_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list,
#cat_antibody, "sample_attribute", "(^|\\|\\| )", ":" )
##Initialise vector for rows with matches to antibody query
#antibody_indices <- rep(NA, nrow(output_list))
##OPTION 1: Search just for antibody
#cat_antibody_prefixes <- paste0("(^|\\|\\| )", cat_antibody, ":[^\\|:]+")
#antibody_indices[cat_antibody_indices] <-
#.verifyConditions(output_list[cat_antibody_indices, ], antibody,
#"sample_attribute", list(cat_antibody_prefixes))
#antibody_indices[!cat_antibody_indices] <-
#.verifyConditions(output_list[!cat_antibody_indices, ], antibody,
#antibody_fields, antibody_prefixes, antibody_suffixes)
##OPTION 2: Search for antibody not immediately preceded by any letters
#cat_antibody_prefixes <- paste0("(^|\\|\\| )",
#cat_antibody, ":[^\\|:]*?") #Use a non-greedy quantifier
#antibody_noletter <- paste0("(^|[^A-Za-z])", antibody)
##antibody_noletter <- antibody
#antibody_indices[cat_antibody_indices] <-
#.verifyConditions(output_list[cat_antibody_indices, ],
#antibody_noletter, "sample_attribute", list(cat_antibody_prefixes))
##antibody_indices[!cat_antibody_indices] <-
#.verifyConditions(output_list[!cat_antibody_indices, ],
#antibody_noletter, antibody_fields, antibody_prefixes, antibody_suffixes)
#Deleting prefixes and suffixes since antibody_noletter
#already includes that information
##antibody_indices[!cat_antibody_indices] <-
#.verifyConditions(output_list[!cat_antibody_indices, ],
#antibody_noletter, .withOut("sample_attribute", antibody_fields))
#special variable used - antibody_noletter
#antibody_indices[!cat_antibody_indices] <-
#.verifyConditions(output_list[!cat_antibody_indices, ],
#antibody, .withOut("sample_attribute", antibody_fields), "(^|[^A-Za-z])")
#Noletter prefix
#NEW VERSION (conditional search)
#- if any of the antibody categories exist within sample_attribute field,
#search within those
#- if none of the antibody categories exist within sample_attribute field,
#search within antibody_fields (except sample_attribute)
#NOTE: antibody cannot be preceded by a letter (lowercase or uppercase)
if (length(antibody)!=0){
#Find rows which contain categories in sample_attribute field
cat_antibody_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list, cat_antibody,
"(^|\\|\\| )", ":" )
#Initialise vector for rows with matches to antibody query
antibody_indices <- rep(NA, nrow(output_list))
#Wrap regular expression around categories
cat_antibody_prefixes <- paste0("(^|\\|\\| )",
#Use a non-greedy quantifier
#Search within sample_attribute field(when matches to categories occur)
antibody_indices[cat_antibody_indices] <-
.verifyConditions(output_list[cat_antibody_indices, ], antibody,
"sample_attribute", list(cat_antibody_prefixes))
#Search within other fields (if there were no matches to categories)
antibody_indices[!cat_antibody_indices] <-
.verifyConditions(output_list[!cat_antibody_indices, ],
antibody, .withOut("sample_attribute",
#Noletter prefix as a separate input
.mm(paste0(sum(antibody_indices), " out of ", dim(output_list)[1],
" initial entries comply with the antibody criteria"), "res")
} else {
antibody_indices <- rep(TRUE, nrow(output_list))
.mm("No antibodies specified. Returned all TRUE", "diag")
##'Test' to visualise the effects:
#test2 <- data.frame(output_list$sample_attribute,
#output_list$run_alias, output_list$experiment_title,
#output_list$experiment_alias, antibody_indices)
#test2$extract <- NA
#ab_ind <- grep("(^|\\|\\| )antibody:", output_list$sample_attribute)
#test2$extract[ab_ind] <- gsub("(^|^.*\\|\\| )(antibody:[^\\|:]+).*$",
#"\\2", output_list$sample_attribute[ab_ind])
#ch_ab_ind <- grep("(^|\\|\\| )chip antibody:",
#test2$extract[ch_ab_ind] <-
#gsub("(^|^.*\\|\\| )(chip antibody:[^\\|:]+).*$", "\\2",
cell_type_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list,
cell_type, cell_type_fields)
#There is a very extensive list of categories with tissue information
#Conditional search will not be used for now
.mm(paste0(sum(cell_type_indices), " out of ", dim(output_list)[1],
" initial entries comply with the cell type criteria"), "res")
##Simple search
#treatment_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list,
#treatment, treatment_fields)
#Conditional search (based on antibody)
#- if any of the treatment categories exist within sample_attribute field,
#search within those
#- if none of the treatment categories exist within sample_attribute field,
#search within treatment_fields (INCLUDING sample_attribute)
#NOTE: treatment CAN be preceded by a letter (lowercase or uppercase)
#Treatment-specific changes:
#- Letters allowed before treatment
# [cat_treatment_prefixes changed]
# [treatment_indices[!cat_treatment_indices] - removed prefixes]
#- Alternative search can also take place in sample_attribute field
if (length(treatment)!=0){
#Find rows which contain categories in sample_attribute field
cat_treatment_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list, cat_treatment,
"(^|\\|\\| )", ":" )
#Initialise vector for rows with matches to treatment query
treatment_indices <- rep(NA, nrow(output_list))
#Wrap regular expression around categories
cat_treatment_prefixes <- paste0("(^|\\|\\| )",
cat_treatment, ":(|[^\\|]*?)")
#Use a non-greedy quantifier and alternation
#Search within sample_attribute field
#(when matches to categories occur)
treatment_indices[cat_treatment_indices] <-
.verifyConditions(output_list[cat_treatment_indices, ],
treatment, "sample_attribute",
#Search within other fields (if there were no matches to categories)
treatment_indices[!cat_treatment_indices] <-
.verifyConditions(output_list[!cat_treatment_indices, ],
treatment, treatment_fields)
#Noletter prefix as a separate input
.mm(paste0(sum(treatment_indices), " out of ", dim(output_list)[1],
" initial entries comply with the treatment criteria"), "res")
} else {
treatment_indices <- rep(TRUE, nrow(output_list))
.mm("No treatment specified. Returned all TRUE", "diag")
species_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list, species,
.mm(paste0(sum(species_indices), " out of ", dim(output_list)[1],
" initial entries comply with the species criteria"), "res")
library_strategy_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list,
.mm(paste0(sum(library_strategy_indices), " out of ", dim(output_list)[1],
" initial entries comply with the library strategy criteria"),
platform_indices <- .verifyConditions(output_list, platform, "platform")
.mm(paste0(sum(platform_indices), " out of ", dim(output_list)[1],
" initial entries comply with the platform criteria"), "res")
output_indices <- gene_indices & antibody_indices &
cell_type_indices & treatment_indices & species_indices &
library_strategy_indices & platform_indices
output_list <- output_list[output_indices,] #Only leave the matching rows
# Rename columns
#output_list <- .renameSRAColumns(output_list)
" results passed verification phase")), "res") # ===*===
.vex("spider_output_list_sra_filtered", output_list)
if (dim(output_list)[1]==0) {
stop("No results passed the verification phase")
.mm(paste0("Number of entries returned: ", dim(output_list)[[1]]), "res")
.mm(".searchSRA completed", "fn")
#Developed in searchForTerm5.R
#Newer version: will allow to have atomic prefixes/suffixes vector,
#which will get repeated accordingly
#Now prints regexp and the name of the column being searched
#Enabled perl
#' Verify whether conditions are met in a data frame
#' @param df Data frame to be verified
#' @param keywords Vector of strings to be searched for
#' @param columns Vector with column names (within df) to be searched for
#' @param prefixes (Optional) Vector or list with prefixes to keywords
#' (its first dimension needs to be the same as columns)
#' @param suffixes (Optional) Vector or list with suffixes to keywords
#' (its first dimension needs to be the same as columns)
#' @return Logical vector (same length as df)
#' with TRUE indicating matches to the conditions
#' @description Verify if the specified columns within the data frame
#' match specified conditions.
#' Match is performed using grepl (case insensitive, with perl set to TRUE).
#' Any given row will be returned as TRUE if ANY of its columns
#' matched to ANY of the keywords with ANY of the prefixes
#' and ANY of the suffixes.
#' @keywords internal
.verifyConditions <- function(df, keywords, columns, prefixes, suffixes){
.mm("Running .verifyConditions", "fn")
if (missing(prefixes)){
prefixes <- rep("", length(columns))
if (missing(suffixes)){
suffixes <- rep("", length(columns))
if (length(prefixes)!=length(columns)){
if (length(prefixes)==1){
prefixes <- rep(prefixes, length(columns))
.mm("INFO: Replicated prefixes to match the number of columns",
} else {
stop("Prefix vector needs to be the same size as columns vector")
if (length(suffixes)!=length(columns)){
if (length(suffixes)==1){
suffixes <- rep(suffixes, length(columns))
} else {
stop(paste0("INFO: Suffix vector needs to be the same size ",
"as columns vector"))
if (length(keywords)!=0){
row_matches <- rep(FALSE, nrow(df))
for (c in seq_along(columns)){
for (k in seq_along(keywords)){
columns_index <- grep(paste0("^", columns[c], "$"),
if (length(columns_index)>1){
warning("Multiple columns match to the same name")
} else if (length(columns_index)==0){
warning("No matches to the specified column")
for (p in seq_along(prefixes[[c]])){
for (s in seq_along(suffixes[[c]])){
keywords_regexp <- paste0(prefixes[[c]][p],
keywords[k], suffixes[[c]][s])
.mm(paste(keywords_regexp, "IN",
colnames(df)[columns_index]), "dev")
row_matches <- row_matches | grepl(keywords_regexp,
ignore.case = TRUE,
perl = TRUE)
} else {
row_matches <- rep(TRUE, nrow(df))
.mm("No keywords specified. All TRUE returned", "diag")
.mm(".verifyConditions completed", "fn")
#term <- c("term1", "term2")
#fields <- c("field", "field2", "field3")
#' Automate Writing SQLite Queries
#' @param term Character vector with strings of interest
#' @param fields character vector with columns of interest
#' @param sql_before SQLite query string before term
#' @param sql_after SQLite query string after term
#' @return Part of the SQLite query pertaining to row selection criteria
#' (i.e. that comes after specifying the table and which columns to select)
#' @keywords internal
.writeQuery <- function(term, fields, sql_before=" LIKE '%", sql_after="%'"){
#if (is.na(sql_before)){
# sql_before <- " LIKE '%"
#if (is.na(sql_after)){
# sql_after <- "%'"
.mm("Running .writeQuery", "fn")
query <- character()
for (t in term){
for (f in fields){
query <- paste0(query, " (", f, sql_before, t, sql_after, ") OR")
#Remove the last "OR" (which is redundant)
query <- substr(query, 1, nchar(query)-3)
.mm(".writeQuery completed", "fn")
#' Remove matching elements from vector
#' @param names Character vector with values to be removed
#' @param vector Character vector from which elements matching
#' to names will be removed
#' @return Original vector .withOut specified elements
#' @keywords internal
.withOut <- function(names, vector){
.mm("Running .withOut", "fn")
names <- unique(names)
for (n in seq_along(names)){
ind <- grep(names[n], vector)
if (length(ind)!=0){
vector <- vector[-ind]
.mm(".withOut completed", "fn")
#Developed in gsmExtractor.R
#which also contains previous versions of the function
#New version of gsmExtractor - based on gsub tagging system
#' Extract GSM from the SRA_experiment_title column
#' @param output_list Data frame with (SRA_)experiment_title column
#' @param sampleColumn Logical indicating whether a new column
#' should be added with extracted GSM numbers
#' @return Original data frame with extracted GSMs from (SRA_)experiment_title
#' column and (if sampleColumn is set to TRUE) a new column
#' with extracted GSM numbers
#' @keywords internal
.extractGSM <- function(output_list, sampleColumn = TRUE){
.mm("Running .extractGSM", "fn")
#Find indices of rows which contain GSMs
# Rename SRA_experiment_title
rename_experiment_title <- FALSE
if (sum(grepl("SRA_experiment_title", colnames(output_list)))==1){
rename_experiment_title <- TRUE
colnames(output_list))] <- "experiment_title"
#Safer option, but not strictly necessary,
#because GSM is always followed by ": ".
gsm_indices <- grep("^GSM\\d\\d\\d+: ", output_list$experiment_title)
#gsm_indices <- grep("^GSM\\d\\d\\d+", output_list$experiment_title)
if (sampleColumn == TRUE){
#Create a new column
output_list$gsm <- NA # sampletogsm ===*===
#Extract the GSMs to sample column
output_list$gsm[gsm_indices] <-
gsub("^(GSM\\d\\d\\d+).*$", "\\1",
# sampletogsm ===*===
#Remove the GSMs from experiment_title column
output_list$experiment_title[gsm_indices] <-
gsub("^GSM\\d\\d\\d+: ", "", output_list$experiment_title[gsm_indices])
# Rename experiment_title back to SRA_experiment_title
if (rename_experiment_title){
grepl("experiment_title", colnames(output_list))] <-
.mm(".extractGSM completed", "fn")
#[Developed in getSRP_indev.R]
#This is the most up to date copy
#' Search for missing SRRs within SRPs
#' @param srp_list Character vector with SRPs to search for
#' @param srp_columns Character vector with names of columns
#' (within sra table of SRA) to be retrieved from the database
#' NOTE: can also be "*", i.e. all columns
#' @return Data frame with all the SRRs belonging to specified SRPs
#' @description Search for SRPs within SRA database to retrieve
#' their contents (i.e. all SRRs) as a data frame.
#' @keywords internal
.searchForSRPChildren <- function(srp_list, srp_columns){
#- Find all the rows in the database containing relevant SRPs
#(This is equivalent to finding all SRRs belonging to a given SRP)
#- Extract relevant columns from the sra table
.mm("Running .searchForSRPChildren", "fn")
database_name <- "sra_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
srp_all <- data.frame()
srp_columns_collapsed <- paste(srp_columns, collapse = ", ")
for (srp in srp_list){
srp_query <- paste0("SELECT ", srp_columns_collapsed,
" FROM sra WHERE study_accession = '", srp, "'")
srp_entry <- DBI::dbGetQuery(
get(database_name, envir = get(database_env)),
srp_all <- rbind(srp_all, srp_entry)
# Rename SRA columns
#srp_all <- .renameSRAColumns(srp_all)
.mm(".searchForSRPChildren completed", "fn")
#Developed in .rbindUniqueCols.R
#Replaced rbindUnique (which worked, but added an input column within itself)
#New features:
# - rbinds two dfs based on all columns with the exception of disregard_columns
#' Bind unique entries from two dfs disregarding some of the columns
#' @param x, y Data frames to be merged (need to have the same columns;
#' entries that are duplicated among the dfs will be removed from y)
#' @param disregard_columns Character vector with names of columns
#' which will be ignored when finding unique rows
#' of combined x and y data frame
#' @return Data frame with all unique rows from x and y,
#' when considered disregarding specified columns
#' (only those rows of y that do not exist in x will be preserved)
#' @keywords internal
.rbindUniqueCols <- function(x, y, disregard_columns){
.mm("Running .rbindUniqueCols", "fn")
if (!setequal(colnames(x), colnames(y))){
stop("Column names need to match between the two data frames")
#Check for presence of disregard_columns in x and y
.verifyColumns(x, disregard_columns)
.verifyColumns(y, disregard_columns)
x_dc_indices <- c()
y_dc_indices <- c()
#Get indices of columns within x and y
for (c in seq_along(disregard_columns)){
x_dc_indices <- append(x_dc_indices, grep(paste0("^",
y_dc_indices <- append(y_dc_indices, grep(paste0("^",
#Order and eliminate duplicates
x_dc_indices <- unique(x_dc_indices[order(x_dc_indices)])
y_dc_indices <- unique(y_dc_indices[order(y_dc_indices)])
if (length(x_dc_indices)>=dim(x)[2]){
stop("Cannot disregard more columns than there are in the data frame")
if (length(y_dc_indices)>=dim(y)[2]){
stop("Cannot disregard more columns than there are in the data frame")
#Get indices of y that are not duplicated within x
#(ignoring disregard_columns)
#indices <- (!duplicated(rbind(x[ , -(x_dc_indices)],
#y[ , -(y_dc_indices)])) )[-(1:nrow(x))]
x_colnames <- colnames(x)
x_only_relevant <-as.data.frame(x[ , -(x_dc_indices)])
colnames(x_only_relevant) <- x_colnames[-x_dc_indices]
y_colnames <- colnames(y)
y_only_relevant <- as.data.frame(y[ , -(y_dc_indices)])
colnames(y_only_relevant) <- y_colnames[-y_dc_indices]
#This was a bug!
#indices <- (!duplicated(rbind(y_only_relevant, x_only_relevant)) )[
indices <- (!duplicated(rbind(x_only_relevant, y_only_relevant)) )[
-seq(1, nrow(x))]
#indices <- (!duplicated(rbind(x[ , -(x_dc_indices)],
#y[ , -(y_dc_indices)])) )[-(1:nrow(x))]
#indices <- (!duplicated(append(x[ , -(x_dc_indices)],
#y[ , -(y_dc_indices)])) )[-(1:nrow(x))]
#append(x[ , -(x_dc_indices)], y[ , -(y_dc_indices)])
#THIS DOES NOT WORK (df naming issues) - but was almost there
#indices <- (!duplicated(rbind(as.data.frame(x[ , -(x_dc_indices)]),
#as.data.frame(y[ , -(y_dc_indices)]))) )[-(1:nrow(x))]
xy <- rbind(x, y[indices, ])
rownames(xy) <- NULL
.mm(".rbindUniqueCols completed", "fn")
#From characteristics3.R
#Needed for .universalExtractor()
# Testing in progress (seems to leave out character NAs)
#df1 <- data.frame(a=1:3, b=4:6)
#df2 <- data.frame(x=c(6,5,4), y = c(1,2,3))
#df1b <- df1
#df1b[1,3] <- NA
#df1b[1,2] <- ""
#df1b[1,1] <- "NA"
#' Unify handling of NA values
#' @param x data frame
#' @return Data frame with "" and "NA" values converted to NA
.unifyNAs <- function(x){
#.mm("Running .unifyNAs", "fn")
if (length(x)==0){
#.mm(".unifyNAs completed", "fn")
#if (("data.frame" %in% class(x)) & dim(x)[1]==0){
# .mm(".unifyNAs completed", "fn")
# return(x)
is.na(x) <- x == ""
is.na(x) <- x == "NA"
#.mm(".unifyNAs completed", "fn")
#From characteristics3.R
#Newer version - with extra if statements to check if
#the newly added extract doesn't already exist in the extract
#(i.e. to eliminate the cases when the same information
#is added multiple times)
#Learning points: be careful about initialisation of lists
#In theory, could also do: rep(list(character()), length(key_words))
#instead of rep(list(""), length(key_words))
#However, this would also require a different course
#of action for collapse procedures...
#Conditional loop problem solved
#Newest version - variable names changed
#Print statements deleted
#gsub statement now deletes anything before the key_word as well
#(e.g. "chip antibody: " as opposed to "antibody: ",
#which would leave chip with the extracted part)
#grep and gsub changed to case insensitive
#' Universal function for extracting from strings
#' @param characteristics Separable string (must be a string)
#' @param sep_split A character denoting splitting character
#' @param key_words A list of key words to be searched for (and removed);
#' each of the k list levels contains synonyms for the same category
#' @return A vector with:
#' \itemize{
#' \item characteristics (original string)
#' \item char_extract[1] - extract of key_word[[1]]
#' \item ...
#' \item char_extract[k] - extract of key_word[[k]]
#' }
#' Extracts parts of a separable string which contains key_words
#' (without the key_words) and the remainder after all the subtractions
#' @keywords internal
.universalExtractor <-
function(characteristics, key_words, sep_split, sep_collapse){
#print("Running .universalExtractor")
#Split the string
char_split <- unlist(strsplit(characteristics, sep_split))
#Initiate variables for storing results
char_indices <- numeric()
char_extract <- rep(list(character(0)), length(key_words))
for (k in seq_along(key_words)){
for (i in seq_along(key_words[[k]])){
#Get indices of matches to current key_word
char_curr_indices <-
grep(key_words[[k]][i], char_split, ignore.case = TRUE)
#Proceed with the next steps if there were matches
if (length(char_curr_indices)!=0){
#Get extract (without the key_word preceding it)
char_curr_extract <- gsub(paste0("^.*", key_words[[k]][i]), "",
ignore.case = TRUE)
#Append indices to previous ones
char_indices <- append(char_indices, char_curr_indices)
for (t in seq_along(char_curr_extract)){
#Current extract is nonempty
if (length(char_extract[[k]])==0) {
#Append current extract
char_extract[[k]] <- append(char_extract[[k]],
} else if (length(grep(char_curr_extract[t],
#ignore.case = TRUE,
fixed = TRUE))==0) {
#Append current extract
char_extract[[k]] <-
#Collapse the vectors within char_extract list
for (kk in seq_along(char_extract)){
#if (length(char_extract[[kk]]>1)){
if (length(char_extract[[kk]]!=0)){
#char_extract[[kk]] <- char_extract[[kk]][-1]
char_extract[[kk]] <- paste(char_extract[[kk]], collapse = " -;- ")
} else {
char_extract[[kk]] <- NA
char_extract <- unlist(char_extract)
#Find unique ordered char_indices and use them to extract remainder
char_indices <- unique(char_indices)
char_indices <- char_indices[order(char_indices)]
if (length(char_indices)!=0){
#===*=== Consider an if statement assigning an empty string or NA...
char_remainder <- char_split[-char_indices]
} else {
char_remainder <- char_split
#Return to the original state (i.e. separated by sep_collapse)
char_remainder <- paste(char_remainder, collapse = sep_collapse)
#output <- append(char_remainder, char_extract)
output <- append(characteristics, char_remainder)
output <- append(output, char_extract)
output <- .unifyNAs(output) #Replace "" and "NA" with NA
#if (dim(output)[1]!=0){
# output <- .unifyNAs(output) #Replace "" and "NA" with NA
#This didn't work...
#output <- as.data.frame(output, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#colnames(output) <- c("characteristics",
#"char_remainder", "char_extract1", "char_extract2")
#output <- as.data.frame(t(append(char_remainder, char_extract)),
#stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#print(".universalExtractor completed")
#New features:
#- removed the necessary condition of "check" label within input column
# (now samples can also be re-labelled as input)
#- only searches in the sa_antibody column if it is not empty
#- uses .verifyConditions() for its operation (simplifies the code...)
#- uses .verifyColumns() to check whether the specified columns
# exist within the df
#Developed in inputDetector5.R (also based on previous versions)
#' Detect inputs in a sample sheet
#' @param df Data frame to be checked (with a subset of sra columns)
#' @return Data frame with input column entries labelled as 'input'
#' where appropriate
#' @section Logic of input detection:
#' The entries are labelled as inputs based on the following rules.
#' They strictly need to fulfill NECESSARY conditions as well as:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 1A: have matches to ANTIBODY conditions
#' \item 1B: have matches to MATCH conditions,
#' provided no ANTIBODY information was provided
#' \item 2: the whole SRP had no matches to ANTIBODY or MATCH conditions,
#' but there is a match to OTHERWISE conditions
#' }
#' Further details on the conditions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item NECESSARY - these string matches are required
#' (entries not fulfilling all necessary conditions
#' will not be considered for labelling)
#' \item ANTIBODY - rows with non-empty sa_antibody column
#' will only be labelled based on that field
#' \item MATCH - one of these string matches are sufficient
#' to label an entry (provided it fulfils NECESSARY conditions
#' and that it has an EMPTY (NA) sa_antibody field)
#' \item OTHERWISE - one of these string matches is sufficient
#' to label an entry, but ONLY if none of the SRP members
#' is labelled as input
#' }
#' @keywords internal
.detectInputs <- function(df){
.mm("Running .detectInputs", "fn")
.mm("Detecting inputs...", "prog")
#NECESSARY (all of the conditions are necessary)
necessary_names <- list() #Names to be searched for
necessary_columns <- list() #Columns where search will be undertaken
necessary_names[[1]] <- "ChIP-Seq"
#necessary_names[[2]] <- "check"
#Currently the samples can be re-labelled as inputs as well
necessary_columns[[1]] <- "library_strategy"
#necessary_columns[[2]] <- "input"
# ANTIBODY (antibody_indices:
# rows with one of the input synonyms within sa_antibody column)
antibody_names <- c("none", "no antibody", "input", "igg", "wce")
antibody_columns <- "sa_antibody"
#MATCH (match_indices: non-filled sa_antibody column,
# but at least one of the other columns contains input synonyms)
match_names <- list() #Names to be searched for
match_columns <- list() #Columns where search will be undertaken
match_names[[1]] <- "input"
match_names[[2]] <- "igg"
match_names[[3]] <- "wce"
match_names[[4]] <- c("none", "no antibody", "input", "igg")
# ===*===Check columns to be searched
# ('%input%' has already been thoroughly checked)
match_columns[[1]] <- c("run_alias",
#Consider removing library_name... UPDATE 20170802: removed library_name
#Removed sample_attribute
#===*=== Check if there are not any more extracts to be made
# from sample_attribute that could be used for input detection
match_columns[[2]] <- c("experiment_title", "experiment_alias")
match_columns[[3]] <- c("experiment_title")
match_columns[[4]] <- c("sa_antibody")
# OTHERWISE conditions (if none of the SRP are labelled
# according to previous conditions)
otherwise_names <- list() #Names to be searched for
otherwise_columns <- list() #Columns where search will be undertaken
otherwise_names[[1]] <- "control"
#===*===Check columns to be searched
# ('%control%' has already been thoroughly checked)
otherwise_columns[[1]] <- c("run_alias",
#Thoroughly investigated fields (20170724)
# (check if columns exist and if columns and names are the same length)
#Check whether lengths of inputs match
var_columns <- c("necessary_columns",
var_names <- c("necessary_names",
for (v in seq_along(var_columns)){
if (methods::is(get(var_columns[v]), "list") |
methods::is(get(var_names[v]), "list")){
if (length(get(var_columns[v])) != length(get(var_names[v]))){
"The following columns and names differ in length: ",
paste(get(var_columns[v]), collapse = ", "),
" and ",
paste(get(var_names[v]), collapse = ", ")),
warning("Columns and names differ in length")
#Check if specified columns exist within the data frame
.verifyColumns(df, necessary_columns)
.verifyColumns(df, antibody_columns)
.verifyColumns(df, match_columns)
.verifyColumns(df, otherwise_columns)
# NOTE: these are not final row indices!
# They will be based on combinations of criteria
#NOTE: changed to AND operation
# (all necessary conditions need to be satisfied)
necessary_indices <- rep(TRUE, nrow(df))
for (n in seq_along(necessary_columns)){
necessary_indices <-
necessary_indices & .verifyConditions(df,
antibody_indices <- .verifyConditions(df, antibody_names, antibody_columns)
match_indices <- rep(FALSE, nrow(df))
for (m in seq_along(match_columns)){
match_indices <-
match_indices | .verifyConditions(df,
otherwise_indices <- rep(FALSE, nrow(df))
for (ot in seq_along(otherwise_columns)){
otherwise_indices <-
otherwise_indices | .verifyConditions(df,
# cond1a - fulfil necessary conditions and antibody conditions
# cond1b - fulfil necessary conditions, don't have antibody information,
# but fulfil match conditions from other fields
#====*=== Be careful!!! Specific column name used
antibody_filled <- !is.na(df$sa_antibody)
cond1a <- antibody_filled & antibody_indices & necessary_indices
cond1b <- (!antibody_filled) & match_indices & necessary_indices
cond1 <- cond1a | cond1b
df$input[cond1] <- "input"
# i.e. for each sample get a boolean value corresponding
# to presence of labelled inputs within the same SRP
#Find the indices of SRP members where
#no successful match occurred in the entire SRP
#(these will be taken into account for 'otherwise' conditions)
#Code from the previous version of the inputDetector function
#- see older versions for alternative approaches using only two columns
#or for sorting not from last (requires the use of xtfrm)
detected <- data.frame(df$run_accession,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(detected) <- c("run_accession", "study_accession", "cond1")
#Order by SRP and boolean value (input or not)
detected <- detected[order(detected$study_accession, detected$cond1),]
#Remove duplicates
detected <- detected[!duplicated(detected$study_accession,
fromLast = TRUE), ]
#Merge to obtain one boolean value per SRP
detected <- merge(df[,c("run_accession", "study_accession")],
detected[,c("study_accession", "cond1")])
# cond2 - fulfil necessary conditions,
# none of the samples within SRP were labelled (by cond1a & b)
# fulfil otherwise conditions
#Label entries with no match within SRP (!detected$cond1)
#and which satisfy 'otherwise' and necessary conditions
cond2 <- necessary_indices & (!detected$cond1) & otherwise_indices
df$input[cond2] <- "input"
.mm(".detectInputs completed", "fn")
#' Verify columns within a data frame
#' @param data frame (with named columns)
#' @param column_list A character vector with column names to be checked
#' @return Nothing but a printed message on the matching
#' between colnames(df) and column_list
#' NOTE: Current version requires perfect matching (identical strings).
#' Methods which acutally check the indices might be more flexible
#' (e.g. case insensitive).
#' @keywords internal
.verifyColumns <- function(df, column_list){
.mm("Runing .verifyColumns", "fn")
# Check that df is a data frame
if (!"data.frame" %in% class(df)){
stop("Argument is not a data frame")
df_cols <- colnames(df)
if (methods::is(column_list, "list")){
column_list <- unlist(column_list)
if (length(setdiff(column_list, df_cols)) != 0){
.mm("Not all specified columns can be found in the data frame", "diag")
.mm(paste0("The following columns are missing from the data frame: ",
paste(setdiff(column_list, df_cols), collapse = ",") ),
} else {
.mm("All specified columns are within the data frame", "dev")
.mm(paste(column_list, collapse = ", "), "dev")
.mm(".verifyColumns completed", "fn")
#Developed in detectControls.R (based on inputDetector.R)
#mostly inputDetector4.R (?)
#' Detect controls in a sample sheet
#' @param df Data frame to be checked (with a subset of sra columns)
#' @return Data frame with control column entries labelled as 'control'
#' where appropriate
#' @section Logic of control detection:
#' \itemize{
#' \item NECESSARY - these string matches are required
#' (entries not fulfilling all necessary conditions
#' will not be considered for labelling)
#' \item ANTIBODY - rows with non-empty sa_antibody column
#' will only be labelled based on that field
#' \item MATCH - one of these string matches are sufficient
#' to label an entry (provided it fulfils NECESSARY conditions
#' and that it has an EMPTY (NA) sa_antibody field)
#' \item OTHERWISE - one of these string matches is sufficient
#' to label an entry, but ONLY if none of the SRP members
#' is labelled as input
#' }
#' @keywords internal
.detectControls <- function(df){
.mm("Running .detectControls", "fn")
.mm("Detecting controls...", "prog")
# Variables for necessary conditions (all need to be fulfilled)
necessary_names <- list() #Names to be searched for
necessary_columns <- list() #Columns where search will be undertaken
necessary_col_ind <- list() #Indices of columns
necessary_names[[1]] <- "RNA-Seq"
necessary_columns[[1]] <- "library_strategy"
# Variables for match conditions
# (at least one of the conditions needs to be fulfilled)
match_names <- list() #Names to be searched for
match_columns <- list() #Columns where search will be undertaken
match_col_ind <- list() #Indices of columns
match_names[[1]] <- "control"
#===*===Check columns to be searched
#match_columns[[1]] <- c("run_alias", "experiment_name",
# "experiment_alias", "experiment_title", "sample_name",
# "experiment_attribute", "sample_alias", "sample_attribute")
#===*=== Quite an arbitrary list taken from input's case
match_columns[[1]] <- c("run_alias",
#Thoroughly investigated fields (20170724),
# but in relation to ChIP-Seq experiments
# Variables for 'otherwise' conditions
# (if none of the SRP are labelled according to previous conditions)
otherwise_names <- list() #Names to be searched for
otherwise_columns <- list() #Columns where search will be undertaken
otherwise_col_ind <- list() #Indices of columns
#Get indices of columns
#Check if columns exist in the original data frame
#Order column indices
for (i in seq_along(necessary_columns)){
necessary_col_ind[[i]] <-
function(x) grep(x, colnames(df)))))
necessary_col_ind[[i]] <-
if (length(necessary_col_ind[[i]])!=length(necessary_columns[[i]])){
"Columns specified for detecting '",
paste(necessary_names[[i]], collapse=", "),
"' do not match the df"))
for (i in seq_along(match_columns)){
match_col_ind[[i]] <-
function(x) grep(x, colnames(df)))))
match_col_ind[[i]] <- match_col_ind[[i]][order(match_col_ind[[i]])]
if (length(match_col_ind[[i]])!=length(match_columns[[i]])){
warning(paste0("Columns specified for detecting '",
paste(match_names[[i]], collapse=", "),
"' do not match the df"))
for (i in seq_along(otherwise_columns)){
otherwise_col_ind[[i]] <-
function(x) grep(x, colnames(df)))))
otherwise_col_ind[[i]] <-
if (length(otherwise_col_ind[[i]])!=length(otherwise_columns[[i]])){
warning(paste0("Columns specified for detecting '",
paste(otherwise_names[[i]], collapse=", "),
"' do not match the df"))
#Initialise a list to store vectors with row indices
necessary_tot <- rep(list(rep(FALSE, nrow(df))), length(necessary_names))
match_tot <- rep(list(rep(FALSE, nrow(df))), length(match_names))
otherwise_tot <- rep(list(rep(FALSE, nrow(df))), length(otherwise_names))
#Search for matches
#i = 1 #i'th key_word
#c = 1 #c'th column
#s = 1 #s'th synonym
#temp <- grepl(necessary_names[[i]][s], df[,necessary_col_ind[[i]][c]])
for (i in seq_along(necessary_names)){ #For every key_word
for (s in seq_along(necessary_names[[i]])){ #For every name synonym
for (c in seq_along(necessary_col_ind[[i]])){ #For every column
temp <- grepl(necessary_names[[i]][s],
ignore.case = TRUE)
necessary_tot[[i]]<- necessary_tot[[i]] | temp
#For every key_word
for (i in seq_along(match_names)){
#For every name synonym
for (s in seq_along(match_names[[i]])){
#For every column
for (c in seq_along(match_col_ind[[i]])){
temp <- grepl(match_names[[i]][s],
ignore.case = TRUE)
match_tot[[i]]<- match_tot[[i]] | temp
#otherwise_tot will be used later
#For every key_word
for (i in seq_along(otherwise_names)){
#For every name synonym
for (s in seq_along(otherwise_names[[i]])){
#For every column
for (c in seq_along(otherwise_col_ind[[i]])){
temp <- grepl(otherwise_names[[i]][s],
ignore.case = TRUE)
otherwise_tot[[i]]<- otherwise_tot[[i]] | temp
#Combine necessary and match vectors (necessary & match)
#Label relevant rows with 'input'
#Create necessary_combined vector (all necessary conditions fulfilled)
#TRUE needed because will apply '&'
necessary_combined <- rep(TRUE, nrow(df))
for (i in seq_along(necessary_tot)){
necessary_combined <- necessary_tot[[i]] & necessary_combined
#Create match_combined vector
# (at least one of the match conditions fulfilled)
#FALSE needed because will apply '|'
match_combined <- rep(FALSE, nrow(df))
for (i in seq_along(match_tot)){
match_combined <- match_tot[[i]] | match_combined
#Create otherwise_combined vector
# (at least one of the otherwise conditions fulfilled)
#Will be used later
#FALSE needed because will apply '|'
otherwise_combined <- rep(FALSE, nrow(df))
for (i in seq_along(otherwise_tot)){
otherwise_combined <- otherwise_tot[[i]] | otherwise_combined
necessary_match_combined <- necessary_combined & match_combined
df$control[necessary_match_combined] <- "control"
# Find the indices of SRP members
# where no successful match occurred in the entire SRP
# (these will be taken into account for 'otherwise' conditions)
#Code from the previous version of the inputDetector function
# - see older versions for alternative approaches using only two columns
# or for sorting not from last (requires use of xtfrm)
detected <- data.frame(df$run_accession,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(detected) <- c("run_accession",
#Order by SRP and boolean value
detected <- detected[order(detected$study_accession,
#Remove duplicates
detected <- detected[!duplicated(detected$study_accession,
fromLast = TRUE),]
#Merge to obtain one boolean value per SRP
detected <- merge(df[,c("run_accession",
#Label entries with no match (undetected)
# and which satisfy 'otherwise' conditions
otherwise_undetected <- (!(detected$necessary_match_combined) &
necessary_combined &
df$control[otherwise_undetected] <- "otherwise"
.mm(".detectControls completed", "fn")
## @importFrom magrittr %>%
# Now handled by usethis::use_pipe()
## @importFrom crayon %+%
#Developed in mergeDetector.R
#' Detect merges in a sample sheet
#' @param df Data frame (must have experiment_accession column;
#' also, number of rows in df must correspond to number of SRRs)
#' @param do_nothing Logical indicating whether,
#' after creating relevant columns, merge detection should be performed
#' (if FALSE, fills these columns with NAs)
#' @return Original data frame with added columns: \itemize{
#' \item n - count of SRRs within that SRx
#' \item lane - index of runs within a lane (1:n for each SRX)
#' \item mer - indication on how to merge runs \itemize{
#' \item "" - no merging required
#' \item SRX... - merge runs with corresponding SRXs
#' }
#' }
#' @keywords internal
.detectMerges <- function(df, do_nothing = FALSE){
.mm("Running .detectMerges", "fn")
dm_columns <- c("n", "lane", "mer")
if (do_nothing == TRUE){
df <- createEmptyColumns(df, dm_columns)
#if (dim(df)[1]==0){
# df$n <- character(0)
# df$lane <- character(0)
# df$mer <- character(0) #===*=== added later
#} else {
# df$n <- NA
# df$lane <- NA
# df$mer <- NA #===*=== added later
.mm(".detectMerges completed", "fn")
if (sum(!is.na(df$experiment_accession))==0){
df <- createEmptyColumns(df, dm_columns)
#if (dim(df)[1]==0){
# df$n <- character(0)
# df$lane <- character(0)
# df$mer <- character(0) #===*=== added later
#} else {
# df$n <- NA
# df$lane <- NA
# df$mer <- NA #===*=== added later
warning("No not-NA experiment_accesion elements")
.mm(".detectMerges completed", "fn")
n <- NULL
experiment_accession <- NULL
df <- df %>%
dplyr::add_count(experiment_accession) %>% #Count SRRx within SRX
dplyr::group_by(experiment_accession) %>%
dplyr::mutate(lane = seq_along(n)) %>% #Indexes all SRRs within SRX
dplyr::mutate(mer = dplyr::case_when(n >= 2 ~ experiment_accession, #1)
n < 2 ~ "")) #2)
#1) # Label with SRX when multiple SRRs exist in SRX
#2) # Leave empty if only one SRR in SRX
df <- as.data.frame(df)
.mm(".detectMerges completed", "fn")
#Developed in missingRunVerifier.R
#NEW VERSION (using .parQuery() function)
#' Verify missing Runs
#' @param srr_list_in A character vector with SRRs
#' @return Nothing but a printed notice on whether the SRXs
#' to which the SRRs belong also have any other SRRs
#' @keywords internal
.verifyMissingRuns <- function(srr_list_in){
# ===*=== Double check if all the entries are identical...
.mm("Running .verifyMissingRuns", "fn")
database_name <- "sra_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
.mm("Checking for missing runs...", "prog")
srr_list_in <- unique(srr_list_in[order(srr_list_in)])
miss_exp <- .parQuery(get(database_name, envir = get(database_env)),
paste0("SELECT experiment_accession, run_accession ",
"FROM sra WHERE run_accession = ?"),
srx_list <- unique(miss_exp$experiment_accession)
miss_run <- .parQuery(get(database_name, envir = get(database_env)),
paste0("SELECT experiment_accession, run_accession ",
"FROM sra WHERE experiment_accession = ?"),
srr_list_out <- miss_run$run_accession
srr_list_out <- unique(srr_list_out[order(srr_list_out)])
if (!setequal(srr_list_in, srr_list_out)) {
#if (length(intersect(srr_list_out,
# srr_list_in)) != length(srr_list_out)) {
missing <- paste(setdiff(srr_list_out, srr_list_in), collapse = ", ")
.mm("The list does not include all the runs", "adverse")
.mm(paste0("Missing runs: ", missing), "comm")
#warning("The list does not include all the runs")
#Warning does not work for some reason
} else { #===*=== Maybe another criterion...?
.mm(paste0("There are no missing runs within ",
"the selected experiment accessions"),
.mm(".verifyMissingRuns completed", "fn")
#Needed for .verifyMissingRuns()
#' Parametrised query for .verifyMissingRuns()
#' @param db_con,query,par_list Character vectors
#' @return Data frame with results
#' @keywords internal
.parQuery <- function(db_con, query, par_list){
.mm("Running .parQuery", "fn")
res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(db_con, query)
DBI::dbBind(res, param = list(par_list))
df <- DBI::dbFetch(res)
.mm(".parQuery completed", "fn")
#Developed in convertPairedEnds.R
#' Convert the entries to give information about paired ends
#' @param df Data frame to be processed
#' @return Original data frame with a new column with a logical
#' indicating whether the run has paired end layout
#' @keywords internal
.convertPairedEnds <- function(df){
.mm("Running .convertPairedEnds", "fn")
.mm("Checking for presence of paired ends...", "prog")
# Rename col
rename_col <- FALSE
if (sum(grepl("SRA_library_layout", colnames(df)))==1){
rename_col <- TRUE
colnames(df)[grepl("SRA_library_layout", colnames(df))] <-
.verifyColumns(df, "library_layout")
# Empty data frame
if (dim(df)[1]==0){
df <- createEmptyColumns(df, "pairedEnd")
if (rename_col){
colnames(df)[grepl("library_layout", colnames(df))] <-
#Locate the library_layout column
column_index <- grep("^library_layout$", colnames(df))
#paired_indices <- rep(FALSE, nrow(df))
#Get indices of paired layout (assumes anything non-paired is single)
#paired_indices <- grepl("PAIRED", df[, column_index]) #This didn't work!
paired_indices <- grepl("PAIRED", df$library_layout)
#unpaired_indices <- grepl("SINGLE", df$library_layout)
.mm(paste0("Found ", sum(paired_indices), " run(s) with paired ends"),
df$pairedEnd <- NA
df$pairedEnd[paired_indices] <- "true"
df$pairedEnd[!paired_indices] <- "false"
if (rename_col){
colnames(df)[grepl("library_layout", colnames(df))] <-
.mm(".convertPairedEnds completed", "fn")
#Developed in superseriesVerifier.R
#' Verify presence of superseries
#' @param gse_list List of GSEs (as they appear in the series_id column,
#' i.e. comma-separated if multiple)
#' @return A character vector with GSEs that existed
#' in conjuction with other GSEs
#' (i.e. suggesting some of them might be superseries);
#' NULL if no potential superseries.
#' Also gives console information on the number of samples with mutliple GSEs
#' and the first few GSEs which co-occur with other GSEs
#' (i.e. displays beginning of the function output)
#' @keywords internal
.verifySuperseries <- function(gse_list){
.mm("Running .verifySuperseries", "fn")
.mm("Checking for the presence of superseries", "prog")
#Grepl GSE..., GSE... (...)
ss_match <- grepl("^GSE\\d\\d\\d+,GSE\\d\\d\\d+.*$", gse_list)
" out of ",
" entries belong to more than one GSE ",
"(some of them might be superseries)"),
if (sum(ss_match)>0){
#Get a list of GSEs that co-occur with other GSEs
# (i.e. GSEs from samples which have more than one GSEs)
ss_list <- unlist(strsplit(unique(gse_list[ss_match]), split=","))
ss_list <- unique(ss_list[order(ss_list)])
if (length(ss_list)!=0){
.mm(paste0("Consider carrying out a superseries",
"search on the following GSEs: ",
paste(ss_list, collapse = ", ")),
} else {
.mm(".verifySuperseries completed", "fn")
# .manageLibraryStrategy
#' Manage Library Strategy Formats
#' \code{.manageLibraryStrategy} by default converts between different formats
#' of library strategy strings and offers a few other tasks
#' related to library strategies
#' @param x Character vector to be converted
#' @param input String denoting the input format (see below)
#' @param output String denoting the output format (see below)
#' @param task String denoting the task to be performed (see below)
#' @param mismatch.ignore Logical denoting whether mismatches are allowed
#' (if TRUE and no match, original character is returned)
#' @return Library strategy in a desired format
#' Format types:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item can (canonical) - as exists within the database
#' \item short (shorthand) - shortened version of the canonical form
#' \item syn (synonyms) - potential synonym
#' }
#' Available tasks:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item conv - convert between formats
#' \item ex - produce a list of library strategies
#' \item check_can - check if x is in canonical form
#' }
#' Currently, the function supports the following conversions:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item can -> short, i.e. input = "can", ouput = "short"
#' \item syn -> can, i.e. input = "syn", output = "can"
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Convert into short form
#' # .manageLibraryStrategy("RNA-Seq", input = "can", output = "short")
#' # Convert into canonical form
#' # .manageLibraryStrategy("RNA", input = "syn", output = "can")
#' # List supported formats for library strategy
#' # .manageLibraryStrategy(task = "ex")
#' # Check whether library strategy is in canonical form
#' # .manageLibraryStrategy("RNA-Seq", task = "check_can")
#' @keywords internal
.manageLibraryStrategy <- function(
mismatch.ignore = FALSE){
.mm("Running .manageLibraryStrategy", "fn")
# Canonical names (as exist within the SRA database)
can <- c("WGS", #1
"RNA-Seq", #3
"OTHER", #4
"WXS", #5
"ChIP-Seq", #6
"CLONE", #7
"Bisulfite-Seq", #9
"SELEX", #10
"miRNA-Seq", #11
"WGA", #12
"RAD-Seq", #13
"Targeted-Capture", #14
"ATAC-seq") #15
#Shorthand forms
short <- c("WGS", #1
"AMPLI", #2
"RNA", #3
"OTHER", #4
"WXS", #5
"ChIP", #6
"CLONE", #7
"POOLCL", #8
"Bisulf", #9
"SELEX", #10
"miRNA", #11
"WGA", #12
"RAD", #13
"Tar-Cap", #14
"ATAC") #15
#Synonym forms
syn <- list(c("WGS"), #1
c("AMPLICON"), #2
c("RNA-Seq"), #3
c("OTHER"), #4
c("WXS"), #5
c("ChIP-Seq"), #6
c("CLONE"), #7
c("POOLCLONE"), #8
c("Bisulfite-Seq"), #9
c("SELEX"), #10
c("miRNA-Seq"), #11
c("WGA"), #12
c("RAD-Seq"), #13
c("Targeted-Capture"), #14
c("ATAC-seq")) #15
#Make sure that the list of synonyms
#also contains short and canonical forms
for (i in seq_along(syn)){
syn[[i]] <- c(can[[i]], syn[[i]], short[[i]])
syn[[i]] <- unique(syn[[i]])
#Sanity check that all formats have the same length
if ( (length(can)!=length(short)) |
(length(can)!=length(syn)) |
(length(short)!=length(syn)) ){
stop("The format lists have unequal lengths")
#Non-converting tasks
if (task == "ex"){ #Special track for task == "ex"
y <- list(Canonical_Forms = can,
Short_Forms = short,
Currently_Accepted_Synonyms = syn)
.mm(".manageLibraryStrategy completed", "fn")
} else if (task == "check_can"){ #Special track for task == "check_can"
y <- x %in% can
.mm(".manageLibraryStrategy completed", "fn")
#Only two combinations are allowed (syn->can, can->short);
# (or output = "ex" which was done earlier)
if ( !( (input == "can" & output == "short") |
(input == "syn" & output == "can") ) ){
stop("Invalid input-output combination provided")
#CONVERSION: can->short
if (input == "can" & output == "short"){
.mm("CONVERSION: can -> short", "dev")
ind <- grep(paste0("^", x, "$"), can)
if (mismatch.ignore==TRUE){ #Mismatch allowed
if (length(ind) !=1){ #If none/too many matches were found
y <- x
} else { #Only one match found
y <- short[ind]
} else { #Mismatch not allowed
if (length(ind) != 1) {
stop("Unexpected number of matches")
y <- short[ind]
#CONVERSION: syn->can
if (input == "syn" & output == "can"){
.mm("CONVERSION: syn -> can", "dev")
ind <- rep(list(integer(0)),15)
res_num <- 0
ind_fin <- NULL
for (j in seq_along(syn)){
ind[[j]] <- grep(paste0("^", x, "$"), syn[[j]], ignore.case = TRUE)
if (length(ind[[j]])>0){
ind_fin <- c(ind_fin, j)
res_num <- (length(ind[[j]])>0) + res_num
if (mismatch.ignore == TRUE){ #Mismatch allowed
if (res_num == 1){
y <- can[ind_fin]
} else {
y <- x
} else { #Mismatch not allowed
if (res_num >1){
stop(paste0("Multiple matches were found. ",
"Please make your search term unique"))
} else if (res_num == 0){
stop("No results found")
} else if (res_num == 1){
y <- can[ind_fin]
.mm(".manageLibraryStrategy completed", "fn")
# .renameGSMColumns
#' Rename df columns derived from gsm table to 'GSM_'
#' @param df Data frame
#' @return Data frame with modified column names
#' @keywords internal
.renameGSMColumns <- function(df){
database_name <- "geo_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
if (!is.data.frame(df)){
stop("df is not a data frame")
gsm_columns <- DBI::dbListFields(get(database_name,
envir = get(database_env)),
# Exclude gsm and series_id
gsm_columns <- gsm_columns[!gsm_columns %in% c("gsm", "series_id")]
gsm_id <- (colnames(df) %in% gsm_columns)
colnames(df)[gsm_id] <- paste0("GSM_", colnames(df)[gsm_id])
# .renameGSEColumns
#' Rename df columns derived from gse table to 'GSE_'
#' @param df Data frame
#' @return Data frame with modified column names
#' @keywords internal
.renameGSEColumns <- function(df){
database_name <- "geo_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
if (!is.data.frame(df)){
stop("df is not a data frame")
gse_columns <- DBI::dbListFields(
get(database_name, envir = get(database_env)),
# Exclude gsm and series_id
gse_columns <- gse_columns[!gse_columns %in% c("gsm", "series_id", "gse")]
gse_id <- (colnames(df) %in% gse_columns)
colnames(df)[gse_id] <- paste0("GSE_", colnames(df)[gse_id])
# .renameSRAColumns
#' Rename df columns derived from sra table to 'SRA_'
#' @param df Data frame
#' @return Data frame with modified column names
#' @keywords internal
.renameSRAColumns <- function(df){
database_name <- "sra_con"
database_env <- ".GlobalEnv"
if (!is.data.frame(df)){
stop("df is not a data frame")
sra_columns <- DBI::dbListFields(
get(database_name, envir = get(database_env)),
# Exclude accession names
sra_columns <- sra_columns[!sra_columns %in% c("run_accession",
sra_id <- (colnames(df) %in% sra_columns)
colnames(df)[sra_id] <- paste0("SRA_", colnames(df)[sra_id])
# .renameOTHColumns
#' Rename non-SRA/GEO columns to 'OTH_'
#' @param df Data frame
#' @return Data frame with modified column names
#' @keywords internal
.renameOTHColumns <- function(df){
if (!is.data.frame(df)){
stop("df is not a data frame")
oth_columns <- c("input",
oth_id <- (colnames(df) %in% oth_columns)
colnames(df)[oth_id] <- paste0("OTH_", colnames(df)[oth_id])
# .generateEmptyDF
#' Generate empty df with columns corresponding to database columns
#' @param tables Character vector with tables from which the columns
#' @return Data frame with columns corresponding to database columns
#' (with names prepended with appropriate prefix).
#' Format corresponds to that of .searchForAccessionAcrossDBsDF
#' @keywords internal
.generateEmptyDF <- function(tables = c("sra", "gsm", "gse", "other")){
df_columns <- character()
if ("sra" %in% tables){
df_columns <-
c(df_columns, as.character(unlist(listValidColumns()$SRA)))
if ("gsm" %in% tables){
df_columns <-
c(df_columns, as.character(unlist(listValidColumns()$GSM)))
if ("gse" %in% tables){
df_columns <-
c(df_columns, as.character(unlist(listValidColumns()$GSE)))
if ("other" %in% tables){
df_columns <-
c(df_columns, as.character(unlist(listValidColumns()$Other)))
df <- stats::setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(df_columns),
nrow = 0)),
createEmptyColumns <- function(df, x){
if (dim(df)[1]==0){
for (i in seq_along(x)){
if (!(x[i] %in% colnames(df))) {
df[, x[i]] <- character(0)
} else {
x <- x[!(x %in% colnames(df))]
df[ , x] <- as.character(NA)
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