# Build the matrix of control probes intensities for the correction of the
# quantile distributions Extraction of the Control matrix
buildControlMatrix450k <- function(extractedData) {
greenControls <- extractedData$greenControls
redControls <- extractedData$redControls
controlNames <- names(greenControls)
# Dye bias: (only for Type II probes)
index <- match("NEGATIVE", controlNames)
greenControls.current <- greenControls[[index]]
redControls.current <- redControls[[index]]
dyebiasMatrix <- log2(greenControls.current/redControls.current)
dyebias <- apply(dyebiasMatrix, 2, median)
# Bisulfite conversion extraction for probe type II:
index <- match("BISULFITE CONVERSION II", controlNames)
redControls.current <- redControls[[index]]
bisulfite2 <- colMeans(redControls.current)
# Bisulfite conversion extraction for probe type I:
index <- match("BISULFITE CONVERSION I", controlNames)
redControls.current <- redControls[[index]][7:9, ]
greenControls.current <- redControls[[index]][1:3, ]
bisulfite1 <- colMeans(redControls.current + greenControls.current)
# Staining
index <- match("STAINING", controlNames)
sg <- greenControls[[index]][3, ]
sr <- redControls[[index]][1, ]
# Extension
index <- match("EXTENSION", controlNames)
redControls.current <- redControls[[index]]
greenControls.current <- greenControls[[index]]
extr <- redControls.current[1:2, ]
extg <- greenControls.current[3:4, ]
# Hybridization should be monitored only in the green channel
index <- match("HYBRIDIZATION", controlNames)
h1 <- greenControls[[index]][1, ]
h2 <- greenControls[[index]][2, ]
h3 <- greenControls[[index]][3, ]
# Target removal should be low compared to hybridization probes
index <- match("TARGET REMOVAL", controlNames)
tar <- greenControls[[index]]
# Non-polymorphic probes
index <- match("NON-POLYMORPHIC", controlNames)
npr <- redControls[[index]][1:2, ]
npg <- greenControls[[index]][3:4, ]
# Specificity II
index <- match("SPECIFICITY II", controlNames)
greenControls.current <- greenControls[[index]]
redControls.current <- redControls[[index]]
spec2g <- colMeans(greenControls.current)
spec2r <- colMeans(redControls.current)
spec2ratio <- spec2g/spec2r
spec2g <- greenControls.current
spec2r <- redControls.current
# Specificity I
index <- match("SPECIFICITY I", controlNames)
greenControls.current <- greenControls[[index]][1:3, ]
redControls.current <- redControls[[index]][7:9, ]
spec1g <- greenControls.current
spec1r <- redControls.current
greenControls.current <- greenControls[[index]][1:3, ]
redControls.current <- redControls[[index]][1:3, ]
ratio1 <- colMeans(redControls.current)/colMeans(greenControls.current)
greenControls.current <- greenControls[[index]][7:9, ]
redControls.current <- redControls[[index]][7:9, ]
ratio2 <- colMeans(greenControls.current)/colMeans(redControls.current)
spec1ratio <- (ratio1 + ratio2)/2
# Normalization probes:
index <- match(c("NORM_A"), controlNames)
normA <- colMeans(redControls[[index]])
index <- match(c("NORM_T"), controlNames)
normT <- colMeans(redControls[[index]])
index <- match(c("NORM_C"), controlNames)
normC <- colMeans(greenControls[[index]])
index <- match(c("NORM_G"), controlNames)
normG <- colMeans(greenControls[[index]])
dyebias2 <- (normC + normG)/(normA + normT)
model.matrix <- cbind(bisulfite1, bisulfite2, t(extg), t(extr), h1, h2, h3, sg,
sr, t(npg), t(npr), t(tar), t(spec1g), t(spec1r), t(spec2g), t(spec2r), ratio1,
spec1ratio, spec2ratio, ratio2, normA, normC, normT, normG, dyebias2)
oobG <- extractedData$oob$greenOOB
oobR <- extractedData$oob$redOOB
model.matrix <- cbind(model.matrix, t(oobG[c(1, 50, 99), ]), oobG[50, ]/oobR[50,
# Imputation
for (colindex in 1:ncol(model.matrix)) {
column <- model.matrix[, colindex]
column[is.na(column)] <- mean(column, na.rm = TRUE)
model.matrix[, colindex] <- column
# Scaling
model.matrix <- scale(model.matrix)
# Fixing outliers
model.matrix[model.matrix > 3] <- 3
model.matrix[model.matrix < (-3)] <- -3
# Return the corrected quantile distributions
returnFit <- function(model.matrix, quantiles, nPCs) {
quantiles[1, ] <- 0
quantiles[500, ] <- quantiles[499, ] + 1000
newQuantiles <- quantiles
model.matrix <- prcomp(model.matrix)$x[, 1:nPCs]
meanFunction <- apply(quantiles, 1, mean)
res <- quantiles - meanFunction
for (i in 1:nrow(quantiles)) {
model <- lm(res[i, ] ~ model.matrix - 1)
res[i, ] <- res[i, ] - model$fitted.values
newQuantiles <- meanFunction + res
# Normalize a matrix of intensities with the corrected quantile distributions
normalizeByType <- function(intMatrix, newQuantiles) {
normMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow(intMatrix), ncol(intMatrix))
n <- 500
normMatrix <- sapply(1:ncol(intMatrix), function(i) {
crtColumn <- intMatrix[, i]
crtColumn.reduced <- crtColumn[!is.na(crtColumn)]
# Generation of the corrected intensities:
target <- sapply(1:499, function(j) {
start <- newQuantiles[j, i]
end <- newQuantiles[j + 1, i]
sequence <- seq(start, end, (end - start)/n)[-n]
target <- as.vector(target)
result <- preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles.use.target(matrix(crtColumn.reduced),
# Main function call for normalization
functionalNormalization <- function(cnMatrix, extractedData, manifest, nPCs = 4) {
probesI <- getProbeInfo(manifest, type = "I")
probesII <- getProbeInfo(manifest, type = "II")
probesIGrn <- probesI$Name[probesI$Color == "Grn"]
probesIRed <- probesI$Name[probesI$Color == "Red"]
uProbeNames <- rownames(cnMatrix)
uProbesIGrn <- intersect(uProbeNames, probesIGrn)
uProbesIRed <- intersect(uProbeNames, probesIRed)
uProbesII <- intersect(uProbeNames, probesII$Name)
II <- match(uProbesII, uProbeNames)
IRed <- match(uProbesIRed, uProbeNames)
IGreen <- match(uProbesIGrn, uProbeNames)
types <- c("II", "IRed", "IGreen")
indList <- list(II, IRed, IGreen)
messages <- c("type II", "type I Green", "type I Red")
model.matrix <- buildControlMatrix450k(extractedData)
cnList <- list(extractedData$cnQuantiles$II, extractedData$cnQuantiles$IRed,
### Normalization
for (i in 1:3) {
message(paste0("Normalization of the ", messages[i], " probes..."))
newQuantiles <- returnFit(model.matrix = model.matrix, quantiles = cnList[[i]],
nPCs = nPCs)
cnMatrix[indList[[i]], ] <- normalizeByType(cnMatrix[indList[[i]], ], newQuantiles)
message("Normalization done.")
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